neon-wisp0831 · 3 years
I like to make a request
This takes place during the vigilantes era
In it the fatgum and reader are still in high school she wants to go out with him but she sees him and monika kaniyashiki together and soon got distracted and get hurt in the process and soon she wakes up and doesn’t even remember anything including fatgum
He tries to get her to remember him because he also has a crush on her
(I tried my best with this, I apologize if it's not what you were expecting)
"Come on Y/N! You've been crushing on Toyomitsu for months now! You gotta come clean one way or another!" Your closet friend pestered you, lightly tugging on your arm as you watched Taishiro walk past you in the school hallways
It was true.. Every since you laid eyes on fun, bubbly teen, with quite a unique quirk, he was all you could think about.. Those beautiful locks of blonde hair, those cute eyes that were worth more than any piece of gold...
A hand waved in front of your face, making you flinch as you snapped out of your little daydream, looking over you faced your friend who had this look on their face that made you a little embarrassed to say the least.
"Ok ok... I'll... I'll go and talk to him.." You mumbled looking down at the floor thinking about how you would you would tell him. It was against the rules of shiketsu high to date other students, but you knew Taishiro well enough to see him outside of campus, you visited his home, met his parents, and even they were talking about how adorable the two of you would be as a couple, you had to tell him, it was now or never.
"After school... It's better that way.."
With that in mind you and your friend continued about your day, anxiously keeping track of time with your heart practically beating in your ears, thinking of ways you would tell Toyomitsu how you felt
it wasn't long before the end of the day had came, the time you had to tell him how you felt.
your foot tapped against the ground as you waited for Taishiro in front of the school, people passing by you to head home, your heart just about ready to leap out of your chest from how nervous you were, until you saw a glimpse of blonde hair. It was as if your worries had gone away instantly, his smile outshined the sun, his laughter was infectious, and when you saw his full figure, by kami you wouldn't change it for the world, round, soft, squishy, and lovable. It suited him well, his quirk was an absolute blessing.
You were just about to approach him with some newfound enthusiasm in your words when you saw why he was laughing and smiling so extensively when two arms smaller than his body wrapped around him and you saw her
Monika Kaniyashiki.. A close friend you both knew throughout the school year, energetic, fun.. So much like Tai in many ways.
They were almost... Perfect for each other...
When this came into light, you felt your heart sink as you saw them hug and laugh with each other without a care on the planet... You couldn't take your eyes off them, tears threatening to spill over as you saw Tai make eye contact with you for a split second, just his gaze alone pierced your heart... And made your head sting with an unknown pain...
No... It wasn't him, it was something else. You were plummeting towards the ground, a few classmates calling your name, Taishiro being one of them as he and Monika ran towards you, trying to call out to you but everything seemed to go blank in that moment, the pain in your head increased as you came in contact with the cold, hard, concrete surface. The last thing you remembered was the feeling of someone picking you up and carrying you some place you could only assume would be a place to get you help.
You woke up that day unfamiliar with your surroundings, throbbing pain in your cranium, and a little sick, looking around you noticed a blonde-haired boy resting near you, asleep yet had dark bags under his eyes, holding your hand that he had locked with his own. You carefully wiggled it free as you tried to sit up, wincing at the pain in your head, feeling the shift, the other figure in the room woke up and looked up at you before his eyes widened showing two gold irises that were looking at you as if you were stranger that slowly turned into relief as he called for a nurse.
"Where... What..?" Where the first things out of your mouth as the blonde looked at you with a large smile
"Oh thank Kami you're ok Y/n!! I got so worried when you.."
You were hardly listening as he talked about what supposedly happened on the school campus, you had been hit by a soccer ball kicked by someone with a very strong quirk. And had been out for three days. Yet despite the details and explanation... One question remained on your mind
"Who... Are you?"
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
(Leaving this one on a bit of a cliffhanger since I've been working on this one for a while now. I apologize for the lack of posting. I'll try and get part two out as soon as possible)
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neon-wisp0831 · 4 years
It has come to my attention that the world is once again spiralling into absolute madness.
Now Asians are receiving hate?! What for?! What is the soul purpose of hating against other diverse cultures?!
And why is it seen as ok do such a thing from White supremacists, Nazis, and other purveyors of hate?! IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE!!
There's no point in it! People of diverse groups have been around since the beginning!! Why?! BECAUSE IT WAS GOD'S PLACE TO MAKE A DIVERSE WORLD!! IF HE DIDN'T WANT US AROUND IN THE FIRST PLACE! WE! WOULD NOT! BE! HERE! TO BEGIN WITH!
So no.. These people don't get to hate us for being here, living our lives like they are.
The world wasn't made to be for one type of group, it was made for EVERYONE living in it, there's not just one planet in the solar system, THERE ARE MULTIPLE, there's not just one star in the sky. THERE'S MILLIONS OR MORE!
but what won't be tolerated...
if this goes on any longer i fear for what's going to come next..
