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navrozsandhu05 · 3 years ago
I think as a result of the generational trauma caused by residential schools, Indigenous peoples are more prone to both mental and physical health problems (Bombay et al.). It is our responsibility to accept responsibility for what has been done and to abide by any requests of the Indigenous as they go through the healing process. In order to give Indigenous youth the chance to connect with their elders, their culture, and their languages—all of which have been suppressed, restricted, or otherwise forbidden—it is crucial to establish cultural revitalization programs. Additionally, breaking the cycle of intergenerational trauma will be made easier by teaching the youth about their history and culture.
The federal government values its relationships with Indigenous peoples above all others. The federal government is still collaborating with Indigenous peoples to establish a nation-to-nation, Inuit-Crown, government-to-government relationship that is based on respect, collaboration, and the acknowledgment of rights. The federal government is proposing a historic, new investment of more than $18 billion over the following five years through Budget 2021 to enhance the standard of living and open up new opportunities for those residing in Indigenous communities (Government of Canada, 2019). These investments will help close the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples, support strong, secure, and prosperous Indigenous communities, and advance genuine reconciliation with First Nations, the Inuit, and the Métis Nation by working with Indigenous partners. These investments will help maintain infrastructure development. A new strategy that addresses the underlying causes and the scope of the violence is required to put an end to the national tragedy of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls.
Every child growing up in Canada deserves access to a top-notch education because it is the cornerstone of success, regardless of where they live. A crucial component of the government's strategy to create long-term economic resilience is investing in children's education. In order to better meet the needs of First Nations students enrolled in residential schools on reserves, the federal government implemented new funding and policy measures in 2022.
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navrozsandhu05 · 3 years ago
Environmental issues exist almost everywhere due to human activities and their continued effort to interfere in the natural balance of mother Earth. I personally believe that the pandemic of Covid-19 we are facing is the result of dominating activities of humans on the planet due to ecological disturbances nature follows a natural transformation process to save mother nature from these disturbances and as a result, there was a great impact of Covid-19 (social lockdowns)on the planet which helped it to nurture and heal itself and I think humans tend to take these issues more seriously now.
The balance between economic growth and environmental protection has been upset in Pakistan by environmental issues. Governmental priorities had to be rearranged in response to the novel COVID-19 viral pandemic in order to reduce the likelihood of a major catastrophe. The Ministry of Environment is still committed to preserving and protecting the environment, though (Rasheed et al., 2021). Information about the high level of air pollution in the nation is provided by the World Health Organization. Poor air quality increases the risk of infected people developing viral symptoms that are more severe in nature and may be life-threatening because the novel coronavirus is a respiratory illness.
The CDC has issued a notice stating that the risk of transmission of the COVID-19 virus through sewage systems is low, but still may be possible (Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Environment, 2020), which raises concerns about water pollution from raw sewage, agricultural runoff, and industrial wastes as well.
Although this may be impacted by seasonal or other natural changes in the environment, NASA recently released images from space stations showing a dramatic decrease in emissions released into the atmosphere since the start of the pandemic. Air pollution has already significantly decreased in China and Italy. Although it is too soon to say whether Pakistan's toxic emissions will be reduced permanently, a positive outlook on the environmental regulations that might be implemented in the wake of the pandemic is not out of the question.
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navrozsandhu05 · 3 years ago
Refugees and forced migration
Forced immigration is one thing that many of us might relate to or has experienced directly or through intergenerational. for example, during the early settlement, many Ukrainian families were forced to flee from their homes. they have left their loved ones behind, and at some point, they were forced to work in an unstable and underpaying environment. another great example is the Syrian families, who recently immigrated to Canada due to the civil war in their homeland. many of those families have escaped from torture and unlawful treatment. 
An estimated 24 million Afghans require humanitarian aid after more than 40 years of conflict and unrest in their country  (Afghanistan Refugees 2021: Facts & Crisis News | USA for UNHCR, n.d). In one of the largest long-term refugee situations in the world, more than 6 million Afghans were forcibly uprooted from their homes by the end of 2021. Of those, 3.5 million were relocated to Afghanistan and 2.6 million were hosted as refugees.
More than 40 years of war, natural disasters, persistent poverty, food insecurity, the COVID-19 pandemic, and most recently a change in the composition of the government have all caused suffering for Afghans. The events leading up to the Taliban's occupation of Kabul in August 2021 worsened the country's instability and violence, displacing more people and causing even more suffering. Today, conflict, violence, and poverty have forced more than 6 million Afghans from their homes or their nation. Afghans' and their host communities' capacity for resilience is being tested to the breaking point as the humanitarian crisis persists.
The conflict has had a particularly devastating effect on women and children; 80 percent of Afghans who have recently been displaced are female and juvenile (UNHCR, 2021). The fundamental rights of women and girls are in jeopardy, and a large number of kids are not attending school. More than half of Afghanistan's population, or close to 23 million people, experience severe hunger.
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navrozsandhu05 · 3 years ago
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Quality education during Covid
It’s insane the struggles these kids go through just to get a basic education. I was aware of the difficulties associated with obtaining a poor education in developing nations, so learning that some of them have programs in place is encouraging. If someone is willing to learn, I think they shouldn't be denied the opportunity.
