nekobunniii · 3 years
IDLEWOOD HIGHSCHOOL (this is not proofread so sorry if the grammar is really off I just speed through this because I dreamed of it just now)
Hey yerrin get ready for the school thing. Alright here i come.
Yerrin i driven to school by her dad. I hope you have fun remember ill pick you up at 8pm okay.. yea I know bye dad, love you. Bye love you too.
Hey yerring, heeyy cha young.. I can't wait to have fun.. me too but tbh cha young I feel very weird, like something is going to happen.. hey me too.. oh yerrin yea somebody here for youuu hehehe, wait who..oh hey joongki, hey yerrin you ready for this weird school party thing, yea let's go I guess.
Hey guys there's the theater here, its says movie night, let's go in before the movie starts. We all sit down and wait for the movie. Until we get a notification on our phone about ... ZOMBIES... all I can think about is I knew this shit would fuvking happen because the damn government and there bullshit.... everyone is freaking out trying to run out the building, me, cha young and joongki get up and try to leave but end up splitting up like some movie so now it's just me a panicked kids and a few children.
I try to call my dad and it picks up and I say ..
Dad read the news please come to the school and get us .. bring weapons please dad.
Until it hung up.. im running up and down the hallways until I see a girl transition into one. It activated my fight or flight and guess what I ran my ass.
I run down the hallway to see a few people running down the hallways but they weren't affected at all just scared.. so I run and run down the cafetería to see small amount of teenagers in there trying to get connection to call there parents. Until someone starts to talk and catch everyone's attention.
Everyone we need to be quiet, I know that its scary but please lower it down we don't want them to come here..
I noticed a person came in here i seen them look suspicious near the door .. I noticed it was locked.. that same person came up to me and started a drama and said out loud that I've been biten by one and everyone looks my way.. all did was roll my eyes and say really .. I hope you don't believe him he literally just locked the doors on us he looks so suspicious and you looking at me like this oh hell no .
So are you saying your not bit, um duh why would I do that to you guys are yall that stupid, why are you getting mad, because yall mf pissng me off and not listening being passive aggressive.. well if your not then prove it.. oh here we go.. okay ill prove it.. I noticed that it took at least 2 minutes.. how would you know because I saw my girl best friend turn into one . Mmmm so sad who cares .. will you stfu jackson.. guys the door is open.. oh shit everyone to the other side..
Im people getting chased by zombies so as me .. im trying to unlock but can't its so hard .. so I take laps a around the tables and finally i unlock it ..
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