Good father in heaven.. Please show yourself and set the twisted nature of those poisoned by their sick minds straight.. I pray that you show them the path of purity and sanity so that all that have been affected may learn to live in peace... 🙏🏽
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neon-wisp0831 · 4 years
For those of you having a rough time right now, I wanna give you all some comforting words that I hope will make you at least a little better.
Recently I got a new app in order to give me some inspiration and motivation during this year, seeing as theirs still a lot of chaos in the world. So from me to you, I hope no matter what the unfairness that life throws at you, that you'll always continue to be happy, and forget any problems that may come your way.
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Please be safe during 2021 everyone, and be happy with yourself no matter what people may say about you
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neon-wisp0831 · 4 years
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neon-wisp0831 · 4 years
Where are you Fat~Gum~ why can't we find you--- why have you gone a WAY!!!! 😭😭😭🤧🤧🤧
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Pls, pls hori, tell us where he is,,, pls!
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neon-wisp0831 · 4 years
Healing broken hearts: continued
Chapter four: when I see you again
(This is more on Tai's point of view, figured I'd switch things up a bit)
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Tired... Sad... Empty... No amount of words could really explain how I feel these days.. Just really numb... And alone...
I really messed up it doesn't get any worse than what I did... I can't even bring myself to look in the mirror anymore..
Worthless... Pathetic... Idiotic.. Stupid!
Everything that is happened is all because of me...
I was supposed to be a hero.. To be something good to the world... To Y/N ... But no... All I did was ruin them, I ruined what we had, there's no excuse no matter how I look at it..
A soft mew broke the large man out of his thoughts, looking down at his feet from his perch from the couch, he noticed his new acquaintance, a little Kurilian bobtail kitten he had got recently to keep himself company, he picked up the small little guy, giving him a few gentle strokes to his back before lifting him up to give him a small kiss "Hey buddy..." He spoke to the little one, getting up to head to the kitchen, knowing what that cute little mew meant, he looked through one of the cabinets of his home, having it stocked just for his new little house mate.
"There you go.." He set a plate of food, just enough to satisfy the little one's hunger, down onto the kitchen floor, watching with a smile as he ate, but his attention was then caught at the sound of the doorbell to his home, walking over to open the door, he heard two familiar voices on the other side, his smile grew at the sound of his boys, grabbing at the doorknob opening up his home, ready to greet his interns.
He wasn't prepared for this this however...
My whole body froze when I saw them, the fact they were even here shook me to my core, and it felt as though a hard punch had been waiting for me on the other side, directed towards my heart.
It felt like I was seeing them for the very first time... Like how I did when we first met... How I wanted to see them again... How happy I was when they were finally with me..
And how much I loved them so dearly all this time..
"Tai.." They spoke first, I could see it in their eyes, how hurt they are just looking at me..
That feeling in my chest was starting to be more unbearable by the second, tears were starting to spill from my eyes, it was starting to feel like my office breakdown all over again
"Y/N.. I-" I hardly got a word out before they were already attaching themselves to me, sobs muffled against my body, gripping tight on my tank top as they cried, it was a major relief feeling their arms around me again, so much so that I couldn't resist hugging them back just as tight, the ache in my chest slowly subduing to less pain until all I could really feel was the shaking form of the one person who was able to heal the pain I had felt all this time.
"I'm so sorry Y/N...I'm... I'm sorry I put us into this mess.." Looking up I saw Kirishima and Tamaki, giving a small smile, I beckoned them over to join the hug, they did, eagerly, it was a nice a moment, a moment I'd cherish for as long as I'll live.. Just me, my two boys..
And the person I love most..
"Here.." You were given a cup of warm tea, giving your thanks to Tai, you soon turned your attention to the little one being entertained by the two older boys, Tamaki had manifested some vines from his fingers, having eaten a salad earlier while in the cafe, and was using them as a make-shift cat toy as Kirishima took video of the cute ordeal, watching the tiny feline swat and bite at the greens with absolute awe in his eyes
You gave a small smile at the sight, feeling Taishiro's figure sit next to you, his hand rubbing your shoulder and turning your attention to him, in his hand he held two of the sweets you had picked out for you all from the cafe, the smile grew as you took the offering, biting into the sweet treat, enjoying the amazing taste. For a shop that just opened up, the pastries were already to die for.
"Wow.. These are amazing Y/N! I might have to stop by during one my patrols" Tai spoke up seeming to enjoy the little gift you and the boys had brought him. You gave a soft laugh at that, leaning back against the couch as you stared at the hero
"Oh is that right? Well maybe I'll have some prepared for you when you do decide to stop by, because God knows it'll take us forever to prepare stuff for you right on the spot" You both shared a laugh at that sentence, before it slowly died down a bit, looking to the side, you both sighed softly, still unable to face each other properly.. The sounds of the boys playing with their new friend being the only noise at the moment
The silence was too much, and you decided to make a bold move by leaning against the man next to you, earning a small flinch from him before he eased into your touch a little bit, wrapping an arm around you, lightly rubbing your shoulder as he rested his head on yours, the feeling of being this close to him again, it was overwhelming, but you loved it, a smile coming to your face then a sigh while the sound of the TV turning on caught your attention, deciding it would be nice to just stay like this a little longer in his hold, you got comfortable on the couch while Kirishima and Tamaki had decided to join you both in watching the highlights of the best hero rescues and villain takedowns played by the afternoon talk show.
