Soft gg stan💖
40 posts
new gg writing blog | REQUESTS OPEN
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negabaronauishininglight · 3 years ago
hiiii, i’m back to tumblr!!
hi, guys, sorry for the long inactivity and disappearing without notice
i know it’s been an alwful long time, but i had to deal with many difficult things (escaping a toxic friendship, therapy, covid situation, graduation and stuff), so i didn’t really have that much time for myself
but hopefully all my personal matters are now settled and i can go back to writing more regularly!!
this month i wrote something for the first time in a while - it’s a member x member twice fic and you can check it out on ao3 if you want to (i will post my member x member AUs there and reader insert fics here)
ps: i’ll start off by finishing the requests that you guys left in my inbox during my absence - sorry for taking so terribly long - but any new requests that follow my rules are welcome as well!!
ps2: thank you for the almost 300 followers, love youuuuu <333
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negabaronauishininglight · 5 years ago
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the KING has return
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negabaronauishininglight · 5 years ago
+ I didn’t have enough place for gifs to include Itzy, but my bias is Ryujin💖
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Bias tag💖
thank you sm for tagging me @girl-grouplove 💖💖💖
I would like to tag @dreamcatchers-oppa and @lalalamedown if you haven’t done it yet☺️
Mina & Chaeyoung (don’t make me choose😂)
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Red Velvet:
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It’s sooooo hard to choose, but I guess Jinsoul and Heejin🐟🐰
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Blackpink :
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Hwasa, i would die for her🥺 (but also Solar)
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Siyeon🥰 (this gif is 🥵🥵)
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I don’t know them well enough to know who my bias is for 100%, but for now I guess it’s Mia😍
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I’ll guess I’ll do a part two for boy groups!!
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negabaronauishininglight · 5 years ago
Bias tag💖
thank you sm for tagging me @girl-grouplove 💖💖💖
I would like to tag @dreamcatchers-oppa and @lalalamedown if you haven’t done it yet☺️
Mina & Chaeyoung (don’t make me choose😂)
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Red Velvet:
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It’s sooooo hard to choose, but I guess Jinsoul and Heejin🐟🐰
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Blackpink :
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Hwasa, i would die for her🥺 (but also Solar)
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Siyeon🥰 (this gif is 🥵🥵)
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I don’t know them well enough to know who my bias is for 100%, but for now I guess it’s Mia😍
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I’ll guess I’ll do a part two for boy groups!!
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negabaronauishininglight · 5 years ago
Oh my goodness I just found you and I love you so much hnnng? Also can you maybe do Ryujin x 6th member? I was thinking that they could be stargazing together and Ryujin confesses to you!
Thank you sm for requesting and kind words 🥰🥰 Also sending love and support for your blog 💖
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negabaronauishininglight · 5 years ago
Shin Ryujin x 6th member!reader
requested by: @ryujinluv30​ - also please check and follow this blog for lots of great writing to come💖
genre: tooth rooting fluff
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Being an idol was hard, that was quite a no brainer. You were positive that you wouldn’t be able to handle all the stress and tiredness without the presence of your beloved bandmates. The day when a six member group, Itzy, finally debuted could be counted as one of the happiest yet the hardest days in your life. You were aware that once you stepped into this industry, you’d have to abandon your current life, leave your parents’ house and limit the time spent with your friends. If you were to be absolutely honest, the only thing that kept you sane in the hard times was the strong bond you had developed with your five members, with your five best friends. The one that you almost automatically hit it off with was Ryujin. You were close as trainees, because of your similar interests and sense of humour, so you were more than ecstatic to find out that you were to debut together. You agreed to sharing a room with her at the dorm at once and since then, the two of you were practically inseparable to the extent that Yeji and Chaeryeong often teased you for being a “married couple” or “lovebirds”.
Although you weren’t sure about your feelings, you believed that Ryujin and you were meant for each other in someway. When you thought about your future, you couldn’t help but picture her by your side until you’re grey and old. You wondered many times if she thought about you the same way, but never ever gathered the courage to bring up the topic. To simply ask “What are we?Are we friends? Are we soulmates?”. The uncertainty become to grow more and more overwhelming for you, that’s why you got so stupidly nervous when Ryujin came into your shared room with a blanket draped around her shoulder and asked you to join her in the pillowfort on the balcony.
- The sky is really clear today and I know how passionate you are about astronomy, so I thought maybe we could stargaze together? - she encouraged you with her irresistible smile - You could teach me about those nerdy things, you know.
-Hey, you’re the one who is a nerd - you threw a pillow at her with a slight giggle-But I couldn’t turn down such a polite invitation.
You followed her to the balcony astonished by the fact she put so much effort in decorating it with fairy lights and pillows. The fort looked really cozy and the vision of sharing it with your favourite person in the world made it even more incredible. You lied down for hours, showing each other the constellations, talking about everything that had passed through your minds lately. You had never felt more at home then here, lying in Ryujin’s arms with your head against her chest.
- Y/N-ah, I’ve been thinking about us recently - she whispered while playing with your hair - And I think I have something important to tell you.