The risks we face increase as the world becomes more connected. At national borders, the COVID-19 pandemic has not stopped. Education is no exception. Students from wealthy backgrounds who have their parents' support, are eager to learn, and are capable of doing so might be able to find their way past closed school doors to alternative learning opportunities. When their schools closed, those from disadvantaged backgrounds frequently remained excluded. This crisis has brought to light a number of deficiencies and inequities in our educational systems, ranging from a lack of access to the broadband and computers required for online learning to the lack of conducive environments for concentration on learning (COVID-19 Has Fuelled a Global “Learning Poverty” Crisis, n.d.). The majority of OECD and partner countries experienced nationwide school closures as a result of the lockdowns in response to COVID-19, with the majority lasting at least 10 weeks. Children and students have had to rely more on their own resources to continue learning remotely via the Internet, television, or radio, despite the educational community's concerted efforts to maintain learning continuity during this time.
The difficulties do not, however, end with the current crisis. In the upcoming years, spending on education, in particular, might be at risk. Despite short-term stimulus packages in some countries, long-term public spending on education is at risk as money is diverted to health and social welfare (McElrath, 2020). As the economy weakens and unemployment increases, private funding will also become more difficult to come by. In countries where international students pay higher tuition, the decline in international student mobility as a result of travel restrictions has already reduced the funds available at the tertiary level. More broadly, the lockdown has made workers more unequal. For those with the highest qualifications, teleworking is frequently an option; however, for those with lower levels of education, many of whom have been on the front lines of the pandemic response, providing essential services to society, teleworking is rarely an option.
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navrozsandhu05 · 3 years ago
Abortion law
I believe there is a connection between maternal, infant, and child health as far as I am aware. Being pregnant can be fatal for a mother because illness can be passed from mother to child and is frequently caused by inadequate nutrition brought on by poverty and other factors. Compared to richer nations, maternal, infant, and child mortality rates in developing nations are relatively low; however, both rates need to be reduced.
The recent overturning of Roe vs. Wade upset millions of people across the United States and has had ripple effects on abortion rights all over the world. Abortion is ultimately a women’s rights issue and a women’s health issue (The Effects of Abortion Laws: Myths and Facts, 2022). Roe vs. Wade was temporary protection for women’s rights to abortion in the United States. Limitations on access to comprehensive reproductive health care and restrictions on abortion may be a factor in the current maternal mortality crisis in the United States. Anti-choice lawmakers frequently propose abortion restrictions as a way to safeguard women's health, particularly gestational bans, which aim to outlaw abortion at a predetermined point in the pregnancy. However, studies have shown that the state's women's and children's health outcomes are worse the more abortion restrictions there are in place. The Center for Reproductive Rights (CRR) conducted a study that resulted in the development of a state-level scoring system with the following categories: social determinants of health; abortion restrictions; policies that promote the welfare of women and children. This study demonstrates that, rather than being a genuine objective, the anti-choice movement uses women's health and well-being as a talking point in their favor. Such people would put access to healthcare, Medicaid expansion, paid family and medical leave, reasonably priced child care, and other public policies that support maternal health first if they were genuinely interested in improving maternity outcomes. They would also guarantee that women had access to contraception and safe, affordable abortion so that they could decide whether or not to have children. According to the CRR study, the anti-choice movement is more interested in controlling women's bodies than in promoting their ability to make informed reproductive decisions and overall health.
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navrozsandhu05 · 3 years ago
Nutrition poverty and hunger
Millions of people suffer from hunger and malnutrition almost every day. Poverty eventually causes this hunger and malnutrition due to a lack of basic needs fulfillment. These consequences all come with the unfair or unbalanced concept of globalization which is no doubt benefiting a majority of people. However, it acts as a curse for a lot of countries and their citizens as I stated earlier and I think by making it fair and unbiased than it would be a big step for humanity to get a thing as basic as food. I can proudly say that lots of communities including ours provide free meals to everyone irrespective of their caste, color, and gender which is a great step towards dealing with hunger and malnutrition across the world even during the pandemic of COVID-19.
According to a multi-agency United Nations (U.N.) report, the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to blame for the majority of the increase in the world's hunger and malnutrition levels last year, which worsened dramatically (COVID-19’S Implications for Nutrition and Hunger, n.d.). According to the report, the number of undernourished people increased to about 768 million last year after remaining essentially unchanged for five years. This represents 10% of the world's population and represents an increase of about 118 million from 2019.
The report is the first thorough analysis of food insecurity and nutrition since the pandemic’s emergence, and it was written by U.N. organizations including the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the World Food Programme (WFP), and the World Health Organization (WHO). Unfortunately, the pandemic has revealed new flaws in our food system that endanger lives and our way of life. The entire world has been affected, "In a joint statement, the agencies stated. According to estimates from the 2021 edition of "The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World," the 2030 U.N. sustainable development goal of eradicating hunger will be missed by a margin of almost 660 million people.
Reduced access to food, especially healthy items like fruit and vegetables, and potential disruption of programs and interventions related to health and nutrition are expected to have a particularly negative impact on women and children under the age of five and their ability to access health care.
According to a recent study from the Tata-Cornell Institute for Agriculture and Nutrition, the nationwide lockdown India implemented in response to the COVID-19 pandemic caused disruptions that had a negative impact on women's nutrition.
In the states of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and Odisha, surveys of food expenditures, dietary diversity, and other nutrition indicators were conducted at the national, state, and district levels (ForumIAS, 2020). They discovered that during the lockdown, food spending significantly decreased, particularly in less developed areas. Nearly 90% of survey participants claimed to eat less, and 95% claimed to consume fewer kinds of food. Fresh and dried fruits, which are rich in micronutrients, as well as animal products like meat, fish, and eggs, saw the biggest decrease in food costs.
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