nattylvr · 6 days
Cherry Waves
A little Nat makeup blurb that I thought up due to @theprismyyy
"Natalie. Jesus Christ. Fucking- stay still. I'm almost done," you huffed, attempting to do Natalie's eyeliner. Which wasn't easy, considering she kept moving.
"I've been sitting here for like three hours. It doesn't take me this long to do my own makeup." She smirked up at you, clearly trying to piss you off. And it was working. Kind of.
"First off, it's been half an hour. Second, it doesn't take you this long because you use one eyeshadow color, slap on some eyeliner and mascara, and call it a day. I'm actually doing your makeup. And if you don't sit still, it's really going to take three hours."
With that, she finally shuts up and sits still. You're able to pencil on some eyeliner, not trusting yourself or Natalie not to fuck it up somehow. After the eyeliner, you pick up a tube of mascara and tilt her head to look at you. You have to lean down close to her to make sure not to poke her in the eye, but being that close also means you want to kiss her. Badly.
Snapping out of your trance, you take a step back to admire your work and smile. Glittery dark blue eyeshadow coats her lids, and the eyeliner you applied makes her eyes look dark and smoky. She looks like herself, but also completely different. It's a look she would wear, but not one she'd do herself.
"Okay, one more thing." You open a tube of deep red lipstick, and Nat immediately looks disgusted.
"Dude. You know I hate that shit." She gives you a look that's supposed to be intimidating, but you can't really take her seriously right now.
"Just for a couple pictures, okay? You don't have to wear it all night."
She continues to glare for a couple of moments, and you're wondering if this is one of those things she's choosing to be annoyingly stubborn about.
As soon as you're about to give up, she relents and lets you apply the lipstick. She looks stunning, dark and ethereal. But also somehow soft. She looked like Nat.
Before you can compliment her (or yourself, really, you did all the work), she's pulling you down to kiss her. At first you think she's saying thank you, but it soon becomes clear that she's trying to get all the lipstick off.
You don't pull away, not yet, even though you know what she's trying to do. She bites at your bottom lip, and you sigh into her mouth. Natalie doesn't do much more than that, other than slide her tongue into your mouth.
The two of you stay like that for what feels like hours, but was definitely closer to a few minutes. You pull away first, and look down to see the damage. Her lipstick is smeared all across her mouth, and you can't help but laugh.
"What are you laughing at?" She looks up at you, faux annoyed. Instead of saying anything, you turn her towards the mirror, and she immediately laughs too.
"You're not much better, you know."
"Yeah, I realize that." You crouch down, attempting to clean up the smudged lipstick with your thumb. Nat has this almost goofy smile on her face, and you can't help but smile at her.
Once you clean up her lipstick smudges, you just take a makeup wipe to your own lips, since you hadn't done your own makeup yet.
"Shit, now I have to wait for you, too?" Natalie asks as you settle in front of the mirror.
"Unless you want to do my makeup, yeah."
"I'll pass."
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nattylvr · 10 days
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this makes me so sad deerlottie if ur seeing this we love u
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nattylvr · 10 days
Bold and Breathless - Natalie Scatorccio | One Shot
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Summary: When hunting with Natalie turns into a game of who's the better shooter, you find yourself kissing her on a whim of confidence (basically just a rewrite of that scene between Natalie and Travis, except it's you taking his place).
Warnings: Kissing, Swearing, Talks/Descriptions of Periods.
A/N: All characters are 18+ by default. Implied fem!reader, but can be interpreted however you want. Also, this is my first post about Yellowjackets, and I've had this drafted in my Google Docs for, like... almost a year, so enjoy!
Word Count: 2300+
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Your finger teased the trigger of the rifle in your arms while your pupils flickered about the forest, taking in the scenery and what it carried. All you could see was the lush life of greenery and trees, but when it came to animals of any kind, the signs of them were few and far between. The plush of your cheek used the wooden buttstock as its personal resting place as you gripped the outstretching barrel of the weapon, and you could feel the presence of Natalie right behind you. Although her existence reminded you that you weren't alone, it only increased your embarrassment, due to the fact that you and her were competing against each other, for the sake of making the act of hunting less melancholic.
It wasn't often that you allowed your patience to waver. Though, after a moment longer with nothing showing itself as a feasible target, you quietly huffed and lowered the rifle down, as you deflated into the curved tree you used as your own personal perch. Frustration bloomed, like a wave of heat washing over you, and Natalie noticed your attitude, when she approached you from your left and sighed knowingly as she crinkled the piece of paper she held between her fingers. "Ah, giving up makes sense," she muttered. Her voice was low, which emphasized the raspiness of her natural tone, and you slowly turned your head to meet her eyes with a deadpan that was directed towards her. "You're too far behind to ever catch up."
You turned your body and rested your back up against the tree as you continued to stare at her. She held a cocky smirk on her lips, and although you wanted to show your frustration towards her egotistical nature, you couldn't bring yourself to say anything close to a quip. All you could do was shrug your shoulders and look down at the rifle you cradled in your arms. "Is saying that I'm on my period a valid excuse for my suckiness right now?" you questioned thoughtfully, your eyebrows furrowing in wonder.
"Nope," Natalie replied, her lips popping the 'P' in the word she spoke. You gave her what you could only describe as a pout in response to her denial, and she mockingly frowned at you, but there was still that added affection you could sense coming from the action. "We're synced up, so whatever you're feeling, I'm probably feeling it too," she stated, which made your features scrunch up into a grimace, hating the concept of periods as a whole. The Midol you took in the morning lessened the intense cramps you always got on the first day. You made sure to give your hunting partner one too when she first woke up this morning.
She seemed awfully chipper for someone who was bleeding from the inside, though.
You were a little envious of her.
You let out an almost mute groan when the corkscrew of a cramp spread throughout your lower abdomen. The singular pill clearly hadn't done much for your annoying symptoms, and Natalie seemed to recognize that when her eyes glanced down to the rifle in your arms. She noted the way you clutched it tighter for a moment, which caused your muscles to tense, before you eventually loosened your hold on the gun and let out a fleeting huff that conveyed whatever discomfort you were feeling had passed.
"Where's Travis?" you asked unconsciously, suddenly moving on from the earlier topic you and she shared, while you settled the rifle down and leaned it up against the bark beside you. "He's not experiencing debilitating cramps right now. He should be doing this shit," you muttered grumpily, which earned a chuckle from the blonde, as she stepped forward slightly, lessening the distance between the two of you.
"I, uh... kinda just wanted it to be us this time," Natalie muttered, her voice quiet. You lifted your eyes to connect them with her own, and while she stared at you through her lashes, fidgeting with the piece of paper in her hands, you felt your stomach flutter with an appreciative sensation. One that filled you with warmth and excitement, rather than the usual discomfort you had been feeling for the majority of the day. "He's... somewhere, doing... something." She brought her hand up and waved it carelessly, and although the statement was somewhat worrisome, you laughed.
It was a sound that brought a grin to Natalie's cheeks, when she lifted her chin to level her gaze with your own. You shook your head in amusement, appreciating the comical nature, whether or not she intended for it to be such, as you leaned down to blindly grab the barrel of the rifle. "That's romantic," you mused, the tone of your voice containing a gentleness to it that conveyed to the girl in front of you that you appreciated her intentions. You settled the gun in your arms after a moment, and she watched you sheepishly as you pushed away from the tree and moved in close to her, creating an irrevocable display of intimacy that caused her breath to catch in her throat, while her pupils flickered down to glance at your lips. "Guess we can call this a date."
