neptunc-blog · 6 years
i finally finished my second ( temporary ?? we’ll see ) blog ➜ @sinistcrs !! ( all the muses are brats dkskdksks. ) follow me on there if you wanna interact
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neptunc-blog · 6 years
i finally finished my second ( temporary ?? we’ll see ) blog ➜ @sinistcrs !! ( all the muses are brats dkskdksks. ) follow me on there if you wanna interact
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neptunc-blog · 6 years
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↳ ©
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neptunc-blog · 6 years
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Nam Joo Hyuk
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neptunc-blog · 6 years
hey if i made a blog with mainly female muses would anyone interact with them
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neptunc-blog · 6 years
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Photos taken by Kim Heejun for ELLE Korea
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neptunc-blog · 6 years
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this look!
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neptunc-blog · 6 years
i think im going to make a second blog cause i have a new theme i want to do
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neptunc-blog · 6 years
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Nam Joo Hyuk ~ CéCi x UGIZ (x)
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neptunc-blog · 6 years
say whatever you want about me on anon, i have to post it without any comment
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neptunc-blog · 6 years
     open to: anyone !
muse: bae. * fallen angel.
connection: guardian angel / assigned human
plot: bae was your muse’s guardian angel before she got thrown out of heaven. now that she’s on earth, she randomly meets your muse again after they’ve been involved in an accident. she feels guilty and swears that she will continue to protect them. but your muse thinks she’s a weird stalker.
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‘ i -- i’m not stalking you !! ‘ she was completely puzzled by the other’s accusation. yes, she is sort of following them around. for the past couple weeks, or so. but stalking ?? this is called protection. ‘ i just happen to be at the same place as you here, that is all ! it’s a free land, i can go wherever i want to, can’t i ?? ‘ she snapped at the other. she doesn’t want to be mean, that’s truly the last thing she wants. but she will say or do anything to not blow her cover. and if they are fighting, at least they are close. after all, they don’t know it, but they really need her protection. she saved them from injuries alone three times this week.
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neptunc-blog · 6 years
         open to: f / nb ! muse: devin. * ghoul. connection: exes / ( past ) love interest plot: they were together / in love during high school and promised each other to always stay together until devin left town. what they don’t know, is that he was made to mutate into a ghoul and lost all memories of his past life in the process. now several years later they meet again at the shop the other works at.
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that must be the icing on top of devin’s long, terrible day. an incompetent cashier. he’s irascible from practically starving for weeks anyways. the iced coffee in his hands is his last hope of making it through the day without killing someone. literally. and if the cashier doesn’t hurry up, it might be them. they look perplexed, almost startled. he doesn’t have anything weird or bloody on his face or his clothing, he checked twice, since their eyes were on him ever since he stepped through the door. ‘ hello ?? are you deaf or something ?? why are you staring at me ?‘ 
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neptunc-blog · 6 years
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neptunc-blog · 6 years
i’m just saying and i really mean it if we are mutuals and u are ever bored and wanna write, or ship with one of my muses or anything ?? just message me and say ‘ hey let’s do this ‘ and i’ll be like ‘ yes pls !!! ‘ cause sometimes i wanna msg people but i’m shy and idk if they wanna be messaged so this is to clarify u can message me anytime and i’ll be very happy
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neptunc-blog · 6 years
❛ Do you really need to be so aggressive? Can’t you have some compassion? ❜ ( hello! from my muse junsu, msg me if you’d like me to specify a muse of yours )
—  ahs hotel sentence starters .
                    ( always accepting !! )
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           inna almost has to laugh out loud, but she doesn’t. instead she remains completely silent, while looking up at the male. not an ounce of expression to be spotted anywhere on her stone-cold features, as she twists her hand that's looped around the the stranger’s neck. a loud crack finally breaking the unsettling silence lingering in the dimmed room. ‘ look !! ‘ she points at the movement of the chest from the paralyzed body laying in front of the both of them. she turns on her heel to directly face junsu. ‘i didn’t kill him. there’s your compassion. are you happy ?? ‘ 
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neptunc-blog · 6 years
—  ahs hotel sentence starters .
nsfw   and   triggering   themes   and   mentions   may   be   present,   such   as   blood,   gore,   murder,   death. 
❛ What can you tell me about the people that come in and out of this place? ❜
❛ And you? Who are you looking for? ❜
❛ I can see the pain in your eyes. It’s very familiar. ❜
❛ Do you really need to be so aggressive? Can’t you have some compassion? ❜
❛ You get the hell out of here. ❜
❛ I’ve seen what your caring looks like. We’ve all seen it. ❜
❛ Do you know what this room used to be? ❜
❛ I loved roaming the streets, devouring the pulse of the city. ❜
❛ How come a girl like me ends up with tracks in her arms living in this dump? ❜
❛ There’s a part of you that wants to get lost, am I right? ❜
❛ I’ve tried it all, man. There is nothing better. ❜
❛ In your black heart of hearts, you know. You’re just like me. ❜
❛ I’ll show you what you’ve been dreaming of. ❜
❛ You’re the greatest serial killer who’s ever lived. ❜
❛ By the way, I’m not unaware of the obvious cliche here. ❜
❛ You swear you don’t have any unfinished business here? ❜
❛ I want nothing more than the dark silence of death itself! ❜
❛ In other words, don’t haunt my hallways, bitch. ❜
❛ You must have a lot of questions. I have answers. ❜
❛ What’s the price I have to pay to be like you? ❜
❛ I’m offering you eternity with your great lost love. ❜
❛ If you want to feel the magic of cause and effect you have to have a purpose. ❜
❛ This is my problem with police officers. All you care about is evidence. ❜
❛ They got greedy, started taking things that didn’t belong to ‘em. ❜
❛ You start to give, give it away before they can take it from you. ❜
❛ I could see where they were headed. A tragic, wasted life. ❜
❛ What I wouldn’t trade for a chance at that. ❜
❛ I imagined you lost hope a long time ago. ❜
❛ Can you say the same about your husband? ❜
❛ And what are you asking me to trade for it? ❜
❛ We are going total bye-bye, right? ❜
❛ It was a special kind of love. Maybe a once in a lifetime thing. ❜
❛ All the cracks and missing pieces came together. I felt whole. ❜
❛ I’d found my soul mate. I couldn’t stop smelling his head. ❜
❛ You think there is hope now? ❜
❛ Getting high used to be like how you imagine heaven. ❜
❛ I wrote a song with her. And then she wrote me off. ❜
❛ This place is far enough away that it speaks to me. ❜
❛ Oh, you’ve lost something. ❜
❛ And now you’re frozen in time. ❜
❛ Oh, we got a bit of everything. ❜
❛ Can’t move forward. Can’t go back. ❜
❛ That sounds obscene. ❜
❛ I Googled you. ❜
❛ I wanted to save kids because I felt I needed saving. ❜
❛ It was like I finally fell in love for real. ❜
❛ I’d found my soul mate. ❜
❛ Because I am stuck in this place, thanks to you. ❜
❛ I could feel your longing.. ❜
❛ Your undying loyalty. You’ll be working for me. ❜
❛ Give it all away for free, and that way, you can pretend that it doesn’t hurt. ❜
❛ We had a deal. We had a deal. ❜
❛ I wasn’t more then four or five when the world started taking from me. ❜
❛ You know what you do when all you know is people taking? ❜
❛ That is my message to the world. ❜
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neptunc-blog · 6 years
“Couples that clean blood off of each other are couples that stay together”
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