neblina · 8 years
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Standard Office by swandark featuring a ruched dress
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neblina · 10 years
BUT YOU GUYS the same thing happened to me and it sucks bc the driver wasn't rich bc nobody is now a days and I'm gonna be behind in finishing school and i'm so fucking bored bc there are so many times you can refresh your dashboard and rewatch Buffy and i feel like a fat lazy slob and it just SUCKS, trust me.
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neblina · 10 years
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"Some women are lost in the fire. Some women are built from it."
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neblina · 12 years
Alright Tumblr, confession time.
Internet addiction is destroying my life.
I'm not even kidding you. I'm not productive, I don't create. I don't do school work and I don't do personal work. I literally just waste away my life.
I know Tumblr and Reddit aren't exactly to blame. I've got some serious work ethic shit to sort out. But some of the fault lies with these guys. They make the numbness, mindless time wasting a breeze. And I'm hating myself more and more for it.
This is my 9,500th post. I've had this blog for over five years. I was going to try and make it to 10,000th or my 6th year but I'm already too frustrated. 
And this makes me sad because I adore the Internet. Ask anyone who knows me and they'll list that as one of my top hobbies and interests. Hell I'm writing my 30-40 page senior thesis and research experiment on Internet culture. But I just can't do it anymore. I think I'm done here.
Sorry if I'm being overly dramatic, but this site has been a huge part of my life for a while now. And as sad as it makes me I just think it's time for me to get over it.
So my friend is going to change the email and password on this account and I wont be able to access it until I'm 56 and writing my memoirs using social media. (Which is why I refuse to delete it, this is like a diary of mine, and come on, who just deletes a diary).
Seriously, I adored every single moment on this place. The good, the bad, the ugly, the hilarious, the sad, the fan feels, you name it, I probably have stored away in a special place in my heart. Especially my followers. I don't have that many but some of you guys have literally followed me since day one and I appreciate that. I really do.
Oh goodness, now I'm crying. Ok. I'm silly. Sorry, this is pretty emotional for me. Which is surprising, but not. Anyways.
Without further ado, here is my goodbye in true Tumblr fashion:
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neblina · 12 years
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how we feel
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neblina · 12 years
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neblina · 12 years
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neblina · 12 years
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Christmas lights in Madrid by Teresa Sapey
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neblina · 12 years
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neblina · 12 years
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neblina · 12 years
Holy shit, I only did the 'fitness' test on Insanity and it kicked my ass. After one of the exercises I literally just laid on my floor, panting, unable to get up.
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neblina · 12 years
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The meaning of Christmas is the idea that Christmas has meaning, and it can mean whatever we want. For me, it used to mean being with my mom. Now it means being with you guys. Thanks, LOST. 
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neblina · 12 years
Stories you read when you’re the right age never quite leave you. You may forget who wrote them or what the story was called. Sometimes you’ll forget precisely what happened, but if a story touches you it will stay with you, haunting the places in your mind that you rarely ever visit.
Neil Gaiman, M Is for Magic (via literas)
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neblina · 12 years
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NASA Decided to X-Ray the Moon. This is What They Saw.
[Image: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MIT/GSFC]
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neblina · 12 years
GOD YES. I'm fucking off finals because this face in this show is actual bliss on earth.
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Matt Smith in Party Animals
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neblina · 12 years
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Boredom Pays
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neblina · 12 years
And they hand wrote shit, which is generally bigger than 12 pt font.
i used to think that a foot of parchment was a lot and feel bad when harry potter characters were assigned to write that much
but then i realized the paper i write on is 8.5 by 11 inches.
so a foot of parchment is the equivalent of like, a page and a half of paper.
they complained SO MUCH about essays that were like
a page and a half
wtf guys
get your shit together
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