natsearringss · 2 years
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mommy- sorry- mommy
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natsearringss · 2 years
This is Charles. He wants to go on a journey around tumblr. could you show him around?
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natsearringss · 2 years
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I want to be a bottle.
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natsearringss · 2 years
Life on set ~ Scarlett Johansson :)
Warnings: None :)
~evelyns pov~
Today is my first day on set, and to say I was nervous was an understatement. But at least my two best friends would be there.
I get up and make myself some breakfast, get changed into some joggers, throw my hair into a messy bun and take my labradoodle puppy, Star for a 90-minute walk. when I get back into my house I see that there are only 30 minutes until I need to go.
I race upstairs and throw on some skinny black jeans, a white tank top, and my converse. I take my hairbrush and start brushing my hair like some sort of mad woman, braiding part of it and leaving the rest down. My phone starts buzzing so I pick it up, my face falls when I see who it is. But, stupidly I still pick it up.
"Todavía me debes todo ese dinero (You still owe me all that money)" The voice on the other end of the line says.
"No te debo nada (I don't owe you anything)" I reply bluntly
"¡Te hice, te poseo, no serías nada sin mí! (I made you, I own you you would be nothing without me!)" they say their voice getting angrier by the second.
I sigh and hang up the phone and take my medicine and brush my teeth. I check my phone and see that if I don't leave NOW I'm gonna be late so I practically jump into my car and drive to the set.
I grab my bag as I get out of the car and I am greeted by a smiling face with absolutely pristine hair and bright red lipstick. "Evelyn Martinez?" She asks flashing me a smile with her pearly white teeth.
"Yes," I reassure her. "Here's your script I'm going to take you to meet the cast now." She says handing me a script. "T-thanks," I say and I follow her through the car park and to a trailer. "but first This is your trailer, you know what to do now I'll take you to meet the cast." She says and I nod.
We walk into the building and see a group of people laughing and talking. The lady clears her throat and they all turn around. I really hated this part of every movie. I start nervously playing with my rings as they all stand up and walk over.
"Hey, you must be Evelyn right?" Elizabeth Olsen says to me. I nod, trying not to freak out like the fan girl I am. "It's nice to meet you, I'm Elizabeth but you can call me Lizzie!" She says and gives me a hug. She has no idea how much I need that hug right now.
I look at her and smile. "it's nice to meet you too." I say quietly, my thick accent coating my words. Next two familiar faces walked over. "Wassup stranger," Mackie says and Seb hugs me. "I missed you too!" I say laughing. "You must be having hallucinations Ev, i have never met you before," Seb says pulling a goofy face, I'm so glad they both know me so well, that they could help me with my anxiety.
We all laugh and then Robert Downer Jr walks up. "Robert Downey Jr, the best and most superior actor here." He says kissing my hand and making me laugh. "Just keep telling yourself that Rob," A laughing voice from behind me says, making me flinch. I pray to god that nobody noticed that and if they did they are very good at hiding it.
I turn around and see SCARLETT JOHANSSON!! She is like my NO.1 idol AND I get to play Black Widows lover in the upcoming film!!
I snap out of my thoughts when I realize she is talking. "You ok?" She asks smiling. "Yeah." I reply then The three Chrises run over shouting something about hogging the 'newbie' i can't help but cover my ears at the loudness of them, but they were nice, and as soon as they realized they stopped yelling, and started talking. I quickly take my hands away pretending that nothing happened.
"I'm Chris, That's Chris and that's also Chris!" Chris Pratt says to me and I laugh. "Nice to meet you!" Chris ( Hemsworth) says to me and gives me a hug. "Don't crush her!" Evans says jokingly. Then Lizzie walks back over "Would you like me and Scarlett to help you carry your stuff into your trailer??" She asks kindly. "Sure!" I say sending her a glowing smile. We both excuse ourselves and find Scarlett almost asleep on a chair. "BOO!!" Elizabeth jells making Scarlett sit upright and I flinch. Crap. She definitely noticed this time.
~scarletts pov~
I wake up to Lizzie yelling "BOO!!" In my ear. "Thanks for that Lizzie," I say and I tackle her into a hug I look over and see Evelyn deep in her thoughts mouthing stuff to herself, honestly it was quite a cute sight but she jumped a bit and she was back on earth. "Sorry about that," she says shyly in her thick Spanish accent. "It's fine, don't worry about it!" Lizzie and I say at the same time. She looks at us both, relieved almost.
We all walk to the car park. "What car's yours?" Lizzie asks and Evelyn points to a blacked-out Lexus lc. We walk over and Evelyn unlocks the car. "So Evelyn do you have a nickname?" Lizzie asks. "Umm... Seb and Mackie call me Ev but apart from that no," she replies. picking up boxes of various items. I pick up one box and I accidentally look inside it and see it's full of medicine. I look at it confused. She seems perfectly fine, not ill or anything, so why does she have all of this medicine? "Hurry up Scar!" Lizzie yells and I hear Ev says "Long live the king." and Lizzie and I crack up laughing.
