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"Friend! It's too cold!"
- Megan Thee Stallion
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naturalscorpiosub ¡ 1 day
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naturalscorpiosub ¡ 2 days
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"Rachel Weisz and Patricia Velasquez trained for five months for their fight scene. They did the fight without any stunt performers" Horror Character Appreciation - Patricia Velasquez as Anck-su-namun / Meela Nais in The Mummy Returns (2001) dir. Stephen Sommers
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naturalscorpiosub ¡ 2 days
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naturalscorpiosub ¡ 2 days
becoming an adult cheat sheet!
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find out if you’re paying too much for your cell phone bill
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how to take care of yourself when you’re sick
what you should bring to a doctor’s appointment
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how to pick a health insurance plan
hotlines list
your first gynecology appointment
what to do if the cops pull you over
things to have in your car in case of emergency
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how to make friends as an adult (video)
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laundry cheat sheet
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alcohol: know your limits
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naturalscorpiosub ¡ 2 days
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Gothic Butterfly Brass by Otar Bezhanov
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naturalscorpiosub ¡ 2 days
Responses to "(Don't.) I'm begging you."
“And you do it so prettily.”
“Don’t do this to me. Don’t put me in this position.”
“Okay, okay.”
“Figures you’d put up a fight for this/them.”
“And I’m begging you.”
“I’m sorry.”
“If it’s that important to you…”
“I’ve heard you begging before, and this is not it.”
“Oh? Where was this energy before?”
“I overdid it, didn’t I? I was just messing around and-and… I’m sorry.”
“Do you think I want to do this?”
“Fine. I’ll think about it. No promises though.”
“Let’s hear it then.” “What?” “I want to hear you beg for me/this, [name]. Can you do that for me?”
“You’re so easy to rile up.”
“Oh yeah? What’s in it for me?”
“I didn’t think you’d care.”
“You really (don’t) want this?” 
“I have to. (I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. …I love you.)”
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naturalscorpiosub ¡ 2 days
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Sounds good to me!
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naturalscorpiosub ¡ 2 days
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Let it out
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naturalscorpiosub ¡ 4 days
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naturalscorpiosub ¡ 4 days
“if you hate tumblr so much why don’t you just delete???”
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naturalscorpiosub ¡ 4 days
theme: blatant flirting but the other person is oblivious to it (at first)
person A keeps complimenting person B on their appearance and talents, always with a playful smile. "You always look amazing in blue," person A says for the fifth time that week. person B starts to blush and wonders, "Are they flirting with me?"
person A frequently touches person B's arm during conversations, leaning in close and laughing at all their jokes. person B, initially thinking person A is just very tactile, begins to notice the lingering touches and wonders if there's more to it.
person A regularly brings person B their favorite coffee, each cup accompanied by a cute note. person B, while appreciating the gesture, starts to recognize the pattern and thinks, "This feels like more than just friendship."
person A invites person B to cozy, one-on-one movie nights at their place, always choosing romantic comedies. person B starts to see the pattern and smiles, thinking, "Are they trying to tell me something?"
person A constantly teases person B in a playful manner, trying to elicit laughter and blushes. person B begins to realize that person A's teasing is a form of flirting and starts to play along more.
person A often sends person B text messages late at night, sharing personal stories and jokes. person B starts to see the deeper connection forming and wonders, "Is this their way of getting closer to me?"
person A buys tickets for concerts or events they know person B will love and invites them along. person B starts to see these outings as possible dates and feels a flutter of excitement.
person A compliments person B on their smile and the way they light up a room. person B, thanking person A, starts to realize these compliments are more than just kind remarks—they're expressions of interest.
person A creates playlists of songs that subtly convey their feelings and shares them with person B. person B, enjoying the music, starts to pick up on the romantic undertones and smiles knowingly.
person A frequently cooks or bakes for person B, bringing them homemade treats with a smile. person B begins to recognize that these gestures are person A's way of showing affection and starts to reciprocate with small gestures of their own.
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naturalscorpiosub ¡ 4 days
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(NSFW) Snippets, saving moments 😌
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naturalscorpiosub ¡ 4 days
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My willpower is weak!!
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naturalscorpiosub ¡ 4 days
Worldbuilding: Questions to Consider
Government & authority:
Types of government: What type of government exists (monarchy, democracy, theocracy, etc.)? Is it centralised or decentralised?
Leadership: Who holds power and how is it acquired (inheritance, election, divine right, conquest)?
Law enforcement: Who enforces the laws (military, police, magical entities)?
Legal system: How are laws made, interpreted, and enforced? Are there courts, judges, or councils?
Criminal laws: What constitutes a crime? What are the punishments?
Civil laws: How are disputes between individuals resolved?
Cultural norms: How do customs and traditions influence the laws?
Magic/supernatural: Are there laws governing the use of magic or interaction with supernatural beings?
Social structure:
Class/status: How is society divided (nobility, commoners, slaves)? Are there caste systems or social mobility?
Rights & freedoms: What rights do individuals have (speech, religion, property)?
Discrimination: Are there laws that protect or discriminate against certain groups (race, gender, species, culture)?
Economy & trade:
Currency: What is used as currency? Is it standardised?
Trade laws: Are there regulations on trade, tariffs, or embargoes?
Property laws: How is ownership determined and transferred? Are there inheritance laws?
Religion/belief systems:
Religious authority: What role does religion play in governance? Are religious leaders also political leaders?
Freedom of religion: Are citizens free to practice different religions? If not, which are taboo?
Holy laws: Are there laws based on religious texts or teachings?
Military & defense:
Standing army: Is there a professional military or a militia? Who serves, and how are they recruited?
War & peace: What are the laws regarding war, peace treaties, and diplomacy?
Weapons: Are there restrictions or laws regarding weapons for civilians? What is used as a weapon? Who has access to them?
Technology & magic:
Technological advancements: How advanced is the technology (medieval, steampunk, futuristic, etc.)?
Magical laws: Are there regulations on the use of magic, magical creatures, or artifacts?
Innovation & research: How are inventors and researchers treated? Are there laws protecting intellectual property?
Environmental/resource management:
Natural resources: How are resources like water, minerals, and forests managed and protected, if at all?
Environmental laws: Are there protections for the environment? How are they enforced? Are there consequences for violations?
Cultural & ethical considerations:
Cultural diversity: How does the law accommodate or suppress cultural diversity?
Ethics: What are the ethical foundations of the laws? Are there philosophical or moral principles that underpin them?
Traditions vs. change: Does the society balance tradition with progress? How?
Happy writing ❤
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naturalscorpiosub ¡ 4 days
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naturalscorpiosub ¡ 5 days
Writing with Folklore Discord!
Hi all! I got some interest about a writing discord so here it is!
There's space to chat writing, books, WIPs, memes, and maybe potentially we'll stream together and play some games in the future, whatever you guys are interested in I can make happen!
Please let me know if you encounter any weirdness or issues and I'll try to fix them. Hope to see you all there! :-)
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