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$Diary, Rant, Thoughts$ *21F* *Hispanic, Neurodivergent, Crybaby-Confirmed* //Just Keep Living//
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needys-diary · 6 months ago
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Made a extra Apollo wallpaper!!! WITH CRUNCHY LEAVES
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needys-diary · 9 months ago
Imagine scolding your child on something you never properly taught them
For me it's cleaning and keeping things neat, time management, yuno. Basic human skills 😭😭
How about you?
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needys-diary · 9 months ago
Hello, I'm the forgotten friend because I'm so quiet and awkward
I know that I have friends but..I just seem to be easily forgotten about..well, it's okay. It's not like I'd rather be the center of attention, anyways, that's worse.
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needys-diary · 9 months ago
You ever feel disliked? Like not as far as being hated, like not the extreme but like...people just kinda swerve around you when you head their way, or avoid you, or at the first chance of conversation they seem to just not hated but...disliked. there something wrong with me?
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needys-diary · 10 months ago
I love being with my family...but every time we do "family days" or family things....they always mess it up.
Like I understand that things happen and don't always go the way we want to...but they're so negative and can't bounce back at all, like there are 2 or 3 people within the 8 people household who lose control of their emotions and ruins it for everyone else. 😐😐😔😔
It's not fair, I can't even refuse or say anything or else I'll be seen as "antisocial" and "distant". Especially when i live with them, being with them all the time is just suffocating and that sounds so horrible because its my literal family. I mean, they make it hard to get close to and I have to adapt to their emotions and their problems. Its like dealing with a bunch of toddlers, I can't wait to move out.
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needys-diary · 10 months ago
At this point, I jus want to be left alone
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needys-diary · 1 year ago
Starting from today is Neurodiversity celebration week!
Happy neurodiversity celebration week! Let’s celebrate all neurodiversity!
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needys-diary · 1 year ago
Dang I feel this. 😤😭
My neurodivergencies and mental illnesses overlap so much that you could diagnose me with about anything at this point
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needys-diary · 1 year ago
Lol, we're supposed to crave life/to want to exist? LMMAAOOO
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Ok, for real for those whole feel just like I do, you gotta ask for the presence for the Holy Spirit. I'm not asking you to be religious or all that mumbo jumbo. Just try to simply, when you're by yourself, in your mind, ask for the presence for the Holy Spirit to consume you, and by faith; you will feel peace.
it is getting harder for me to want to continue existing
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needys-diary · 1 year ago
You Say...
You say you love me
But you're so mean to me
You say you love me
But you always confuse me
You say you love me
But you make fun of me
You say you love me
But you always compare me
You say you love me
But you never apologize
You say you love me
But you never speak kindly
You say you love me
But you never ask about me
You say you love me
But you don't trust me
You say you love me
But you never call me
You say you love me
But you never surprise me
You say you love me
But you only want lewdness
You say you love me
But you never hold me wholesomely
You say you love me
But you never ask about my family
You say you love me
But you don't care about my dreams
You say you love me
But you never ask for my opinion
You say you love me
But you only talk to me when you need something
I don't think you love me
You just tolerate me
I'm just a convenience to you.
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needys-diary · 1 year ago
Sometimes I have to do 50 tasks by the end of the day and I only have enough energy to do 10.
Most of those tasks are basic things that most people don't even consider tasks, like brushing my teeth, taking a shower, basic chores, etc. Everything is a task amd I just don't have enough to make it by the end of the day.
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needys-diary · 1 year ago
You mean there is somebody out there like that?.....for me?
Pff- I doubt that. Nobody in my circlr rlly cares what I have to say besides my mom
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My rathole brain:
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“I never realized what a big deal that was. How amazing it is to find someone who wants to hear about all the things that go on in your head.”
— Nina LaCour
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needys-diary · 1 year ago
When you're in charge of cooking dinner for your siblings(2 teens, 1 kid) and father since your mom is on an important trip but your dad is the only one eating the food.
I s
I t
B a d
O r
S o m e t h I n g
D a m n
W h a t
T h e
F u c k
A m
S u p p o s e d
T o
D o
W I t h
A l l
T h I s
F o o d
N o b o d y
A t e
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And I'm 21 female what am I supposed to do when I get married
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needys-diary · 1 year ago
🎶I said "do you love me?"
He told me, "only partly, I only
Love my bed, and my momma
I'm sorry." 🎶
kiss me!!!! kiss me kiss me kiss me kiss me kiss me kiss m
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needys-diary · 1 year ago
Yup, let's not burden anybody with our feelings and just let it fester inside and slowly destroy us from the inside out- as if that's any better 😭😭
“I’m a simple person who hides a thousand feelings behind the happiest smile.”
— Unknown
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needys-diary · 1 year ago
People underestimate how much it fucks you up to be subtly excluded as a kid. I would try to talk to my classmates and be met with disinterest or annoyance. The one friend I had, who I clung to and nodded along to his every word, had other friends he liked just as much or more. And his other friends didn’t care for me at all.
I look back at pictures from the time and see how separated I was from them. I remember knowing I was different. I remember posing questions about the world to the girls playing next to me and realizing that they had never asked the same ones to themselves. That the ways we thought couldn’t be more different.
I kept myself amused with my own fanatical stories and musings in my head. I would wander the playground on a circular path, imagining a friend and being sorely disappointed when it didn’t feel as real as I’d hoped.
There was a bubble separating me from everyone else, thin, and nearly invisible, but with a pearly sheen you could catch under the right conditions. I knew it was there, they knew it was there, and it changed me
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needys-diary · 1 year ago
So I stim during work, right.
Like I stim verbally and physically like depending on what I'm feeling, and other things etc, etc. And I was just making high pitched sounds, right. (To people who aren't familiar, people who stim, it's like a body's natural or physical response to process emotions, situations, etc. Its most common in nuerodivergent people, like autistics. So when I'm happy I tend to be all flappy with my hands and humming random tunes. When im stressed i tend to sway my body forward and back and pick at my skin. Its a bit more to it but thats a basic explanation)
And I was with two of my coworkers, Jon and Nick, they're brothers. And I told Nick a little about my autism ( just as an explanation to why I do certain things because I'm around him a lot. Its just easier. ) and I was making fun noises as I call them lol and I just do them a lot during work because I'm comfortable there it's like a safe environment where I could be myself.
And it went like this:
And Nick is like "that's just her catchphrase now"
Jon "what is?"
Me, cueing my high pitched "AAAAÆE"
Jon "??" (He was confused, not judgmental.)
Nick "(my name), even if he doesn't appreciate your noises, I do." Like right into my soul, like that was code for 'I'm going to hit you right in the feels because I see you, and i hear you.'
And my heart just broke into a million pieces but like in a GOOD way like I said "AWW, THANK YOU" because I never had anyone- like it just meant a lot to me. 😭😭😭 I will remember this forever.
When you found your safe person, platonically.
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