She looks at us wide-eyed she clearly didn't mean for us to hear that. She walks, no, jogs through the car park and back to her trailer. I and Lizzie give up on trying to keep up with her. As we walk through the car park I turn to Lizzie. "Lizzie..." I say seriously. "Scarlett?" she replies, confused. "This box... it's full of medicine," I say. "And?" Lizzie asks. "There are loads." I say. "just leave it scar," Lizzie says sternly. But I don't. I'm really worried about Ev, so I take the box back to my trailer without them noticing.
I and Lizzie help Ev unpack the rest of her stuff and then we go to lunch. At lunch, I see that Ev hasn't eaten very much but before I can go to check on her Sebastian and Anthony walk over. I listen in to their conversation pretending to clear the table. "Hey Ev are you ok, you looked really anxious at lunch," Seb asks. "I'm fine, but I can't take my anxiety medication because it's all gone missing!" she says on the verge of tears.
"Hey, it's all right we'll go help you find it now," Anthony says taking Evelyn's hand. She nods and a few tears escape her eyes. "Don't cry Ev we'll go find it now!" Seb says bringing her into a hug. She nods now sobbing. I feel a pang of guilt knowing it was me the caused this. I'll return it tomorrow what's the worst that can happen, right?
Then Robert walks back into the room. "Brie will be here in about 10 minutes!!" he says excitedly. Seb and Mackie just glare at him. he looks at them confused, clearly not seeing Ev's small frame in Seb's arms. I roll my eyes and point at her. "Oh, sorry!" he says making an apologetic face and walking out.
After a while evelyn calms down and they go t look for her medicine. I sit silently on the sofa reading my book when i hear Evelyn on the phone speaking rapidly in spanish, she sounded quite distressed so i took out google translate ad translated it.
"No, no voy a volver! (No i'm not going back! )" she says and i look confused.
"Pero- (but-)"
"¡No, por favor, no lo hagas! (No please don't!)"
"Bien, estaré allí tan pronto como pueda (Fine, i'll be there as soon as i can)"
"Sí, traeré maquillaje, recuerdo muy vívidamente lo que sucedió la última vez. (Yes I'll bring make up i remember quite vividly what happened last time)"
"¡No me llames así! (Don't call me that!)"
"Lo siento (I'm sorry)"
She ends the call, her whole body shaking and she quickly scribbles a note and runs out of the door.
~Sebastians pov~
"Have you found it yet Mackie?" I ask. "No, you?" he replies. "Of course, I haven't I wouldn't have been asking you otherwise," I say with an eye roll. Then there is a knock at Ev's trailer door. "Who is it?" Mackie asks like an average person (ish) whilst I scream and hide behind a pillow.
"It's me." A voice says and Anthony opens the door revealing a worried-looking Scarlett. "Whats up scar?" I ask upon seeing the look on her face. "Something wrong with Ev she was talking rapid Spanish on the phone then she started shaking and she ran off to her car and she left a note saying she had to say Hello Elderly Lucky People!" she says sounding concerned. Anthony and I share a look.
"How long ago did she leave?!" I ask urgently, "5 minutes max." Scarlett replies. "Well, what are you two waiting for, an invitation or something we have to go!" I practically yell as I rush to the car and I'm swiftly followed by Scar and Mackie.
"Where are we going?" Scarlett asks. "Ex Boyriend, Sergio Alonzo. Abusive, Physical and mental, and some other stuff that Ev can tell you about herself." I say and Mackie sends me a weak smile. "Mackie open my phone and go on Snapchat." I instruct. "this is no time to be checking your socials, Seb." Scarlett reprimands me. "No, it's not that Ev shared her location with me!" I say and Mackie types in the address into google maps.
We get there in under 20 minutes but there was no time to rejoice due to the fact that we could hear Evelyn's pained screams from outside the house.
***The part inside the house gets too graphic for me to write so time skip xxx***
We get back into the car Ev sobbing weakly into Scarlett's chest. "I-I'm sorry." she keeps repeating quietly. "hey it's alright love," Scarlett says drawing patterns on her back. When we get back scar takes Ev to her trailer and stays with her for a few hours.
I and Mackie walk up to the trailer and give them both some food. We all sit on the rug and we talk, well more me Anthony, and Scarlett talk, Evelyn just lays with her head on Scarlett's lap and scar plays with her hair.
After a while, I notice Ev fidgeting with a loose thread of Scar's shirt. "I'll be back in one minute." I quickly excuse myself and I get Ev's fidget toy and walk back to the trailer.
I knocked on the door. "WHO IS IT?!" Mackie yells from inside. "ME DUMB ASS!!" I yell back and Anthony opens the door. I walk in shutting the door behind me. "Ev I got you-" I start but then I see Ev sitting on Scarlett's lap playing with her rings. "Nevermind," I say
"You have a picture of this, right?" I say to Anthony who replies with "duh." Scarlett turns on her phone and starts texting someone. "Scarlett..." Ev says to no reply. "Scarrr?" she asks again but Scarlett just keeps looking at her phone. "Boring." Ev says and she stands up. "Wait come back!" Scarlett says but Ev is already out the door.
We all chase her through the trailer park and into the building. "Oh hey, Evelyn, this is Brie Larson!" Robert says to her, gesturing towards brie. "Brie this is Evelyn Martinez!" They both look at each other with seemingly cold expressions on their faces but then they both crack up laughing.