Natalie felt her stomach flutter when you shifted slightly to traverse forward. Your lips almost touched her own in the movement, but you managed to keep the moment from happening when you passed her by and continued on with the intention of finding another area to hunt. She felt warmth ease its way up her neck and onto her cheeks as she followed you soon after, and while she watched you like a hawk – flustered and shocked by your boldness – you shared the same sentiment towards yourself. Your own skin was hot, and you only hoped that it didn't visibly mark you with the emotion of embarrassment and surprise towards your own actions, which portrayed confidence you didn't even realize you had.
Though luckily, she didn't see your self-assured attitude shatter into two.
You could feel the grass brush against the bare skin of your arms while you laid on the forest floor. You cradled the rifle in your palms, the barrel of the weapon settled against the moss-covered log you used as a perch, while Natalie's sitting form lingered to your left. She watched you intently as you focused on an unsuspecting gopher. The little creature chewed on a piece of brush, and just as your finger eased down onto the trigger, you heard the vibration of a sharp click emit from the gun, signifying that no bullet lied in the chamber. Immediately, your head perked up with an expression of dumbfounded confusion lining your features, and you pulled your focus away from the iron sights, as you brought your hand down to tug the lever.
You were greeted with the vacant space that usually contained some sign of ammunition. "What the fuck..." your lips parted in shock, just as you heard Natalie giggle from beside you. Her laughter caused you to shift your body and look over at her amused state, and it didn't take long before she lifted her hand up to show you the bullet that was meant to be sitting in the chamber of the rifle. "You fuckin' cheater!" you quietly exclaimed, while an open-mouthed grin formed on your cheeks. You gawked at her, a feeling of amazement swirling within your chest towards her lighthearted joke. She bit her lip to try and suppress her own amusement towards your reaction, but it was clear as day that she thought what she had done was hilarious.
"All is fair in love and war," Natalie told you, though you could only furrow your eyebrows in response to her statement, as you pushed yourself up from your lain position and sat on the back of your heels. Your eyes flickered about her face, taking in her pallid features earnestly, but your own expression made her think you were offended by her actions, especially when you didn't put in the effort to respond. It only caused her comical nature to dwindle slightly, as she rolled the bullet into her palm and closed her fingers around it, creating a fist that protected the piece of ammunition. "I had to come up with a way to get you to lose," she explained sheepishly, after a moment, "I can't let you win."
"You can't let me win?" you repeated, your tone completely lighthearted and pertaining no malice. You shook your head dismissively, still amused by the plan she had gone with in order to prevent you from having a victory. "I see how it is," you uttered, though the statement was more so directed towards yourself, as you shifted closer to her and attempted to grab her wrist that was connected to the hand that held the bullet. However, just as your fingers brushed against her skin, she pulled her arm away from you, which forced your eyes to flicker away from her fist and back up to her, meeting her gaze. "You not gonna let me have the bullet back?" you questioned her.
Natalie shook her head silently, and her quiet response forced a subtle groan from you that sounded more like a low whine. The sound automatically amused the blonde in turn, and just as she let her guard down to bellow a laugh at your feigned defeat, you shot your hands forward and grabbed her wrist with one – keeping it from retreating, as your other squeezed between her curled fingers and snatched the bullet from her grasp. "Hey!" she called, but you had already shuffled away from her and clutched the singular piece of munition to your chest, staring at her as though you were some feral squirrel who had found their prized acorn.
"Don't 'hey' me," you retorted with a giggle, as Natalie pushed herself up onto her knees to crawl towards you. Her gaze had suddenly darkened, like she was on a mission to take back what she saw as hers, which forced a nervous laugh to slip from your lips, as your grip around the bullet tightened.
"Give me the bullet," she told you.
"Hell no." You shook your head in response, and Natalie rolled her eyes at your answer, her hands shifting to rest against the ground to keep herself steady. Her palms sat on either side of your body, which had lessened the proximity between the two of you, and you only realized such when she let out a breath that gently hit against the skin of your nose. All sense of amusement vanished from you at the recollection, and she shared a similar expression of surprise when her pupils fluttered down to take in the finer details of your face. She didn't push away from you, however. And you took her lack of repression as a sign to act on the impulse you felt nagging away at you.
Before you could truly dictate whether or not it was a bad idea, you raised your hand up to gently take hold of Natalie's jaw. Your fingers lightly squeezed her face, as you pulled her down to mold your lips against her own. Your eyes closed tightly as she moaned against your mouth, and you felt a surge of anxiety suddenly flourish through your stomach, which caused you to pull back from her, acknowledging the boundary you had trespassed without her consent. "I'm sorry, Nat–" Your attempt to apologize to her was swiftly cut off, when she lifted her palm up and wrapped it around your neck to tug you back into her.
Natalie initiated the kiss that time, and you felt the nervousness the moment brought you slowly fade away. You melted into her, internally appreciating the way the heel of her palm lightly pressed against the column of your throat, as her fingers kept a light grasp of your jawline. It forced your head to nudge into the bark of the tree that you leaned up against. But you didn't mind it, as she moved to straddle you without you fully realizing it. When the weight of her body rested on your lap, you moaned into her mouth without warning and moved your hands down to knead her hips while you tugged her closer, holding them with a firmness that she seemed to appreciate when she squeezed your skin.
The both of you got lost in the moment, and only when a distant crackle of wildlife sounded off in the distance, did you and Natalie part from each other. You let out a gasp, one that conveyed you had been in need of air for a good while, and she made a similar sound as she dropped her hand from your neck and planted it against your collarbone to brace herself, all while her other mindlessly moved up to rest against the tree beside your head. Your eyes fluttered open shortly after, blissed out and baffled from what had happened, and when your gaze eventually met with her own, her lips were parted, but a giddy grin was apparent while she stared down at you.
"You're… a lot bolder than I thought."
Her statement carried a tone of endearment to it. And all you could do in response was sheepishly shrug, as if you didn't know what had come over you. Truly, you didn't. Maybe it was the wilderness that encouraged you to live without worry and the fear of being dragged down by your natural shyness. Maybe it was simply her that forced another side of you to come out. One that was carefree and willing to do whatever without the concern of getting in trouble. Whatever it was, you liked it, and it was clear that she did too. Especially when her eyes roved over your form one last time, before she eventually pulled herself away from you.
It was an action that caused butterflies to flourish throughout your stomach, while she tugged you up to your feet and pulled you along, as though she hadn't just been on top of you and stolen your breath away.
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Give me your thoughts/requests! Thanks for reading! <3
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nattylvr · 13 days
Dare I say we all would like like TravNat plot if it was one of the other girls. Toxic yuri is what we thrive on chat😞
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nattylvr · 14 days
excuse me, can I ask if I'm not causing any inconvenience? My condition is very critical and I need all donations in order to save my children's lives. My children are dying. Every donation makes a difference for us. Please help me donate.
i did! if anyone else can, please donate
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nattylvr · 15 days
casual [iii]
"i hate that i let this drag on so long, now i hate myself, hate that i let this drag on so long, you can go to hell"
pairing: natalie scatorccio x reader
summary: you're not just going to let her go, this time. after long enough, you arrive at the very obvious conclusion that you're in love, and there's very little else to be done about that
warnings: mentions of sex, cuss words, a bit of angst but i promise a happy ending :)
word count: 7.2k
A/N: all good things must come to an end. trust, i'll write for nat again. also i stayed in that airport so fucking long it was like purgatory, and i'm so sorry it took longer than i thought, i've had an exhausting past two weeks and just needed to stop and breathe for a minute
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"Please tell me you didn't do it on my sheets," Lottie groaned, lip curled in disgust and eyes hidden by her sunglasses.