It was like that for most of the day, watching shows or movies, eating snacks, playing and thinking of names for the kitten, while talking about how how things are in life while trying to avoid.. Other subjects.
"So fellas how are things at UA? Is Eri doing ok?" Taishiro was the first to make conversation with the two boys over some takoyaki (of course) for lunch
"Oh yeah! She's doing great, check it out!" He mumbled pulling out his phone and flipping through something before landed on a photo and turning his screen to face the small group next to him.
Looking at the photo, Kirishima was looking down at the silver haired horned girl, who looked back up at him, both holding the same pose, fists together, toothy grins, showing off the manly stance with pride
You smiled at the sight, seeing the happy smiles, you couldn't have been happier yourself.
"That's adorable Kirishima, and very manly, you're starting to be more like a big brother figure" Taishiro mumbled, ruffling his hair a little earning a small chuckle from the young boy
"What about you Tamaki? Anything happened with you at UA?"
"Not really.. Things are.. Pretty well I guess.. I-i'm sorry I'm not that i-interesting to talk about.." He started to clam up a little, and you reached over to lightly rub his back "it's alright Tamaki, I don't have anything interesting to talk about either.." You reassured the shy boy, hearing a small chuckle coming from Tai until his phone ramg from his room, excusing himself from living room he headed towards his own, closing the door once he was inside.
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I was able to get to my phone in time before the ringing completely stopped, but due to the rush I didn't really have time to see who was calling, figuring it might have been an emergency of some kind.
"Hi sweetness~"
That voice... I knew it well.. Too damn well..
"Y-yūwaku?! Why are you calling me now?!"
"Aww Tai.. Come on, can't check up on a friend?~"
Friend? Seriously?? After everything that been happening, all those texts, the flirting, everything that had led up to this, I was no better.. Giving into her that night... Thinking about it now, I feel so stupid, and helpless..
"So here's the thing.. It's been a couple of weeks and.. I was sorta wondering if you're free right now we could grab lunch together! Just the two of us? Maybe... Catch up again?~"
The very thought of the idea, made my heart ache, knowing where this going, I decided to just hang up, throwing my phone onto the bed before sitting down onto the floor, covering my face with both of my hands.
Yūwaku Yokubõ.. Her quirk: Desire... The quirk she was born with made her a temptress.. She gives off a luring aura, making her irresistible to anyone caught by it.
We had been friends since high school, but lost contact soon after.. And just when it seemed like we wouldn't have seen each other again, fate couldn't have done enough to me already..
My phone buzzed, and I turned to look at who was calling, it was her again, I grabbed my phone and declined the call, deciding it would be best to turn it off for now, I fixed up myself, stoning my shaken face with one of more calm and collected, not wanting to worry the boys or Y/N with my troubles.
All I had to do was not let it bother me
You look over at the two exhausted boys, leaning against one another, eyes slowly closing to give into the temptation of sleep, and watching as the little kitten in Tamaki's arm didn't fail to follow right behind his older brothers
Hearing footsteps you looked up to see Taishiro coming back, taking notice of his now, three boys dozing off
"Well.. It is kinda late.. We should get these guys to bed.. I'll call their teachers and tell them they'll be staying with me.." He mumbled before scratching his head "um.. You uh.. Have their contacts?"
You seemed confused by that question, but answered honestly "Yeah why?"
"Oh my.. My phone died and I can't find my charger at the moment.." He explained as you handed over your phone, letting him use it to call up the school teachers
You turned your attention over towards the young ones, leaning over to brush some hair out of Tamaki's face. Watching a smile grace the shy boy's face
You saw Taishiro coming back from the kitchen, handing your mobile device back to you, with a small "thank you" Before he went over to take Tamaki into his arms, mindful of the tiny feline as he took him to the spare room, deciding to help him out you took Kirishima, following after him to settle the young hero into bed.
You came just in time as Tai was about to come out to get the boy, you both stopped in your tracks, startled by one other's sudden showing, laughimg a little before he took the hardening hero from your arms, settling him onto the spare bed near Tamaki's own, he turned his guest room into one meant for his boys when they stay over, able to get two separate beds for them both so they could sleep comfortably.
Taishiro leaned down to give Kirishima a small kiss to his forehead, smiling before getting up and turning towards you
"So.. I.. Guess you're heading back home then?" He asked, bringing you out of your thoughts
"Oh.. Oh! Right.. I.. I guess I should.." You mumbled looking down, rubbing the back of your neck, looking up at him with a small smile, which he returned
"Will.. Will I see you again?" He asked, rather hopefully at that.
You smiled at him before shaking your head, taking the chance to walk over to him, looking him in the eyes while placing both your hands on his shoulders, his arms came around your waist, pressing his forehead against your own
"You know it's hard to stay away from a great guy like you Taishiro... It's unfair really..."