"I haven't seen you in ages brie!" Ev says tackling her into a hug. "Sorry Eve I've been really busy!" Brie apologizes. "Sure." Ev says pouting. "Can you buy me coffee??" Ev asks still pouting. "Hmm....No.!" brie says laughing. "But-" Ev starts. "No Eve I made that mistake before!" says brie.
"I'm boredddd." Ev says grabbing Bries hand. "Well what do you wanna do?" Brie asks. "Your mum!!" Ev says but then pauses and says "just joking i want cookies!!" Ans she runs off.
"Oh god she is a nightmare when she's had sugar!" Brie says chasing after her, swiftly followed by scarlett. I turn to anthony, "i didn't know she was friends with brie." I say.
"Me neither!" He replies.
~Brie's pov~
Me and Scarlett chase Eve down the corridors and into the kitchen where we see Hemsworth giving her a tin of biscuits. "I don't think so!" I say taking them.
"Such a mum!" Eve says. "You're an absolute nightmare when you've had too much sugar," I say handing her a biscuit. She pouts at me but then walks up to Scarlett and says "race you back!!" And she sprints off.
Scarlett turns to look at me. "You're so on." I say and we both race each other, trying to catch up with eve." We come rushing through the door of her trailer where we see Eve sitting on a stool painting, and somehow she had time for an outfit change.
"You have a tattoo?" Scarlett says gesturing towards her wrist, that she was holding the paintbrush in. "Yeah..." Says Eve vaguely. "Did you have your cookie?" I ask her but she just looks at me for a moment and then says "nooooo I dropped it!" In a cute but whiny voice.
Then she cleans off her paintbrush and makes grabby hands at Scarlett. "What do you want?" Scarlett asks jokingly. "Can you read me a story?" Eve asks quietly making Scarlett smile. "Of course, I can! But first, I need to grab a drink" She says leaving I stay with eve.
"Have you told her yet?" I ask as soon as the door closes. Eve just looks at me. "Please tell me Eve I need to know what I can or can't say around here!" I plead. "No I haven't but it doesn't take a genius to work it out! And anyway she'll think I'm a freak!!" Eve says chewing the skin on the side of her thumb.
"Don't do that you'll bleed, and she won't think you're a freak!" I say and she nods and sits on her hands desperately trying to sit still but she just ends up swaying gently from side to side.
"You look like a duck." Eve blurts out as Scarlett walks in making us all laugh. "DINNER BITCHES!!" I hear Hiddleston yell across the Site. Eve looks disappointed, but then Scarlett walks over to her and says, "it's fine I'll read to you after!" With her winning smile.
"Ok!!" Eve says excited and we go to dinner. We all take some food and sit at a table when Lizzie walks over.
"Can I sit here?" She asks nervously. "Of course, you can Lizard you don't need to ask!!" Eve says. "Lizard really?" Elizabeth says jokingly mad.
"Ehh it suits you," Scarlett says desperately trying to keep a straight face. Lizzie sticks her tongue out and sits down. We sit talking about useless shit for a while when Scarlett asks if we want to go for lunch tomorrow. "Sure!" We all say and we go back to our food.
When we are done Eve makes grabby hands at Scarlett again "you wanna go on my back?" Scarlett asks and Eve nods her head excited. "Let's go then!" Scarlett says as Eve gets on her back and they run to Eve's trailer.
"Are you two a thing?" Lizzie asks and I look at her confused. "You and Evelyn, are you together?" Lizzie asks and I laugh and shake my head. "Nah, she's one of my besties," I say.
I could have sworn that Lizzie looked slightly relieved. We walk outside and see it's now raining. We quickly walk in the direction of our trailers and see the silhouettes of two people laughing and dancing in the rain and under closer inspection, I see that it's Scar and Eve.
"They really like each other don't they." Says Lizzie sadly when suddenly it clicks. How did I not notice this before?! I drag her to my trailer and sit her down on my bed. "YOU LIKE EVE!!" I whisper yell excitedly.
Lizzie turns a violent shade of red and says "no." I sigh. "Being an actress and all I expected you to be better at lying," I say and she sighs. "Not a word to anyone." She says and I hold up my hands and say "mums."
"Ok, so we need a plan of action," I say. Lizzie just sighs. "It's fine Brie, I can't force her to like me, she likes scar now just leave it." She says. "It's a good job I'm tired. We will finish this tomorrow after filming." I say and she looks at me blankly.
~lizzies pov~
I sit up in bed all night, just thinking. At about 5 am I put on some sportswear and go for my morning 10k run. Whilst on my run I see Scarlett seeking out of Evelyn's trailer and into her own, taking a box out of it. THE BOX WITH ALL OF EVELYN'S MEDICINE IN IT! She half hides it near the trailer positioning it like it had fallen out of our arms when we were carrying it into the trailer.
Before she could turn around and see me I ran past her pretending to be completely oblivious to my surroundings. When I get back to my trailer I quickly get into the nice, hot shower and get into my clothes for the interview, just some black trousers, a plain white blouse, a black suit jacket, and some plain black strappy heels.
