neosnow · 2 months
it used to be 2007 you know
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neosnow · 2 months
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The darkest hearts have the most delicious crimson souls.
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neosnow · 4 months
Hearing J Micheal Tatum voice Sebastian is like coming home and laying in a comfy bed.
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neosnow · 5 months
You just know crunchyroll told Yana that their gonna have to change fag to drudges. In this political climate ain’t no damn way that would have gone over well.
Doesn’t mean it would have been funny as fuck for them to still use it. Though I understand why better to not start shit. Ain’t nothing we could do about it.
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neosnow · 5 months
The 30+ y.o Millennials watching Black Butler and realizing it's no longer 2006.
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neosnow · 7 months
It took me years to get over my fear of spiders, but now that i'm not so afraid I regret killing them when I was afraid. They were just their existing and thriving😭
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why is this about to make me sob
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neosnow · 7 months
25 to 35 is coping with the fact that your now officially an adult adult and everything you do you can no longer be dictated and helped by a parent cause all your peers will mock you and you just wanna figure out how you can survive off $500 when the electrics due in the middle of the month and all you have is cereal with no milk.
25-35 is such a weird fucking age because you’re 100% a bread-and-butter Standard Edition Millennial but the cool teens are like “ok boomer” because you have a Real Job but the actual Boomers at your job are like “I’m not going to listen to a literal fucking child” as they download 16 self-replicating viruses and meanwhile the Gen Xers are telling you to refinance a mortgage for a house you don’t have and you’re sitting there at the Adults Table with the pretty tasty casserole you cooked because you’ve finally figured out how to do that now but everyone is eating the Boomer’s store-bought macaroni instead and admittedly they do sort of taste similar so it probably wasn’t worth all the trouble of cooking from scratch and you’re trying to comfort the freshly-graduated sobbing 22-year-old next to you because she just woke up here and doesn’t know where she is but you have like maybe 5k dollars in a savings account labelled RETIREMENT that grows approx. twelve cents a year and you keep eating dry macaroni while smiling incomprehensibly and periodically blacking out like ??????????
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neosnow · 8 months
Ain’t that the tiny ass Dino that straight murdered that one chunky guy in the first Jurassic Park 🤨
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neosnow · 2 years
Look at these pretty boys 🥹
It’s been 8 months since I sat down to do any art. What do I decide to sketch. Well Ronald and William of course. Grell gets her own portraits my queen deserves the best.
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neosnow · 2 years
Black Butler some how able to stay in the Tumblr year in review 
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neosnow · 2 years
No matter how old I get Grell Sutcliff will always be Wifey to me.
She's a beautiful chainsaw wielder who wears red. Like, she checks all the boxes for me. First anime crush and probably be staying that way till my demise. Look at her she's GORGEOUS!
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neosnow · 2 years
I think David and Lucy ship name should be Lucid.  That ending..
she looked like she was having a lucid dream 😭
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neosnow · 2 years
Everytime their is a Reaper centered chapter I scream at the sky to why they can't just have their own Spin-off!!
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neosnow · 2 years
I wonder how much trouble the U.S grim reaper got into for not snatching up Bard's soul. There was no way he'd have survived without Sebastian interfering. Sebastian more than likely swiped Bard up before the Grim Reaper assigned to reap him got to him probably collecting the other soldiers souls. Sebastian did want to up heed out that bitch rather quick.
Maybe the U.S reaper was told to hold off on collecting Bards soul cause he was meant for a bigger plan like the one he's in now and it's his time to go. All and all and to end my mumbling... I just wanna see what the U.S reapers look like. Imagine the reaper who was suppose to reap him on the battle field had to travel all the way to England to get him cause technically Bard's an America and the reapers are sticklers for rules so Ronald got to say howdy to some U.S reaper in a cowboy get up going "Hang on there Tex.. you about to wrangle the wrong cattle." I just full on assuming this reaper is from Texas for no reason lol ...
It's 3am and I'm really high re-reading Black Butler and had this thought😂😂😂
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neosnow · 3 years
I need a cigarettes' just to get through twitter on the weekdays now with this AOT drop i'mma need a whole pack... That Jeankasa baby cute.. yeah I said what I said.
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neosnow · 3 years
Twitter smoking that copium hard saying the baby in Jean's dream looks like Eren and that it means he never stood a chance. Like which is it? You want her alone, depressed her whole life or Eren with Historia and Mikasa still alone and depressed her whole life. How is this fair to Mikasa in either way?
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neosnow · 3 years
I'm not ready for the derogatory comments about to come Mikasa and Jeans way over Jeans dream like they don't deserve life after all the bullshit they gotta clean up do to Eren.
Especially from people who wanted Eren to genocide the whole world like that wouldn't massively fuck up Paradis in the end. Thinking with your horny is leading y'all down some very dark paths. Chill.. Gotta suffer through these convoluted angry thoughts yet again.
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