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Okay but a second son and prince that grow up with a crush on you knowing that you are in love with his old brother, also knowing that his brother would break your heart.
Yandere stuff, male x male (makes sense in the context be that so hard to pretend it's a FEM reader), medieval times, bad English idc that its
Okay but he totally fall in love with you. He was younger than you and you were his old brother cool friend, a son of a high noble that made you be always in the castle, visiting his old brother and playing
And he always tried to look cool but you just saw him as the cute young brother, the lil baby and whatever, it's was a little frustrating
Become more frustrating when he got older and older and start to realize that you are in love with his brother.
He was happy that you also like boys but... He was not happy that the man you decided to love was his older brother...
Ofc would be his brother. Why you never gave him a chance instead? He wasn't just a boy anymore, he was already a knight and respectable second prince... Why he still a little kid for your eyes?
It wasn't a secret for anyone in the palace, besides wall having eyes and ears nobody was totally sure about that was happening between you and the heir of throne.
But he knew.
He saw you two, holding hands, kissing, hugging, smiling and changing love words.
He heard you two, the way he made you breathless, the way he touched your skin and made you moan, the beautiful sounds you made.
You made for his brother.
But he wasn't worried about losing you. Because he knew his brother is going to break your heart. Oh he was sure of it.
And when his brother break your heart, he is going to hold you in his arms, and make you realized that you should had chosen him, not his stupid old brother.
And how he knows his brother is going to break your heart?
Well it's not hard, his brother is the heir of the throne, the next king. And a king needs a queen, and needs a heir. And a queen it's something you can never be as a man. And giving him a heir is also something you can never give him since you don't have the body for that.
He just needs to wait in silence, waiting and hoping the day you be free to be his... Finally his.
And didn't take too long. The marriage of his old brother is soon public, with a princess from a close kingdom, she is beautiful and a woman, and she is going to marry the first prince and blah blah blah
The last time the second prince see you is when you and his brother are fighting. He wasn't supposed to see that but he is a little happy to see. Now he can finally see his brother letting you go so he can have you!
Then his brother says.
"I don't understand why you so angry, I thought it was obvious that I would never stay with you! You are a man, I could never assume a man, I'm a future king, a need a queen, a women to give me a heir"
"what we have were just... Some fun... It never supposed to look like I love you"
His mind goes blank, he didn't even realize that you ran away after his brother saying that. He sees red, he wants to kill his brother right now... But he won't. That's just a time waste for him, he has more important things.
And you are this important thing.
The next months he tried his best, letters, visiting your family house, presents, invites. Nothing. You put not only him but everyone in a full radio silence.
Even your parents and siblings are starting to get worried, he heard how the maids are worried with you, not leaving your room and refusing to eat, to talk, just wanting to be alone.
Soon doctors are called to your house, your father looks really concerned about your health and your mother even stops going in parties just to take care of you.
He sees how your siblings get more protective about your situation but he knows the truth, nothing of what they are trying will help you get better.
He underestimate the love you felt. You're not just a silly heart broke man, your heart can be cured, because his brother smashed your poor heart like nothing.
He was dumb, he should thought that this could happened, he could tried something to avoid making you suffer so much. But now you are in a serious depression and he has part of that.
Because he wanted his brother to break your heart... But he never wanted to see you like that.
Then the news hit him like a bomb. Your parents after not knowing that to do, will move you to the city to a small house in village, some maids and one of your siblings will go with you to take care of you.
This could look like some vacation, but it's not. Not in the noble society.
They are portraying you as an invalid, an incapable, someone who will never be able to join noble society again.
It's almost like they gave up on you. But he doesn't blame your family, not when he knows how they tried to help you.
It's all his brother fault. If he hasn't played with your heart nothing of that would happened. Yes... With all his fault.
The life as... As like living at same time you still sleeping. You didn't wanted to talk, so you stayed in silence most time, sometimes you would cry then your sibling you hold you, some maids you try read you a story.
They would help you to eat, even bath you. And again and again you would sit in a chair outside, just watching the trees and birds, living like something has destroyed your life.
Maybe it was a little too dramatic right? You feel pathetic for acting like that after what happened... But everytime you closed your eyes you would heard his words again.