"Sorry," you said back from behind your own pair, without looking away from the crystal blue of her pool water. You both were splayed out on her sun-bleached deck chairs, with matching hangovers (and bathrobes) that made the bright, beaming sunlight a whole new level of awful.
Her house was in disarray around you both, with crushed beer cans and overturned chairs all across the pool deck. Some cigarette butts floated in the water and you were certain the sprinklers in her garden were misting a pile of vomit and washing it down the front of her lawn, but neither of you made a move to get up and deal with it yet.
At the far end of the Matthews' pool, there was a statue of a mermaid that doubled as a fountain, spitting water in a gentle stream. Someone had put a snapback that said 'I <3 BOOBIES' on her and a bit of lipstick around the area that water shot out, and though usually you would have laughed, you instead were a bit annoyed by how it was taking you out of what would've been a nice scene.
There was just something about waking up and seeing Nat had gone without any sort of indication, that sparked the sudden urge within you to reconnect with nature. So you were reconnecting— more like brooding— on Lottie's pool deck in a peaceful silence.
After what felt like thirty minutes but was probably more like five, she turned to you. "Do you wanna—”
“—Talk about it?” you finished, raising your eyebrows. You shook your head. “No.”
She pouted. “I was gonna ask if you wanted to make pancakes.”
“Oh… then yes.”
You both lazily trudged into her equally wrecked kitchen, with even more cans and spilled liquids thrown over her marble counters. There was a burnt bag of popcorn sitting in the sink and the garbage can underneath it was overflowing with paper towels, but Lottie's kitchen was big enough where you could ignore it entirely, jumping up to sit on the clean countertop near her massive range cooker.
When Lottie said 'make pancakes,' she really meant she would be the one cooking and you would be there for moral support, if anything. You were gifted in many things but cooking or anything of the sort had never been one of them. Instead you leaned your head against the massive stone hood, and watched her from the pair of sunglasses you still wore.
Nat had laughed at you, when you said you didn't know how to cook. Not an omelette, not mac and cheese, and barely a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Of course, you assumed the last one wouldn't be hard to figure out, but you hadn't ever made one before, and it made her laugh into your chest, where her head had been resting. It hurt a bit now, but you had the sunglasses to shield your eyes while you stared off into space.
"Chocolate chips?" Lottie asked, running a hand through her dark hair and combing out a few knots with her fingers. You nodded, and she turned back to the pan in front of her, grabbing a fancy looking bag from a stack of supplies nearby. "My dad brought fresh chocolate back with him from when he was in the Caribbean a few weeks ago," she said to you, sprinkling it into the pan and flipping it over.
"Is he going to be pissed you're using it for pancakes?" you mumbled, feeling your headache return.
"No more pissed than he'll be when he sees that Jeff and his friends cut off the leg on one of his horse-shaped hedges." You winced, hopping down from the counter and feeling your back still scraped raw from, well, Nat. Lottie shot you a look. "That heated, huh?"
You rolled your eyes, heading towards the kitchen island and grabbing some of the beer cans to toss in the rubbish. "She's made her decision clear. I'm honestly done with it. I don't care anymore."
Lottie didn't say anything, turning back to the pancakes and sliding them on a plate as you slid into the barstool at the other end of her island and rested your head on your elbows. "I mean, she called me selfish, Lottie, and then said she loved me multiple times, minutes later. Who the hell does that?"
"Mhm," she hummed, sticking her spatula and the pan in the sink and then moving to the walk in pantry to grab syrup and powdered sugar.
You watched her go, calling after her. "She disappears for days after she gets mad about me talking to people, and then I see her immediately with Bobby Farleigh of all people, and they're cuddling up! I'm done with it all."
"Okay," Lottie said, reappearing with her arms full and tossing them down on the kitchen island. She clambered up into the seat next to you and stole some of the plain ones for herself, before covering them in syrup.
"And," you continued, remembering something else as you began cutting up the pancakes and smothering them in powdered sugar, "she egged my fucking house! How could I even forget about that? I mean, what was I thinking? I don't want to talk about her."
"Oh yeah," Lottie snorted. "You really don't want to talk about her."
You shot her a glare, stuffing your mouth with an angry fork. "I'm serious, Lottie."
"You wish," she scoffed. "If you were serious— and I'm not trying to be mean— but if you were serious, you wouldn't be ranting all about her. I know you keep saying it's impossible and it can't happen with her, but you sure as hell seem like you want it to happen with her."
You frowned, taking a forkful and stuffing it into your mouth. Right as you did, a couple sheepishly walked down the hall and towards the front door, clothes obviously messed up. They sent you an awkward wave and Lottie gave a quick nod in their direction, turning back to her plate. "Then why'd she leave?" you asked, when the door was shut behind them.
She shrugged. "Why the hell would I know? If anyone here would be the Natalie-whisperer, it would be you."
"Yeah well, apparently not," you huffed, shoving more pancakes into your mouth.
"I mean, it's not like you guys were on glowing terms before you... y'know. Wasn't gonna magically all be fixed, after." You groaned, leaning your forehead down onto the cool marble countertops. It actually felt nice, against your raging headache, but you still felt like crap.
"Would've at least been nice for her to wait until I woke up to go. No 'goodbye,' no 'we should talk,' nothing. When we were just hooking up and stuff, I at least always waited to say goodbye."
"So it's not just hooking up, anymore?"
"I don’t know what it is, Lottie. You tell me, because apparently everyone knows but me." She shrugged, finishing her plate and pushing it away from herself.
"I have an answer, but you're not gonna like it."
"...No, I'm not in love with her."
"You absolutely are."
"I'm done with this!"
"You keep saying that."
"'Cause I am."
"I'm done," you frowned, attempting finality in your tone and coming far short.
"Right," she snorted, and then she stood to grab your now-finished plate too. "Can you help me?”
It took around three hours, to get the Matthews house back to its usual formality. You sprayed burnt and disturbed bushes with the hose, threw out bag upon bag of party rubbish, and vacuumed cigarette butts off the carpet of her living room, silently working while Lottie played some records on her grandfather's old gramophone.
Her dad usually put jazz records on it or snooty classical music, whenever you were over, but Lottie had Dancing Queen blasting throughout her house and was hopping around as she snatched stuff off the mantle and shoved it into bags, turning to you and yelling a lyric from time to time, along to the music.
This wasn't your idea of fun by a long shot, but you could appreciate Lottie trying to make it fun.
"So, how much convincing did you have to do, to get Laura Lee here at a party? I mean, with the alcohol," you asked with a snort, grabbing an almost empty bag of crisps and tossing yourself down in her father's leather armchair to finish them off.
Lottie flushed. "A really embarrassing amount," she admitted. "I kind of glazed over that part."
"I'll bet she was surprised?" you asked with an amused crunch.
"It wasn't even that— this guy from my third period started going at it with this girl right in front her. I had to literally stop her from going over there to talk to them about waiting until marriage."
You shrugged. "I mean, she seems to like you a whole lot."
"She does," Lottie nodded. "She's so sweet to me, and she has the best hand to hold, like, ever."
"Honestly, I'm surprised, but happy for you. You're in a big ol' throuple with Jesus Christ."
