neoegoistleague · 5 days
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tabito karasu x gn! reader
you're watching the sunset with him. your boyfriend, tabito karasu. he has his cheek pressed against your shoulder, hugging you from behind, patiently hearing you ramble on and on about your day. he loved your voice, after all; every single bone in his body went weak the minute the melodious octaves your voice. he loved it so much.
you guys surprisingly booked an air bnb in a suite in okinawa. with no otoya, no intrusive friends... it was calming. a tranquil time that you both needed for the better of your relationship. in the rate it was going at, you both would've broken up due to how annoying your friends were at times.
"this feels relaxing," you say softly, and he kisses your cheek. his hands rub up and down your sides, and he gives you a smile he hadn't given since otoya started getting involved with karasu's love life with you.
"it does, doesn't it? can't everyday just be this way?" he replies, and he lies you down on the grass, making you yelp in surprise before hugging you, with his weight on yours. you sigh, and you stroke his hair lovingly.
"i love you. but you didn't have to choose this suite in okinawa, of all places."
"love you too, babe, and the suite was NEEDED."
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neoegoistleague · 9 days
Nagi - Catchup!! - [BLLK X READER SCENARIOS]
Staring: Nagi x f!reader
[ BLLK Scenario Masterlist ]
TW: heavy ooc, bad grammar, bad spelling, bad formatting, cringe, scuff, etc.
>First Encounters 
Nagi is playing online games 24/7, but never really made friends there. It’s not like he had much of a reason too, most players he’d only play with once in his life. Until a while ago. This user, [user] was in every 3 games he played, every time he played Mario Party, they were there. Even across other games! Tetris, honkai, pjsk, etc!
It was probably mainly because he was playing Local everytime- but Nagi was very interested in this user
He was world hopping in Genshin once, and just happened to join [user]’s world
Nagi immediately recognized the gamertag, and sent a message, 
[Ch0k1] “Are you [user]? I keep seeing you in all my games”
[user] “OH IT’S YOU” “CH0K1 right? Yea ur everywhere LOL”
[CH0k1] “Mhm, didn’t think i’d find someone who plays so many of the games i do
You guys kept the convo going as he played with you, asking him about random things, game recommendations, manga he likes, literally anything
This was the first friend Nagi made on his own, he was actually pretty excited to talk to someone
Eventually you had to go, so you logged off as Nagi played a bit more. But it didn’t feel the same without you, so he hopped off soon after.
It was funny, you two would hop on around the same time everyday, play for a while together, and maybe switch games once in a while.
After some time, he asked for your discord, since you two played so often together anyway. He hadn’t heard your voice at all, and he wanted to at least know you before he could admit to crushing tolerating you
He got your username and added you quickly. You both sent the wumpus wave emoji and friended each other
“Wait, one mutual friend?” Nagi looked at the tab and clicked it, was there someone you both knew??
Mutual Friends - 1 -> Reo 💸💸
Nagi took a stared at it for a moment in confusion before messaging Reo, 
You Reo, do yk @[user]?
$$ Reo $$ Yea she’s in our math class??  Doesn’t she sit right beside you?
Nagi was shocked, there was no way… RIGHT??? He trusted Reo though, and maybe he could meet you
You Ur friends w/her right? Can i meet her?
$$ Reo $$ I mean but you don’t have to ask me lol She’s pretty chill Wait how do you know her-?? (seen) NAGI??? (seen)
>Second Encounters
Reo did in fact mange to hook you two up, but he was curious about what was going on between you two, so he invited the both of you to his place on a random weekend.
You got there and he welcomed you in, you’ve gone over a few times so you were pretty comfortable. 
“You said you wanted me to meet your friend right?” you asked him “tbh i didn’t know you had friends besides Nagi…” you took a sip of some champagne
“Wowww [Y/N], thanks.” he scoffed, pouring you another glass “Actually, it is him I want you to meet, but there’s something special.” 
You looked up at him, confused “Huh? Special?? Also- he sits beside me in math- i don’t understand why you well the need to throw a whole get together” 
“Eh, just get lonely, that’s all. Anyway, he’s running late again…”
You guys made some small talk as you waited, and luckily, he wasn’t too late
“Hey Reo, sorry I’m late..” he walked through the doors with a lazy wave
Then his eyes met yours, and he stopped “Oh, hey [Y/N]...” Nagi gave a small nod.
“Oh uh- yea! Hey Nagi!” you gave an awkward wave back, “I wasn’t aware you knew my name…” you joked, he was usually asleep in class anyway
He stayed silent and nodded again, still standing
Reo didn’t say anything for a few seconds before interrupting “He learnt it this week, and memorized it.” 
Nagi glared at Reo, 
“That wasn’t in the plan >:(“
“Yea but the plan was u make a move and u ain’t doing sh1t >:P”
Nagi sighed “So- you’re [user], right?”
That caught you offguard, he called you by your online username, “Yea that’s me… Do I know you???”
He hesitated for a second, “... So… I’m Ch0K1…”
It took you a few seconds, but you audibly gasped when you got it
Reo was just there, shaking his head :’3
>Birthday Gifts from him
Nagi really wouldn’t know much about gift giving, so he’d ask Reo. But Reo doesn’t know much about it their, and just told him to give you a fat stack of money
Nagi thought that was kinda boring (+ he couldn’t afford it), so he just wandered the mall, buying whatever he thought you’d like
He ended up with 2 bags of your favourite Sanrio character in plush form. He may’ve overdone it….
“Reo… can you come pick me up? I don’t think I can carry all these…”
“... Nagi- how much did you buy???”
Reo went to go pick him up nonetheless, and he was understandably shocked by how much Nagi had.
“Don’t you think this is a bit overkill…? Just how many plushies do you have???”
Nagi just shrugged, “Dunno. Will they fit in the back?”
“... I’m gonna call another car over-”
With the help of Reo, Nagi got all the gifts over to your house, and into your living room
He didn’t bother setting up any decorations, he just threw all the plushies on the floor, and flopped on them, waiting for you to come home
Reo silently laughed, before getting on his way, just as you got back
“Supriseeee…” Nagi said, doing little motions with his hand with no particular energy 
He pulled you into the pile and clung on to you, “Happy birthday btw :x” 
Super duper lazy, leaves socks around the house all the time
Can’t cook either, will ask you to do it for him
It’s almost like he’s relying on you to live, “Can you make dinner please? Hey can you pick something up for me at the nintendo store? You’re going to the cafe right? Can you get me some lemon tea? Do you have the charger?” etc.
But as you two get closer, it turns into “Can I watch you make dinner? Wanna come with me to buy a game? Let’s go to the cafe today”, and he’ll send you photos of anything he sees outside if it reminds him of you
Nagi :x 
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Kinda looks like u
He doesn’t contribute much as a roomie, but he does pay his bills on time (he just tells u where the money is and tells u to get it)
He also has a plushie collection, he didn’t mean to start one, but he did somehow :x 
Will get jealous is you say hi to choki and not him (for those who don’t know, Choki is his pet cactus)
>Kiss an their cheek
He was shocketh, the kiss came out of nowhere
“I-.... :x
He was blushing, he was totally blushing
It took him a few minutes to decide what to say, “I didn’t quite get that, do it again.”
>Watching his game
Nagi was slacking during warmups, looking around to entertain himself
He saw a blur and squinted, “Is that…?”
You waved to him, and he waved back, smiling a bit
“Cmon Nagii, let’s go!” Reo pulled him towards the field
Nagi waited a second before averting his attention, “Hey Reo, give me all the balls, okay? I’ll score them all”
“Sure thing, Nagi!”
