nattabeest · 8 years
remember that first live action scooby doo movie. where the antagonist was literally scrappy doo and he was stealing peoples souls, like actually really stealing and absorbing souls, and was planning on taking scoobys soul to rule the world with an army of demons and get revenge on the gang after they abandoned him because he kept peeing in the car, and near the end he turned into this huge dog monster
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a real movie
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nattabeest · 8 years
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We asked the waiter to take a photo of us at dinner
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nattabeest · 8 years
who fucking litters. why do i ever see litter. who thinks that’s okay. who. who NEEDS to throw their fast food bag out the fucking window instead of waiting until they get somewhere with a trashcan. what kinda clown behavior. get fucked.
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nattabeest · 8 years
So I was watching one of those elephant documentaries and some guy walked over to the elephants and the elephants all crowded round to look at him and stroke him with their trunks.
And it reminded me how when there’s a cat in the garden my entire family will go out and cuddle it.
Elephants think humans are cute.
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nattabeest · 8 years
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I love this dog. 
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nattabeest · 8 years
dentist: open up
me: well...okay. so not only does the narrative of Avatar: the Last Airbender continuously circle around themes of harmony and unity and balance, there are multiple examples throughout the show that support the idea of two opposites coming together to complement each other and ultimately bring balance to the world. Tui and La, Oma and Shu, the various parallels between Zuko's journey with his fatherlord vs. Zuko's journey with his uncle, the foils of Azula and Zuko's siblingship to Katara and Sokka's... not to mention the entire journey of the Avatar is all about bringing harmony and balance to the world. All these things considered, the importance and thematic possibility that a relationship between the last Southern Waterbender and the Crown Prince of the Fire Nation, each from wildly different upbringings (their relationship with their fathers) but still with similarities that bring about a sense of complete and absolute understanding (the loss of their mothers) would have not only completed the show's purpose of showing how two things, in this case two young people caught up in a war and each struggling with their own personal journeys, can ultimately come together to not only thrive (their complemented fighting styles) but also grow in drastic ways that serve to bring about maturity, kindness, selflessness, forgiveness and, as we see in the finale, unfaltering, devoted, unconditional love. The two of them, red and blue, fire and water, sun and moon, yin and yang, end up having a deeper connection and understanding of the other, and that is apparent in the way they tackle problems together, both offering their entire help to each other as a consequence of this absolute understanding (Zuko helping Katara find closure concerning her mother and Katara offering Zuko help when he's ashamed to see his uncle again). This also gives them complete acceptance of the other, as we see in Zuko's immediate acceptance of Katara as a bloodbender, and Katara as the only person that has been allowed to touch his scar. Their relationship development, which is a lot deeper than a simple enemies to friends to lovers trope (though that appeals to many) shows us how two people can fulfill that balance completely and wholly. Add to that the fact that Zutara was not canon and you are left with a tragic "almost" story that leaves you with very real feelings of regret and sorrow because of the way that this couple, canonically could have brought the war torn nations the same balance and peace with their devoted actions and that the people would see, through their example, that harmony was not only possible, it was beautiful and productive, and healthy. The possibilities that would be brought about by having these two characters come together would have not only opened up a world of important themes and the discussion of acceptance and love and the welcoming of differences, but it would have also allowed for a full blown exploration and self fulfilling of the show's thematic desires. Of balance. Of harmony. Of peace. Do you see what I mean??
dentist:you have five cavities
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nattabeest · 8 years
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nattabeest · 8 years
What if instead of gilly weed Harry had showed up to the black lake challenge in muggle scuba gear like “like where’s your advanced magic now bitches? Got me a free fishing knife with this thing”
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nattabeest · 8 years
i love old science fiction because it’s all like “IT’S THE DISTANT YEAR TWO THOUSAND AND THREE AND MAN IS EXPLORING THE DEEP CORNERS OF THE UNIVERSE” like god bless you old sci-fi you had such high hopes for us
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nattabeest · 8 years
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Spectacular collision of stars will create new star in night sky in 2022
1800 years ago two stars were coming together in a huge cataclysmic explosion. The light from that collision will finally arrive on Earth creating a new star in the night sky - dubbed the ‘Boom Star’ - in an incredibly rare event which is usually only spotted through telescopes. Before their meeting the two stars were too dim to be seen by the naked eye, but in 2022, the newly formed Red Nova will burn so brightly in the constellation Cygnus that everyone will be able to to see it. For around six months the Boom Star will be one of the brightest in the sky before gradually dimming, returning to its normal brightness after around two to three years.  Read more
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nattabeest · 8 years
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Eevee The Adventure Cat
Photos by ©whiskered_away
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nattabeest · 8 years
Concept: I finish school. The job I work isn’t my dream job but I enjoy doing it greatly still. It pays enough to cover everything I might need. My bills are never overdue. Money is not a thought in my head. I have a place to live. So do my dogs. It is nice and warm, I have some plants, my bookshelves are full, my sheets are always clean. There is time to read at the end of a day. I read a lot. Thinking is a good thing. I meet up with friends regularly, old and new. They love me. We make memories. I have nothing to be ashamed of. I travel a few times a year, always different places. The places I see steal my breath away. The people I meet teach me of life. They are good. There is no war. The sea calls to me and pay visit. I am independent. I am content.
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nattabeest · 8 years
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Such a cute face on this Tapizar baby
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nattabeest · 8 years
this bird does not look real
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nattabeest · 8 years
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That moment a Bloodhorse staffer takes advantage of an excellent headline.
I might need to subscribe to their print magazine, just because of this.
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nattabeest · 8 years
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The four-year-old rhinoceros, named Vince, was found dead this morning by keepers at Thoiry Zoo, to the west of the French capital.
One or more poachers are believed to have broken in to the zoo and forced their way into an enclosure where three rhinos lived, reported Le Parisien.
The white rhinoceros second horn had also been partially hacked off, indicating the perpetrators had run out of time or their equipment had failed.
They may have also planned to steal the horns of the two other white rhinos, five-year-old Bruno and 37-year-old Gracie. Both animals are said to be safe and healthy.
Read more: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/paris-zoo-thoiry-rhino-horn-poachers-shoot-dead-animal-vince-a7616076.html
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nattabeest · 8 years
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