"No... I was unfair... I was unfair to you.. You didn't deserve that Y/N... I was just.." He gave a small sigh before continuing "I just missed you.. I missed your company, I missed things with us... There's no excuse for what I put us through though... So.. I can't say I'm that great of a guy.."
"It happens Tai... It was in the past... I don't wanna think about that I..." Your arms moved to wrap around him, hiding your face into his chest, he didn't hesitate to hold you closer to him, nuzzling into your head
"I just wanna stay with you..."
"... Do you... Have to go?"
"I don't have work tomorrow.. So.. I guess not.."
"Then... Do you wanna stay?"
You looked up at him, looking into those golden eyes, unable to look away, they seemed to come closer, slowly closing as well as your own before you felt his lips press against your own in a soft kiss, one that didn't really last long, but left you breathless.. Hungry...
Wanting more...
He seemed to have read your mind, pressing his lips against yours in a much more deeper longer kiss, your arms moving back to wrap around his neck, he lifted you into his arms, walking out of the room, shutting the door behind him to leave the boys to rest, running your fingers through his hair as he took you to his room, only pulling away from you to allow much needed air into your lungs, soon enough he opened the door to his bedroom, setting you onto the large bed as he continued to steal away your breath with deep longing kisses, his hands trailing up your figure, sending a shudder through your spine,
You couldn't get enough, and you didn't want him to stop, but he unfortunately did to ask you once more
"Y/N...do you wanna stay with me?"
It didn't seem like he continue any further if you didn't give him an answer. And to be honest.. You already knew what you wanted to say, with or without his addicting affection.
"Yes tai.. There's no where else I'd rather be..." You leaned up to give him one more kiss to his nose
"Than here with you..."
❃.✮:▹ ◃:✮.❃❃.✮:▹ ◃:✮.❃❃.✮:▹ ◃:✮.❃❃.✮:▹ ◃:.❃
(So i finally got this chapter done! After what? I don't even remember- but this is by far probably my longest one yet- I'm so sorry for the wait everyone, I hope it was worth it I really tried with this chapter after leaving you guys with nothing, I hope enjoyed this one, chapter five may be the last one, but hey we'll see. Anyways, I've got a ton more ideas on the way, so definitely look forward to those in the future. Till next time though. See ya!)
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neon-wisp0831 · 4 years
Can only imagine the aftermath of what happened to him-
RIP Baby Fatgum
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He tried his best lol.
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neon-wisp0831 · 4 years
Heads up every one, while chapter four in still in the works, I'll take requests in for the time being.
While I have some ideas set aside at the moment, I'm curious in seeing what you all would want at the moment while I try to finish and publish chapter four.
So until then send me some requests, and I'll try and do my best to write as many of them out. Or ask questions if you want.
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neon-wisp0831 · 4 years
Hey I was just wondering how you've been and I wanted to say that I love your work it really make me feel like I'm in the story witnessing what's happening with my own eyes
I've been really well, thanks for asking! I'm glad you love my work so much, sometimes I feel like I don't put enough effort into them, but hearing and seeing that people enjoy them so much makes me happy.
And that's really the whole point in the creativity I try and add into my pieces of work, to really be captivated in the story you're reading, to feel what you read until the chapter is over. I told myself that If I was gonna make stories I had better make them good. And I do my best to stay true to my word.
So to you and those who enjoy my work so much, thank you! I'll continue to make as many stories as possible for you all!
Stay safe during 2021 and I'll see you guys again soon.
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neon-wisp0831 · 4 years
Bro there is so much talk going around Twitter about the manga.. My heart can't take what I'm hearing about Fat and Tamaki... Let alone what I'm hearing about midnight
I've grown so attached to them it hurts and I just can't... It hurts hearing about all these spoilers and it feels unavoidable. You're curiosity eating away at you when you just wanna make sure the people you care about are ok.. Like it's so damn heartbreaking.. 2020 you've done enough! 2021 give me some good news about our bois.. Please tell me they're alive and well kirishima needs them he can't lose his family...
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neon-wisp0831 · 4 years
Healing broken hearts: continued
Chapter three: if I see you again..
"Are you sure this is a good idea Kirishima? Maybe we should just let him be.." The red haired boy had unfortunately dragged his shy superior out of their dorms with permission from their teachers (and principal Nezu) out into the open of the day. They had been given the weekend off and it was something Kiri had been hoping for. Ever since what happened at Fatgum's agency, the two boys haven't been able to check up on their mentor, and he hasn't been calling into work as much, for obvious reasons of course, and one could only assume the worst when it came to those close to you
"Come on Tamaki! You can't tell me you aren't at least a little bit worried about him!"
"Of course I am! W-which is why I think we should just give him more space.. What if he doesn't want us around right now? We should respect that shouldn't we?"
