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nemmanamemana · 7 years ago
Daily reminder...
Take care of yourself above all else. Check your blood sugars and take your insulin to the best of your ability. Focus on your self love and self respect because at the end of the day, no matter what anyone might say to you, we only have ourselves and Type 1 Diabetes.
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nemmanamemana · 7 years ago
Let’s get a couple things straight...
     There are times where I can handle being T1 Diabetic, and there are times where I think about how easy it would be to end it all. 
     There are times where I do almost everything doctor’s recommend to stay relatively “healthy” (as healthy as I can be with diabetes), and there are times where I only check my blood glucose once a day and I don’t count carbs.
     There are times when I forget for a second that I have this condition, and then I remember and it’s like getting diagnosed all over again.
     There are even times when I feel like I can do anything living with this condition, and then I feel like if my blood glucose is low one more time I’m going to set myself on fire.
     The point of all this is that I am only human. I can only handle so much. I can feel fine one second, and then completely lose it the next. Do not, under any circumstances, EVER downplay my condition. Don’t act like you know what you’re talking about.
     Diabetes is very manageable, we all know this. However, when a Diabetic is ranting about how their sugar was low that morning, or how their pump has been acting up all day, or how they have to reuse needles before they get their next supply, DO NOT say anything along the lines of “it’s not so bad”.
     Yes, it could be worse. I fully and 100 percent agree that it could be way worse than what it is, but us living with diabetes are still going though stuff EVERY DAY OF OUR LIVES.
     Shut up with your diabetic fun facts that anybody with a search engine could find on their own. Shove off with your second hand knowledge because your great aunt has Type 2. Don’t act like you know what you’re talking about. You may know a little bit about the basics of diabetes, but you don’t know the first thing about living with it.
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nemmanamemana · 7 years ago
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nemmanamemana · 7 years ago
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nemmanamemana · 7 years ago
Marry someone who lets you drink their juice, even after you said you weren’t thirsty. Marry someone who laughs at the same things you do. Marry someone who kisses your nose on a cold day. Marry someone who you can watch Disney movies all day with. Marry someone who is proud of you whether you earn £5 a week or £5,000 a week. Marry someone who you can tell everything to. Marry someone who isn’t afraid or embarrassed to hold your hand in public. Marry someone who lets you take over when decorating a cake. Marry someone who you can spend the day in Ikea with without feeling stressed. Marry someone who wraps you up inside their coat in the winter. Marry someone who accepts your fears and phobias. Marry someone who gives you butterflies every time you hear their key in the door. Marry someone who you don’t always have to shave your legs for. Marry someone who accepts you all day every day, even when you don’t look or feel your best. Marry someone who still puts three sugars in your tea, despite telling them “just two”. Marry someone who doesn’t judge you when you eat your body weight in cookies. Marry someone who doesn’t make you want to check your phone, because you already know they will reply. Marry someone who waits with you to get on the train. Marry someone who understands that you need to be alone sometimes. Marry someone who gets on well with your parents and isn’t uptight about family events. Marry someone who calms you down when you get mad about stupid stuff, and never tells you it’s “only stupid stuff”. Marry someone who makes you want to be a better person. Marry someone who makes you laugh. Marry someone who treats you the way you deserve to be treated. Marry someone who you love. Marry your soulmate, your lover, your best friend.
(via perrfectly)
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nemmanamemana · 7 years ago
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#diabeteschallenge2k17 Day 13: Three emojis to describe your diabetes. (Not doing days 11+12 🙄 sorryyyy) #diabetesawarenessmonth #diabetesawareness #emojis #day13✔️ #diabetic #diabeteschallenge
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nemmanamemana · 7 years ago
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#diabeteschallenge2k17 Day 10: Day In The Life Of A Diabetic Wake up, check blood, count carbs, eat breakfast, hope i counted right, check blood again in 2 hours correct if high/low, check blood, count carbs for lunch, hope I counted right, check blood again in another 2 hours, correct if high/low, check blood, count carbs for tea, hope I counted right, check blood few hours later, correct if high/low, check blood before bed, correct if high/low, lose sleep till blood sugar is back within range, fall asleep exhausted repeat again in the morning. Diabetes is an invisible illness. You can’t begin to understand what a diabetic goes through on a daily basis unless you’re diabetic yourself. You have to become a mathematician and be able to predict the future 😂 diabetes is impossible to stay on top of 24/7 but we try our best 💪 #dayinthelife #diabetesawarenessmonth #diabeteslife #invisibleillness #diabetesawareness #diabeteschallenge2k17 #diabeteschallenge
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nemmanamemana · 7 years ago
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#diabeteschallenge2k17 Day 9: Diabetic vs Person with Diabetes I’m proud to be diabetic. I’m proud To wear my pump. Proud to show the world I am diabetic and I’m strong. I am not a person with diabetes, I am a diabetic. My diabetes is a big part of who I am. I am by no means defined by it, but it is a massive part of me and I am not ashamed of that. I am a diabetic. #type1strong #diabetic #diabeteschallenge #diabetesawarenessmonth #diabetesawareness #t1d #t1tattoo
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nemmanamemana · 7 years ago
