Negative space created by physical beings: the light here is acting as the positive and as its blocked by the figures the shadows created from negative space.
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The Tea Cup
These images are of a model i made as i tried to figure the most efficient way of storing these generic tea cups within the smallest of spaces.
The grid shows a 200x200mm space within i manage to fit 4 tea cups, however as you can see on these images, the space lost in-between the objects is a lot in context of a kitchen shelf. With the lip of the cup measuring 90mm and the base 60mm (in diameter), there is a vast amount of negative space created.
Can these cups not be more efficient in their use of the space in which they inhabit?
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The Tea Cup
I have only just become aware of the negative space notion and what it means and represents. Now as i become obsessed, discovering and learning about them an idea that i recently had came flooding back.
I was working at Spacemen creatives office in Manchester making tea and cleaning up when i notices how hard it was to fit all the tea cups onto the shelf. The amount of space each cup required was much more than it was worth. Soon the whole shelf was occupied by Tea cups, while the plates occupied a single space and there was more of them.
Therefore as a part of the negative space project, i have decided to tackle the negative space created by these everyday objects and save our kitchen cupboards.
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NEGATIVE SPACE : introduction
A negative space is created when objects form a space between each other. They surround us in our everyday life and form our environment. Sometimes these negatives spaces are dead and don’t allow functional use, however negative spaces can be designed to function just as well as designed spaces. The image above is ‘Layman’s’ description of negative spaces, these kinds of spaces can be create with intention or by accident, i aim to create my own hypothesis over the course of this project.
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NEGATIVE SPACE: Designed Negative Spaces
The Stella K Showroom is a fashion sourcing company’s head office. This 115ft corridor within the offices was deemed a non-place, no use or function, however due to the protruding objects that extrude from the wall, the spaces created as a result of the objects is negative spaces, with varying depths and heights - ideal for displaying garments.
J Mayer Architects designed this installation at the art forum Berlin. The cut out and infills create a positive and a negative, the negative can be used to frame views of work displayed.
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