It's a cloudy day when the second prince came to visit you. You not sure how he found out where you were staying, yours parents said they take care of it so nobody would know. But he is the prince, probably they could hide this from him.
For a moment you think he will say something about the first prince, but he doesn't, and you don't know if you are happy or not about that.
He stay for dinner, saying he will stay just more one or two days to visit you and make sure you are fine. You still don't talk, and he don't make you do it too, he still smiling even when you are ignoring him while he talk to you.
At night you and him still outside, it's not too cold, you are watching the fireflies and just seeing the moon. Nothing too amazing. He sit next to you, smiling and looking at the sky.
Still hurts. He is not like his brother, not in look or act, but he still his young brother and hurt you just remembering him.
"you know? It's okay know, it... It can imagine it's hurt for you, but you can have all time you need, you don't need to overcome this trauma just because they say you should" he says smiling at you.
"I'm going to take care of you, and besides that, now no one can hurt you again, so you can be free to try be happy again" he says and you don't understand his words, then he hold your hands and put something on them.
Rings. He put two golden rings in your hand, one is smaller the the other... They had blood stains and have two names you can recognize immediately.
The first prince name and the princess name. Those are their marriage rings. With blood.
And the second prince still looking and smiling at you. And for the first time you wanted to be able to talk again, because you want to scream.
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Okay but sweet convenience store that can't stop loving you... Even if you already have a boyfriend
Yandere behavior lol? Murdering, abuse, domestic violence, shitty boyfriend, Corrupt police, probably a lot of hidden triggers and bad English because I'm lazy, writing thinking in a male reader but idc
So tbh he was even supposed to still working in the convenience store, he did as a part job only because he wanted to buy a live show ticket, he has a good part time job and some help of his parents, but since the ticked was a little expensive he decided just grab a little more money working in another part job
Then he meet you... And wow. He even lost his words, you were... Perfect. No, even better, magnificent? He didn't have words but you look like a deity had born in the earth... Right he wasn't the best with romantic poetry okay?
And what was supposed to be one month of a part job in the convenience store become almost three... All because he couldn't stop coming back to see you, he almost started doing extra hours because he need to see you more.
But ofc like any other normal person you wouldn't go to a convenience store that much, besides you definitely would go more than other people, like almost everyday day at least one time or even two...
He wasn't complaining! He was happy he could see you more and talk a little with you! But you were so shy... Always looking down and never responding his try of a small talk... Well but you still a cutie!
He started paying more attention on your purchases... You smoke? No you didn't look like, your teeth are perfect, then why would you buy a new box of cigars almost everyday? And you really like beer that much? Always buying at least six of them everytime you were here... Maybe you had a brother? Or a father...
It couldn't be you had a boyfriend right? You didn't had a ring... And...
He started following you. He need it to now. It wasn't hard, even if you look pretty aware at the streets he knew what he was doing and wasn't hard follow you.
He was actually happy of following you! He could now take a lot of pictures! Oh! And he could see what your favorites places!
But then you just enter a small house that wasn't well... Pretty, if he was trying to be kind... It was pretty... Pretty bad.
Spying through the window was a little hard now. Since he doesn't risk and fuck everything, he wait until was night, paying someone to be in his turn at the store wasn't a big problem, you were more important than any money.
Then he saw... And he saw red.
You had a boyfriend, well if you could call that trash a one. He was just sitting in the couch, drinking and smoking while watching some UFC fight, and you were at the kitchen washing and cleaning, he could see all the mess around the house and how tired you looked... He never payed attention of how tired you looked... It was his fault never realizing before.
Then the trash screaming at you asking for another beer, and you immediately throw everything you were doing to get one for him... And that... And he just screamed at you asking for dinner and calling you unless...
He wanted to enter and kill that idiot right now... But he couldn't, not yet, he need it more info.
You look pale and week, you probably was eating enough, now you were using the baggy clothes you were used outside, he could see some bandages and purples in your body... That trash was hurting you. Not only mentally but also physically...
No... Why wouldn't you leave him? Then he got all the info he need it. The police uniform in the wall. That motherfucker was a police officer. And instead of helping and protecting he was worst than any criminal in the jail.
He left that night knowing exactly what he need it to do. He was a fool, he got só distracted with your beauty and his dreams that he didn't payed attention on what really matter. But he won't make the same mistake again.