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#diabeteschallenge2k17 Day 8: Things Non-Diabetics Say™ “Can you eat that?” ILL EAT YOU IF YOU DO T SHUT UP. “I could never inject myself every day” YOU COULD. YOU WOULD. STFU. “Does that hurt?” well.... yes of course it bloody hurts! “So the pump just does everything for you then?” GOD no. Where are you getting your information from?! “Awh it’s a shame you can’t have cake” “my nan has diabetes, she lost her legs because of it” “do you still take insulin?” “Did you get it because you are too much sugar as a kid?” “Can I catch it?” “You have to do that every day?!” “Do you have the good kind or the bad kind?” .....IS THERE A GOOD KIND?! It extremely annoying how ignorant people are about diabetes, this is mainly because of the way it is portrayed in the media. I have never came across any form of media material which correctly portrays diabetes OR EVEN differentiates between type 1 and type 2! #thingsnondiabeticssay #diabetesawarenessmonth #diabetesawareness #day8✔️ #rantoverfornow #diabetic #diabeteschallenge #diabeteschallenge2k17
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nemmanamemana · 7 years ago
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#diabeteschallenge2k17 Day 7: Things you do while waiting for a high to come down. Most of the time I’m losing sleep while waiting for my BG to sort its self out! Which is a massive pain in the ass because I love my bed and I’m usually up at 6am for work 💀 #diabeteschallenge2k17 #diabetesawareness #diabetesawarenessmonth #highbg #diabetic #losingsleep
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nemmanamemana · 7 years ago
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#diabeteschallenge2k17 Day 6: Favourite or go-to hypo treatment These mini cans of coke are the best thing! It’s exactly the right amount so it takes away the fear of ‘over treating’ a hypo! Plus.... they’re small enough to carry round with you! 😌 winner winner 💪 #diabeteschallenge2k17 #day6 #diabetic #cokeacola #diabetic #diabetesawareness #diabetesawarenessmonth #hypoglycemia #treatment #winnerwinnerchickendinner
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nemmanamemana · 7 years ago
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#diabeteschallenge2k17 Day 5: Management I currently use the minimed 640g insulin pump. I have been on the pump since February 2017. I love this little thing! I have named him Carlisle and he is the best thing in my life 💙 it took me about 10 years to get onto a pump because my management was so bad! But I worked and worked to get my HbA1c low enough to be moved onto a pump! I was on MDI (multiple daily injections) since I was diagnosed in 2003, I hated the injections! I couldn’t bring myself to do them in public and I would cry every time I had to. It wasn’t the pain of the injections that bothered me I think it was more the stigma around them! My injections represents my diabetes and I hated it, I hated being different and I hated my diabetes, but Carlisle..... Carlisle represents how far I’ve come and how much I’ve worked to get where I am. I love my little pump and together we have already lower my HbA1c dramatically! I feel so much better in myself and much more accepting of my diabetes. I’m proud to be diabetic now, thanks to my little Carlisle 💙 #diabeteschallange2k17 #diabetesawareness #diabeteschallenge #diabetesstigma #minimed640g #medtronic #MDI #diabetic #proud #day5✔️
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nemmanamemana · 7 years ago
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#diabeteschallenge2k17 Day 4: Pros + Cons Cons - relentless needles, relentless finger pricks, relentless blood tests, scaring, depression, fear, anxiety, test strips EVERYWHERE and worst of all you have to live with this for the rest of your life. It’s so overwhelming to think about. It consumes your life and how you live it. (I could do on forever about the cons 🙄) Pros - it took me a while to actually think of ‘pros’ of being diabetic.... then it suddenly dawned on me. Being diabetic has given me so much strength and confidence! It’s given me the power to be myself and not worry what everyone else thinks! It’s given me the courage to do what needs to be done! Diabetes has made me more independent and made me realise my self worth! Yes I may have scars all over my body, I may have good days and horrific days but I’m so proud of myself with what I’ve achieved! And that makes me so happy 💙 #diabetesawareness #diabeteschallenge #prosandcons #selflove #scars #proudofmyself #diabeteschallenge2k17
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nemmanamemana · 7 years ago
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#diabeteschallenge2k17 Day 3: Selfies Went and had a lovely picnic in the rain today 😂 had an amazing time with @jabba_and_shabba_ ! Love these guys so much 💙 Carlisle enjoyed himself too! #diabetic #daysout #picnic #minimed640g #autumn🍁 #diabetesawareness #diabeteschallenge #day3✔️
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nemmanamemana · 7 years ago
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#diabeteschallenge Day 2: Diagnosis and Symptoms I was diagnosed when I was 6 years old. I was extremely ill in the months leading up to my diagnosis. I was skin and bone, could barely get off the sofa and was drinking pint after pint of juice like it was nothing! My mum took my to the doctors and he took one look at me and sent us straight up to the hospital. He told my mum to pack an over night bag because we might me there a while. I was really young so couldn’t really comprehend what was going on but I remember my mums face…. the panic and worry, the tears in her eyes when she found out she had to inject her daughter 5 times a day for the rest of her life. I was in the hospital for just over 6 weeks. I remember the nurse telling my Mum that my blood sugar what 40+ when I came in and my HbA1c was about 26,8 !! I was basically on deaths door. I remember coming home and asking my Mum ‘if I don’t take my injections, will I die?’ And my poor amazing mother had to tell her 6 year old daughter that yes, she would die if I didn’t take my insulin! I love my mum so much for what she did for me when I was younger. She was my rock, my support, and my smile when I couldn’t smile myself 💙 #diabeteschallenge2k17 #diabetesawareness #diabetesawarenessmonth #lucky #greatful #lovemymum #diabetic #diagnosis
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nemmanamemana · 7 years ago
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nemmanamemana · 7 years ago
I feel sick and tired a lot, but I feel like I can’t complain about it because I don’t have a cough or fever.
Share Your Secret | These Resources May Help (via mydiabetessecret)
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