He had a point, but it wouldn't hurt to try at least.. It was all that had been on young hero's mind.. How shattered the pro was, screaming and banging his fits at the floor until he almost lost his voice and broke one his hands, shouting how much of an idiot he was for letting it all happen, and later passing out from the exhaustion he had after all the hollering and tears he had put himself through. The sight of it all would be forever stuck in his mind, and he couldn't bare it any longer, he wouldn't..
"We'll just stop by for a little bit.. And if he doesn't want us around then we'll go.. I just wanna make sure he's alright.." The silence between the two boys was a clear sign the choice was made. Despite the feeling in Tamaki's stomach to just convince his red haired friend to drop the idea and head back home, his heart was more stronger for his superior, the man who gave him the support he needed, even if it did come off as pressuring, it still gave him a small percentage of confidence. If Fatgum wouldn't give up on him, he had to make sure to do the same for him.
"Well seeing as we're in the area.. We might as well stop by a shop or something and pick up something sweet.. I heard there's a new cafe that just opened up not too far from here..."
"Oh! I bet he'd love that! Great idea Tamaki!" The largest toothy grin came to his face, walking right next to his teammate to let him lead the way.
❃.✮:▹ ◃:✮.❃❃.✮:▹ ◃:✮.❃❃.✮:▹ ◃:✮.❃❃.✮:▹ .❃
"And here's your order Ms! Have a nice day!" You gave a small wave to the woman and her small child as they took off with their order waving back at you as they walked out the new building.
You really owed Keigo for this, the man really lived up to his hero name, being able to find you a place of work so fast, he was an amazing friend.
"Could probably get him a drink later on.. If he's free of course." Your thoughts wandered to the winged hero for a moment, but soon were shifted over to a face you couldn't help but wonder about.. You couldn't help but think about tai.. How he might be doing during all this.. You were shaken out of your thoughts once you heard the door to the cafe open, looking up you saw two familiar faces that made your eyes widened in surprise.
Tamaki noticed your stare and stopped his brief conversation with Kirishima, at this the hardening hero turned his gaze to you, flinching once he saw you behind the counter...
It grew deathly quiet between the three of you, wide eyed stares and shared expressions of shock were the only exchange at the moment, you snapped out of the state you were in, giving the two boys a small smile before speaking.
"Kirishima.. Tamaki... Hey.." Your voice was soft and welcoming, a reassuring sound to end the silence.
"Y-y/n.." Tamaki's voice was a little shakey as he spoke, he kept his head down to avoid eye contact. But managed to keep a smile on his face "H-hi.."
"Wow what a surprise! We weren't expecting you to be here!" Kirishima greeted you with a more cheery tone to it, a large smile on his face, before it turned a little sad "How.. How have you been?"
"Alright.. I guess..." You mumbled looking down, the day coming back to you, how you passed by them full of rage, and sadness without an explanation.
"Listen.. About.. What happened at the agency.. I'm.. Sorry for just barging past you both.. I'm guessing you have some kind of clue as to what happened..?"
"Yeah.. We're actually here to pick up some stuff for fat.. We planned to stop by to check up on him, and make sure we was doing alright.. In case he wanted some company.."
You looked down at the counter once you heard those words, biting your lip as you tapped a finger against it, your thoughts from before about his well being were nagging at you to go with them, see him once more. Your heart couldn't help but feel the same way.. Even after what happened you still missed him dearly, and you couldn't just avoid him forever, it was best to settle this now instead of running away from it.
"You guys.. Mind if I come with you after my shift is over? I wanna see him too.." You admitted keeping your gaze down as they looked at you with a small bit of shock, but relieved you actually considered joining them
"Yeah! That'd be great! I'm sure he'd be happy to see you again!"
"And patch things up.. It's really not the same without you Y/N.."
You couldn't help but look up and smile at the shy boy's words, it wasn't the same without them either, kirishima's energy, tamaki's shyness.. Tai's love... You couldn't help but miss the connection you all had together, like a family..
A small, soon-to-be reunited family...
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neon-wisp0831 · 4 years
The holidays are only sweeter with you
A small fatgum x reader fic to enjoy for Christmas! I hope every single one of you are doing well despite this year's unexpected turn, that you and your families and friends are hanging in there as the year is coming to an end. Stay safe out there everyone, and enjoy your life to the best of your abilities, no matter how bad things may seem, there's a light somewhere in the darkness as long as you have hope.
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You hummed softly to yourself as you wiped off your hands off on your apron, heading towards the door once you heard the ringing of your doorbell, having a.. Small idea of what waited behind the door.
You slowly opened the door to see three familiar faces, greeting you with happy smiles, even the more shy one of the group, couldn't have looked more happier to be places other than behind his hood, or in front of a wall. You returned the gesture with your own smile, stepping aside to let the pro, and his two interns into your home. Though you had to help out the larger hero through your door, you all laughed at the welcoming comical moment, before the holiday festivities began.
