navigatethrulife · 4 years ago
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Zac Efron on Instagram
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navigatethrulife · 7 years ago
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navigatethrulife · 7 years ago
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navigatethrulife · 7 years ago
“I like my hair messy. My love wild. And my sex aggressive. But I’m still a sensitive woman, just with passion.”
— Sade Harrison (via oy-vey-iz-mir)
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navigatethrulife · 7 years ago
When you were little and you heard someone curse
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navigatethrulife · 7 years ago
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New teaser trailer for Disney’s Christopher Robin (2018)
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navigatethrulife · 7 years ago
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not to start shit but paddington could and should knock the shit out of pooh BUT he wouldnt because it wouldn’t be kind nor polite but just know a motherfucker COULD
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navigatethrulife · 7 years ago
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navigatethrulife · 7 years ago
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navigatethrulife · 7 years ago
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mushroom by alex gnilenkov 
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navigatethrulife · 7 years ago
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navigatethrulife · 7 years ago
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Doc Luben //
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navigatethrulife · 7 years ago
Love this!
Things My Math Teacher has Said and Done
-”Now I’ll take attendance in the order in which I don’t like you”
-Made us say ‘may I use the potty?’ in a British accent when we need to use the washroom 
-”Good morning, how’s my favourite class doing-they just left you would’ve passed them in the hallway”
-Had names for all of the variables: a is for apple pie, b is for brownie, c is for cookie, and D IS FOR DOUGHNUT
-”This is beautiful. Just like if you were in front of a mirror-with me standing in front of you”
-He spent like 10 minutes making sure we understood the difference between cannoli and cannelloni
- “You should join the geek protection squad, we would beat up kids like you”
-On the first day of class he drew an x in the corner of the whiteboard with a box around it and it???? somehow stayed there???? all year?????
-”you should all take French just in case you meet a pretty French lady on a plane like I did”
-We had this closet in the corner of the room, and then it just became a thing to talk about the body in the closet (especially when people not in the class would come in)
-Answered the phone in one of two ways “greetings human” or “Pizza Pizza”
-While we’re talking about phones if someone was being looked for he’d tell them that they were out in the smoking area handing out anti-smoking pamphlets
-”You guys are so loud! People would think you’re Italian or something”
-Once turned the lights on using ‘the force’, a.k.a a lightsaber he kept on his desk, and a student standing under the light switch
-He told us this story about how a few years ago if a kid was particularly annoying/disruptive he’d send them to a certain teacher to ask for a ‘long stand’ that teacher would take a loooong time looking for this item before sending the kid along to the next teacher (I think there were 4?) anyway, once the kid would get back and be like ‘there is no long stand’ he’d say ‘well weren’t you standing for a long time?’
-There was a girl who had a broken arm, who got moved out of the class when her schedule got rearranged. During attendance he’d call ‘broken arm girl’ first, and she would come into the room before we got there to write stuff like ‘broken arm girl was here’ on the board
-The day before christmas break we just talked about star wars the whole class
-called us all sunshine and when one girl asked why he called her stormy clouds for the rest of the year
-If someone came to borrow something, before he’d give it to them he’d ask if they would like to know where they could get one, and then the whole class would all be like ‘staples’ ‘best buy’ ‘dollar store’ etc
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navigatethrulife · 7 years ago
The tongue is the only part of your reflection you can lick
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navigatethrulife · 7 years ago
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navigatethrulife · 7 years ago
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The results of an unbalanced UK winter. My Echeveria Lilacina has become variegated??? She’s totally healthy, no rot (which was my first thought), good leaf density etc…just two different colours! Quite fabulous.
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navigatethrulife · 7 years ago
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“Got the morbs” should be a thing.
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