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Prince of Wakanda
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nctquiteroyal · 6 years ago
patience was something that ahura didn’t lack but used very sparingly, especially when it came to children. so loud, so rambunctious and messy. the royal inhuman prince was walking through the park when a couple of children accidentally threw two of their water balloons at him which were meant for another child nearby. immediately, the man threw off his shirt and glared at the children as they immediately ran. “ i will kill those children and wear them like hats ! “ he angrily exclaimed. 
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“How about taking a deep breath.” T’Charra suggests with a yawn. He can’t deny the nearby kids are annoying, especially with their ridiculous water balloons and terrible aim, but that doesn’t necessarily warrant murder. And he’s fairly sure Ahura is kidding but - you know, you can never really be sure sometimes. “They’re just kids, having fun - messing up in the process, sure, but still. Maybe don’t resort to killing them.”
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nctquiteroyal · 6 years ago
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“breathing warrants a hug.” it took winnie everything within her whole being to not launch herself at t’charra. despite their massive, wild differences, he was her best friend for years – always had been, always will be. the redhead stood up and wrapped her arms around his middle, pressing herself tightly against his chest, giggling but trying to quiet her giddiness all the same. “gosh, you look so much better. oh – it’s so good to have you home!”
“Hey, I’m not going to argue with that. I missed your hugs.” T’Charra says with a smile as honest and sincere as his words. He and Winnie have known each other practically their whole lives. Not seeing her for a year, not being able to check in on her, not being able to poke fun at her and just.. have his best friend? It sucked. Beyond sucked, really. He smiles and wraps his arms around her in return, giving her a tight hug that probably goes on for a couple of moments too long but - sue him, he’s glad to see her. “Yeah - yeah, I know. I am a lot better.” He knows it, too. There’s no point in denying it - god knows he’d been in a terrible place, last time they saw each other.
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nctquiteroyal · 6 years ago
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twirling a pen between her fingers, highlighter between her front teeth, laptop open, and book in front of her, winnie was deep in studying. pulling a pencil out from behind her ear and making a small note in the book, the redhead made a small noise of understanding before slipping the pencil back into place. this was how she spent most of her time – it was fun, despite the actual stress of the situation. as such, it took a lot to distract her from what she was doing – but it would be t’charra who could distract her immediately. “oh my goodness!” she gasped, launching out of her seat. “you’re home!”
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T’Charra can’t deny he’s happy to see her. There are so few people he really kept in touch with after the.. incident, but Winnie was definitely one he couldn’t quite let go of. She is one of his closest friends, after all - he couldn’t not keep in touch just like he couldn’t not come to see her as soon as possible upon coming back. “I’m home.” He confirms with an amused and pleased smile, holding his arms out. “Does being home warrant a hug?”
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nctquiteroyal · 6 years ago
growing up in the x-mansion, leroy got to be around a lot of differing personalities from demure to outright horrible so he wasn’t exactly super phased by varying personalities. he learned how to quickly adapt, to get out of the way of someone who couldn’t control their anger or to be quick on his toes word wise. “ it’s nice to meet you too. “ he chuckled out before raising a brow at their response, t’charra’s expression saying a lot about themselves which wasn’t a bad thing. “ it’s just a clean up, we pick up the trash and once the trash is gone, so are we - think you can keep up? “ 
“Very funny.” T’Charra responds, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. Of course he can keep up, it’s not like this is difficult work and really he should just get it over and done with but - princes don’t do this stuff. “Look - I can hire someone to come and do this for us. Seriously, this isn’t -” He pauses, frowning, trying to think of the best way to say this without making himself sound like the spoiled ass he is. “I just think there’s a better way I could use my time to help people, that’s all.”
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nctquiteroyal · 6 years ago
this whole clean-up thing was an annoyance but leroy understood that it was a part of being a student here to help. being paired up with a stranger was also strange but he just tried to make the best of it, meeting up with his partner outside the main building to pick up the trash that littered the ground around them. “ uh - t’charra, right ? “ the man asked as he approached the other student. “ i’m leroy, we should probably get started unless we wanna stay here until midnight. “ he joked. 
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T’Charra tries his best not to act on the spoiled prince thing. He really does. And a lot of the time he does okay with it. But today - today’s a little different. As much as he gets that the town is in a pretty bad place after the storm, he can’t quite understand why he specifically needs to clean things up. “That’s me.” He says with a slight smile. “Good to meet you Leroy. Uh..” He pauses and looks around the area, still hesitant. “I’ll be honest, I’m not really sure what I’m supposed to do around here. Kind of not really made for this.”
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nctquiteroyal · 6 years ago
“it’s not your fault. don’t blame yourself.” @nctquiteroyal
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“well, i should’ve been able to control myself, i shouldn’t have let myself turn back into him.”
accepting sentence starters
"You and I both know that’s not how it works.” T’Charra offers kindly, stepping over to sit beside the man. He doesn’t like to see Bucky beat himself up like this - he doesn’t deserve it, not after everything he’s been through and how hard he’s worked to rebuild his life. “It’s not your fault, Bucky.” He repeats, his words stronger, steady - sincere. He means it.
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nctquiteroyal · 6 years ago
bc i’m terrible at open starters please hit the heart (& reply if you want something for a specific character) for a starter from t’charra !