Nagi nodded, before turning back to the crowd to look for you again
“... Is this all for [Y/N]-??” Reo asked
After the game (they won ofc ;) Nagi was absolutely exhausted he’s never tried so hard in a game, he hoped you at least thought he looked cool, or it would’ve been such a waste
He could hardly keep himself up right when he found you after packing up, Nagi slumped on top of you, almost making you fall back
“We won.” he told you,
“Yes, I saw.” You couldn’t help but laugh a bit at his current
“I’m so cool right?”
“Yes, you looked very cool, good job Nagi.” you ruffled his hair, giving him light praise 
“Mmm” he buried his face in the crook of your neck, content with your compliments, “Let’s order some take-out tonight, i think the new Haikyuu movie’s out too, we can watch that.”
Despite having just won a game, Nagi was looking forward to lazing at home with you
>Tell them ur busy
(Nagi POV)
You are u busy rn?
[Y/N] NAGIIIIII Yea sorry i am ;w; Hangin w/a friend rn
You Is it a guy
[Y/N] … noooooo? (read)
He frowned at the screen for like 30 seconds, before rolling on his bed and just: “ :’x “
Would look back at the message every minute, just incase he read it wrong
Nagi still texted you every 30min, even though you told him you’re busy
Would ask so many question about who you were hanging with, “Are they better than me?” “Do you like them more than me?” “Can they carry you in genshin?” 
Wouldn’t stop bothering you, and demanded that you hop on w/him after
I’m sure you wouldn’t leave him hanging, would you?
>First date
Nagi invited you over to his house, was it because he was too lazy to go out? Partially- but he was also really lonely at home(in episode nagi he lives alone 😭).
He cleaned up the house(shoved everything into a closet) and bought some new games for you guys to try out :D Bought some popcorn, jello, and every snack that he knew you liked, even ones he think you would enjoy.
So it may seem that he didn’t put in much effort, but in reality, he was going out every second day to buy things.
Would it be easier if he just made a list? Yea. But that didn’t cross his mind til the 3th trip…
He didn’t mean to over prepare either, but he found himself setting up hours before you were supposed to come over. This resulted in him sitting around doing nothing for a while.
When you finally arrived, Nagi greeted you and helped you inside,
“Hey [Y/N], you’re here”
“Mhm, thanks for having me over, Nagi!”
He nodded as he put your bags down for you, angling his his face away from you so you wouldn’t see the light blush on his face
It just hit Nagi that you were the first girl in his house, or even remotely near him.
He sat down on his bed, and patted the space beside him, inviting you to sit down.
You were pretty close to him, not touching but still. Mentally he was fine, he didn’t feel stressed at all, but his heart was going 20x faster, and he genuinely couldn’t figure out why.
He grabbed you a controller, pulled out the snacks, and threw a blanket over the two of you, “What do you wanna play?” he asked, “I’ve got basically everything”
We’re gonna try a little interactive part here, select one! [Animal Crossing] [Mario Kart] [Genshin(2player)]
Animal Crossing
He showed you his little island, and it was a mess, but he had (somehow) successfully paid off all his debt to Tom Nook
“Yea, I used to play daily… Do you have an acc? Let me friend you”
He let you re-organize his island, showed you the museum, etc.
He made a mental note to get back into the game for you, but he’d never admit that
Mario Kart
Pick One(don’t look, AND ACTUALLY CHOSE ONE)! 
[Option Red] [Option Blue]
Option Red You play really well! Nagi was actually getting really into it, trying to beat you, and failing(much to his silent surprise) It was the first time he really concentrated on a game, and you and him were fighting for first, being well ahead of the other players. You won, and Nagi gave you a little “good job…” he was starting up the next game before giving himself a little smile, oh how lucky he was to find someone with the same hobbies
Option Blue Nagi was intentionally throwing, he chased behind you, staying in second place, and throwing bananas at anyone who came close. Did he lose his streak? Maybe, but seeing you smile(even if you knew what he was doing) was well worth it, even he smiled at the sight. If you knew, then you’d poke fun at him, and have a good laugh :3 “Lol thanks for the carry, Nagi” “...wdym? :x” 
Genshin(or HSR)(for the plot, this’ll be 2 player) Nagi would let you explore, or do your quests and trail behind you, killing any mobs, collecting loot, etc. Even though he wasn’t doing as much as he usually does, he was having much more fun. And he was totally looking more at you than the game. He’d catch himself staring, sigh to himself and go back to the game, just to go back to staring in a matter of time. Helps you finish all your quests, clears your Domains for you, will carry you through the game with no complaint.
He wouldn’t realise it, but playing with you made him really happy, like really really happy. 
“Hey, let’s order some take-out, what do you want?” He lazily leaned on you, pulling out his phone. 
You were still eating some of the snacks he provided, but leaned on his head to see his phone, “Hmm, ngl, think i could go for some [________]” 
“Yea, sounds good.” Nagi’s face flushed slightly at the contact, but he brushed it off
While waiting for the food, you two just lazed around with a show on in the background, talking about whatever came to mind.
Once the food came, you stood up to go get it, and Nagi immediately followed behind you, sticking close.
He watched you open up the box, and ate some himself, approving of your taste in food. 
You were about to take a bite, but then Nagi ate it off the fork instead, staring at you with a “ :x “ like he didn’t just fanum tax you(i’m so skibidi)
The rest of the day was chill, Nagi stayed close to you and turns out, he actually has amazing humor! Does that consist of “ur mom” jokes? Maybe - but don’t act like you don’t pull those either >:)
When it was time for you to leave, Nagi offered to walk you home, which was not in his original plan, but he insisted on it anyway. 
Please give him a hug before you go, he’ll be very happy, and may or may not stay up thinking about it :3 
>Sending Love Letters
Nagi highly doubted that anyone would like him, if anything, he was pretty sure most the girls hated him and were jealous that he got to be around Reo
Reo himself didn’t really care much for them, they came and went, not many stayed for long once they realized he wouldn’t give out money that easily
The only other constant friend Reo had was you. You and Reo used to hand out pretty often, until Nagi came along
Nagi was worried that you hated him, because anytime he entered the room, you’d leave quickly with a red face. Which was very unfortunate for him, since he had started to like you more and more.
For once he understood true jealousy, “why does she like Reo? Why doesn’t she like me? It’s so unfair….”
He refused to come to terms with the fact that he liked you though, thinking that you liked Reo.
Sometimes he’d just follow you around school without you noticing, listening to your voice, the things you said, the way you walked, talked, he was so jealous for every guy you talked to
He was tempted to just walk up to you and pin you down so you couldn’t run, but he figured that would just make you hate him more, and he didn’t want that.
So for now, he would just sit in the shadows, while you and Reo chatted like old pals
That’s why he was slightly shocked, but didn’t care much when he got a Love Letter
He was tempted to just ignore it, since there was no shot you were the sender. But he read it anyway, maybe out of desperation, maybe he was just bored.
“To Nagi Seshiro, I really want to get this off my chest, so I can have an actual reason to run away from you, but I really really like you. I’ve had a crush on you for the longest time, and everytime you were around I felt so embarrassed to I ran 😭 but yea, i just wanted to get this out so i could hide in peace ;w;   “
Nagi genuinely couldn’t believe it, he had to re-read the letter, it was the first time he smiled in like weeks 
In fact, he went to sleep with it under his pillow. He went to sleep SMILING
Oh the things you do to him
He totally forgot to text Reo about the first day, but he did mentioned it the next
Nagi finally felt comfortable to confess as well, but he didn’t want to scare you, so he too would make a letter
>Receiving Love Letters
If it were anyone else, he would’ve just ripped a corner of his notebook out, but for you, he ripped out a full page (It’s the thoughts that matters ;w;)
He wondered if he should use a sparkly gel pen, but decided against it in order to not look like a fool to you.