"Ha ha," Lottie rolled her eyes, sticking her tongue out at you. "At least whatever we have is holy. I don't even want to think about you and—"
But whatever dig she would've said was cut off by her doorbell ringing. You sighed, letting your feet down from where you had propped them up on the side table and wiping the crumbs on your bathrobe.
"I'll get it," you grumbled, leaving Lottie to clean. When you opened the door there was absolutely no way you could've prepared to see her so soon.
Nat stood awkwardly in the entryway, looking just as surprised to see you as you were to see her. She wore a pair of blue shorts she practiced and slept in, and staring right back at you was the shirt you thought had gone missing weeks ago, barely hidden behind the ratty zip up hoodie she had over it.
Her eyeliner was still smudged from the night before in places, and you stared at her blankly, waiting for her to say something— anything, really.
"I forgot my damn lighter," she said, casting her eyes to the floor after a moment.
"Oh," you replied, feeling a bit stupid suddenly, in your bathrobe and sunglasses, with your flip flops for shoes. You looked like you were mid-spa day, or like someone's drunk uncle on a cruise. Then, before you could stop yourself, you felt an annoyance twinge in your gut, and said "Is that all you've got to say?"
Her eyes shot up, looking challengingly at you, in what was a clear frustration. "What do you want me to say?" But the answer went unsaid, even as much as you didn't like it. That you came back for me.
"I don't know..."
"Great," Nat scoffed. She looked over your shoulder into Lottie's house, as if her lighter would appear behind you and jump right into her hand, and she would just be able to leave. "Can I just have my—"
"—Why did you egg my house?" you shot back, crossing your arms over your chest, trying to block the door a bit more. She raised her eyebrows at you, confused.
"You egged my house, after our argument," you repeated, slower, feeling the tips of your ears burning.
"No the hell I didn't."
"Yes the hell you did," you argued back, leaning forward with your hands on your hips. "You're the only one with the gate code. I get it, you were mad, but—"
"—Fucking Christ, I didn't!"
"You wrote a giant 'fuck you' on my house. No one else would."
Nat glared. "I didn't invent it. Is it such an impossible thing for you to consider that maybe not everyone is Team (Y/n)? I don't mean to break your brain, but for once somebody might actually dislike you."
You rolled your eyes. "You're the only one with a history of breaking rules and doing shit."
"So, what, you think I would do that to you?"
"Maybe you would. Maybe you don't care about me at all. That's why you ran off, wasn't it?"
She narrowed her eyes at you. "I had to go, before my dad caught me out."
You shook your head. "Bullshit. You've stayed out, before."
"Oh, so now you're mad that I'm not cuddling up to you?"
"That's not cuddling, that's having me stick my fingers in you and then you run off. You were pissed at me a few days before, Nat, for literally the same thing."
"It's almost like it's confusing, (Y/n), when you get mixed signals. And no, I got pissed at you because you went shopping for girlfriends— which, I'm assuming because you're being an oblivious, self-righteous asshole, you're still doing."
"Yep, still looking," you glared at her. She glared right back, just as steely.
"Great," you replied. It was annoying, how good she looked when she was frustrated. She was great at looking mad, and even better at looking good when she was mad. The furrowing of her eyebrows, wrinkling of her nose in anger; she had the face you wanted to kiss away. It was impossible not to wonder, if doing so would uncurl her fists and smooth out the lines on her forehead.
Then you stopped. Holy shit. Everything seemed awful, like a massive case of vertigo had just washed over you. You had had hangovers before, but this somehow seemed infinitely worse. See, a thought had finally self-realised itself within your little peanut brain.
I'm in love with Nat.
It made the ceiling feel like the floor, and Nat sent you a concerned glance and seemed about to question your change in expression, when Lottie came from behind you.
"Hey, Nat," she said with an awkward smile, brushing past you with a look and then handing her the lighter quickly. "Excited for nationals?”
"Yeah," Nat nodded, but her eyes were still glaring at you. She cleared her throat, finally looking off. "Thanks, Lot. Great party."
"Mhm," Lottie nodded, trying her best to seem at ease and not at all like she was walking in on a code-red situation. "Have a great weekend! Bye now! Get home safe! See you!" She rushed, tugging you from beyond the doorway and giving a wave, before shutting the door.
The moment the door was closed, she gave you an unappreciative stare, but your eyes were wide and your cheeks flushed.
"What?" asked Lottie, her eyebrows furrowed with concern.
"I...I think I'm in love with her."
Your home was just as empty as it was when you had left the night before. Reginald wasn't even due to come in, since your mother and father weren't home and it was a Saturday. Even the groundskeeper and maid had the day off, and the groan you let out at finally returning home and falling onto the warm rug on your living room floor echoed against the walls of your empty house.
In your hand was the letter you found in your mailbox. A cool black and Princeton-orange colour. You already knew what it said, without even looking into it. Your father and mother went there. His father and mother, too. For years and years and years. And now, if you followed the rules set out in front of you, you too.
It was impossible not to wonder, when the fog of privilege would slowly cloud your brain. Would it be the law degree from a private school, or legacy admissions? The more frightening thing was that maybe Nat was right: it had already set in, and you unaware. You at least felt different than the rest of them. That made you different, right? You and Lottie?
The image of Nat seemed ever-prevalent. Glowering at you, like she had been in the doorway. In your shirt. With that frown. The frown that you wanted to kiss away, but would never be able to. A Scatorccio, of all people. Of all people, you had to be in love with the one person you couldn't have.
It felt simultaneously like life had resolved into something more clear and understandable, and something more depressing and doomed. You wanted to forget the realisation, and the acceptance as well. Maybe it was truly better when you were promising your friends that you felt nothing of the sort.
Your eyes flitted from where they stared at the ceiling over to the giant brown bookcase in the corner, stacked high with thick volumes of what your dad had once said were family records, but you had never grabbed one off yourself. The one that stuck out against the brown leather-bound books was a more sleek, grey memoir with your grandfather’s name printed onto the hard cover casing.
That one you had read— your father had made you read it, when you were fourteen, and your parents gave up on trying for another kid. It wasn’t as dreadfully boring as you thought it would be, but it was still a memoir about a stuffy stockbroker from the 80s, with all the parts involving cocaine conveniently edited out, but not your grandfather’s insane escapades with women.
Your father was in the process of writing his own edition, and had thereby implied that he expected you to write one for yourself. You didn't know what you could possibly write about, but then again there was the expectation you write about it anyway. You weren't a guy on Wall Street, you weren't an international businessperson. You didn't even know what you were going to school for, yet.
Next to the bookshelf in equal intimidation was a painting of your family that your father had commissioned years ago. It was back when you still had braces and acne, but thankfully the artist had removed both. You hadn't been allowed to smile for it, though that's what child-you thought you did for pictures. Instead, you and your parents' mouths were drawn into disapproving lines and hardened expressions, and the golden plaque at the bottom wore your surname in proud, powerful letters.
You sighed, sitting up onto the palms of your hands and then standing slowly, still a bit uncoordinated. You sent the painting a final glance before you wandered to the phone, grabbing the thing and checking your watch while you did it. You slumped down into the seat at the end of your dining room table, where your father usually sat, and pulled the antenna from the top, punching in the numbers absentmindedly as you stared out the window onto the garden and the pool.
The number was for your father's Monaco residence, and you waited with a jumping knee and wry expression while it rang. Eventually, though, your mother picked up. "Hello?"
"Hello, mother."