- Go on, you know you can tell me anything - you looked up at her warmly to give her a sense of being listened to.
- I may not be the best with words, but I hope you’ll understand me well. Since the moment I met you back in trainee years, I’ve felt this magnetic force pulling me in your direction. I’ve always wanted to spend time with you, talk to you or just at least be in your presence. This feeling hasn’t changed through the years, in fact, it has even strengthened. I’ve realised recently, I can’t imagine my life without you being close to me and it helped me to admit that actually, I don’t think of you exclusively as a friend. What I want to say is, I’m in love with you and I would be honoured if you agreed to go on a date with me. But it’s fine if you don’t like me like that, I just wanted you to know.
She kept her eyes fixed on the dark sky above you two as if she was waiting for the inevitable rejection. But as soon as she felt your hand cup her cheek, her gaze shifted on you.
- I’ve been thinking about the same thing, Ryujin-ah, about how our personalities match and how well your hands fit in mine - you caressed the soft skin with your fingertips - And I think I like you too, in the same way.
The happy sparks in her eyes flared the moment you confessed, as she rose on her elbows to plant a shy, innocent peck on your lips. Even if it was short, it was something you two looked forward to for a long time, so it made both of you giggle and blush.
- I’m sure it's the happiest night of my entire night - she breathed out, wrapping her strong arm around your waist. Before you noticed, you drifted off to sleep with the brightest smile upon your lips.
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negabaronauishininglight · 5 years ago
my mum came into my room in the morning and asked me about the photocard in my phone case, I might show her some twice mvs or something😅
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negabaronauishininglight · 5 years ago
that’s it, call an ambulance for me
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negabaronauishininglight · 5 years ago
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200613 Show Music Core ♡ Twice - More & More
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negabaronauishininglight · 5 years ago
Guys, I need to vent🥺
So, if you’re a once you probably know Twice girls have started doing those zoom fansigns or whatever they are called. One of my favourite once youtubers just posted a video from such a fansign here:
This girl comes from the same country as me and she has a girlfriend. She mentioned that fact to Sana and Chaeyoung who reacted completely natural to that + Sana even learnt the phrase “I love you” in my native language, Polish
In conclusion:
I’ve just heard miss Minatozaki Sana say “i love you” in my mother tongue in her cute voice, I AM NOT OK, my heart literally exploded💖💖💖
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negabaronauishininglight · 5 years ago
Can you please do a miyeon and fem idol who are secretly dating when they get asked what their types are they basically they describe each other so then the fans start to ship them together?
Hi💕 The scenario is up, thank you for requesting and hope you’ll like it!!
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negabaronauishininglight · 5 years ago
Exactly my type
Cho Miyeon x idol!reader
requested by: @kpop-fan1​
genre: fluff
a/n: Just to clarify, this might be a bit non realistic regarding how reality shows are handled in Korea + MakeUs Entertainment is a lesser known company idols such as Sunmi are under. Hope you’ll enjoy 😌
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You scrolled through your instagram feed, while waiting for the tonight’s episode of Fact iN Star begin. You were a successful soloist under MakeUs Entertainment, right now preparing for your upcoming comeback in early June. You’ve already released two groundbreaking albums and your career was about to reach its peak, as well as your personal life. Over a year ago during an award show you met the most important person in your life so far - the main vocalist of a rookie group called (G)I-dle, Cho Miyeon. Now, after all that time passed by, you and Miyeon were about to celebrate your one-year anniversary and you were seriously thinking about proposing to her. Naturally, regarding South Korea’s attitude towards gay people, you managed to keep your relationship a secret from both of your companies and the entire world, except for Miyeon’s fellow members who accepted you fully and helped you to meet undercover. Right now, you were about to enter the studio side by side with your girlfriend���s group. You weren’t particularly preoccupied with that as it would take extreme recklessness to generate any hurtful rumours between two women in the industry. Even the affectionate looks and knowing smiles were usually taken for a pure, blossoming friendship. Your secret was safe from hateful judgers at least for now. 
A staff member instructed you to get ready for the broadcast as you adjusted your dress, then put a strand of hair behind your ear. A second before going on air, you took advantage of the opportunity and locked eyes with Miyeon across the room. Her orbs beamed with joy and pride caused both but hers and yours success. Her cheerfulness could also be the result of your upcoming vacation in Hawaii planned for the next two weeks. Just one last interview, one last photoshoot, and you would be off to a paradise on Earth; just her, you and the picturesque scenery.
- Hello, today in the studio we have the privilege to talk to one of the most promising girl groups, (G)I-dle from Cube Entertainment as well as a thriving soloist, Y/N Y/L/N, from MakeUs Entertainment - the host announced with a bright smile - Welcome in Fact iN Star, ladies.
The show went on as the hosts asked questions about your recent comebacks and plans for the future, interlaced with the usual dose of  korean entertainment games and challenges. You exchanged some knowing looks with Miyeon during the interviews, trying hard not to blush each time her honey-like voice reached your ears. You managed not to become frustrated until a certain question was posed directly to her.