Nagi tried his best to make his handwriting somewhat legible, you could tell he was pressing hard on each letter
“Hey [Y/N], i rlly like u ♡ will u go out w/me? - Nagi :x “
He actually had a lot of thoughts running through his head, but it was too much a hassle to write it all out. He’ll tell you one day, surely 
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A/N: Nagi Catchup! Wasn't sure if i should've integrated his parts into the others, but decided against it and stuck w/my wattpad lines!
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neoegoistleague · 11 days
shopping spree | a short story ✧⁠*⁠。
chigiri hyoma x fem! reader
cw: none, just a kiss and pure fluff!
synopsis -> your shopping date with your boyfriend, chigiri, is really just an excuse for you to go on a shopping spree.
a/n: for the first anon who asked for a request <3
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oh, chigiri really should've accepted reo's offer of giving him three other black cards.
why? because you were too busy buying yourself some vivienne westwood, cartier, and ysl heels, jewelry, and purses.
chigiri just couldn't handle it. he had his own black card, gifted to him by manshine city for being one of their top strikers in the neo-egoist league, but with the amount you're buying... that black card might not be enough.
"hyo, baby! look at what i found!" you say excitedly, pointing to a floral shop. chigiri sighs, and he follows you to the flower shop. while others recognized chigiri, they all laughed internally at how whipped he was for you, his girl. it was adorable really, seeing someone usually stoic and blunt as chigiri being happy, comfortable, and a blushing mess around you.
you buy chigiri some red roses, which you asked to be the same color as his hair and eyes. unfortunately, there were no roses, so the florist gave you a bouquet of hybrid hibiscus flowers, with pink and red gradient petals.
you buy it with your own card this time, making chigiri a bit surprised. you were more of the frugal type when using your card; with your job and all, you only spend $50 on each shopping trip, which were rare for you.
"darling, you didn't have to buy it with your-" you shut him up by stuffing the bouquet up his face, practically forcing him to take it. he would've taken it either way, but... seeing you care so much for him that you went out of your budget to buy him something went straight to his chest. it was like the butterflies in his stomach were now at his heart, making it beat rapidly.
you drag him out of the flower shop and look at him. he looks into your eyes before kissing you, carrying you bridal style, your arms wrapped around his neck, his arms under your back and thighs, carrying your shopping bags... it was romantic to everyone who stared.
maybe the shopping trip wasn't so bad after all.
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neoegoistleague · 12 days
biggest fan - yoichi isagi
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paring: isagi x fem!reader
requested by: @shizulily
includes: headcanons
in which: [first name + last name] is a professional artistic gymnast, and met isagi at a highschool soccer game. now, they're married.
a/n: woohoo first headcanons request! im not sure if these are good so please forgive me 😓 i lowkey don't like the way i wrote this, im so sorry 😭
word count: 476
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how you met:
you two met at a high school soccer game, when your friend was congratulating the team her boyfriend was on and a boy came up to you
you two talked for a while then you asked his name and gave him yours. unfortunately, just each other’s last names
your friend dragged you off before you could get his number
years later, you’re waiting for your friend at a cafe for a double date which she set up for herself, her boyfriend, you and a mystery date
you’re about to leave when she walks in with her boyfriend, and another man
one you recognise. they sit down at your table, and apologise for being late
but your eyes are fixated on this man, and his are on you
after the awkward double date, your friend walks home with her boyfriend and the man offers to walk you home
“[last name], right?” he asks, and to his surprise, you nod. “isagi?” he nods in response
from that day on, you two hung out. but the lingering feeling was obvious, neither of you wanted to bring it up, though
lucky for you, your friend organised another double date right after one of your upcoming gymnastics competitions. and she invited isagi
you participate in the competition with your best performance, winning second
a bit down, you walk to where your friend, her now-fiance and your date were sitting
they congratulate you, and isagi asks to talk to you somewhere else
you agree, following him. “hey, [last name], i’ll make this quick so this can be an actual ‘double date’.”
confused, you let him continue. “i like you. i have, ever since that day in my high school soccer team.”
for a moment, it’s silent. then you start laughing. he’s confused but he laughs, too.
“nice to know the feeling’s mutual. wanna date?” you laugh, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek
his cheeks flush pink as he nods. “i wouldn’t object to marriage, even.” he half jokingly says.
well, y’know what they say. sometimes what you say really ends up happening
the two of you got married about a year later :)
after marriage/practices:
at your practices, he tries to come at least twice a week
he cheers you on and at every break, he hands you a your water bottle and rants about how cool you looked, and how well you did
after practices, he gives you gentle massages and you two have a movie night together
he doesn’t really understand gymnastics very much, but her tries his best!
if you have practice or a rehearsal/performance on a Friday night, he treats you to a spa day on the following Saturday
if you have a competition and don’t win first place, he does his best to reassure you that you did great, and he takes you out to a nice dinner after that
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taglist: open (send an ask if you'd like to be added! :D)
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likes, reblogs and comments are appreciated!! <3
© fishii-writes 2024
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neoegoistleague · 14 days
sparks - yoichi isagi
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paring: isagi x gn!reader
cw: not proofread, lovesick isagi, no pronouns used, just fluff <3
a/n: a little something for my mutual! while you wait for the royal!isagi fic :3
word count: 485
best paired with: love song by lana del rey <3
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“Come now, baby,” the sweet tone of Yoichi’s voice almost ushers you over to kneel beside him.
He carefully places the thin metal side between your thumb and index finger. He takes one as well, guiding both your hand and his own towards the small candle he had lit earlier. In the sand, the small flame twirls like crazy. The wind’s harsh on the little flame, but it’s not really too bad for you. It rushes through your open button down shirt, and combs through your hair like a brush. 
“Aaannnddd, now!” he lifts up your hand and his, slightly shuffling backwards to give your sparklers enough space to flourish. The fierce little sparks eagerly jump off of the lit part of the sparklers, illuminating the night atmosphere at the beach you two have a date night at.
Soft giggles escape your lips, as you wave your sparkler around. It's so pretty, you wish it would last forever. Yoichi can’t help but smile a little wider, seeing you so delighted by a simple spark on a stick. He lifts his sparkler up to near his face, calling you to look over. You do, still giggling.
“[name], and Yoichi. There, we’re set in the night sky together. In the stars,” he smiles, spelling out your name and his name with the nearly-burnt out sparkler. It finally dies down, so he tosses it into a small bucket of water near the candle. You do the same with yours when it finishes, then he hands you another one that’s lit.
“My turn!” you smile, spelling out Yoichi’s name and then a plus sign, then your name. Even though you did what he did, he stares at you with a lovesick smile. When his sparkler dies down, he throws it into the sand and takes your finished one, throwing it in too. He runs up to you, a short distance, then hugs you so tight that you both fall into the sand. He slightly lifts you from the sand, turning on his back carefully for you to be laying on top of him. 
It hurts a bit, but you can’t help laughing. And soon enough, your contagious laugh reaches him, it's not like he’s complaining, of course. You sit up, straddling his lap as he sits up halfway as well. For a moment, the stars seem to be shining almost brighter than your smile, and his gorgeous eyes are fighting the moon for the brightest in the night sky. 
He leans in, and you find yourself leaning in too. Slowly but surely, his hand makes its way to cup your cheek, and the other holds your waist. No hesitation whatsoever, he presses his lips to yours for a long, sweet kiss. Your hands find their way into his hair, gently tangling through his dark locks.
If sparklers got you this happy, he wouldn’t mind keeping that spark lit forever.
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taglist: @someprettyname + open (send an ask if you'd like to be added! :D)
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likes, reblogs and comments are appreciated!! <3
© fishii-writes 2024
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neoegoistleague · 14 days
discussions | a drabble ✧⁠*⁠。
tabito karasu x reader
cw: karasu's voice fetish, hugging, kissing, slightly suggestive
synopsis -> hearing you rant is his favorite part of the day...