We won't anyone hurt you anymore. Not on his turn, not when he love you. He need to apologize to you, and he will do that by resolving the nightmare you were stuck in.
He started the preparations, ropes, some tape, some tools he will need too, a hammer, a baseball bat, the metal one ofc. Hmm... Maybe he will need something for you too, he wouldn't blame you for being scared when he finally do it, after all it's not your fault, you're just traumatized, but he will cure you in the future.
But just to prevent you from running, he will get some soft ropes, he wouldn't never put tape on your mouth of course so he get just cloth gag... And maybe some medicines, just for you to sleep until he finishes everything, he know how tired you are.
The next days he how you look more and more tired, and he knows he need to do it fast, but he needs to be perfect too. He can risk putting you in more problems when he finally get rid of your boyfriend.
It's a weekend when it finally happens. It was another day for you, just making him food and trying to keep the house clean, he was screaming to the tv and you prefer him screaming to a screen than screaming for you.
He got angry last night and smashed your head in the wall, still hurting but you can't stop and risk getting him angrier.
You heard a noise in the backyard, you open the back door and look at the dark yard, he never put another lamp, but there's nothing, so you close again the door and think is maybe just some kids running from home and passing through your yard.
You back in the chores when you heard another sound, but you look at the living room and it's your boyfriend just grabbing something so it's fine.
Then not so much after you started hearing the fight. You immediately run to the living room and what you see it's purely shocking.
The cashier from the convenience store you always go is putting your boyfriend in a arm lock. Your boyfriend try to fight against him but somehow the cashier look prepared and even stronger, he looks to have a advantage for getting your boyfriend with the guard down.
Your boyfriend try to scream something to you but you can't do nothing, just freeze in pure dread and fear. Your feel like you're going to faint, what is that? Why is the cashier of the store here fighting with your boyfriend?
Then you boyfriend is down, not dead you guess, just unconscious, look like he hold him like that to make him faint. He looks a little tired now when he just droops your boyfriend body in the floor.
And then he looks at you, smiling, with a gentle smile and love eyes. And it could be nice if wasn't totally creepy right now. He make your boyfriend unconscious so easily and now you are totally at his merce. And you are scared. Really scared.
But then he just talk, with the same sweet voice he used and he was saying how much your things would cost or giving your a good night.
"don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you... This must had been scary for you right? I'm sorry sweetheart, I didn't want to scare you"
"always thought you are just shy... But wasn't the truth right? I'm sure he would hurt you if saw you talking to another man..." He said and he almost look angry talking about your boyfriend, he even give him a little kick.
"well, but I'm here now, and this piece of trash is never going to put his hands on you again..." He smiles at you again.
"don't worry babe, I'm going take real good care of you"
You not sure if you can trust in his words... But what choice you have?
#male x reader#x male reader#x reader#oc#yandere oc#yandere x reader#yandere x male reader#male x male#oc x reader
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Okay but thinking about a yandere king that is obsessed with you, his personal knight
Male reader, cheating (the king is married but it's in love with you), yandere behavior and bad English stuff
Okay but can you blame the king? You are the men that the whole kingdom admire, you make girls faint and men become frustrated with a mixture of envy and admiration.
You are loved by children, fathers want their sons to be like you and mothers want their daughter to marry a man good as you. You are the hero of this country and you deservers that.
You started so young in the military, being an orphan you put all your focus on becoming a royal knights, even if you were poor and alone you never gave up.
And you showed the fruits of your labor by fighting in the war and saving the king from a direct attack. And the old man as a reward gave you the highest position anyone could ask for, the personal knight of first son the heir to the throne.
And you still by the side of the prince after this whole time, you were by side when his father died, when he ascended the throne as the new king, when he went to war, when he came back to get married. Every single moment you were by his side as his most loyal servant.
But it went unnoticed by you that the king saw you as much more than a mere servant, a mere knight, or even a childhood friend. You were more. So much more.
You were his everything. All the king could think about was you. The kingdom? His wife? The duty to have an heir? Your people? Nothing of that really matter, if you still by his side he would have all he wanted.
