neophyteredsquish · 5 years
For every (¬‿¬) I get my muse will remove a piece of clothing.
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neophyteredsquish · 5 years
Shoving panties up your ass
1 don’t b3l13v3 1′v3 3v3r don3 th4t but um... 3/10
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neophyteredsquish · 5 years
Send me a kink and I’ll rate it from 0- 10 depending on how into it I am
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neophyteredsquish · 5 years
Send “(‿ˠ‿)” For my muse to sit on yours.
Feet free to specify which part they’ll sit on or “(‿ˠ‿) + Reversed” for their reaction to being sat on by your muse.
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neophyteredsquish · 5 years
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neophyteredsquish · 5 years
Accuse my Muse of a crime. They can only respond with either Guilty or Not Guilty.
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neophyteredsquish · 5 years
Titty goblin tonreppy popes
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neophyteredsquish · 5 years
Fat fish ass
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neophyteredsquish · 5 years
Send Me Your Assumptions About Me And I’ll Respond With “Correct,” “Nope” or “Kinda”
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neophyteredsquish · 5 years
It is Vorenesday my dudes.
Fill my ask box with those tasty Vore related questions.
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neophyteredsquish · 5 years
I wanna complement you, but it'd be hard to pick one good thing about you. So uh... nice everything on ya!
W3ll...th4nk you r4ndom c1t1z3n!
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neophyteredsquish · 5 years
oh your pillow isn’t comfortable? may I present to you, My Thighs™️
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neophyteredsquish · 5 years
*The sound of flapping wings eminates from over head, a familiar and frightening sound, especially to a large spider lusii. Pyralspite emerges into view, flapping her wings as she flies through the canyon the spider calls home, and, once she reaches her, she stops, lifting her wings and letting herself fall belly first onto the giant spider.
Fuckoff giant spider bitches tended to make pretty good landing sites! To be fair this was kind of pushing it..ALOT..Still, the looming spider beast was having one of her usual post feeding naps, which of course left her feeling even more pissy than when she had gone to sleep, she was overall just an excessively demanding giant monster. So naturally upon feeling what little light was already overhead get slightly overshadowed and horrendous spider eating noise fill the air, she..Just kind of lumbered awake, slowly getting up onto all her legs n scanning the surrounding area, even going so far as to sort of, peek up out of her canyon after some climbing, scaring the ever loving shit out of some smaller lusii..Nope! Must have just been her mind scaring her again.
Lumbering back down with some annoyed snarling, she had curled her legs in to pass out, when her conscience practically went “Dragons fly.” And sure enough, quickly jerking her head upwards, she caught said dragons gut just as it was RIGHT ontop of her. The entire surrounding area quaking as the dragons form was now laying atop a nearly canyon filling spread of flattened out spider beast. Well, at least someone was getting a snooze out of this!
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neophyteredsquish · 5 years
Send me a △ and ask a really invasive question aimed at my character
They’ll have to:
Rate on a scale of 1-10 how much they don’t want to answer that question.
Answer that question.
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neophyteredsquish · 5 years
Send me “Public Vore” for my muse to eat someone (your muse unless otherwise specified) without trying to hide it and in full view of other people
Alternatively, send me “Publicly Vored” for someone (your muse unless otherwise specified) to eat my muse without trying to hide it and in full view of other people
Freely specify details of the scenario and method of vore
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neophyteredsquish · 5 years
📦 Zillyhoo hammer attached to a spring
Redglare looked at the large box in front of her door, looking around to see no one she picked up and brought the rather hefty box inside, she set it on her desk and inspected it, nothing too out of the ordinary. She grabbed her letter opener(which was just a fist sized version of her regular cane) and cut into the box, however the moment she finished the box burst open and a large Zillyhoo hammerattached to a spring sprung out and slammed itself down on Redglare, pancaking the legislacerator to it, pancaked face in, her ass and legs on full display. “1 4m go1ng to PULV3R1Z3 who3v3r d1d th1s.” She groaned, attempting to wiggle herself off.
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neophyteredsquish · 5 years
*smacks my own ass for fun cause it's fat*
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