I walk over to Evelyn's trailer and see her walking Scarlett back to her trailer. She stops as she passes the box. "Oh, there it is!" She says happily and picks it up.
"What are they for?" Scarlett asks. Evelyn looks like she is contemplatig whether to tell her or not but then seemingly decides to.
"ADHD, Anxiety, Insomnia, hayfever, allergies, and some other stuff as well." She says quietly. Scarlett hugs her. "Thanks for telling me." She whispers into Evelyn's ear I feel jealousy rip through me like a raging fire.
It was her fault they were missing in the first place! I desperately wanted to tell her, but then I saw an opportunity, I had dirt on Scarlett, I could definitely use this to my advantage.
I walk over to them with a massive smile and say "Good morning! How did you sleep?" Like I hadn't just heard their whole conversation. "Good, you?" Scarlett asks hoping I'll forget to ask Evelyn but I didn't answer her silent prayers and said "Good, how about you Evelyn?"
Scarlett shoots a glare at me but I pretend to be confused and look at Evelyn intently "Umm.... it was... errr.... good?" she says trailing off at the end. "That's great!" I say with a fake grin plastered over my face.
"Evelyn do you want help picking an outfit?" I ask. "Ooh yes, please! Scarley come with!" she says. I feel the jealousy raise in my chest again, she had given Scarlett a nickname. I know that she calls me Lizzie which is a nickname but everyone calls me that so it's nothing special and she only called me lizard as a joke.
"Lizzeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee," Ev says again and again. "Yes?" I reply snapping out of my thoughts. "Guess what!" she says full of energy. "What?" I ask trying to match it. "I JUST SAID GUESS WHAT FOR NO ACTUAL REASON!!" She says making me and Scarlett laugh.
~evelyns pov~
Scarly and Lizzie laugh as we walk into my trailer. "Ok so, do you mind if we look through your wardrobe and we can make you outfits to try on and you pick your favorite!" Scarly says.
"Sounds fun!!" I say and sit down with my legs crossed on my bed. They both open my wardrobe and start taking out clothes. I desperately try to sit still but I just end up repeatedly scratching my arm in some sort of rhythm.
Scarlett walks over and hands me her rings. "here" she says before walking back over to the wardrobe. Then Lizzie takes out some clothes in a plastic bag and holds them up. "What are these?" she asks. At first glance, I thought it was just something if forgot to unpack but then I realized it was those clothes from when it happened the first time.
I get up from the bed and swiftly leave the trailer, unsure of where to g I went to Seb's trailer. I knocked on his door the silent tears rolling down my cheeks. "HEYY EV-" Seb starts opening the door but then he sees the state I'm in, vulnerable and helpless.
I know exactly what that person would do but it wants that person it was Seb, my best friend. "Come in," he says putting his arm over my shoulder as if shielding me from every wrong in the world.
He sits me down on his armchair and passes me a fidget toy, it was an annoyingly cheap one because thanks to the eight-year-olds on TikTok it was like the only one in stock.
He walks over to the kettle and turns it on. "water, Tea, or coffee?" he asks "water please" I reply quietly. He makes himself a mug of coffee and hands me a cold bottle of water.
I take a shaky breath trying to calm myself down but I feel the fear, the sadness, the anger building up inside of me like a raging storm.
"Whatever it is is going to be ok!" Seb says and i can't take it anymore. "It's not going to be ok! It's always going to be a mess!" I shout, gasping slightly for air.
"What's going to be a mess?" Seb asks quietly. "Everything in my dumb fucking life! Everybody wants to get away from me! And they should I just manipulate people into liking me and I'm toxic!" I say repeating 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛'𝑠 words.
"Why would you say that? Who told you that?" Seb asks. "Why is it always me?!" I ask rhetorically curling into a ball. "Hey, stop saying stuff like that!" Seb says comfortingly. He pulls me into a hug and I cry into his chest until they finally stop falling.
"I'm sorry." I croakily whisper. "Don't be sorry," Seb replies instantly. I just nod and he pulls me into another hug. My phone starts ringing a few moments later and I see its from my baby sitter. "Katie! Is everything alright? Is Avery hurt?" I ask quickly.
"I can't look after every any longer I'm really sorry." she says. "one second" I reply, and mute myself. I turn to seb "I'll see you later!" I say hugging him again and turning my mute off. "Ok, that's fine, do you mind letting me know why?" I ask cautiously. "Another client has given me more money to look after their daughter." she replies bluntly.
"And whats this persons name?" I ask. "Ms.Olsen's daughter, Hattie Olsen." she replies. I take a deep sigh. "Ok, drop her off later i have a press thing today." I say. "What time?" She asks. "8pm." I sa6 and she just replies with a quick "ok" and hangs up.
I walk into my trailer and throw my phone at the wall. Then i feel someone hug me from behind. I flinch but then i turn my head and see its scarlett. "What happened?" She asked. "When?" I ask, Unsure of what insident she was talking about.
"Why did you throw your phone?" She asks. "It doesn't matter." I say. Scarlett spins me around and takes my hands in hers. "It does matter what ever happened clearly has upset you so please tell me." She says drawing patterns on my hand with her thumb.