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karasu has a voice fetish. but here's the thing; his voice fetish is catered to be turned on with your voice, and your voice only.
oh man, he loves it. every giggle, smile, laugh, sob... everything your voice can do mesmerizes him. it's why you always think he's a good listener. he just listens to you go on, and on, and on... and he's not listening to the content, he's listening to your voice. whenever you ask him to catch up, he'd say "oh... my bad, baby, your voice is too gorgeous for me to focus."
the compliment may be overused, but you don't care. it gives you a shiver down your spine and a blush covering your cheeks everytime.
so don't expect him to listen to your problems. expect him to listen to your voice, and see how he gets enraptured and practically hypnotized by the way you speak; so much so that he'd interrupt you with a kiss, just to show how much he loves you.
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neoegoistleague · 14 days
"only you, darling, only you babe" | a fic ~.*☆
isagi yoichi x fem! reader
synopsis -> isagi proposes to you while playing for the national team
tw: aged up! isagi and reader, possibly inaccurate future of isagi's time playing soccer, slightly ooc(?), implied hickeys and kisses
a/n: MY BABY BOY <33 i love him sm i just NEEDED to write this story. also, it's best to listen to the song 'dark red' by steve lacy to help settle the mood.
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oh man, isagi yoichi was the best boyfriend in the world.
you both were a perfect pairing; a girl who had never been treated right, and a man- an angelic man, you must say, sent from the heavens, willing to be patient with you and help you love him.
and boy, you loved him alright.
every monday, whenever he came back from training for japan's national team, he would see you sitting at the dining table, patiently waiting for him to come eat dinner with you. in a way, he'd feel pity for making you wait so long, but he felt so grateful, seeing you show small bursts of affection every once in a while, like a cute little cat.
every friday, after his training, which they had prolonged by an extra hour, he would see you, fast asleep on your guys' three seater couch, body clinging onto a pillow in the same way you'd cling onto him whenever you slept with him. he would stare at your gorgeous body, his fingers trailing through your clothes gently, and his eyes would meet your lips, giving a gentle kiss that wouldn't wake you up.
every weekend, he would casually show you off to the heaps of people recording him and following him around. he despised the paparazzi though. but only because you hated them. during times he felt like bragging about you, he would carry you bridal style, his fingers gently rubbing your thighs, and he'd kiss you right in front of the camera. next thing you know, there are already tabloids about your guys' relationship.
with every single second, minute, hour, day, week, month, and the past 5 years you have known this man, how does he get more and more perfect all the time!?
you never left him. you never had the plan to. he had already discussed marriage with you, and you happily agreed that you'd both make a terrific husband and wife. you just never thought that conversation was 3 months old now.
now, the nostalgia of your five years with him going through your head... it was all because he proposed to you in the middle of the soccer field.
he just finished playing against germany's national team, where his former teammate, michael kaiser, from bastard münchen, saw the little rectangular bulge from isagi's shorts pockets. michael never knew what it was. he had tried to ask your beloved earlier, but isagi just replied with a "none of your business, you twat," and left it at that.
but now, michael saw and understood. despite being isagi's rival, hating him in and out of the field back when they were teens, seeing 25-year-old isagi propose to a 24-year-old (y/n) while he was 27 gave a warm fuzz in his heart. michael was... proud.
when you stare at the ring, looking at michael's reaction, isagi's teammates' reaction, and the man proposing to you himself, you start crying. you get some strands of hair out of your face, not wanting it to touch your glossy lips. you keep crying, and you choke out a 'yes' and a small nod with it too.
isagi stares at you, tears pricking the corner of his eyes, hearing you reply to his proposal. his eyes widen, and he stands up and hugs you, lifting you up in the process. you cry into isagi's shoulder, his arms tightly wrapped around you like a cozy bear. his teammates cheer for him, with even the stoic rin itoshi, who was also isagi's former rival from the team pxg, had a slight smile on his face. a smile of pride.
isagi kisses your lips, catching them in a soft yet passionate kiss. you both could hear the fans screaming, waving their japanese flags and posters of isagi that they made to support him. but the way his hand held yours, the way he slipped the golden and emerald ring onto your finger like your fingers were that of a porcelain doll... that drowned out the noise.
and it made you fall in love with him all over again.
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@waffledforbreakfast, @reapkusho, @fishii28, @beneathsakurashade
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neoegoistleague · 14 days
Could you do a oneshot/headcanon of Karasu, Hiori, and Otoya with a mute girlfriend/crush, like maybe they go out of their way to learn sign language for her?
(If there are certain characters you don't write for in this request, don't feel pressured to write for them <3)
u want it ? u got it.
sorry it took me so long , i know i haven't written in sooo long it was really tough to gather my thoughts.
i sincerely appologize if my headcannon are not realistic in terms of uhh you know , being mute ? and i'll try my best and thank you for your time and remember that whatever you think flaws you makes you special<3
(This has been in my drafts for 3 months omg although it's so short...)
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some blue lock boys w a mute reader
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characters : Karasu Tabito , Hiori Yo , Otoya eita
@sl-vega what is it with you and these 3?
Karasu Tabito :
im not really that deep into his character but i think he'd be quite interested in learning sign language to show his dedication to you.
of course , it takes time and patience. And he's willing to have that for your sake , and so he can help you communicate with others , and you feel really flattered by it. he's taking online classes , he's watching videos about it.
it starts appearing on his fyp constantly and you'd see him trying out the word/sentence it'd be so cute.
i believe that during the process of his learning he'd give you a small notebook so you write your answers during you convo (duh) and he'd help you up with any activitey that needs talking.
He'd encourage you to share your ideas , whether w sign language or writing because he wants to make sure you feel like a normal person who is able to express themselves normally.
trying to order some food ? he memorises your favourites , with detail. someone messed your order (let's imagine you just pointed at the option and that he wasn't there) i feel like he'd be ready to throw hands.
"Excuse me she asked for NO PICKLES"
I think it'd be really lovely to see him make an effort into becoming your personal translator to have an excuse to be at your side at all time❤️❤️
Side plate : i think you'd watch him sometimes when he practices and you clap for him from the sidelines , and it boosts his ego and melts his heart. And if you know how to play you'd have some frequent football sessions togsther 🫶🫶
Hyori Yo :
Alright let's see , the cutie patootie (looks are decieving this mf is a sadist ahem) is quite attentive to your situation.
First of all he does NOT hesitate to start learning sign language , he has too much time to spare so he spends it trying to learn how to communicate with you , no matter the way.
So im picturing this , videocalling you to have some convos as he tells you about his day and asks you tell him back and he tries to understand as a form of practice.
And at the same time he voices out his stuggles about his learning process and shows you what he learned so far.💙💙🤏
I believe sometime he'd invite you over so he introduces you to football if you're interesyed in learning , telling you the rules , showing you some famous matches and players and events..etc
Or if you already know or a footballer you'd have some conversations about diffeent opinions in football so you get to express youself comfortably about a topic you enjoy.
Again , would encourage you (if comfy) to voice out your opinions and thoughts in any way to make sure you always feel heard.
Otoya Eita :
Well....i would say , at first , when you're not really close i don't think he'd pay any attention to it and he would be slightly irritated when you try to say something in sign language or by gesture and he doesn't understand (sorry if ooc)
He'd treat you like any other side girl he had , but slowly and over time , he'd grow interested in you and how you talk. If you guys grow closer , he would probably get out of his way to try and learn sign language for your sake and try to understand you a little further.