(Y/n), darling, is something wrong? You know to call Reginald first, in case of emer—"
"—No, nothing is wrong, mother. Look, I actually wanted to ask you a question."
"Well, go on then. We're about to go out to dinner."
"...Mother, do you have Julie Roosevelt's number?"
Silence on the end of the line. "Absolutely!" You didn't need to be there with her to hear the smile in her voice. "What for?"
You swallowed. "I think I'll try to take her out tonight."
"Well! Darling, that's just wonderful!" You nodded into the receiver, not like she could see it. "Make sure to wear your nice shirt, we don't want to upset the Roosevelts! I hope you know, I'm proud of you for this, really." You almost mentioned getting accepted into Princeton. Almost. But you decided not to mention it. It wasn't like you wanted to think about it anyways.
From the far wall, you could see the painting of the woman with the blue eyes staring at you.
The local mini golf was always busy, but Saturdays were absolutely the busiest. There were couples upon couples who had the exact same idea, and were wandering around with their hands together and beaming at one another like they were living in a rom-com in the real life.
And yet you stood there with your hand in Julie Roosevelt's, and a massive frown on your face. It wasn't one that you'd let Julie see— every time she glanced in your direction, you'd quickly replace it with your best smile, showing her your teeth— but it was one that you knew you wore when she turned away.
"Sorry about the late notice," you said. You dropped her hand and went to grab a putter from the front, handing it to her and then grabbing one for yourself.
"It's okay, I was wondering if you were ever going to talk to me again," Julie laughed, a bit awkward. You winced. It's not like you could be honest, and say that you didn't intend to. The truth was, that while Julie was a bit shallow, she was also a bit too nice to deserve this one-sided thing.
Of course, there was the hope that you grew the love your mother spoke of. Maybe it would hit you, and alleviate you from Nat, who seemed to haunt your thoughts even more now, that you were aware she had captured your heart.
"I was just busy, this past week," you shrugged. "It's kind of a big deal for the Yellowjackets, and both of the teams are practicing and stuff...so."
"Wow. I guess you really like the Yellowjackets then, huh?"
"Uh...something like that, yeah. It's a big deal." She hummed, then took her things out onto the first green.
You let her go, standing behind her and watching with a grin and the scorecard in your pocket. Mini golf was something you took pride in being good at. But, then, of course, Julie let the ball drop, took a second, and gently hit the ball around the bend with a near perfect curve, and right into the hole.
"Yay!" she cheered, jumping up and down in celebration.
Julie put her hands on her hips with a teasing grin. "Captain of the golf team, remember?" You hadn't.
You played a terrible game, for the most part. You stood at the end of the second-to-last hole with the scorecard in your hand and a whole bunch of big numbers on your side of the table. Julie was beaming from ear to ear, though you weren't exactly sure why.
It had been pretty much silent, with the two of you failing over and over again to find an interesting thing to talk about. It wasn't the calm, pleasant silence like it was with... well, it didn't matter now. You filled in a four, two shots over the par, and made your way over to where Julie was crouching down, to get a better view of the final hole.
"Actually wait, there's a special way you have to play this one," you called out to her, and she turned to you with a puzzled expression.
"What do you mean?"
"It's kind of local tradition here," you shrugged. You weren't even sure if that was true, you just knew that it was what Nat had called it, when she taught you. "You have to swing really, really hard, and to win, you've gotta get it over the fence," you pointed, "and right into the back of that neighbourhood."
She blinked at you for a moment, and then Julie frowned, looking down to the ground. "That's mean, though. What if you hit someone's house? Or a window?"
"Bonus points," you shrugged. "I don't know, you can't really see where they go, once they're over the fence. It's fun."
Julie raised her eyebrows. "Don't you think it's a little immature? Why would I do that if I'm going to win for real?"
You opened your mouth to reply, then firmly closed it. "I guess you're right," you mumbled. It hadn't felt stupid when you suggested it, but Julie's disdain at the suggestion made you feel improper.
She did win, by a massive landslide, and you let her keep the scorecard with little protest. She was still beaming though, brightly at you like she had just had the best date of her life. Your stomach felt like it was tied up in a bunch of knots, but you smiled back at her nonetheless.
If love was something to be worked towards, you really hoped it would start working soon.
You had only been home for about twenty minutes, when your phone started ringing. Off the hook. Over and over again. You knew who it was just from the ring, but that didn't mean you wanted to pick up.
After the disaster that was dropping Julie off at her house, you wanted to continue to staring at the ceiling. But after the sixth call back, it seemed Jackie wasn't giving up.
You picked the phone up with a frown, rolling over and smushing your chin into the bed. "Hello—"
You groaned. "Jackie I dropped her off like thirty minutes ago, how do you already know about this?"
"So it's true?! You're dating?"
You sat up. "What? No, we just went on one date."
"Really? Cause Julie told Margie who told Randy who told Jeff, who told me that you kissed her and you're going out!"
You pinched the bridge of your nose. "I didn't kiss her, she kissed me. And it wasn't even like an actual kiss, she like, pecked me, and then scrambled out of my car and up her driveway."
"Well, she's saying you're going steady."
"'Going steady?' The 40s called, they wanted their slang back."
"Ha ha," Jackie said back, and you could hear the eye roll. She went silent. "...I bet your mom is happy."
"Are you happy? You're probably a shoe-in for prom court, especially since I'll be out of town. Your mom won't let you go to nationals, will she?"
"No. She'll want me and Julie to go to prom together."
"Well, I mean, at least you'll win, right? That's gotta be exciting?"
You looked over to your nightstand, where you had a polaroid of you and Nat that sat taped to the side. "Thrilled."
"(Y/n)? You okay, hubby?"
You took a sharp swallow. "Yeah, I'm fine. Julie's great."
"Right...," she paused again, "does Nat...does she know?"
"I don't think so... It's only been like, thirty minutes."
"She will soon, though. Monday."
"Yeah...I guess she will soon."
Monday was terrible. It seemed Julie had taken the awkward attempt at kissing you as the sign that you were together. She was there at your car when you first arrived, grinning again while you and Lottie got your things for school out of the second row. Then, the moment you had locked your car, you were tugged along by a hand grabbing yours.
You didn't exactly have a good reason to be grossed out. Julie was beautiful, and if you had felt the same way for her, you would have been thrilled with the enthusiasm. Hell, if it were... well. So, you mostly let her drag you wherever she wanted.
There was about a week, to run for prom court. Your mother had promptly called you that morning to insist on prom, and insist on shopping for prom, when she returned home on Wednesday, from Monaco. It was all Julie would talk about, and you were starting to wonder how much of this was a political move for her too, rather than one of genuine interest in you.
You first saw Nat coming down one of the halls, and you hesitated a bit the moment you saw that she noticed you. Or, that she noticed you and Julie together. It was the walk of shame, frankly. You didn't belong to her, in any formal sense. But your heart did, and that was enough for it to hurt. Badly.
It seemed to hurt her too. She immediately frowned, tugging on Kevyn's sleeve and walking in the opposite direction. You wanted to run after her, but Julie had an iron grip on your hand and a smile so bright.
It was awkward enough at lunch, with Julie insisting to sit next to you and to bring her golf friends. A few of them were nice, and Jackie managed to chat them up well enough to make even more friends than before, but Lottie had a frown the entire time, and Shauna looked less than happy.
Nat wasn't staring at you at lunch anymore. It was a startling realisation, that you wanted her to be looking at you. If anything, you were looking more at her. You kept turning around, trying to seem like you were just scanning the cafeteria, but Nat was firmly looking down at her food, at the same table as always.
