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like and reblog if you save, follow me for more edits bobo. ♡ // like/reblogue se pegar e me siga . ♡
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𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙝 𝙦𝙪𝙤𝙩𝙚𝙨
prouver que j’ai raison serait accorder que je puis avoir tort (proving that I am right would be admitting that I could be wrong)
on n'est point toujours une bête pour l'avoir été quelquefois (being a fool sometimes does not make one a fool all the time)
imaginer c'est choisir (to imagine is to choose)
le monde a commencé sans l'homme et il s'achèvera sans lui (the world began without man and it will end without him)
les livres sont des amis froids et sûrs (books are cold and certain friends)
le monde est un livre dont chaque pas nous ouvre une page (the world is a book with each step we open a page)
les chefs-d'œuvre ne sont jamais que des tentatives heureuses (masterpieces are never anything else but happy attempts)
écrire, c'est une façon de parler sans être interrompu (writing is a way to talk without being interrupted)
tous pour un, un pour tous (all for one, one for all)
la science n'a pas de patrie (science has no homeland)
tout commence en mystique et finit en politique (everything begins mystically and ends politically)
on ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur (we see well only with the heart)
la vie est une fleur dont l’amour est le miel (life is a flower, of which love is the honey)
il n’y a qu’un bonheur dans la vie, c’est d’aimer et d’être aimé (there is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved)
vivre sans aimer n’est pas proprement vivre (to live without loving is to not really live)
entre deux cœurs qui s’aiment, nul besoin de paroles (two hearts in love need no words)
c’est cela l’amour, tout donner, tout sacrifier sans espoir de retour (that is love, to give away everything, to sacrifice everything, without the slightest hope of anything in return)
je vous souhaite d’être follement aimée (i wish for you to be loved madly)
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I miss myself . .
But she's been dead for a long time now . .
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like if you save. no one of these pics/arts are mine, credits to all owners.
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TRIGGER WARNING: sexual exploitation, sexual abuse, rape mention, body mutilation

Please help sign the petition, please help spread this issue. Women including underaged girls are being sexually exploited in South Korea. 260,000 people were involved in sharing videos of these acts. We have to protect women. We have to fight for women’s rights.
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Chanyeol X Rilakkuma
credits to owners of photos and gifs | they are not mine
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190520 Chen’s YouTube Channel update
안녕하세요~ 첸입니다~!<_> 저의 유튜브 채널을 구독해주신 구독자분들이 100만명을 넘어 감사 드린다는 인사를 드리고 싶어 찾아 뵙게 되었습니다~ 저 자신의 영상기록을 남기고자 시작했던 유튜브지만 많은 분께서 응원해주시고 관심 가져주셔서 또 사랑해주셔서 너무 감사 드립니다!! 앞으로도 제가 평소에 좋아하던 노래 그리고 불러보고 싶었던 노래들로 여러분을 찾아 뵙겠습니다. 다시 한번 감사드리고 편안한 저녁되세요~ - Hello~ This is Chen~! <_> Today I want to say thank you for following my YouTube channel that has now more than 1 million subscribers, I really appreciate it~ As I started YouTube to have a video record, you all gave me a lot of attention, love and support, I was really impressed!! I’ll try to upload various cover songs, videos that I liked and wanted to cover. Thank you very much again, and have a good evening~
trans: Jangmi @ fychen ϟ please take out with full credit!