"Its just Elizabeth payed the baby sitter more that i did and now Avery has to come here!" I say letting a few angry tewrs fall. "It'll be ok." Scarlett says and she hugs me. We stand like tjis for a while then she says, "i bought this over for you." And hands me a dress and some shoes.
"Thank you!" I say and she turns around to let me get changed.
As scarley finishes helping me with my hair my phone starts pinging like mad. We both look at each other confused. I turn on my phone and see all of my out-of-work friends and my friends from like all of the other films I've been In have sent me the same link.
I press the link and a song starts playing.
"You and me, we made a vow
For better or for worse I can't believe you let me down But the proof's in the way it hurts"
"Oh, it's so on," I mutter to myself. Scarlett just looks at me confused. "Ex-boyfriend wrote a song about me and I'm going to get him back for trying to ruin my career multiple times," I explain to her. "So that's why one of your albums is called revenge!" Scarlett says.
"Yeah," I say shocked that she had heard about it. "Can I help you write it?" she asks and I reply with, "Of course, but when we get back we have to leave in like 10 minutes," I say and she laughs.
"Ok, just let me finish doing your hair!" She says gesturing to my hair, only the top of it was braided. "No, I like it!" I say but she replies with, it'll fall out, I'll tie it in a ponytail if you don't want it fully plaited.
I nod and she puts it into a ponytail and we walk arm in arm to the car. "Do you know who we're car sharing with?" Scarlett asks. "Mackie, Seb, and Anne." I reply and she looks confused and I correct myself, "Mackie, Seb, and Brie." I say.
"Then why did you call her Anne?" she asks me. "Oh, I didn't know you don't know, her name is actually Brianne," I say and she nods. We walk to the car in silence, it wasn't awkward though, it was nice and comfortable. Before we get into the car scar turns to me, "Do you still have the rings?" she asks. I nod and try to hand them back.
"No you keep them, I promise they'll help in the interview," she says and I smile at her. she gives me a warm smile back and we get in. Before I can even do up my belt Mackie turns to me and asks if I've heard the song. "What one? there are so many of them I thought they would all be bored of bending the truth to breaking point," I reply. but then I say " but I have had an idea." and I leave it at that.
It was about an hour's drive to the interview and the only thing going through my head was a line I wanted in the song. "You're putting me in the spotlight, But I've been under it all my life, all my life" I mutter to myself and then turn to Scarlett. "Do you have any paper?" I ask and she pulls out a notepad and pen from her bag.
"Thank you!" I say and start writing. I see her sneaking glances over my shoulder every now and then. "How do you spell gravity?" I suddenly ask and everyone turns to me. "G.r.a.v.i.t.y" Brie spells out for me. "Thank you!" I say and continue writing.
When I had finished the lyrics I hum the tune to myself adding in little bits every now and then. "I have a riddle." Mackie suddenly says and I put down my pen. "What is it?" I ask. "A man and a woman go out for dinner, it was hot so they each get 5 glasses of ice water, the man was really thirsty so he drinks his quickly, whilst the woman takes small sips every now and again, the next day thee woman is found dead and the police say it was poison from the drinks, but they both had the same drink why did the husband not die too?" he asks.
"Oh easy, The poison was in the ice, the woman didn't drink hers fast so the ice had time to melt whereas the man drank it so quickly that it couldn't" I reply and they all look at me shocked. I just shrug and get back to my writing. "can you sing that to us?" Seb asks and i look at scarlett for a second and then say "only a bit of it its not done yet." i say
"Ok." they all say. I look around nervously and scar takes my hand and i clear my throat. "Umm... ok...
You're telling it how you see it
Like truth is whatever you decide Some people will believe it And some will read in between the lines You're putting me in the spotlight But I've been under it all my life, all my life Want my heart to be breaking, breaking, no I'm happy and you hate it, hate it, oh And I'm not asking you to let it go But you been telling your side So I'll be telling mine, mine"
"That was amazing Cariño (my darling)" She says and I feel a blush cover my cheeks. "WHAT DID YOU SAY SCAR?!" Brie half yells, excitedly. "Nothing." we both say at the same time. "We're here." The driver says. we thank him and get out. As we walk over to the interview place there is a line of people waiting for us.
A little girl no older than nine runs over to me and gives me a massive hug and security yells at her and quite rudely rips her from me. I turn to the others, "One second." I say and walk over to the girl. I crouch down to her height and give her a hug. "Are you ok?" I asked wiping the tears from her cheeks. "y-yes" she says. Then I realized that I still had those front row tickets that we were all given for if family wanted to come. "Here you go," I say taking them out of my bag.
"Give them to your guardian, you can be in the front row," I say quietly, giving her one more hug and walking back to the others. "Ok, but that was cute." brie says as I reach them. "What happened?" Mackie asks. "tell you later." I say, and we walk in.
"Mackie walks on first saying g something and making the whole crowd laugh. I spot the girl I gave the tickets to and send her a smile and a thumbs up, which she returns. After a few more names are called it's my go-to go up, this part was always the most anxiety-provoking part for me.