You felt like a runaway dog that had temporarily shrugged off its collar, trying to find home with a tail between its legs. Julie was nice, and smart, and talented. But she wasn't the one. Your one.
"Hey, you ready?" you asked Lottie, finding her out in the hallway in front of the locker rooms. it was Friday, and you both had your soccer bags slung over your shoulder, and were about to head out to practice, but Lottie seemed transfixed on a poster on the wall. "Hey now, you've got nationals tomorrow, no distractions," you tried.
"Is she seriously trying to make it seem like you two are soulmates?" Lottie said with a grimace. It was one of the ones Julie had made in two days, and was now putting all over the school to really earn you both the win. There was a drawing of you and her on it, with a heart in the middle, and 'VOTE JULIE & (Y/N) FOR PROM COURT 1996.' It was an objectively good design, but Lottie didn't like Julie very much— or at least had started to hate her, the longer you and her were together.
"I think it's because she has a crush on you," Julie said once with a pout, after Lottie had been less than welcoming to her on a ride home.
"No she doesn't," you shook your head.
"She definitely does. You shouldn't hang out with her as much, or people will think you and her are a thing. I mean, I did at first."
The whole conversation had only made Lottie more and more annoyed with her, and that was saying a lot, with how Lottie was usually nice to most people.
"Come on," you said, gesturing with your head out towards the pitch. "Last practice before nationals."
Lottie still had a frown on her face, but she followed you out there with her arms crossed. It was still relatively early, only a few people were out. Coach Martinez's son Travis was up in the bleachers, watching, while you could see Trevor and Misty talking next to the water cooler and Jeremy and Mari passing a ball back and forth to each other.
"Hey (Y/n)," a voice called from behind you, and you could feel a similar annoyance to Lottie's washing over you. You turned to see Carter Avery, back from his suspension, with a cheeky smirk on his face. "Miss me?"
"Not even close," you scowled. He brushed past you and Lottie, pausing for a moment when he was directly in front of you staring down in an attempt at intimidation. He kept walking though, until he paused, right at the edge of the pitch.
"Oh, and (Y/n)?"
"I think I need to borrow some eggs. You got any for me?" Your eyes widened. "What about toilet paper, then?"
It was intended to create anger in you. You knew he wanted you to charge at him or something, or to scowl, but all you did was stand there, in a stunned silence. You had thought that Nat would do that. That Nat could do that to you. Of course it wasn't Nat. You felt stupid and you felt guilty, and you felt even worse that you couldn't do much about either of those things. You could try, though. And maybe that would be enough.
Lottie sent you a knowing look, but all you wanted to do was curl up into a ball and die. Maybe you could try to talk to her, after practice? It was a long shot, but it was worth a try.
The Yellowjackets' moods were infectious, and it was impossible to not have a great time, at that practice. Their emotions were high, along with their excitement, and you started to feel a little bit better, the more you ran and the more you felt the wind in your hair.
Of course, that's when everything decided to go wrong. A single slide tackle from Taissa, right into Allie's leg, and everyone was panicking and yelling. You could see the bone sticking out from it, and Misty was bolting in your direction, hovering over her and attempting to right it.
"Can I get two people to carry her?" She shouted at both teams, and you immediately raised your hand, stepping forwards while Allie began to cry. You didn't even see who was grabbing her other arm until you had made it into the locker room, and Allie was still crying with Misty following behind and a very clueless looking Coach Ben behind her.
You should've known, it was her. She was selfless like that, even though she'd rather die than admit it herself. And yet, there Nat was, on the other side of Allie, laying her down on one of the locker room benches and raising her leg up. Misty ushered you both out into the hall, and suddenly both you and Nat were regretting volunteering.
You had to wait until she came out, so you would be able to carry her to the front, where the ambulance could arrive to take her to hospital, but until then it just meant you and Nat were forced to stand there in awkward silence.
It stayed that way, until you tried to speak. "So...nationals, hu—"
"Don't even," Nat snapped, shutting you up. She was twitching a little bit, in discomfort, and you knew right now that if it were outside, or if she were to have her bag, she would be pulling out a cigarette.
"...I know it wasn't you who egged my house. It was Carter... I'm...sorry."
"Real genius, aren't you."
"Allegedly. Not in practice, apparently," you admitted, sliding to the tiled floor in wait. She eyed you cautiously, but did the same, sliding down.
"Man, if I had a nickel, for every time we've been in this hallway with a serious injury... I'd have, what, two nickels?" You hummed, leaning your head back against the wall.
"That's not a lot," Nat said, rolling her eyes.
"No," you nodded in agreement, "but it's weird that it happened twice."
She thought for a minute, then shrugged. "I guess." You both could hear the whistle being blown outside, to end the final scrimmage and indicate that it was time to circle up.
"Don't you want to go hear that? Y'know, for tomorrow?"
Nat shook her head. "I'd rather be here for Allie. Though she's kind of an asshole."
You snorted. "She's a total fucking bitch."
"...Just so you know, I really did have to leave, after Lottie's party... I, uh, kissed your forehead, before I left... I guess you couldn't feel it though. You were asleep."
You shook your head. "I didn't know that..."
"...Yeah... my dad was being an asshole... it was a whole thing." You knew it hurt more than she was saying, right now, and you so desperately wanted to scoot closer, like you would've before things had gotten so messed up. Back when you were on the cusp of happiness.
"I'm sorry, Nat."
She shrugged again, like it didn't hurt, but you knew all too well. "For what?"
You would've said for being scared. For being weak. For not realising sooner. Anything. But instead you were interrupted by the sound of shoes on the tile.
Of course, there Julie had to be. She took a single look at Nat who was covered in sweat and a bit red from practice, and grimaced, before coming up to you and standing right over you, expectantly.
"Is practice over?" she asked, checking her watch. "I finished my club meeting. We have to go dress shopping— I want you there to colour match— and I need you to drop Margie off at her house, cause I said you would yesterday."
You blinked. "I mean... It kind of is? I should probably stay a bit—" you looked to Nat to see what she would say, but she was already standing up and walking off, taking the not so secret hint that Julie was telling her to get lost.
Julie watched her go, scowling behind her back and then spinning to you the moment the door clicked shut behind her. "What did she want with you?" she asked.
"We were just talking, Allie needed help."
"Well she's no good. She's one of those kids, y'know." You narrowed your eyes, getting up to your feet and wiping your hands on your shorts.
"What are you talking about?"
Julie tilted her head to the side, like she was confused by your confusion. "You must not have a lot of them, around here, but we had them all OVER, in Massachusetts. The town bicycles. Everyone wants a ride, if you know what I mean."
It was your turn to cross your arms. "No the hell I do not, Julie."
"Oh come on," she said, throwing up her hands. "She's trailer trash, at best. The delusional kind who thinks we'd look at her, like, ever. I mean, what's her body count, like over a hundred?"
"You don't know what the fuck you're talking about," you snapped at her, glowering.
"Okay, I know she's on the Yellowjackets, and she's clearly trying to get in your pants, but cmon. I'm your girlfriend, we can laugh about this kind of—"
"No, the hell you aren't. You're not my girlfriend, Julie, and you barely ever fucking were. That girl you just insulted is the best fucking person I know. She's selfless, she's kind, she makes me laugh—"
"Well then go sleep with her then!" Julie yelled, stomping her foot.