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Chen @ elyXion Dot - ||FOLLOW @ig.exol FOR MORE UPDATES|| - - - #TheElyXiOn_Dot - - x @weareone.exo x @baekhyunee_exo x @real__pcy x @oohsehun x @zyxzjs x @zkdlin - - - —>CR TO OWNER<— #EXO #엑소 #EXOL #ERIS #BAEKHYUN #CHANYEOL #JUNMYEON #SUHO #XIUMIN #CHEN #JONGDAE #LAY #SEHUN #KAI #JONGIN #KYUNGSOO #DO #엑소 #likeforlike #likesforlikes #like4like #followforfollow #follow4follow #exlikes #kpoplikes #kpoplikeforlike #kpopexchangelikes #Dafbama2018EXO
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Chen @ elyXion Dot - ||FOLLOW @ig.exol FOR MORE UPDATES|| - - - #TheElyXiOn_Dot - - x @weareone.exo x @baekhyunee_exo x @real__pcy x @oohsehun x @zyxzjs x @zkdlin - - - —>CR TO OWNER<— #EXO #엑소 #EXOL #ERIS #BAEKHYUN #CHANYEOL #JUNMYEON #SUHO #XIUMIN #CHEN #JONGDAE #LAY #SEHUN #KAI #JONGIN #KYUNGSOO #DO #엑소 #likeforlike #likesforlikes #like4like #followforfollow #follow4follow #exlikes #kpoplikes #kpoplikeforlike #kpopexchangelikes #Dafbama2018EXO
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Chen @ elyXion Dot - ||FOLLOW @ig.exol FOR MORE UPDATES|| - - - #TheElyXiOn_Dot - - x @weareone.exo x @baekhyunee_exo x @real__pcy x @oohsehun x @zyxzjs x @zkdlin - - - —>CR TO OWNER<— #EXO #엑소 #EXOL #ERIS #BAEKHYUN #CHANYEOL #JUNMYEON #SUHO #XIUMIN #CHEN #JONGDAE #LAY #SEHUN #KAI #JONGIN #KYUNGSOO #DO #엑소 #likeforlike #likesforlikes #like4like #followforfollow #follow4follow #exlikes #kpoplikes #kpoplikeforlike #kpopexchangelikes #Dafbama2018EXO
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Chen @ elyXion Dot - ||FOLLOW @ig.exol FOR MORE UPDATES|| - - - #TheElyXiOn_Dot - - x @weareone.exo x @baekhyunee_exo x @real__pcy x @oohsehun x @zyxzjs x @zkdlin - - - —>CR TO OWNER<— #EXO #엑소 #EXOL #ERIS #BAEKHYUN #CHANYEOL #JUNMYEON #SUHO #XIUMIN #CHEN #JONGDAE #LAY #SEHUN #KAI #JONGIN #KYUNGSOO #DO #엑소 #likeforlike #likesforlikes #like4like #followforfollow #follow4follow #exlikes #kpoplikes #kpoplikeforlike #kpopexchangelikes #Dafbama2018EXO
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Chen @ elyXion Dot - ||FOLLOW @ig.exol FOR MORE UPDATES|| - - - #TheElyXiOn_Dot - - x @weareone.exo x @baekhyunee_exo x @real__pcy x @oohsehun x @zyxzjs x @zkdlin - - - —>CR TO OWNER<— #EXO #엑소 #EXOL #ERIS #BAEKHYUN #CHANYEOL #JUNMYEON #SUHO #XIUMIN #CHEN #JONGDAE #LAY #SEHUN #KAI #JONGIN #KYUNGSOO #DO #엑소 #likeforlike #likesforlikes #like4like #followforfollow #follow4follow #exlikes #kpoplikes #kpoplikeforlike #kpopexchangelikes #Dafbama2018EXO
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Baekhyun @ elyXion Dot - ||FOLLOW @ig.exol FOR MORE UPDATES|| - - - #TheElyXiOn_Dot - - x @weareone.exo x @baekhyunee_exo x @real__pcy x @oohsehun x @zyxzjs x @zkdlin - - - —>CR TO OWNER<— #EXO #엑소 #EXOL #ERIS #BAEKHYUN #CHANYEOL #JUNMYEON #SUHO #XIUMIN #CHEN #JONGDAE #LAY #SEHUN #KAI #JONGIN #KYUNGSOO #DO #엑소 #likeforlike #likesforlikes #like4like #followforfollow #follow4follow #exlikes #kpoplikes #kpoplikeforlike #kpopexchangelikes #Dafbama2018EXO
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Baekhyun @ elyXion Dot - ||FOLLOW @ig.exol FOR MORE UPDATES|| - - - #TheElyXiOn_Dot - - x @weareone.exo x @baekhyunee_exo x @real__pcy x @oohsehun x @zyxzjs x @zkdlin - - - —>CR TO OWNER<— #EXO #엑소 #EXOL #ERIS #BAEKHYUN #CHANYEOL #JUNMYEON #SUHO #XIUMIN #CHEN #JONGDAE #LAY #SEHUN #KAI #JONGIN #KYUNGSOO #DO #엑소 #likeforlike #likesforlikes #like4like #followforfollow #follow4follow #exlikes #kpoplikes #kpoplikeforlike #kpopexchangelikes #Dafbama2018EXO
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