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Hey guys long time no see! Just started school at January 3 and boi do I have a lot of homework to do. Anyway this is my first lesson in Physics called Momentum and I found an app called flipd (@flipdapp.co) and honestly I just love how productive I am with it especially if I use the full lock mode feature. I also made a study group there to help motivate you all to keep studying. The code is LLoLbd. I hope you guys will have a productive week at school and don’t forget to do your best! #studyaccount #studygram #study #studymotivation #studyblr #studying #study_time #studystudystudy #studynotes #studyinspiration #studyinspo #flipd #productivity #productive #student https://www.instagram.com/p/BsVasp-h_9d/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xbwx4ivoxm0f
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Cheers to a prosper 2019 everyone! #studygram #studyaccount #student #studentlife #2019 #2019planner #happynewyear #happynewyear2019 #newyear #newyears2019 https://www.instagram.com/p/BsIIHcohWmR/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ls4oml0l9dmn
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I just love the school breaks. Why??? Because you have all the time to read your favourite books, snuggle up in your bed without worrying about homeworks or tests. I am now currently reading Fangirl and i am enjoying it. #fangirl #fangirlbook #fangirling #bookstagram #book #bookstagrammer #bookish #bookworm #bookaholic #bookphotography #bookobsessed #bookobsessed https://www.instagram.com/p/BrKjisNBa6v/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=16leykl0xp7jw
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One of the subjects I hate most.....Biochemistry or Organic Chemistry What subjects do you guys don’t like? One thing I advice you guys to do, use page flags to mark every lesson you have. When you are going to review for finals, it will be easier to navigate #studygram #study #studymotivation #studyblr #studytips #studying #studystudystudy #studynotes #studyspiration #studyaccount #proteins #biochemistry #organicchemistry https://www.instagram.com/p/BqZsdy3h2Bb/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=41pgrgdavmnc
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Seems like Math and Science are taking up my life 😩😩 #studygram #study #studymotivation #studyblr #studying #studynotes #study_time #studystudystudy #studyaccount #studyspiration #studyspo #organicchemistry #chemistry #chemistrynotes #isomers https://www.instagram.com/p/BqRIyqJhq6T/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=8dn3n07ssrk1
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Of all the quotes saved to my phone, this has got to be the funniest of them all 😂😂😂 This quote just makes me laugh and laugh for hours...... #summer #wattpad #wattpadstories #wattpadstory #harrypotter #dracomalfoy #draco #draconian #story #quotes #funnyquotes #fiction
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Found my new favorite Chrome Extension....😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 Seriously, it has loads of Harry Potter Backgrounds, a Time, weather for today and most importantly a todo list......this extension is like Momentum. Plus me looking at my screen like this just makes me motivated #study #studyblr #studying #studygram #studymotivation #studyo #summer #studyspo #dracomalfoy #draco
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Just got back home and I am feeling overly exhausted from jet lag 😫😫. Now I have to begin studying (yes in the summer) in order to pass the entrance exam for Senior High. Lets just say this summer is gonna be one tiring summer. Comment down below what you guys usually do on summer. #harrypotter #hufflepuff #wbtourlondon #summer #iamdonewithlife #study #studyblr #studygram #studying #studymotivation #studystudy #study_time (at Warner Bros. Studio Tour London)
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Since finals are over...... I can finally travel and explore London #uk #london #iconic #londoner #new #recent #ilovelondon #finalsover (at London, United Kingdom)
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Testthis is just a test page contents
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A Typical Study With Me Saturday | Granger Productivity
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Starting today, I decided that I will learn Spanish. So everyday I will make it a habit to translate a current news from Spanish to English and also do a little bit of @duolingo_official . Great way to learn Spanish Vocabulary while being updated with the news. What are your tips on learning a new language? #studygram #study #studying #studyblr #studymotivation #studytips #studyo #duolingo #learnspanish #spanish #news #learningspanish #tips
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Just started playing @hphogwartsmystery this Wednesday and honestly this is the best game ever apart from the long wait for energy, but still its so good. Thank you @pottermore and @hphogwartsmystery for making this game. #hogwartsmystery #hogwarts #harrypotter #game #new #hufflepuff
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Just finishing up my Economics lesson and now I am going to binge watch some @lydiavioleta_ ‘s study motivation videos and some Harry Potter Movies #studygram #studying #study #studyblr #studymotivation #studyo #studyaccount #studystudy #study_time #youtube #hp #harrypotter
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New Blog Again.....
New Blog Again…..
Sadly WordPress didn’t work for me because of its complexity, so I switched to blogger which is  much easier compared to WordPress. My new blog will mostly be about productivity, organization, study tips, but do not fret i will also make some posts about my life. My new blog is grangerproductivity.blogspot.com
See you there,
-Violet Grace Parker-Smith-
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Just finished revision on my Math Variation Notes. *sigh* why do we have to take a test that covers from our 1st quarter to fourth quarter. My brain just cannot handle that capacity for such a long period of time. #math #mathproblems #studygram #study #studying #studyinghard #studymotivation #blue #highlighters #notes #prettynotes
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Just posted my first study with me video on youtube. Link: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zcVGc40k-rk #youtube #youtuber #studygram #studygramcommunity #study #studytube #studying #studymotivation #inspiration #studyo #studyaccount
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