Nepal Travel Connections
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#mountainnepal #tripnepal #Weareorganizer #trekkingabc #nepalfortrkking #NepalTravelConnections #weAreTourOrganizer #yak #mountaincow #nepal #ktm (at Nepal)
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#Nepal #NepalTravelConnections #Weareorganizer #tourOrganizer #wildlifeinnepal #junglesufferyinnepal #birdswatchinginnepal #wildanimalwatchinginnepal #bestinnepal Nepal Bardiya National Park [email protected] [email protected] Photo credit :- sanu raj vajracharya (at Bardiya National Park)
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#VillagelifeinNepal #GreeneryNepal #daytourforvillage #NepalTravelConnections #Weareorganizer #NepaltourOrganizer #nepalivillage #nepalifarm #kathmandydaytour #Nepal Nepal is multy diversity, multy culture and multy ethnicity group country in the world. (at Nepal)
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#MustangNepal #ForbidenKingdom #restictionareaofnepal #16/18DayTrekkinhInNepal #grouptourinnepal #mustang #NepalTravelConnections #Weareorganizer #tourOrganizer #tourOrganizer2018 [email protected] [email protected] Photo credit :- Sunder Thapa (at Mustang, Nepal)
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#Nepaliface Bhaktapur #Daytour #tourOrganizer #Weareorganizer #NepalTravelConnections #ktm [email protected] [email protected] (at Kathmandu, Nepal)
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Shamans in Nepal :- Shamanism exists in different variations worldwide. It shares some common beliefs. Nepali shamans wear a peacock feather headdress and carry a double sided drum. #ShamanismTourInNepal #NepalicalledJhakri #ShamanismIsTraditionalReligionOfManyEthinicGroup #Jhakriinnepal #tourOrganizer #NepalTravelConnections #Weareorganizer Photo credit :- Abhishek Shreshta photography [email protected] [email protected] (at Nepal)
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#MonkeyTempleKathmanduNepal #Motherslove #icecream #tourOrganizer2018 #NepalTravelConnections (at Nepal)
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The sadhu or jogi or yogi in the unique attire posing for photo showing his long mustche. #Sadhu #baba #Yogi #Sadhuatpashupatinath #jogi #Nepalisadhu #Daytouratsadhuplace #tourOrganizer #NepalTravelConnections #NepaltourOrganizer #KathmanduDurbarSquare2018 #tourOrganizer2018 #Sadhubaba [email protected] [email protected] Photo credit : Sunil Khadgi (at Nepal)
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Nepalese food is not only DAAL-BHAT, we have wide variety..... [email protected] [email protected] #NepaliFood #NewariFood #84variety #NepaleseCuisine #FamousNepaliFood (at Nepal)
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Manaslu Base Camp " Manaslu is the 8th higest mountain in the world which is 8163 meters above the sea level. It is the best trekking route with the view of mountain , culture, adventures and many more. [email protected] [email protected] Photo credit : Internet #ManasluBaceCampNepal #tourOrganizer #NepalTravelConnections #18daysTrekking #ManasluTrek #nepal (at Manaslu Conservation Area)
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For the lovers who likes to see the jungles with different species of wild animals and birds, can visit jungle safari with the huge elephants ridimg on its back. You surely can get the entertainment. (at Chitwan Jungle Safari)
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The tribesmen of Nepal are the master of honey hunters. It involves the gathering honey from the nest of wild bees. They risk their lives collecting honey combs from the cliff. A long rope ladder is flung down to climb by hunters. Before hunting they prepare some worship in order to make their gods happy. [email protected] [email protected] Photo credit :- Dikpal Thapa #HoneyHunterInNepal #HoneyHunterTripOrganizerinNepal #fixdeparture #NepalTravelconnections #tourOrganizer #Nepaltour #honeyhuntinginnepal #3daysprogram #HoneyHuntingWithLocalNepali #NepaliCulture #KatmanduToLamjung (at Nepal)
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Monkey temple kathmandu nepal
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Top of the World is a mind blowing situation to be viewed. So hurry up to have a glimses of the top to hage heart wretching moment by helicopter. #EverestBaseCampByhelicopter #LuxuriousTourinEverestBasecamp #NepalHeliTour #EverestBaseCamp #Topoftheworld #HighestPeakuntheworld #LuklatoEverestbyhelicopter #nepalHeliService #RescueEverestRegion #Weareorganizer #welcometonepal #tourOrganizer #Wownepal #NepalTravelconnections #EverestBaseCampDayTour #onedayeveresttourbyheli (at Nepal)
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Safety Tips for Trekking in Nepal
-         #Fitness
-         #Choose the right time
-        # TravelInsurance
-         Hire a local Guide or porter
-         Take a GPRS or Mobile phone
-         Go Slow and Drink a lot water
-         Watch weather forecast
-         Dress up to weather condition
-         Take emergency food and water
-         Inform your itinerary some of your friends
-         First Aid box
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PATAN, SUNDARICHOWK, NEPAL As you can see its a wonderful art and architecture of this Tusha Hiti and popularly known as Royal bath where king used to bath everyday. Altogether 52 beautifully carved images surrounds this royal bath. But the main image in the middle which is made of gold was once theft. But now it is safly kept in the National mesuem. [email protected] [email protected] #PatanSundarichowk #Patandaytour #patanNepal #HistoricalPatan #buildIn1647 #worldHeritagesitepatan #NepalTravelconnections #Weareorganizer #tourOrganizer #touristicactivities #besttimeallthemonths #travelinpatanNepal #Nepalishistoricalplace
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The loard Buddha birth place (#LumbiniNepal ) :- Accourding to the Buddhist tradition, Queen mayadevi gave a birth to siddharthe Gautam in 563 BCE. Gautam who achieved Enlightment and he bacame the Buddha and founded Buddhism. Lumbini is one of many magnets for pilgrimage that sprang up in place pivotal to the life of the Buddha. since few years indian people claim Buddha was born in india, but the world is surprise like Why does India falsely claim that Buddha was born in India while the birtplace is in Lumbinim Nepal??? "Buddha was born in Lumbini, Nepal not India " #BirthPlaceofBuddha #NepalisBirthPlaceodLoardBuddha #Buddhiestpilgrim #NepalisBuddhaBirthPlace #LumbiniNepal #NepalTravelConnections #Weareorganizer #NepaltourOrganizer #5nights6daysprogram #lumbinidaytour Photo Credit : Gautam Shakya
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