And let me tell you , it's one hell of a slow burn
But eventually , if you're really important to him , if you're diffrent , he's willing to give it some extra effort so he can listen to you ramble with that adorable smile on your face.
I feel like i mischaractarized them so bad omg im so sorry everyone....
Anyway , thank you so much for reading and feel free to submit any request
But again , i appologise for taking so long to do requests :'( im trying my best with writer's block although im free pretty much all the time.
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neoegoistleague · 14 days
⚽ // WELCOMING NEW STRIKERS...welcome the accepted applicants and the latest members of the neo egoist league!
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✧ nessa ll she/her ll @latay7
✦ fishii ll any pronouns ll @fishii-writes
✧ shrii ll she/her ll @shrii-kk
- admin anri 🍓 & admin reo 🧇
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neoegoistleague · 15 days
Applications are Closed!
Thank you to everyone who applied, excepted applications will be announced Sep 5! Stay tuned~
The next application period will be out later, follow for updates :D
Looking forward to officially welcoming our new members!
- 🧇 admin reo
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neoegoistleague · 16 days
we just wanted to bring to everyone's attention that applications will be closing on SEPTEMBER 3RD so if you have any lady minute forms to fill out or fics to publish, please so so before the deadline
- 🍓 admin anri
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neoegoistleague · 18 days
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ఌ︎. [WAITER!] Itoshi Sae x [GN!] Reader ఌ︎.
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ఌ︎. waiter! sae who you're immediately taken with the second he brings you and your friends to your table
ఌ︎. waiter! sae who unknowingly occupies your entire head space for the following week because he made an off-handed comment saying you were pretty
ఌ︎. waiter! sae who you make so many excuses to see again by dragging your friends to his workplace just for a few glances of him
ఌ︎. waiter! sae who subconsciously pays extra special attention to you whenever you order
ఌ︎. waiter! sae who memorizes your usual order without realizing how much you entrance him
ఌ︎. waiter! sae who shamelessly flirts with you without realizing the affect he has whenever he nonchalantly drops a compliment
ఌ︎. waiter! sae who insists he serves you whenever he sees you walk into the restaurant
ఌ︎. waiter! sae who gets surprisingly jealous whenever you come in with another guy, not that he'd ever admit it
ఌ︎. waiter! sae who insists to his co-workers that he doesn't have feelings for you, even though it's very apparent that he does
ఌ︎. waiter! sae who gets uncharacteristically giddy whenever you leave him a generous tip
ఌ︎. waiter! sae who confesses to you by leaving you a note in one of your to-go orders cuz of his co-workers' prompting
ఌ︎. waiter! sae who knows that your relationship is something straight out of a sweet rom-com
ఌ︎. waiter! sae who's ridiculously in love with you, before and after he finally asks you out
ఌ︎. waiter! sae who waits on your every need, in and out of his work
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neoegoistleague · 18 days
✧It's a Date Then✧
Pairing: Itoshi Rin x Reader
Genre: fluff
Synopsis: Just Rin trying to ask his crush out last minute
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The moment the bell rang, Rin sprang from his desk, grabbed his backpack, and burst into a sprint.
Fifteen minutes. He needed to leave for the game in fifteen minutes. That meant he had exactly fifteen minutes—well, more like ten, since he still needed to get his stuff from his locker—to find you, and ask you to the Spring Formal.
Of course I had to leave this for the last minute, he groaned silently, rushing through the hallway. The Spring Formal was tomorrow night. And he’d had so many chances to ask you. The assembly earlier this week where the two of you ended up sitting next to each other (and where your hands brushed his!). That time he saw you at a home game. All of those moments where he stole glances at you in the lunchroom or passed by you in the halls.
But each and every time, he could never seem to tell you
Rin wasn’t dense. He knew what people thought of him. He knew that he was always being compared to his oh-so-perfect older brother.
You, though… everyone adored you.
Not in the way where you were hot enough to get away with being obnoxious or some shit. People liked you because you were nice, kind, and selfless. You took his breath away sometimes. He thought you were incredible.
What am I even doing? He thought. There were probably loads of guys lining up to ask you out. Plus he didn’t even like dances, so what reason would you have to choose him?
He considered backing out, as he slowed himself down. If you said no, it would’ve been a waste of time trying to track you down. No, he told himself. He wasn’t quitting now. So what if you said no? He had the game to distract him later.
But God, if you said yes he thought. He’d finally have a chance with you. All those times where he's caught himself staring at you, all those times where he’d be grinning like an idiot when he thought about your smile… Maybe something could actually come from all that.
Rin picked up the pace again as he ran to your classroom, hoping that maybe you stayed back to help with cleanup, knowing you, you probably did. 
When he ran into the classroom, he didn’t see you, rather, he saw someone else.
“Hey Rin, looking for someone?”
Of course Isagi of all people had to be in here. But for you, he could resist wanting to wipe that smug-ass look off his face for now.
Of course Isagi knew what Rin thought of you, it was pretty easy to notice his ever-stoic teammate blushing and tripping over his words around you.
Snapping him out of his thoughts, Isagi said “She’s outside, she asked me if I knew where you’d be, she’s waiting for you by the bus.”
Rin was silent for a second, considering how to react.
“What was that?~”
“Shut up.”
Rin dashed out of the door rushing outside. When he got to the parking lot, he saw you. You were clearly looking for someone. At some point you stopped pacing around, you looked dejected, it was clear the person you were looking for wasn’t in there. He saw you turn around and when the two of you made eye contact, your face lit up. 
God you were so cute. He could’ve sworn his heart almost gave up on him.
“Hey Rin!” 
You smiled at him, beaming.
It was now or never
“H-hey” Fuck, of course he stuttered
“There’s something I want to ask you” the two of you said at the same time.
Rin turned bright red, and you giggled.
“You first,” you said with a chuckle.
He breathed in and out. God I probably look really pathetic right now he thought.
“So the Spring Formal is tomorrow, and I was wondering if you’d want to go with me?” he sped up the last bit, he felt his voice getting higher as he asked you the question.
You smiled. 
“Of course I’ll go with you Rin.”
He had to resist pumping his fist then and there, he already made a total fool of himself.
“So it’s a date then?” you asked.
“Totally” Rin responded, trying to sound casual. He heard your phone buzz. 
“Sorry I need to get going” you said as you looked down at your phone. Rin could’ve sworn he heard some disappointment in your voice. It gave him a small bit of hope that you felt the same way.
Before you turned around to leave, you gently pecked his cheek. “Good luck with your game by the way.” you said, with your face slightly flushed. You waved goodbye as you walked away.
It took him a second to register what happened. Then, it hit him. First of all, his crush agreed to go to the dance with him, second of all you kissed him. 
A date huh?
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neoegoistleague · 19 days
"Come Over He's Gone" - PRANK [SMAU]
Staring: Rin, Shidou, Saee niko, kaiser, ness, otoya, karasu, reo, isagi, charles
[ BLLK Scenario Masterlist ]
TW: swearing suggestive comments, suic1de jokes, heavy ooc, bad grammar, bad spelling, bad formatting, cringe, scuff, etc.
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A/N: Thoughts? maybe i should've put all the images together so you can scroll through them... lemme know if you'd like that!
I wanna try more smaus in the future, so im playing around with different applications, so lemme know what u think of this style! (insta)
I don't usally get much engagement(comments/asks/etc.) over here on tumblr, so im not expecting much, but lemme know if u have any strong opinions!
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neoegoistleague · 19 days
pairings: Itoshi Sae, Itoshi Rin, x [FEM!] Reader
genre: fluff, oneshot(s), drabble/imagines, established relationship (for some), implied angst if you squint (?), first love, post-u 20 arc, canon compliant
synopsis: in which their friends stumble across photos of you, their first, and only love
CW/additional tags: mild language, potententially ooc, Google translated Spanish in sae's part, English = Japanese in this, might make more scenarios with other characters if people request it
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Sae was slumped across the cushions of his couch as Shidou rummaged through some of his storage boxes.