- Miyeon, all Neverlands have been wondering lately, how do you feel about dating? You have never stated what your ideal type of partner is. Do you have one?
- Actually, I do - she giggled shyly - Someone passionate about their work, artistic and dedicated. Someone who can sing well, so that we can sing together. I don't really care for appearance, but Y/H/C hair and Y/E/C are my favourite.
- That’s interesting, I would advise Neverlands to take notes on that - the host cracked up a bad joke - How about you, Y/N, do you have any preferences of that kind?
- Let me think - you shot a brief glance in Miyeon’s direction to attract her attention - Someone with angelic voice, average height, Aquarius, left-handed, someone who can play violin and is an only child, I heard only children are the most affectionate partners.
- That seems very specific, your standards seem very hard to meet, miss Y/N.
The adorable coral blush didn’t seem to leave your girlfriend’s cheeks for the rest of the broadcast.
(Time skip provided by Minne talking about Troye Sivan, because we love a queen with woke music taste)
- Babe, you’re not going to believe this - Miyeon skipped into the bathroom of your apartment right before you started your night skin care routine.
- What happened, honey? - she showed you the top of her twitter dashboard flooded by posts with the hashtag of your ship name. You remembered when you two first discovered the fans shipped you together. You spent hours looking through the fanarts and cheesy fanfiction posted online. 
- They are all saying we look cute together and we should date since our ideal types match so well - she giggled putting her phone down to wrap her arms around your waist.
- If only they knew - you planted a soft kiss on the crown of her head - But they’re right, you’re exactly my type.
- And you are mine.
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negabaronauishininglight · 5 years ago
Good luck with the piece you're studying 💕 we believe in you
Thank youuuu💖 I’ll sure try my best 
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negabaronauishininglight · 5 years ago
that’s it. that’s the post.
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negabaronauishininglight · 5 years ago
Piano lessons
Kim Dahyun x fem!reader
requested by: me, I’m sorry guys😂
genre: pure fluff
a/n: I’m having a little tough time with mastering a certain piece, so here’s a little cheer up drabble from me to me😂
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I sat down at the piano, fiddling with the dog ears of my sheet music book.My compulsory piano exam in music school was about to take place next week and even though my major instrument was alto saxophone, it would have a great impact on my final note. Although usually I did pretty well in this class, some unnamable force kept me from mastering the piece I had to prepare for the said exam. I sighed heavily and proceeded to open the book on the page marked by my tutor. Raindrop prelude op. 28 no.15 by Frederic Chopin. Not the hardest piece for a professional pianist, but quite a challenge for an intermediate learner like me. What is worse, I chose to play it myself, so the struggles I kept facing while trying to learn it only convinced me that I, in fact, overestimated my abilities. Moreover, practising took up so much of my time,I barely managed to spend it with my girlfriend who had just finished promotions, finally having some free time to rest. I stretched my fingers slowly and put them on the keys to adjust the amount of pressure I should put for the sound to be clear yet graceful and atmospheric. When I started to play easy scales to warm up, I heard soft steps reaching the room. Dahyun knocked on the door before cracking it open, so I could take in her appearance. She had my favourite burgundy sweater on, a mug of tea in her hands and her signature wide smile gracing her lips.
- I figured out you’re about to start playing - she looked at me lovingly - And I know you’re busy with your exam practising, but we have been spending so little time together lately. Maybe I could join you if you don’t mind?
I smiled back at her, making space for her to sit next to me on the bench. She placed the mug on the top of the piano cover and placed herself next to me.
- So, what were you planning to play, baby? - she looked mindlessly at the sheet music before us - Hm, that doesn’t seem that hard, right? Since it’s so easy, we can arrange it and play it for four hands, great.
I looked down at my fingers insecurly. It wasn’t that hard? Than my piano skills must really be that horrible. Moreover, I saw the excitement on Dahyun’s face and how eager she seemed to start playing. It broke my heart to bring her back to reality.
- Actually, I… I can’t really play it yet, I always get stuck in the middle and I can’t get it flawlessly - I mumbled under my breath. I wasn’t afraid of her being judgemental, I was just a tiny bit ashamed of my struggles.
- Oh, Y/N, I’m so sorry, I didn’t realise…- then, Dahyun suddenly clapped her hands in excitement - I know, give me a sec, I’ll play it and I’ll help you with it.
I witnessed her play the whole piece a vista with little struggle, her eyebrows knitted, fingers gracefully dancing over the keys. She seemed ethereal, so out of this world.
- See, I’m sure you’ll get it in no time - she shot me an encouraging smile and put her fingers over mine to delicately guide me through the hardest part.
- Now that I have the best teacher by my side, I’m sure I’ll do.
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negabaronauishininglight · 5 years ago
Do whatever makes you feel comfortable I'm sure everyone will love it anyway 😊👍
Thank you for the encouragement, it really means a lot💖💖
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negabaronauishininglight · 5 years ago
would you guys hate me if I published a Dahyun drabble I’ve just written out of spite instead of the next requests?😌😌
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