"Hey, it's ok, I'll go on with you!" Scarlett says and we walk on stage. We send the crowd warm smiles and waves. "Thank you scarly," I say quietly as we walk to our seats, thankfully I was sitting next to Scarlett.
"Paper?" I ask taking some out of my bag. she nods and I slide it over to her. Then the interview starts. A few of the questions and then it's my turn, "for miss Martinez, is it true that you had plastic surgery in your breasts?" the interviewer asks. I roll my eyes and Scarlett's about to say something I shake my head to her and pick up my mic.
"Ok, let's see, OI SEB I HUGGED YOU EARLIER ARE MY TITS HARD LIKE PLASTIC?!" I ask and he yells back "NO EV, BUT THEN THE WOULDN'T BE FOR ME ANYWAY!" Making me burst out laughing " THANKS SEB!" I reply and I see Scarlett dying with silent laughter next to me. "YOU'RE SO WELCOME!" He yells making me crack up laughing again.
~scarletts ppov~
I am so sick and tired of the stupid questions i keep getting in interveiws. Why don't they ask robert about his diet or anything. But no the men allways get the more interesting questions.
"Scarly i want Nandos." Ev suddenly whispers to me making me smile. "We are going to england for filming in a few days so we can go then." I say and she looks a bit worried.
"Whats wrong?" I ask quietly so we don't draw attention to the croud. "Av has only ever been to home or america." She says. "She'll be allright, i'm bringing Rosie with me to england aswell." I say and she smiles.
I go back to paying attention to the interveiw whilst Ev starts doodling again, then she says, "Rose and Avery can be best friends!" With her bright smile.
"Yeah they can doll." I say returning her smile. I could have sworn i saw her blush but then again maybe i was just wishing she did.
"This Question is for Miss Martinez!" The interveiwer says again and Evelyn picks up her mic.
"Have you head the new song supposedly about you? And ate you going to make another song to battle it?" They ask. That was probably the most intelligent question that they had ever asked.
"I have a few ideas." She says vaguely into the microphone before putting it down and returning to her drawing.
After a while the interview finaly finishes and we walk out. I see the girl, Ev wave to her and she sends her a massive smile back .
"C'mon." Is all she says, and we walk back ti the car in comfortable silence. "We're going to a bar for a bit now are you coming?" I ask Ev and she suddenly looks really nervous.
"N-no sorry." She says trying to keep her voice steady. She sits next to me in the car again and after a while i feel her head resting on my shoulder.
When we get to Ev's house, Seb told is the address, i carry her out of the car. I carry her over to the door and wait for seb and his spare key but then i see that the door is slightly open.
I open it more and beging to carry her in when i hear a gun being cocked. "Get out and leave the girl." A voice from behind me says. I freeze then i see ev has woken up.
She looks around then says "the death threats, i can't tell if they're getting more stale or more creative. " with a smirk clearly annoying the armed personnel.
A few mire people come out of the shadows and circle us. "Get out i can handle them again." She says but i refuse to go.
"Give us what you owe us or we'll kill you." The armed person say to ev but she is completely zoned out humming don't blame me by taylor swift.
"You guys are no fun." She complains then kicks the gun out of one of the guys hands and shoots them all in both knees.
"We need to go and pick Av up." She says completely unphased by the blood and the pained screams.
~evelyns pov~
"Scarly we're here," I say gently shaking her awake. Her eyes shoot open and she looks around seemingly worried. "What's wrong?" I ask quietly. "N-nothing just a dream," she says as if trying to convince herself that what she said is true. "Ok, did you want to come in for tea or anything?" I ask realizing that Brie, Mackie, and Seb are no longer in the car.
"Only if that's ok with you," she replies blushing a bit, or maybe I was just wishing that that was happening. "I wouldn't have offered if it wasn't," I say smiling. "Ok, then," she says and I quickly exit the car to open her door for her.
"Thank you," she says taking my hand. I take my keys out of my bag and open the door. "Should I take my shoes off?" she asks as we walk through the door. "No, it's fine," I say and my phone starts ringing and I see it's the babysitter.
I force a smile and answer it. "Hey, Katie what is it?" I ask. "You need to pick every up at 3," she says. "Sure," I say knowing that she wasn't going to budge on this. "Bye," she says bluntly and hangs up.
"You alright?" Scarlett asks as I put my phone away. "Just peachy," I say, taking off my jacket. "Tea?" I ask as we walk into the kitchen. "Yes please," Scarlett replies. "Hey Star, did Anita look after you?" I ask as my puppy comes bounding over.
"You have a dog and a child, I'm impressed," Scarlett says making me laugh. I walk over to the cupboard and take out some mugs and teabags.
"Ok, so Scarlett I had an idea," I say filling the mugs with water. "What is it?" She asks. "I and you make a TikTok account!"
She looks excited at the idea. "Ooh yes please!" She says taking out her phone. I finish making the tea and take some Filipinos out of the cupboard. I carry them over to the table where Scarlett is sitting and hand her a mug of tea and sit next to her.
"Want some." I asked handing her the packet of biscuits. "what are they?" she asks. "Filipinos. they are just Spanish chocolate biscuits," I say handing her the packet. "Thanks," she says whilst opening it and taking one.