*:..。o○ ○o。..:**:..。o○ ○o。..:**:..。o○ ○o。..:*
You gave a soft yelp as you felt some of the cookie dough you had prepared earlier, make it's way onto your cheek, followed by a pair of lips clean off the uncooked treat, earning more laughter, not just from your BMI boyfriend but the two soon to be heroes you'd already consider your own kids, you were all in the kitchen baking cookies together, or trying to at least because whenever you'd try and actually get back to the task at hand, someone was always getting messy, frosting, cookie dough, small or large clouds of flour. It was utter chaos in your kitchen. Like a baking war broke out, the floor was covered by the white powder, clothes dirty from all the intense fun you were having.
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Tai had thought that it would be a great idea to spend the holidays together, and honestly how could you say no to it? Spending time with your lover, and his two boy, baking cookies and enjoying a nice dinner together, there was nothing like it.
Now here you four were.. Watching Christmas movies, drinking hot chocolate and cuddled up on the couch. The night was cold, you felt a little drowsy, on the brink of falling asleep at this point, Kiri and tamaki had already fallen asleep on each other, heavy snores and the soft breathing gave that away, Tai had his arm wrapped around you, while you were snuggled up into his side, comfortable.. Warm.. Safe.. And happy.
"Tai... I think it's time we turned in for the night.." You mumbled tiredly, looking up at him as he smiled down at you
"Couldn't agree more honey..."
You made sure tamaki was comfortable on the couch while fatgum took the small redhead to your guest bedroom, giving him a light ruffle on the head while you turned off the TV, collecting the empty mugs and taking them to the kitchen sink to wash them.
Two large arms wrapped around your waist, feeling a warm pair of lips giving your neck a light kiss, making you sigh while you hugged onto his arms, letting him take you in his arms and carry you to your own room, settling you down onto the bed, and cuddling up next to you, holding you close to his body, unable to hide his joy on a night like this.
"Merry Christmas tai.. I love you..."
"Merry Christmas gummy bear.. I love you too.. And Happy holidays.."
*:..。o○ ○o。..:**:..。o○ ○o。..:**:..。o○ ○o。..:*
(Well that's the end of this piece, currently working on chapter three of "Healing broken hearts" So I'll be sure to get that out as soon as possible! I just wanna say to everyone, Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Whatever you celebrate! And let's say GOODBYE TO THIS CURSED YEAR
Anyway it's late and I'm hardly keeping awake- so if this is a lazy piece of work. I apologize. Anyway stay safe. And I'll see you again soon everyone. Later!)
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neon-wisp0831 · 4 years
Healing broken hearts: continued
Chapter Two: healing process
You watched from the window of your new apartment as the city's nightly symphony, was doing its best to put you to sleep, the stars shone brightly in the night sky, the moon was in that beautiful crescent shape. Nights like this would make anyone realize how beautiful the world could be..
But that wasn't really the case for you however.
After what you went through with Taishiro, it's all that had been on your mind the past week, the performance in your work grew sloppy, and soon you had to be let go, you could use the space though, it really was taking up too much of your time, and possibly help you find a better job, one you could enjoy properly with some reasonable hours so that you had some kind of spare time on your hands.
You couldn't help but sigh and let your hand cover your face, you wanted to sleep but at the same time you didn't feel that tired.. You were still upset with everything that had been happening, and sleep wouldn't really help because you'd just wake up feeling worse than ever..
You were so distracted by your thoughts that you hadn't noticed the bright red feather fluttering by until the familiar sound of flapping wings caught your attention completely, looking up you gave a soft smile at welcoming face
"Aren't you supposed to be sleeping kid? It's way past your bedtime" Keigo, a good friend of yours asked in that joking tone of his, earning an eye roll from you.
"I doubt your patrol is over already.. So what's up keigo?"
"I just wanted to check on you.. I heard about what happened between you and.." The sentence hung there like a lose string waiting to be pulled of a jacket, your eyes looking towards the window sill as you sighed
"Of course you did.. You never miss anything do you?"
"Well I missed you"
That remark made your whole mood brighten up again, you both laughed as you shoved the number two hero a little, a feather fluttering by you until you felt it hitting your tickle spot making you burst into much needed laughter, distracting you enough for the hero to slip inside your apartment, relief came once the feather had stopped it's surprise attack, and you couldn't help but smile at your trusted friend who returned the gesture "thanks Keigo.. I didn't know I needed that.. Things have been hectic and.." You sighed and looked down
"I get it Y/N.. You don't have to talk about it.. I'm just happy to see you again.."
"It's nice to see you too.. Thanks for stopping by, I needed the company.."
The two of you talked about what was happening in your lives, without talking too much about your more.. Touchy subject.
You told him how you lost your job, how you needed to find a new one and soon, being more of the big brother figure he reassured you he'd help you out, telling you not to stress out so much and take it easy for a bit.
After a bit more talking, you started to grow more tired, mid conversation, you started to doze off, leaning against the winged man, you closed your eyes as he looked at you with slight shook, relaxing once he noticed you were merely starting to fall asleep, he shook his head and smiled, laying you against your bed to let you sleep.
