nattydragneel · 1 year
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Princess lion adopts I made ^^
All but Cinderella have been sold!
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nattydragneel · 2 years
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Selling this adopt for $10!
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nattydragneel · 3 years
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It’s my birthday today XD
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nattydragneel · 3 years
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Haven’t decided completely on a name for this lovely girl but open to suggestions ^^ this was a fun Picrew!
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finally finished the cat picrew i’ve been working on! you can play it here
please do reblog with your kitties, i want to see them!
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nattydragneel · 3 years
Would you do a baby version of Arctichidorah?
As of right now not yet but there will be in the future!
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nattydragneel · 3 years
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nattydragneel · 3 years
You have more information about Artichidora, like a backstory or the ref you said you will do?
As of right now her backstory and things are a work in progress, I will post more about her when I get a chance!
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nattydragneel · 3 years
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Eeveelution fusions
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nattydragneel · 3 years
Groomer in the Godzilla Fandom
Set your biases towards me aside as I have been given horrible information as far as the type of person this user is. @zillothekajiu​ is a 20 year old man (who has turned 20 as of February 20, 2021) has been in two confirmed relationships with minors in our community. 
He confirms his age in this post here:
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Before this post was made, he was in a public relationship with the young creator known as @xxancienttitanxx​. Her character, Nightmare, is seen being drawn in ship art with Zillo’s persona/oc. 
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I have also gained information from Titan herself exposing not only his age but her own as well. As you can see, I did not react kindly.
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While the exact time the two of them got into a relationship is unclear, Titan only recently turned 14 as of January 30th, 2021. Regardless, Zillo was still a 19 year old dating a 14 year old if they got together after that. If before, this means he was 19 while she was only 13.
At some point Titan decided to break up with him. She informed me he was very demanding of attention and would try to message her at late hours during school nights. This information Titan wished I did not share the conversation between her and I. 
Earlier today, I was messaged by @rihannachubunnysposts​ “mother”. While this information is up to skepticism, that still doesn’t change the fact of what is going on. 
As of writing this, Zilla and Rihannachu have a public romantic relationship. Several post dedicated to her have been posted on both his blogs. 
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While talking to Rihannachu during one of her livestreams, she informed me that she was atleast 15. While I have no true confirmation, it is understood that she is a child. If you listen to her livestreams, she sounds very young. 
It was today that her “mother” gave me another number for her age. The mother was reaching out to me via my nsfw account because Rihannachu had blocked my main. At that time, I was confronting Rihannachu about posting images of her face on the internet (which the mother was asking about). 
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After that, she was quick to tell me not only the age of her daughter but of herself as well. 
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It is hinted that English is not their first language, so the odd wording makes sense. However, with this new number means that we can safely assume that Rihanna is within the age range of 10 to 15 years old. Very much so a minor that a 20 year old man should NOT be “dating”. 
These are his two accounts that he is currently active on. 
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Regardless of what you think of me personally, I am calling upon the community to get this creep out. IT IS CONFIRMED! This isn’t speculation or slander. This man has two cases of dating CHILDREN. Report him. Block him! Chase him from this community and help protect our children from monsters like him. 
I’m flooding the tags in hopes that as many people as possible see this. 
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nattydragneel · 3 years
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A sketch of Arctichidorah full body ^^
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nattydragneel · 3 years
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I did a thing! I made my own Godzilla verse inspired character! This is Arctichidorah, she is a variant of Ghidorah’s species that’s adapted to living on colder planets in the galaxies instead of lighting they use ice ^^
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nattydragneel · 3 years
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Need to try a different skin tone XD
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nattydragneel · 4 years
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First drawing of the new!
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nattydragneel · 4 years
Thanksgiving through New Years special on commissions! I will be doing refs $10! This will include four full bodies, two emotes, up to five accessories and can be any animal/Anthro, humanoid or human! Feel free to dm me!
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nattydragneel · 4 years
I make cute stickers now! Gonna put these on my commission list $5 for one character in a sticker and $5 per extra characters due to the amount of time it took. Dm if interested!
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nattydragneel · 4 years
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Gave an old girl a new look! Now onto redoing her whole species, wish me luck!
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nattydragneel · 4 years
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Family art ^^
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