"Y'know what, I already have! And I fucking love her. So there!" And you turned right around and stomped back out onto the pitch.
“I’m coming, I’m coming,” you rolled your eyes, trudging down the stairs and calling out into the foyer. It wasn’t like whoever it was would actually be able to hear you, through the thickness of your door, if anything it was more to air your grievance with having to get up so fucking late. Your mom was once more distraught, now that you had kept the "perfect" girl for a single week and then promptly dumped her. Another vacation was in order.
Rain was still pounding on the roof from above, and it filled the emptiness of your house with a faint white noise, that was immediately shattered by the person pressing the button again. You rolled your eyes, deciding to walk even slower to the door out of nothing but spite.
When you actually opened the door, though, you had to blink a couple times, seeing a figure retreating already, down your drive. However long you had took had made them rethink why they were here, and you would've been all too happy to let the door close. That was, until you narrowed your eyes into the rain, just barely making out the shape of a familiar leather jacket.
"Nat?" You called into the storm, loud enough that there was no way she couldn't have heard you. You crossed your arms, thinking about how she had been earlier that day. "I know it's you, Natalie. Why the fuck are you here? You have nationals tomorrow."
She stopped in her tracks, just standing in it. She gently turned, shoulders rising and falling and it was clear she was breathing heavily. Her mascara was running in massive streaks down her face and dripping in small, grey droplets, and her eyes were sensitive and red, as if she had been crying and rubbed them raw. You swallowed what felt like a lump in your throat.
"This— all of this, with you— I— I can't," she stumbled, looking like a sad, wet dog in the rain.
"What?" you furrowed your eyebrows at her, walking out further onto your large, covered doorstep.
"I can't see you with her, (Y/n), I— I just can't."
"With Julie?"
Natalie threw up her arms in frustration. "Yes, Julie. I know she's perfect, or whatever, but— I— you can't be with her—"
"—Nat," you tried, stepping forward again.
"—Because I love you," she continued. You stopped in your tracks. It felt as if the air had been sucked right out of your lungs, even in the freshness brought by the storm. "I know we argue," her voice shook, "and I know we fight, and I know I smoke, and I curse, and I get bad grades, and my dad's a shithead, and I'm kind of an asshole sometimes— but I fucking love you, (Y/n). You.... I—"
"—Shut up," you said, shaking your head and rushing forward, out into the pouring storm. You collided with her, cupping her face in your cheeks and kissing her like the world would end in ten minutes. It would have, if you hadn't done it, and you had no idea how you had survived so long without doing it.
You kissed her once, and then you kissed her again, and then, when she was crying harder, and you were crying too, and she was holding onto your arms like you would fall away, you kissed her forehead, and held her tight in a hug.
"I'm selfish, and I'm a mess, and I'm never good enough for my stupid fucking parents," you said, over the rain and just for Nat, "and I don't realise that I hurt people 'cause that's not what my family does, and for that, I'm really, really fucking sorry."
She nodded in her tears, looking up at you as you both got rained on together. "But, I agree," you said, voice shaking, "we're not casual. I'm really, really fucking sorry, but I also really, really fucking love you, Nat. And I'm sorry I was too scared and too stupid, and," you raised your voice, as if to the sky, "I DON'T WANT TO FUCKING GO TO PRINCETON—" this time it was Nat who shut you up.
It was another kiss, but it was far more gentle than the first. It was a gentle press, and it took your breath away. When you pulled apart, you let your forehead fall against Natalie's. Even though the droplets were cold, you felt so warm.
After what felt like forever, but still wasn't long enough, Nat murmured to you, "should we go inside?" She still smelled like cigarettes and her perfume, just as she had in her trailer, and you intended to let the scent linger.
You shook your head. "Just stay out here a little longer with me. Please? Just let time pass."
She nodded, then smirked as she looked past you at the car on your driveway. "Fuckin' rich people."
AAAAAND THAT'S CASUAL BABYYYYY! Finished at like 2 am. anyways, i'm tired and a little bit sleepy
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nattylvr · 17 days
have any of you considered that maybe natalie scatorccio is simply just a love bug? a cutie pie? the sweetest girl at the sweet girl competition?
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433 notes · View notes
nattylvr · 18 days
claiming my i was a Yellowjackets fan before it got to Netflix ticket while I can
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nattylvr · 18 days
"is that what we are?"
lesbians DIED.
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nattylvr · 22 days
being a yj fan is shipping lottie with literally every other yellowjacket
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nattylvr · 26 days
Istg people characterize Nat as this like femme fatale kind of character but she's like... literally not.
Like yes she's very confident and brash but in terms of romantic relationships (which we do see with Travis) she's sweet or goofy or sarcastic.
For Christ sake when she wanted to fuck Travis she did the cutest little run over to him on the bed!! In the script when she tries to be sultry it notes that it doesn't work for her!
She's a badass but being a badass doesn't mean that you're some sort of like... sex goddess.
Stop mischaracterizing my girl for the love of GOD.
229 notes · View notes
nattylvr · 26 days
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nat looks at travis like THIS and he still couldn't get it up???? yeah. okay. FUCK OFF
142 notes · View notes
nattylvr · 26 days
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86 notes · View notes
nattylvr · 27 days
okay why is losing a let THE hardest thing ever?
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nattylvr · 27 days
Do we think Lottie would French braid everyone's hair before some games? Because I feel like she would.
18 notes · View notes
nattylvr · 27 days
When you get a taste, can you tell me what’s my flavor?
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requested\ yes
a/n: i got a request for a Tai slowburn, so you know i had to make it a homoerotic friendship, hope you enjoy it💞
warnings: best friends longing for each other, talk about exes, a little bit of angst
summary: You and Taissa were just friends, right?
Taissa was your best friend, nothing more, nothing less. You were on the same soccer team and you did everything together, but that’s normal, right?
Anyhow, her birthday was this Saturday and you made it your personal mission to let her have the best birthday ever, the one she’ll always remember. The whole squad was in on it, you already agreed with Lottie to have it at her huge ass house, nicely decorated. Nat and Van were gonna take care of the booze, and Jackie and Shauna were on food. You had the hardest task of all, and that was to convince her to show up. You’d thrown her a rager, with the whole school invited basically, but it wasn’t any good if she wasn’t there. Now, she loves parties, big ones, but convincing her to casually go to Lottie’s house on her birthday? That was gonna be tough, since Tai is known to be stubborn.
“How do you think i should convince her to come?” You asked Lottie, who was sat next to you at our lunch table
“What, you haven’t told her yet?” Lottie asked a little shocked
“No, of course not! I want it to be a surprise!” You said like it was the most obvious thing in the world
“Jesus Christ…I have no idea. But you better figure it the fuck out, or it’ll all have been for nothing!” Lottie said annoyed
“I kno-“
“What will have been for nothing?” Taissa asked, appearing behind us
“Uhh, my studying for the math quiz, if I don’t do well” Worst lie in history. Lottie seemed to think so as well when she had to hold back a laugh
“I’ll meet you guys later” Lot said getting up, the tension could’ve been cut with a knife
Tai sat across me, you kept eating and refusing to look her in the eye.
“Is there something you’re not telling me?” Tai asked knowing you couldn’t lie for too long
“No, everything is good…I mean not like good, just like…normal.” Good job!