"Good night kid.. I'll see you again soon.." He spoke softly before heading towards the window, he took one last look at your sleeping form before heading out the window, back to his nightly patrol
Leaving you to sleep peacefully for the night without a care in the world at the moment
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(Hey everyone, I apologize if this chapter wasn't as good as the first one, after all the positive feedback I didn't wanna leave you all high and dry so I kinda had this rushed a little bit to get it out. The next chapter will be better I promise, in the meantime I'll also be working on a holiday fanfic so I hope to get that out soon as well. I wasn't expecting this story to get so much attention so I'm grateful to you all. So I'll do my best to get the story out more while making it good, better even. while doing other things on the side. so until then. Stay safe, happy holidays! And I'll see you again soon! Later!)
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neon-wisp0831 · 4 years
Healing broken hearts: A fatgum x reader bittersweeet fanfic
Warning: cheating and heartbreak, if you don't wanna read this you'll have to skip over it to the best of your abilities
Chapter one: The Bitter
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He wasn't sure why he had to let it happen.. Why he couldn't say no despite his heart telling him to..
Then: You were working late, he had taken the day off in hopes to spend more time with you but you were called into work for an emergency, you were disappointed.. He was disappointed, but he understood either way, as a hero things could be complicated for himself, it was one of the reasons he took time off work in hopes to be closer, the relationship you both had wasn't bad, just very distant. He hated that, he loved you more than anything and he didn't want to lose you, so he wanted to find some way to make it work out, but your emergency call got in the way. He was lonely, he needed some company, but he wasn't sure what to do. That day he was scrolling through his phone, trying to keep himself entertained, looking through some media,that's when he noticed her. An old friend, a colleague back in his younger days, it seemed like the perfect time to catch up...
But it all came to this moment
Now: He was sitting in his office at his agency, skinny, nervous, his gloved fingers constantly running through his hair and over his masked face, how could he possibly tell you what happened without losing you for good?
He couldn't look at himself the same way after that night, it really did start off innocent, they talked, walked through the area.. It was a good time. But when they got back to his house that the two of you were living in, it all went downhill from there. A simple movie night, that was all it was supposed to be before she would head back home, he noticed it too late when it started happening, the way she leaned against him as they watched the film, he only brushed it off as a friendly gesture, then the flirting came, he should have stopped her there, but the attention he craved so dearly that day caved in on him, he didn't return the favor, but he didn't stop her either..
The door opened, he jumped and looked over at you, the face he grew to love so dearly had the same worried look he had
"Tai.. I got your message.. Is.. Is everything ok?" You asked walking over to him, he stood up from his desk chair, stopping you from coming any closer, the life he once had in those beautiful gold eyes burned out a while ago from the tears he had shed, his hair seemed to lose that fluffiness it had before, it looked more messy like it had just been through a rough storm, his hero outfit he was wearing had tear stains on it, one of his hands stuck in his pants pocket, the other moving up to scratch his head
"H-hey gummy bear.." Even the voice that always made your day a little brighter sounded just as gloomy and slightly hoarse, he had been crying..maybe even screaming... That's when you knew it was serious..
A week... The guilt he held onto lasted a week.. The messages that would remind him everyday how bad he messed up, came to him almost every day.. things like "if you ever need someone to satisfy your needs, you know where to come to~" "I miss you~ wanna come to my place?~" Things that would keep him at night with guilt, silently crying himself to sleep whenever he thought about it, the fact he was capable of doing something like that to you was just unbearable, him.. Taishiro Toyomitsu.. Fatgum the BMI Hero.. Could he even be called that anymore? It wouldn't be something that would be considered that villainous, not to most of the public at least.. but in his heart and soul, it was as if he had went on a major massacre out of blind rage, his heart ached knowing that he betrayed you like this.. it seemed that way, he massacred your trust in him, possibly your friendship... your Love.. In his mind, he had committed a major crime. And he was going to pay the price for it one way or another.
"I'm so sorry baby.. I-i didn't mean for it to happen-" He started to explain, but you couldn't bare it anymore, it didn't seem possible.. But the texts he showed you, the emotion put into his words, you knew it was real.. You backed away from him when he tried to come closer, your whole world felt as though it was crumbling around you, eyes flooding with tears, his arms came around you, the soft warm embrace tempted you, but you couldn't.. His words came in stutters of apologies, telling you it only happened once, how much he regretted it, but you weren't sure if you had in your heart to believe him, if he was lying, maybe you didn't know him like you thought you did.. If he was telling the truth, could you still forgive him, knowing he had done this to you?
"Let me go tai... Please..." You whimpered, lightly pushing him away.. He did..reluctantly
"I'm sorry (Y/N) I.. I'm sorry.." It was all he could say at this point, his head lowered full of shame, he really hated seeing you like this.. It broke his heart more than anything, but how could he possibly fix this? Would you hate him for the rest of your life? What would he tell Kirishima and Tamaki? They looked up to you, saw you as parenteral figure.. How this would affect them.. Or his relationship with them? Would they hate him for this too? He had no idea.. But it wouldn't be good either way.. If things had to end off between you, he'd understand, he'd at least want to stay friends, but if you didn't want that either.. It would really make things worse for him..