Being a good king was just a part of keeping you by his side, he always knew how much you respect his father for being a good king, so he would become a even greater one, so you like him more than anything else. If he was someone you admire, then you would stay by side forever without him having to do nothing.
And life like that was perfect. Even if he nobles still questioning him why he and the queen still haven't any heir, even if he knows he could never be as your side as your lover, if he just... Just could look at you everyday, at your smile, then nothing else it's important, nothing else is more important than you.
Then you died.
In case your are actually killed. It should be a easy mission, a saint was visiting the kingdom, when was time to her to leave, you should escort her to the next kingdom and get back. You were strong enough to surppas any problem, then what happened?
Why he is receiving an official message saying that in order to protect the saint you ended up being killed? Why? Why you risk your life of some pathetic saint?
You should came back to him. You should continue alive. Alive and by his side. You couldn't die. No. It couldn't be possible. You aren't supposed to die... No... That's...
Nobody has news from the king after that. The queen tried to enter his quarters, she was attacked by the king, screaming and throwing anything he could to her, screaming to her to leave.
He refused to eat. He refused to sleep. To talk. To live.
How can he live without you? How he is even supposed to live knowing he can't even see your face again?!
He is not even capable to go to your funeral, no, you can't be dead, if he never see your body then you never died, right? You can't be really dead... You are going to be back to him... As your always do.
But you don't. Days. Weeks. Months. You are dead. Completely dead and buried six foot under ground.
People cry in the streets with with the mourning of your dead. Soldiers and knights making promises of honoring your legacy, nobles and common people praying to god to your soul have peace, all the country thankful for the hero that save them multiple times and died as a hero.
Why they are accepting your death? They shouldn't accept. They can't just move on. They can't just accept you are not coming back.
Because he is not.
No, he refuse. He start a new mission, bring you back.
All you hear is the fire, you smell the burned ground, the smoke, you open your eyes and the sky is dark, it's raining, almost like the sky is crying for you.
You... You remember being attacked, remember trying to protect the saint and then four assassin's attacked you. Even for a warrior like you their attacks were strong. You remember your mind getting dark, eyes blurry... You remember dying.
Then how you are here?
Your hands look normal, your body look normal, they were able to save you? But there's no medicine that could save you, you are almost ripped in half.
Then you see. It's him. The king and men you swore loyalty. The men you lived by side for so many years that you can't even remember how were living without him.
And he is looking at you. Soaked in blood. And he doesn't look nothing like the king you once smile at.
He looks like a monster.
Because he became one. For you. He sacrificed his whole kingdom, the whole country, just to pay the price for bringing you back. The life's of those people are nothing compared to the opportunity of bringing you back.
And now you are here again. Alive.
And he will make sure you will never leave his side again.
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Just imagining being abducted by aliens that want to test human fertility and capability with their alien race to reproduction
AFAB body, bad English I'm don't really care enough to beta, aliens, eggs that kind of stuff
Waking up on a freezing cold table and completely naked isn't exactly what you expect first thing in the morning. Especially when you remember clearly of going sleep in your own bed and with clothes.
But guess what, surprise, you have been chosen in a small group os humans to be tested to be a new breeding cow for a alien race! They can't reproduce among their own species so they always look in other planets for keep their race alive.
They choosed a little group of humans and now they will be testing if they are compatible to their needs, don't be scared, they will take good care of you... And well if they earth and humans aren't useful for them maybe they will exterminate the whole planet but this is just some small details!
You are completely naked in the table, feeling like those frogs from medicine students, they still do that? Your hands and feet are tied by chains in the table, not too tight but you definitely can't escape, not that you would have any change even if you escape, you are years from distance to earth silly, you are in space!
The room is all weird, white walls and bright lights in the roof, almost hurting your eyes. There is a lot of shelves full of weird things, bottles, machines, d-dildos?!
Before you can try indentify anything, since you still don't have any fucking idea of why they kidnapped you and why you are naked, maybe they will literally open you and check your organs, the door opens and you hear steps.
Three men enter the room, they are definitely aliens you can say that just looking at their skin colors. One have some dark green, the other one has a purple one with some lighter spots, and the last has a grey skin.
They don't have multiple arms or many eyes, besides their eyes has a black background instead of white, and their eyes have also other non common colors. All of them have orange eyes, a little yellow or red.