"What should we call the account?" she asks after a small, comfortable pause. "Umm... DOVE SOAP!" I say and she laughs. "Maybe not," she says.
I take my phone out and download TikTok as well. "OOh what about ScarleyandEvOfficial," Scarlett says after a while. "I like that one," I say with a smile. Scarlett makes the username and then asks about the password.
"I don't know, can you just sign me in, I won't be able to remember it anyway," I say with a small smile. "You got it," she says and makes the account. "Your phone please," she says holding out her hand.
"I hand it over and suddenly get an idea. "One second," I say and run over to Avery's art cupboard and take out a notebook and pen. I write down some lyrics and hum them quietly so as not to disturb Scarlett.
"Can you sing it I want to hear it," she says. "Sure," I say and clear my throat.
"Some days
It's hard to see If I was a fool Or you a thief Made it through the maze To found my one in a million And now you're just a page torn from the story I'm living And all I gave you is gone Tumbled like it was stone Thought we built a dynasty that Heaven couldn't shake Thought we built a dynasty like nothing ever made Thought we built a dynasty forever couldn't break up" I sing and she looks at me with a strange look on her face.
"I know it's not good I need to add some stuff, and work out whether it's in a major or minor key-" I start but scarley cuts me off.
"Wow it's amazing," she says and shows me the recording she took. "First TikTok?" she asks. "Sure," I say and she posts it. "would you help me go through the lines for tomorrow?" I ask and Scarlett nods.
"Yep, do you have a script?" she asks. "It's upstairs I think I'll be back in a minute," I say and walk up to my room. Anita had done a wonderful job of cleaning it. I quickly find the script and take it downstairs where I find Scarlett with star on her lap.
"You ready?" I ask. "Yep let's start," Scarlett replies.
"Whatever it takes," I said, dully.
She stands up and walks over to me.
"If we don't get that stone, billions of people stay dead," she says seriously.
"Yuh," I say and Scarlett bursts out laughing. "Really?! " she says laughing. "Go away we are starting again," I say with a smirk. "Mean but ok," she says sticking her tongue out at me.
"Whatever it takes," I say again.
She stands up and walks over to me.
"If we don't get that stone, billions of people stay dead," she says seriously.
"Yeah," I say with little to no emotion.
"I guess we both know who it's gotta be," I say looking slightly over her shoulder.
"I guess we do," she says looking me dead in the eye.
I take her hand in mine, I couldn't help the endless butterflies erupting in my stomach.
We look at each other for a minute and Scarlett makes a sad smile.
"I'm starting to think we mean different people here, Splatasha," I say looking at her in the eyes.
I can tell that she is trying not to laugh. "I am the logical play," she says after a pause.
"No, Nat, stop," I say shaking my head slightly.
"I have nothing to lose." She says. "That's always been the point."
"And I've got nothing to live for. So there" I say back matter of factly. God this part of the script is depressing.
"If this works, you know what you get back." She says and we stop.
"Wow that's long-winded," I say with a smile. "Definitely, and that's also a lot of CGI that they'll have to use," she says back.
"What's the time?" I ask her. "2:20 pm why?" she asks. "I have to pick Avery up early, do you want to come with me?" I ask and she nods.
"Great let's go," I say making sure that my keys are still on the lanyard around my neck.
~scarletts pov~
I see Ev check around her neck for her keys and I see them on a lanyard, to help her remember. It's so cute.
We get in the car and I keep hearing my phone go off. "Do you mind if I check this it might be important?" I say.
Ev looks at me slightly surprised and then says "you don't need to ask Princesa" I don't speak Spanish but I caught the drift of what she was saying.
Then it hit me. Princess?! I mean I like it and its kinda cute. No really cute. But I know she didn't mean it like that.
I take out my phone and see its over 100 messages from TikTok. "Scar if you're on TikTok can you look for Hemsworth on there I think he's verified." She says and I search his name up.
"Yep he is, should I follow him?" I ask. "Of course how else would we annoy him in the comment section?" She says making me laugh.
"Also Renner is also on there I think he does workouts or something," I say and again she searches up his name.
"Found him I'll follow him now," she says and after about 20 more minutes of talking, we get to the babysitters.
"Did you want to come as well?" Evelyn asks me. "Can I just stay in the car?" I asked because I was MAD at the babysitter and I knew I wouldn't be able to control myself.
"OK, that's fine." Ev sags giving my hand a small squeeze and getting out of the car. Before she can even reach the door a flash of brunette hair runs over to her and straight into her arms.
"Hey Av, how was your day?" she asks waving at a lady who I could only guess was Katie. "We did painting and then whilst the others were eating I ran around in the garden!" she says and I see Evelyn look at her confused. "and what did you have to eat," she asks.
"Nothing Katie said you couldn't afford it," she says. When I tell you I've never seen Evelyn or anyone look so mad! "What do you want for lunch bug?" she asks opening Avery's car door. "MC DONALDS!!" She yells and then she notices me.
"momia who's that?" she asks looking at me. "That's Scarlett!" Ev says with a smile.
"Hello!!" Avery says waving at me. "Hiya!' I say waving back. Evelyn straps Avery in her seat and was around to her side of the car and starts it.