"(Y/N) can we.. Please.. Just talk this over? Please I know I messed up.. Really bad.. But.. Just for a little bit.. I just want to talk.."
You thought about this offer for a bit, tears rolling down your face, your heart shattered, he was doing everything he could to make this right, to fix what he could.. Your eyes slowly scaled up his mountain of a body, and as they continued your heart hurt more, you shared great memories with this man, the times you spent together, how open and honest he was throughout the whole relationship.. The moment your eyes met his, the floodgates came. Hard. You couldn't stop the tears that were flowing down your face like a dam had just broken in your head, it only hurt you more as you cried, torn between asking for his comfort, and pushing him away, your hands clenched into fists, you almost wanted to hurt him, physically..to have him feel what the pain he had put on you felt like.. But you decided against it, not only because it would seem bad to hurt a hero but because you knew he had taken worse... You turned your back to him, grabbing at the door and forcing it open, slamming it on the way out. Storming through the halls of his agency. You were making your way out of there when you noticed Kiri and Tamaki were walking in, they saw you, ready to greet you until they noticed how grim your face looked, but you stormed right pass them and out through the doors, heading back to the home you shared with the local hero, which thankfully was his own, you knew an area that had some rather cheap, yet good apartments, it was going to be a hassle moving your stuff in on short notice, but you had a friend willing to help you out in any kind of situation when you needed them. You couldn't be more grateful.
Kirishima and Tamaki were worried after seeing you like that. You had tears freely running down your face, the aura you were giving off said something was wrong..
The only thing that proved their rights to worry.. Was the sudden agonized scream that rang throughout the agency coming from their mentors office, the two boys ran as fast as they could to him, opening the door to only see him curled up on ground, one hand holding his chest, the other hitting the ground below him as he shouted towards it, it only made the sound of his voice worse as he cried, eyes burning from the tears he previously cried before, now he cursed himself for his agony.
His interns could only watch with sympathetic looks, already having an idea of what had happened. Tamaki hid his face in his hood, leaning against the office wall, trying to hide his own sorrow, kirishima could only try to hold in the tears brewing up in his eyes, he wasn't angry.. He couldn't be. Not at you or his mentor.. But it wasn't easy to take.. He wanted to help, to have his questions answered, to fix this somehow, but how can you fix two broken hearts without a even little time on your hands?
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(Well this was fun-- writing. I'm gonna go think about how to write out the next chapter... Despite the uh.. Situation going on here.. I hope you enjoyed reading this! Somehow... It's my first time trying something like this. So... dunno anyway see y'all next chapter)
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neon-wisp0831 · 4 years
Not a big post but a random thought.
So I was scrolling through YouTube because I couldn't sleep. And I saw a video of a guy, the title saying "Trying the world's hottest gummy bear"
And I out loud I asked "how do you have the world's hottest gummy bear?"
And immediately me being me with my fatgum loving self. My mind went to fatgum saying "Well I have you don't I?"
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neon-wisp0831 · 4 years
Fatgum x Reader: Cuddle bug weather
I'm in a cuddle bug mood. I had to get this out
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It was a was a perfect day for the two of you, most of it spent patrolling the part your big hunk of a man looked after with his interns, luckily it was a nice quiet day, with not as much crime around the area, much to your delight, it gave plenty more opportunities to spend time with your loved ones, seeing the fatherly side of Taishiro was the cherry on top of this blessed day
Or so you thought..
You were laying down on your side, one hand keeping your head up, your favorite show playing on the large screen in front of you and your man behind you. He had one arm held around you the other mocking your pose as you watched the screen on the large custom made bed to fit Taishiro's size, your favorite snacks in front of you while tai had his favorite takoyaki about half way finished near your body, it was a calm quiet evening.. One you enjoyed more with your man as he'd place soft kisses to your cheek, telling you how much he loves you, whispering the cutest things into your ear with the occasional kiss to hear that sweet laugh he loved so much
The show soon lost your interest, you rolled over to face him, the warmth of his large belly being more available to you completely now as your arms found their way around what you could reach, he mimicked you once again, holding you close to himself before rolling onto his back so you were resting on top of him, you shared a laugh at the situation, until he pulled you a little closer to him for a deep kiss, which you gladly returned. It was like this for a while, kissing, cuddling, the embrace you were sharing at this moment made you both melt, he enjoyed every second of it. Enjoying his time off with you, long days feel a lot shorter when he was with you and vise versa.
When you finally pulled away from each other he gave you a comforting smile, caressing your cheek sweetly, staring into your eyes with his beautiful golden ones
"I love you Tai.." You mumbled, leaning into his hand with a smile "I love you so much.."
"I love you too gummy bear.." He gave you one last kiss before snuggling you close to him, his hand rubbing up and down your back as you closed your eyes, enjoying the warmth of his fat, his love, and his cuddles.
This was short- but I had to get it out and I hope you all enjoy it! o(〃^▽^〃)o
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neon-wisp0831 · 4 years
I'd like to thank the holy Father for blessing me with color in my skin. And I pray to live to see another, more better beautiful years ahead. 🙏
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