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nctquiteroyal · 6 years ago
Finding Winnie was easy enough, really. T’Charra figures some things haven’t really changed, especially when it comes to one of his closest friends. If she’s not in class, he’s pretty sure he knows where to find her - and sure enough, after checking out a few areas of the library he sees her, head stuck in a book like always. A smile appears on his face - one that only grows as he approaches her, pausing right behind her to lean over the top of her head and peer down at the book in her hands. “I can’t believe a book is more important than welcoming me back.” He teases gently, stepping back and leaning against the wall as he watches her with an amused - and very happy - grin on his face. [ @gammasgirl ]
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nctquiteroyal · 6 years ago
( ROME FLYNN, MALE, HE/HIM ) — ✧ that looks like T’CHARRA! they’re the TWENTY THREE YEAR OLD SON of T’CHALLA. [ they are also a POSTGRAD STUDENT at paragon. ] i hear they’re INTELLIGENT & INNOVATIVE, but tend to be RECKLESS & SELF-DESTRUCTIVE. his file says that his ability is ADVANCED COMBAT & GENIUS LEVEL INTELLECT. (portia frost mckenzie’s rich friends wc, kurt rogers ex flings wc, ava barton’s pseudo younger sibling wc, winifred banner-ross’ childhood best friend wc)
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drug addiction tw, overdose tw
Age: 23
DOB: December 8th 1995
Hair colour: Black
Eye colour: Brown
Height: 6’1
Ethnicity: Wakandan
Sexuality: bisexual
Father: T’Challa
Mother: Unknown
For those of you who remember T’Charra from before, there are going to be some similarities but also some differences !
You don’t know your mother. You never have. You were born from a fling when your father was young and travelling, studying the world Wakandans worked so hard to separate themselves from. When you were brought into his life, T’Challa insisted you grow up in Wakanda, as the son of the prince should, and your mother agreed, unable to take care of a baby at the time.
Your life has been nothing but royal, you’ve grown up in the halls of the palace in Wakanda, running the streets of your country, immersing yourself in Wakanda as any member of the royal family should, but your friends all had mothers and you couldn’t help but wonder what happened to yours.
Your father would tell you stories, embellished and romanticised stories but stories nonetheless, but he also explained that while your mother loved you, she knew your place was here, your home was here. That your life was infinitely better in Wakanda, with your father and the royal family, than it could never be anywhere else.
But the absence of a mother in your life was.. Difficult, especially when your father became king when you were still young. You found yourself searching for - something, someone who could help to fill that void. You found it with friends, with family - Shuri took you under her wing as best as she could, and you began to learn all about her world, too. The science, the technology, you found you not only had a passion for it, but also a gift. Seeing her work come to life to help your country sparks something in you you never expected.
You find friends you connect with, people both in and outside Wakanda who seem to understand you to some degree - but growing up as a prince is hard, especially when your father is king. The pressure, the life you’re expected to lead, the training, your future laid out before you, planned by people who don’t even ask what you want - it’s a lot. It’s too much.
You pull away, you look for anything that can give you a break from that life. You fight with your father, you’ve been arguing for years, clashing on ideals and hopes and dreams and habits and this just makes it that much worse, drives you further away, closer to all the things you shouldn’t want. And unfortunately there are plenty of people in the world who are happy to give you whatever you need.
Money is no object, it never has been - you can spend whatever you want on all the things you shouldn’t, and towards the end of your high school years you find that drugs are an incredible escape from the world you never quite felt you fit into. Your friends, family, everyone sees it happening, they see you fall and god they try to catch you but the more they reach for you the more you pull away, and before you know it you’re crashing into an addiction you were sure you had in control.
At twenty two, you almost die from an overdose and even you know - enough is enough. You go into rehab, spend some time getting clean, working through the reasons for your addiction, as hard as they are to face. And when they’re sure you’re safe - you go home. You mend some fences, you make amends with the people you pushed away - most importantly, with your father.
After a year of recovery, you make the difficult decision to come back to Paragon.
T’Charra is a lot like he was before in general personality points !
He’s a little cocky and arrogant and generally makes a lot of jokes and uses humour as a sort of mask or distraction.
He’s very charming when he wants to be - years of royal training teaching him how he should behave to be able to entice the best response - and he has no shame in using it
In saying that he has matured a little - his spiral into addiction, overdose, and subsequent recovery has subdued and humbled him, made him value things a little more
Loyal to absolutely no end if you’re loyal to him, but he definitely doesn’t take betrayal very well
He is very careful when it comes to anything that could be addictive - drinking, drugs, smoking, definitely wants to steer clear of temptation. Recovery has been extremely difficult for T’Charra, especially while he was at home and facing some hard truths, so he’s determined not to fall off the wagon
Generally just a sweet misguided boy who loves tech tbh
Avengers kiddos obviously - give me all the Avengers kiddos! They’d very much be like family to him, he’d adore all of them and be very protective of them. Also very good friends with most of them I imagine!
Siblings/half siblings - I’d love some siblings and/or half siblings for T’Charra! He loves family a lot, and growing up even as he pulled away from T’Challa he would’ve stayed close to his siblings!
Former party friends - people he would’ve partied with/drank with/done drugs with! They could or could not know about his overdose and his time in rehab, we can plot that out depending on the character!
Avengers as mentors - being T’Challa’s son I definitely envisage he’s been close to the rest of the team! Maybe even sees some of them as mentors, especially now!
Former drug dealer - someone who used to be T’Charra’s dealer, they don’t necessarily have to interact much now or maybe they do because this character is trying to tempt him to use again? Again, we can plot this out!
Ex-hookups/flings - exactly as it says! T’Charra would’ve hooked up and had a lot of flings when he was in full party mode - maybe they’re looking for another hookup, maybe it’s just by chance and they’re seeing him for the first time since!
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