“Mhm…and I definitely didn’t hear you talking about a surprise, right?” She asked staring right at my soul
“Fine, God I threw you a party…and it was supposed to be a surprise.” You said defeated
“Wha- Wait like a legit party?” Tai asked
“Yeah It’s at Lottie's, I made like a thousand written and copied invitations for our entire class and it said ‘Don’t mention to Taissa’ with these big red letters” When you told her about it you sounded kinda dorky to yourself, but it didn’t seem that way to her at all
“Don’t shy away, that’s so sweet of you! And I’ll totally act surprised in front of the others if you want me to.” She said holding your hand on the table gently
“Oh will you, reallyyy?” You asked her, you really wanted the girls to think she was mesmerized by your oh so hard work
“Yeah, sure.” She said not letting go of your hand
That was a success, but you couldn’t shake the feeling of only one thing.
Her hand was so soft
You just wanted to hold it forever. But that’s normal for best friends, right?
Yet there you were, supposed to be focusing on a test while thinking of Taissa’s hands
When school was done, you got in your car, of course you were giving Tai a ride, so you waited for her. It is safe to say when you saw her exiting school you were not happy. She was walking with Van who she used to date. In her defense they did break up on good terms, but you still didn’t like it. But that’s normal, you were just looking out for your friend, right?
“Hey sweetie” Tai said opening the passenger seat door and getting in
“Hi love…so what are you gonna wear tomorrow?” You asked her in anticipation
“Well I was thinking that orange dress, with the headband, they match” She said touching up her gloss, looking in her compact mirror
“I’m not sure whether to wear a dress at all.”
“You should, you always wear baggy clothes.” Tai said
“Why does that matter?” You asked her as you started to drive
“Well you look super hot when you dress up.”
She was leaning her head against the seat looking right at you. At this point you were really hoping she wouldn’t notice the slight redness that spread across your cheeks. I mean it’s still normal to blush when your friend compliments you…
As you got home you basically tried on your entire closet. You really wanted her to be impressed by your look, and didn’t even realize it had been hours. How is it possible you have quite literally nothing to wear? However in a time of crisis you dialed the first person who came to mind for fashion advice.
“Jackie! I need serious help.” You leaned against the wall, whining to her on the phone
“What’s going on?” She didn’t even need to ask who called, that kinda humbled you
“I need fashion advice! Like what the fuck do I wear for Tai to think I’m hot?” That last part must’ve just slipped out…
“What? Why would you want Tai to think you’re hot?” She asked, sounding genuinely confused
“Just forget I said that, but pleaseeeee Jackie You have to lend me something!”
“Fine, fine…I’ll give you the red dress, the one I gave Shauna some time ago”
“The boob dress?”
“That would be the one…”
“Okay, you’re the best. Love ya mwah mwah” You said, not waiting for her to say anything before hanging up
You still couldn’t shake the feeling of quite a few things. Why were you so obsessed with Taissa thinking you look good? And why were you so envious of Van, it didn’t make any sense to you. You kept thinking about these things until you fell asleep and the next day subtly rolled around. You were woken up by the doorbell at around 10am, and your mother calling you over, telling you that it’s for you.
“Jackie, hey” You said, opening the door and seeing the paper bag in her hand
“Hey, I came to drop off the dress…you look like shit, did you sleep okay?” She asked bluntly
“Gee, thanks…I slept okay I just have a lot on my mind.” Well you weren’t lying
“If you say so, here you go.” She said handing me the bag
“Thanks. Wanna come in?” You didn’t really want her to, but you did ask her to be polite
“No I have to go to back home, my mom is having people over for brunch…I’ll see you tonight.”
“Okay, bye.”
As the day slowly but agonizingly passed, you started getting ready. You did your makeup all nice, same for your hair, and were genuinely amazed by how good your boobs looked in that dress. Now you were supposed to pick up Tai.
Why were you so nervous over it
Nevertheless, you made it to her house, watching her exit her home. You jaw almost went slack on the floor because of how beautiful she looked. How was it even possible?
“Happy birthday Tai!” You squealed when she entered the car
“Thank you love” She said putting on her seatbelt and smiling at you
“ I’m so excited to get fucked up” You said as you started driving over to Lottie’s
“Yeah well not too fucked up, you know how you get” She said mockingly
“I’m not that bad at all!” You try to defend yourself
“Dude you are so lightweight.” She said like it was the most obvious thing in the world
You had a small pit in your stomach as you parked by the house. It was a gnawing feeling that something was gonna happen and ruin your mood. But for the time being you chose to ignore it and make sure Tai has fun. She played off the fake surprise perfectly, and you lot got to partying your asses off.
But that gross gut feeling turned out to be true. The more she drank the more she hung out with Van. They were all touchy and it was making you sick. Drink after drink you started losing your mind, and danced with the first person who asked you to do so. Little did you know Taissa was on the verge of tears when she saw you grinding against someone else.
You didn’t even know how you felt anymore. Everything was fuzzy and you couldn’t make out a single familiar face. That is, until you saw Natalie sitting by the bonfire with her burnout friends, deciding to go and recollect yourself there.
“Hey Nat”
“Oh, hi” She said. You could see she was high off her ass.
“You havin’ fun?” She asked
“No.” Natalie was easy to talk to, especially when you were both out of it
“Oh, what happened?” She asked nonchalantly, but you knew she did care
“I think I’m in love with my best friend.” You couldn’t believe you actually said it out loud. After all this time denying it to yourself and everyone around you, it felt a bit freeing
“Yeah no shit” She said with a small chuckle
“That obvious?”
“…Yeah” Nat said confronting you
“You should drink some water”
“So should you”
After sobering up a little you found yourself playing truth or dare with about 20 kids. Tai and Van were still attached at the hip, it made you wanna throw up.
“Okay, birthday girl. Truth or dare?”
You didn’t really catch who asked her
“Hmm…dare” Taissa said holding her red solo cup and taking a sip of her beer
“I dare you…to make out with your little girlfriend”
Van, they were talking about Van. Your heart flipped as you silently prayed she wouldn’t go through with it.
“Dare’s a dare” She said as she kissed her ex. You couldn’t even take it, so you ran off to your car, sitting in it and weeping for a few minutes until you heard someone come in
___________________________________________ Taissa’s POV
I kissed Van and it felt almost nauseating. She was into it, eveyone was. Kinky teenage boys screaming for us, which made it so much worse. As i finally pulled away i noticed that y/n was gone. I sat there not sure what to do. I went to the kitchen to get a drink and take my mind off of her.
“Well you successfully made her jealous” Van’s voice.
“What?” I asked, knowing full well that was what I tried to do
“Your best friend, the one who basically ran off?” Van said
“I wasn’t trying to-“ I try to defend myself
“Look Tai, her car’s still out front. Do what you gotta do” Van said and her words cut deep as a knife. I basically ran over to her, as i found her with ruined mascara and that awful, sad look in her eyes.
___________________________________________ Your POV
“Taissa?” You said as you saw her with a worried look on her face
“Listen, I was such an idiot for doing that, but I’m here now, okay?” She said completely out of breath
“Tai what are you-“
You were cut off by her lips pressing against yours. She captured you in the sweetest kiss you had ever exchanged, the perfect first one. As her arms were around your neck, your hands found her waist, pulling her flush against you
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nattylvr · 28 days
important question do you guys like being alone. like not in a lonely way but in a solitudey kinda way BECAUSE my english teacher was teaching us abt romantic poetry n solitude and he was like "who likes being alone!!" n i was like oh ofc everyones gonna say yes so i put my hand up and NO ONE ELSE DID. I LOOKES LIKE A LONER. I JUST LIKE MY PEACE AND QUIET WTF
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