Finally opened all my chests!!! It took a little less than a week, but it went faster when they did the update to make silver chests only take an hour instead of 3. Time to start playing again!!!
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Supposed to be a Bagon with a rare attack out today, but I'm lazy and don't wanna go where all those lures are, so I bought an incense. Saw one but missed it 🤦‍♂️
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I haven't been too active in gaming the past few days since I haven't been feeling too good, so I took the opportunity to clear out some of my damn silver chests. So every 3 hours for the last 3 days I've been logging onto Blades to unlock another chest. I did the last one today, and I logged on tonight to play, only to be greeted with an update! Silver chests now only take ONE HOUR to unlock. This would have come SO in handy the last 3 days *insert facepalm here* Oh well, at least I know now! And it makes this game even more enjoyable!
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Btw, found this earlier and relate to it 100% 😂
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This day needs to end
I did the adult thing and came to work, but there have been ZERO chances to play any mobile games between calls. I really need an escape from stupid people. I'm so fucking glad I'm off tomorrow. Gonna relax, play some Pokemon Go with my wife, lay around the house in nothing but boxers and a t-shirt, and play Skyrim and maybe Spyro. Been wanting to get back into that. Might get lost in Skyrim though. We'll see. Invaded the Thalmor embassy this morning so now it's time to find Alduin's wall and that's one of my favorite quests. I've never beat the game so I'm hoping this playthrough is the one that does it! Gotta get back to dealing with stupid people for a few more hours though.
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Torn between
Going to work and doing some mobile gaming in between calls.
Staying home and playing Skyrim with little to no interruptions.
So basically....to adult or not to adult. Only redeeming factor to adulting is that I'm off tomorrow. And I really need the money.
I think my choice is clear. Dammit.
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So I switched over to @stardewvalley and Liho, my alien farmer who is trying to fit in to the human world while hiding from the government, was happily fishing ....and then a notification popped up that Blades has stopped working 😑 Who'da thunk it.
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Been playing this game with no problem for a week....then they go and open it up to everyone.....and now it takes forever to open 😑😣😑😣
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So this was a few days ago....early this week, to be accurate. I was going through my FIRST FUCKING DUNGEON. Hadn't even gone to Riverwood. And what happens?? THIS MOTHERFUCKER....THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS. I don't mind this quest at all, but the way you get this quest.....scares the ever-loving SHIT out of me every damn time.
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Doodles from the week
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Currently I'm doing a modded playthrough of Skyrim. One of the best mods I've ever used is for the Khajit follower, Inigo. He levels up as you do, interacts with the story and the world, and has a pet dragonfly, named Mr. Dragonfly, who he keeps in a jar hanging off his belt. Not to mention, he's crazy as fuck and has some of the best dialogue in the game!
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I tend to be sporadic
I skip around in my gaming. Sometimes my posts will jump from one game to another, and sometimes I'll binge one game for a bit. Depends on my mood. I'm new to this so bear with me. Hopefully experience will come with time :)
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