The other boy had been rather insistent on coming over to his new appartement, and helping him properly move all his stuff into his new living space.
"So does this mean I can finally move in with you?~"
"Keep dreaming."
Shidou pouted, giving Sae uncharacteristically begging eyes, almost like a sad lost puppy, naturally he didn't fall for this and settled for returning his pathetic look with his signature cold glare.
He simply gave him a sickeningly sweet smile in return, and continued taking objects out of the boxes, among the possessions were a lamp, a few photo frames, and an album.
Ryusei's eyes widened in surprise as his eyes came into contact with the book.
"Oh, what do we have here?"
Shidou said with a slight lilt in his voice clearly intrigued. Sae lifted his head from his phone to see what Shidou was doing, surely if something of his managed to pique the interest of Shidou's filthy mind, it would probably be in his best interests to throw it out-
Is what Sae would've said before he spotted the photo album in the taller boy's hands, Shidou fingers gingerly opening the front cover.
Sae reacted before he could even think.
"Put it down."
His voice is cold and sharp, not threatening, more defensive-scared almost, if he was even capable of fear that is.
Shidou's eyes widened momentarily at Sae's reaction before his face shifted back to his usual shit eating grin.
"Why Itoshi? Got some dirty photos you don't want me seeing? I promise I won't tell y'know."
Sae rolled his eyes and grabbed the album out of the blonde's hands.
"They aren't dirty, for your information."
He paused, as he looked at the cover of the book, dust was collecting on it, and there were a few marker stains that he couldn't get off.
"I'd just rather forget about them..."
He muttered, as he gently stroked the spine of the book with his thumb.
"Why'd you keep it then? You seem awfully attached to it."
Shidou's voice dropped lower and took a momentarily more serious tone before switching back to his flamboyant and teasing demeanor.
"I'm kinda jealous of it~."
Sae rolled his eyes, more playfully this time. He opened the book-making a point to hide the rest of the pages from Shidou's view-and took out a single photograph and handed it to him.
It was a photo of Sae and you. He didn't talk about you much, but he maybe he should change that.
"You clearly won't stop bothering me about it."
He waved the piece of paper before Shidou prompty snatched it and eyed it carefully, his eyes widening.
It was a photo of the two of you by some beach in Spain, hands interlocked, and a rare smile on a younger Sae's face. You were wearing a white sundress with a hat as you ran across the shoreline, taking Sae right along with you as the two of you stumbled across the sand together.
He remembered that day crystal clear, you brought a Polaroid camera with you and you got one of the locals to take the photograph for you. You had forced him to take a break from constant training, and before he knew it. He was far from Madrid in that moment, just you, him, and the ocean.
Shidou's eyes flickered with a brief moment of sincerity, Sae looked genuinely happy in the photo.
"And here I thought I actually had a chance with you."
Sae blushed, yet another look that Shidou wasn't used to seeing on him.
"We aren't-She wasn't-"
He stuttered, unable to express the nature of his relationship with you. Sure he had thoughts, but he never acted on them, which he regretted.
"Aww, so Mr. Itoshi Sae had an unrequited crush back in Spain? How tragic."
Shidou teased as he fidgeted with the sides of the photograph still in his hand.
"It wasn't unrequited."
Sae replied, quicker than he should have.
Shidou quirked a brow in response.
"Care to elaborate?"
Sae sighed, memories of you flooding back into his brain. Repressed feelings that he had long since left for time to slowly erode, yet a single reminder brought them all back.
"We... ran into each other a lot back when I was still in Spain."
He trailed off, recalling when you first interacted.
Sae was around fifteen when he first met you, he was at a cafe in the city, when he was on an annoyingly mandated week long break, issued by the heads of Real Madrid themselves. It just happened to align with the holiday of your school, and the cafe was a pretty popular spot among the locals. It was crowded, with students and several other adults given the day off. From what Sae remembered, you didn't come with the intention of being with a friend, but rather to spend time alone, it was rather difficult though with how many people were currently in the cafe. So before he knew it, a stranger-albeit a very pretty one-had sat right next to him, drink in hand. You only realized you were sitting next to him after you had actually made yourself uncomfortable. "Oh, lo siento, ¿está bien si me siento aquí? Hay mucha gente aquí…" You seemed to have muttered a quick apology in Spanish, while he had lived here for the past two years, he was ashamed to admit that his fluency in this country's native tongue was rather rusty. He had mainly prioritized learning all the needed terminology for soccer and for any interviews, but he could tell that you were apologizing, and probably asked him if you could sit with him. He tried to muster together a coherent response "Está bien... no me importa...?" He trailed off, unsure if what he said was right, or if you could even understand him with his heavy Japanese accent. Your eyes blinked in surprise, maybe he completely butchered that without knowing. Then your eyes widened in surprise for a moment, almost as if you just pieced together something about him. "Ay dios mio! You're Itoshi Sae! I knew you looked familiar!" You responded, in Japanese this time, almost as if it was second nature to you. "You speak Japanese?" It was more of a statement rather than a question, he sounded impressed, it had been a long time since he's actually been able to converse with someone else in his own language. You nodded, eyes sparkling, still clearly hung up on his identity. "I took some classes online, sorry if I'm hard to understand." You weren't hard to understand at all, sure, it was tinged with a slight accent, but if anything that just added to your charm. "I'm (Y/N), huge fan." You extended your hand to him, a bright smile adorning your already beautiful face. He took your hand and shook it. "Sae." He responded, his usual nonchalant tone fading. "You already know that though..." Was he blushing? You giggled at his sudden bashfulness, your laughter was a sweet melodic sound, it was almost embarrassing of how much it affected him. "You know, I'd thought you'd be a lot colder in person, you're actually really sweet huh?" You laughed once more, and this time, Sae actually cracked a grin.
Sae finished his story to Shidou, his friend had listened intently.
"Aww, so you were whipped from the start?~"
Shidou teased, smirking at him.
"Care to share more? I'd love to learn more
He asked, a slightly playful lilt to his voice.
"If you score another hat trick next time I might just tell you."
Sae responded, his playful tone contrasting his nonchalant demeanor. Shidou smirked, clearly pleased by the offer.
"And will you let me move in?~"
Sae smiled, gentle and hidden. Maybe it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. After all, it would give him an excuse to talk about you once more.
"If you score another hat trick next time I might just tell you."
Shidou smirked, clearly pleased by the offer.
"And will you let me move in?~"
Sae smiled, gentle and hidden. Maybe it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. After all, it would give him an excuse to talk about you once more.
BONUS; TRANSLATIONS (potentially inaccurate)
"Oh, lo siento, ¿está bien si me siento aquí? Hay mucha gente aquí…"
╰┈➤ "Oh, I'm sorry, is it okay if I sit with you? It's super crowded in here..."
"Está bien... no me importa...?"
╰┈➤ "It's okay...I don't mind..?
"Ay dios mio!
╰┈➤ "Oh my God!"
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"Bachira! I swear to God if Rin kills us because of this-"
"Lighten up Isagi! He's not gonna catch us."
It was a miracle that Rin had already agreed to Isagi and Bachira coming over to his place, though it was more because his mom was constantly nagging him about "needing more friends" or "being more social with the rest of the boys from Blue Lock"
Of course Bachira took this as an opportunity to snoop around Rin's room.
"If we find anything too private, we'll just put it right back and pretend we never saw it, simple as that."
Isagi sighed, bemoaning their current actions against their teammate's own personal life.
"You make it sound like Rin of all people would actually have something incriminating to hide."