"Momia can I play my songs?" Avery asks and Evelyn passes her her phone.
"Thank you!!" Avery says bouncing up and down in her seat slightly. She plays her songs all the way to mc Donalds.
As we get to the drive-through, American pie starts playing and Avery starts singing. "Hey, can I get a Chicken nugget happy meal, a chocolate mc flurry, and..." She turns to me.
"What do you want to eat?" She asks. "Can I also have an mc flurry?" I ask and she nods. "Make that two mc flurry please." She says turning back to the microphone.
"Anything else?" A crackly voice says. "No thank you," Ev says and the crackly voice tells her to carry on.
After we collect our food Ev looks over to me. "Did you want me to take you back to yours or did you want to come back to the house?" She asks.
"Can I come back to yours?" I ask sheepishly. "Of course." She says Avery turns on the radio instead of her playlist and a song starts playing.
"Can you turn that off for me, bug?" Avery nods but then says "Are we going to see liv?" I can see Ev's body stiffen.
"No, we don't see liv anymore." She says quietly and nobody says anything for the rest of the drive.
~evelyns pov~
The rest of the drive was a bit awkward since Olivia was mentioned and just to make it worse she just released two new songs that got played on the radio.
'Drivers license' and 'happier'. I mean to be fair she is quite a good singer but then again she is also trying g to ruin my career so I can't be too kind.
As soon as we get home I sit Avery at the seat by the kitchen island and hand her the Mcdonald's. "Thank you momia," she says making me smile. I sigh when I realize I forgot to get Avery a drink.
"Here you go monkey," I say handing her mine. "What are you gonna have then?" Scarlett asks. "I'll have some toast," I say taking out a chopping board.
"no, you can have mine." She says handing it to me. "No, you have it," I argue back. "You are infuriating. " Scarlett says.
"I'm just gonna pretend I have the slightest idea of that word," I say and put some bread in the toaster.
A few hours later we were all in the lounge, I and Scarlett sat Crisscrossapplesauce on the settee and Avery was playing with her building blocks on the floor.
"Momia I'm hungry," Avery says waddling over to me and trying to pull herself onto my lap.
"OK bug, I have some lasagne in the fridge if you want it." I say and then turn to Scarlett, "you can have some of it too or I can order a take out I don't really mind." I say and I see her smile.
"Can I have some, please? I wanna see what Avery's so excited about," she says with a laugh at the end. "Ok!" I say and walk out of the room and into the kitchen Scarlett comes in a few minutes with every on her shoulders.
"Hey, bug!" I say and Scarlett puts her down. "how long did it take her to convince you?" I ask taking the lasagne out of the fridge. "about 2 minutes." Scarlett replies.
"new record well-done bug!" I say and she gives me a high five. "you guys are the cutest." Scarlett says. "aww thanks scarley." I say and then Avery pipes up with "Momia why is Scarlett red?" making me turn around and put the food in the oven.
"did you want some suncream?" I hear Avery's voice from behind me say. "Ave let's maybe not harass Scarlett," I say turning around and tickling her.
When all the food is ready I take it around to the table and go back to the kitchen to see every trying to get knives from the cutlery drawer, they weren't sharp but I didn't like the thought of her hurting herself with them.
"Hey bug I'll take that, did you want to go to the table with scarley?" I ask. "Ok!!!" she says excitedly taking Scarlett's hand and skipping away. I fill up a jug with some sparkling water and a carton of ribina as well as the cutlery and walk to the table.
We sit down and eat our food, when we have all finished I get up and start clearing the table. "well I see why Avery was so excited." Scarlett says with a small laugh. a small laugh that made my heart flutter and my stomach erupt with butterflies.
"Thanks!" I say picking up some dishes from the table. "can I help you clear up at all?" Scarlett asks. "Would you mind putting the salad in the fridge? you don't have to though." I say quickly. "that's no problem." Scarlett says picking it up and going to the fridge.
then I remembered the 'strange' way it was sorted and I walked in quietly putting the dishes down. "if you don't mind me asking but why are your condiments in the vegetable draw and your vegetables in the condiment shelf thingy?" she asks.
"It's a bit weird but it's sort of an out of sight out of mind thing, id have the edge in the draws then id forget about it," I explain semi-awkwardly with a short laugh at the end. "it's not weird! It's what works for you." she says kindly making my cheeks turn a bit pink.
"MOMIA CAN WE WATCH MOANA?!" Avery yells through the house. I roll my eyes before walking away to finish clearing the table Scarlett walks to where Avery is sprawled.
"Avery, what did I tell you about yelling through the house?" I say sternly as I walk into the room. "Not to do it," she replies quietly. "I'm sorry." she says walking up to me and hugging my middle. "that's fine, bug, so was it Moana you wanted to watch?" I ask with a smile.
"YES!!! I mean yes!" she says making me and Scarlett laugh. "ok, you start it and I'll go get some popcorn for you!" I say kissing her cheek.
about halfway through the film, Avery falls asleep but neither I nor Scarlett could be bothered to change it, and when it finished we just put on the grand tour and fell asleep watching that.
Word count: 8446 :)
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