Initially they ignore you, even if you try to talk and ask what is happening, they just continue as you are a dog barking. One of them, with the green skin, goes to a machine that looks some kind of computer, multiples screens flooting even if you can't understand a single word, even numbers can't look humans to you. There's no much you can by just trying to lift your head, still stuck in the table.
The other one grabs a chair e some type of tablet, the one with purple skin, and approach you, starting to write down things, still ignoring you though.
The other one, with the grey skin, looks to be preparing something, you can't actually see him, but you heard the songs of things being moved, glass sounds or other things. At least by the sounds nothing looks sharp, but duh you can't be sure, you can only pray.
"Stats?" The grey one ask, you can see his medium black hair, the ends of the hair are silver and looking him by his back he could be a human. They are definitely not the alien you saw in movies, well, maybe the hot version of them?
"Heart rate stable, anxiety levels high but not alarming, the inserted translator seems to work well considering the vocal response, confirmation with future tests" The purple one respond, wait how they know about your heartbeat?! Anxiety levels?! Wait what they mean about translator?! They put something inside you?! Like with a surgery?!
"The test instruments?" Again the grey one, he is the leader? Something like that?
"everything is prepared" you imagine that this is the grey one talking, you heard the sound of something getting closer and then he is back in your point of vision, with a little table by his side with some weird things... But you don't have time to look at them properly, because the grey one is now approaching you.
"Salutations human, you have been choosed in a select small group of humans in propose of checking your fertility compatible with our race, with the final goal of reproducing" He says and all you do it's some little screams and beg for mercy, actually you aren't sure if that is really what you are talking, you are nervous, confused, scared, you can't actually say nothing properly.
"don't be scared human, all the test are painless and won't hurt you, our goal is only analys all your body and determine if your body is able to hold a baby of our race." The green continue talking, ignoring your fear and looking at your with even some kind of boring?! Like you are just an annoyance!
"that means we are going to check a lot of fun things on you" the purple one says, puting his tablet away and sitting on the chair, he puts his elbows on the table, looking excited and amused. "We have to be sure that each little part of you it's perfect you know?"
Even with you crying and squirming on the table, they just ignore you.
"Yes, our test is is very thorough. Every detail must be checked" the grey says, he looks excited too, but just a little more chill about it.
"let's start with the basic, we need to check the vaginal canal depth, also how much it can stretch to be able to put the eggs" E-Eggs? They don't produce babies like humans?! They have eggs?! Real eggs?! Like what dragons?!
"After that we need to see natural lubrification..." He keeps listing like that is just some normal medical exam, not that they are literally going to open your pussy up and see if you are going to be a good breeding cow!
"oooh I like this part, is always fun to see what make them all horny and shy, those humans look to have some funny parts though..." The purple one looks at you as you are a prey, almost a toy, to play and see what reactions he can get from you.
"Don't forget our goal, don't get carried away because of some exciting " the grey one says and the purple agrees, but you feel he don't actually listened.
"After that we already going to try the real fertility test?" The grey ones ask, and the green now is finally looking at you.
"Yes, is they pass the other parts of the test then we will start the breeding teste, if they are able to get pregnant and incubate the eggs properly, also surviving after laying them so they will considered a success" The green says and the others agrees. W-wait they are talking serious? They really just breed you and our eggs inside you? You don't know even their names! Not that change anything you have been literally kidnaped their names don't matter!
You try to talk, tries to respond and protest, but again they just ignore you. This time is even worst, the grey one just get a gag from the other table and lock into your mouth. Now all you can do it's muffle some words and try to shake your head.
"Starting the application of the aphrodisiac in reason to calm down the subject and guarantee comparation with the test" the grey one says and you can see him getting a needle. Aphrodisiac?! They going to drug you so you can be easier?!
"maybe a test without the aphrodisiac will be necessary in the future..." The green says, writing down something.
"don't worry human" the purple one says, stroking your cheek gently. "We are going to take care of you, it's going to be so good breeding you, we are going to be sure you will love having our eggs, until you are completely full..." His other hands touchs your belly and you feels your soul leaving your body. "And once all you can think is being fucked and breed, you going see it's not that bad being with us, okay?" He say with a smile in his face.
"Alright, let's start the test."
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