Bachira shot him an unimpressed look.
"Are we talking about the same Rin? I'm like 90% sure the guy has some kind of criminal record, I wouldn't be surprised if he had a dead body hiding around in here somewhere..."
He continued looking around the room, glancing at crooks and small gaps in-between shelves as if some hidden treasure was stuck in them.
"Bachira you aren't going to find anything-"
Isagi was promptly cut off by Bachira, who in fact, found something.
A photograph taped to the side of Rin's closet, it seemed a little old, and dusty, but it looked well taken care of.
"Rin never striked me as the sentimental type..."
Bachira flipped the photo back and fourth in his hands before actually focusing on what the picture itself was holding.
Of course before he could actually view the photo himself, it was quickly snatched from him.
Rin was back, and he gave Bachira his signature cold glare, that probably translated into "One more wrong move and I'm throwing you off a cliff in your fucking sleep." or some worse same intentioned threat that Rin would probably use.
"What were the two of you doing?"
Rin asked in a condescending, accusing tone, and rightfully so.
"Rin, we're sorry-"
Isagi was about to apologize, but then Bachira fell to the floor, gripped the younger Itoshi's leg and wailed out a far more incoherent apology than his friend.
"I'm sorry Rin-chan! I promise I won't do it again!"
He was wailing at this point, a string of even more whiny apologies coming from him.
Rin shook Bachira off his leg and sighed.
"It's fine..."
He murmured as he trailed off, his attention completely stolen by the photograph he had just took back.
It was a picture of the two of you at the beach, he was around fourteen in this photo, it probably took place during the final months of his last year at middle school. The two of you had gone on a stroll by the ocean earlier before finding a resting spot nearby. You had pulled out a camera out of nowhere and snapped the photo almost without Rin notcing. You were flashing a big smile at the camera, while Rin's face was nuzzled into your neck, clearly camera shy. If you looked closely however, you could spot the blush slowly creeping up his cheeks.
Without noticing, Bachira had gotten a little too close for Rin's comfort. The older boy's head rested on his shoulder as he ogled the picture alongside him.
"Is she your girlfriend or somethin'?"
Rin shoved Bachira off his shoulder, the other boy laughed as he stumbled away.
"Shut up... she's just a friend."
"I dunno, the two of you look awfully cozy in that photo~"
If only you saw the others...
Rin had held on to the photo for longer than he would like to admit, the two of you hadn't talked for a while, especially after graduation.
But now that his annoying lukewarm teammates had decided to scour around his room for no reason, Rin was met with a wave of memories.
All of which were about you.
The most prominent memory he had of you was the day of middle school graduation.
The cherry blossoms were in bloom, and the third years were about to assemble in the auditorium for the farewell ceremony. Several of Rin's classmates were gushing about graduation, and how they would miss each other, some were already planning methods of communication after moving on to high school. Another hot topic of conversation among his classmates (mainly the girls) was the topic of button giving. In Japan, a guy giving the second button of his uniform to a girl on the day of graduation was essentially a love confession, Rin thought that the tradition was rather stupid. For one thing, he had no time for romance when he was trying to become the best in the world, nor did he have any interest in the subject. Or as he would say 'everyone here is way too lukewarm for my tastes' Well, that's what he would have said if he wasn't so preoccupied with you, but here he was, just outside of the auditorium, fidgeting with his uniform trying to get a button off. Normally the girl would have to ask the guy for the button, but Rin was never one for tradition-then again he was already going along with this stupid love confession so there was a first time for everything-and it didn't look like you were going to talk to him anytime soon, you were constantly hanging around with your friends for most of the day, so he never found the right time. So he didn't know what came over him when he dragged you aside in some secluded area of the courtyard, all his courage had been used up in that very moment because of that moment, he had been reduced to a blushing and bashful mess. "What did you need me for RIn?" You asked with curious doe eyes, clearly oblivious to the fact that there was a button missing from his uniform. Rin gave you a blank stare for a few minutes, taking in your appearance. Your hair was adorned with several hair pins, all engraved with special patterns and decorated with pretty charms. You were wearing make up today, not super noticeable, but noticeable enough for it to enhance your natural beauty. "Rin?" You called his name, snapping him out of his thoughts. Oh right, he was supposed to give you the buttton "Can I have your hand for a second..?" He asked bashfully, you extended your hand to his, this time, you were blushing as well. You muttered a quick 'sure' as you avoided eye contact with him. He gently dropped the button into your hands. "I-I wanted you to have this." This time, Rin was looking directly into your eyes, the same cold teal that always seemed to have no light behind them, but this time, they were filled with warmth and sincerity. The two of you stood in silence for a few more moments, before you heard the teachers calling you and the rest of the third years over for the ceremony. As Rin walked into the auditorium with the rest of his classmates, one of his teammates from the soccer team leaned down and whispered something in his ear. "So who's the lucky lady Itoshi?" He turned to his friend, noticing that his button was missing too. Rin simply shrugged, feigning nonchalance and muttered; "Wouldn't you like to know?" That graduation photo captured a very rare smile from him.
Bachira accidentally knocking something over promptly snapped Rin out of his nostalgia.
"Oh my God you're actually smiling in this photo?!"
Bachira waved Rin's middle school grad photo in his face, clearly shocked by the notion that the younger Itoshi could actually feel happiness.
Suddenly, Rin's mother came into his room.
"I know, it's one of the few photos I have of him that actually feature him smiling."
She sighed.
"Anyways, I just made dinner in case you boys are hungry."
Mrs. Itoshi smiled at the boys.
"And maybe you could tell them all about (Y/N) hm?"
Rin's face grew very hot all of a sudden.
God, he was in for it now...
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neoegoistleague · 19 days
Pairing: Michael Kaiser x [FEM!] Reader
Genre: professional figure skater au, rivals to lovers (?), can be platonic if you squint, oneshot/drabble
Synopsis: In which you're stuck sharing the rink with your insufferable rival.
CW: swearing, ooc kaiser (?)
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You laced up your skates and stepped into the rink, the cold frigid air was a familiar feeling to you. You glided across the ice, the sound of your skates was music to your ears.
"Oh, it's you."
You heard a voice that was all too familiar to you. A sound that was worse than nails on a chalkboard. You turned around to see a young man step into the rink.
He smiled, sickening and fake. "What are you doing here?" You asked with disgust. Your manager rented it for you, and you alone. Didn't she?
"It's a public rink, schatz." He explained, using the pet name he always opted for whenever he wanted to get under your skin.
"We just happened to schedule at the same time and some fools didn't tell you that it was already booked." He gestured to the exit of the rink.
"So if you'd just make your way out, I'd be ever so grateful." He smirked skating right by you.
You could've left, in all honesty you should've left. But leaving would be admitting defeat to Kaiser, and to you, that was a fate worse than death.
Were you being petty?
Did you care?
You skated in his direction, passing right by him. "No, I'm perfectly fine with staying." You attempted to sound nonchalant.
"Didn't know you were this desperate to have some alone time with me, meine liebe. Obsessive much?"
He smirked, clearly pleased with your reaction. The media had taken a liking to you and Kaiser's rivalry and they adored spinning the story into some rivals to lovers situation-ship.
It didn't help that everyone thought that Kaiser teasing you was some kind of love-language.
"Shut up." You muttered, picking up your pace to match his. The two of you were skating laps around the rink.
"You're not denying anything~"
"Shut up!"
"Make me."
His face was inches away from yours, you could feel his warm breath against your lips. He smirked, pulling away.
"You're gonna have to try harder if you really want me that badly, prinzessin." He teased you again. You swatted his shoulder.
"Well, as much as I love messing with you, don't you need to get some practice in?"
Huh, oddly thoughtful of him, maybe he isn't so bad?
"You really need it." He added, soaking up your agitated expression.
Never mind. Once a bastard, always a bastard.
You sighed making you way to the other side of the ring. Why must I always entertain his antics?
Maybe you have a crush on him~
You recalled your manager's words from a few weeks ago. You quickly dismissed the thought, there was no way you'd have feelings for Michael Kaiser of all people. Right?
You looked back at him, still gliding around his half of the rink.
Well I do need a partner for this routine...
You were probably going to regret this later, but practice was practice, regardless of who it was with.
He looked up at you, and you beckoned for him to come over.
"Yes schatz?"
You held out your hand, making direct eye contact with him. "Practice with me."
He took your hand in his. "Knew you couldn't resist me."
You rolled your eyes.
Maybe being stuck with you isn't the worst thing after all.
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Gift for the lovely @latay7 srry that this is so short but hey, I tried <3
Idea from @eggosforbreakfast on wattpad
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neoegoistleague · 19 days
pairing: Otoya Eita x [FEM!] Reader
genre: fluff, oneshot/drabble, partial chat/text fic, crack/comedy (?), mild Otoya character study, school/no bluelock au
synopsis: Otoya and your's date went well, a little too well. 'Cuz now all he can think about is you, your laugh, your smile, your voice, it's driving him crazy. Which results in him patiently awaiting to any and all of your texts. (Or, in which a certain playboy finally falls in love for real)
CW: brief/mild language, implied suggestive content, ooc Otoya (?)
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The second Otoya arrived home, he made a bee line directly towards his room, and threw himself onto his bed, the soft mattress enveloping him in it's plush comfort.
Normally whenever Otoya did this, it meant that he went on a less than good date an hour prior that left him exhausted. Usually the girl would've been too clingy, or tried to move too fast, and he usually didn't mind it, but some women just didn't know when enough was enough.
But neither of the reasons were the cause of his need to lie down. The date wasn't bad, it went super well actually. If anything, it went too well.
Earlier, he was on a date with you. The two of you met via Karasu, Otoya noticed that you were waiting for the latter after one of their games, and he had absentmindedly called you cute, not expecting anything to come out of it since his subconscious had already assumed that you and Karasu were an item.
Otoya had already braced himself for some kind of response along the lines of "Yeah she is" or the worse (and more likely) response of "Buzz off, she's taken". What Otoya didn't expect however, was Karasu's nonchalant offer of;
"Why don't I set the two of ya' up?"
And who was he to turn him down? A date with a cute girl where he didn't have to go through hell and back for a quick one-night-stand?
Fuck yeah, you should set us up.
You seemed nice enough from your initial meeting, you had a cute smile, nice voice, and you managed to be impressive enough for Karasu's standards, something that none of his previous flings achieved.
But what stood out the most to him was how genuine you were.
Most of the time when he went out with girls, they were only there for a quick hook up, or on the opposite end of the spectrum, were the completely clueless girls, the kind that legitimately thought that he would stick around in the long run, only to be disappointed by his inevitable infidelity, which usually resulted in a bunch of tears, and a slap, both of which that Otoya would always be on the receiving end of.
You on the other hand, were neither of these types of troublesome women. You clearly weren't using him for a quick night of pleasure, but you weren't in the dark about his previous antics either.
If anything, you knew a little too much about his previous sexual escapades. Probably because of Karasu's big mouth, or maybe he wanted to make sure Eita still had to put effort into his potential relationship with you.
The two of you went out to some semi-fancy restaurant for dinner together. You and Eita had made some small talk, the conversation ventured into deeper, more in depth topics occasionally (not that Otoya minded, but he'd digress), but you seemed to have fun, even though it was pretty surface level.
The date had ended on a nice note, Otoya had called you beautiful, not pretty, or cute, or sexy (or the other usual less than two syllable words he usually dropped on most of his throwaways), he had actually made a point to say it because he really did mean it.
He didn't know why you had left such a good impression on him, why you clearly meant more than some mere plaything that he would've discarded the following morning. Nor does he know why the thought of bringing another girl into his bed other than you makes his heart feel heavy and makes him feel nauseous.
He rolled over in his bed so he was facing the ceiling instead of of having his head stuffed into his plush pillows.
Why was he like this?
Why did you make him feel like this?
He lifted up one of the pillows by his side and brought it to his chest, maybe the soft stuffing would muffle the sound of his racing heartbeat.
Suddenly, his once silent phone buzzes with a notification. He takes a quick break from his sudden crisis of feelings, and quickly snatched his device from his nightstand. It was a message from an unknown number
[UNKNOWN]-(sent 10:52 pm)
hi! otoya right? This is (l/n) btw, karasu just gave me ur number
Eita's eyes widened, part of him felt a pang of jealousy.
So you and Karasu must be pretty close if you were texting him that late to get his number.
Wait, why did he care? His other girlfriends had guy friends before, and it never made him feel jealous like how you and Karasu's relationship did.
God, what's the matter with me?
Before he wasted too much time, he turned his phone back on, to respond to you, while making sure to change your contact name before he forgot.
[L/N <3]-(sent 10:54 pm)
otoya? you there? istg if karasu gave me the wrong number-
[You]-(sent 10:55 pm)
dw karasu wouldn't lie abt smth like that
[L/N <3]-(sent 10:57 pm)
dang, that reply was faster than I thought it would be, ig ur not as much as a red flag as I pegged you as
[You]-(sent 10:59 pm)
stfu, what did karasu say abt me?
[L/N <3]-(sent 11:00 pm)
nothin' I just figured you out on my own, i'm just smart like that >:3
[L/N <3]-(sent 11:01 pm)
'k i'm partially kidding, he warned me a bit abt you, but you're pretty good company, for an f boy at least
[You]-(sent 11:03 pm)
for an f boy? i'm hurt
[L/N <3]-(11:04 pm)
lol jk, I actually had a lot of fun tonight, we should do it again!
[L/N <3]-(sent 11:05 pm)
srry I gtg, ttyl?
Otoya's heart sinks at the realization that your short, yet sweet, conversation had already come to an end. He was already missing the comfort of your words, not they he would ever admit how much your little messages made his heart flutter.
[You]-(sent 11:07 pm)
yeah, gn
[L/N]-(sent 11:08 pm)
wow, dry much? gn, sweet dreams!
He mentally berates himself for his dry response, but a few seconds after, he starts grinning like some lovesick school girl.
Is this how some of his past flings felt about him?
No, he wanted you to be way more than a fling, maybe this would be the first time he tried, the first time he actually wanted to get serious about a girl, about a relationship.
Maybe this would be the first time that this would end with a ring around his finger rather than a slap on his face.
He hears his phone buzz again, he lunges towards it, hoping that it was another text from you.
[crow bastard]-(sent 11:19 pm)
i'm assuming the date went well since l/n hasn't told me that ur such a jerk yet
[crow bastard]-(sent 11:20 pm)
jk (kinda) i'm glad that you might finally have a shot at a real relationship
[You]-(sent 11:22 pm)
stfu you stupid crow
[crow bastard]-(sent 11:23 pm)
ilyt eita :3
[crow bastard]-(sent 11:27 pm)
cmon, no thanks for setting you up with your future wife?
[crow bastard]-(sent 11:28 pm)
i expect to be your best man at the wedding
[You]-(sent 11:30 pm)
nah i'll give it to yuki if you kept pestering me abt this
[crow bastard]-(sent 11:31 pm)
[crow bastard]-(sent 11:33 pm)
[crow bastard]-(sent 11:34 pm)
[You]-(sent 11:35 pm)
maybe I do, maybe I don't
Eita briefly set his phone down, thanking the gods that Karasu couldn't see his bright red face.
He definitely did...
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