nativehippie77-blog · 5 years
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nativehippie77-blog · 5 years
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nativehippie77-blog · 5 years
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Balance // Moderation // Patience // Purpose
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nativehippie77-blog · 5 years
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rome, italy
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nativehippie77-blog · 7 years
Sometimes you love to strong for him but then sometimes you love to soft. His love is where he wants it. His love is closed off and boarded up with a fence around tucking it away for No one to find. But then he meets someone. She's kind and sweet and she has cold hands but a warm heart. Her love was misplaced, misused, misread. She needs him to remove the chamber around his heart so she can be filled to the rim with love. Because she deserves it. She deserves each and every part of it.
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nativehippie77-blog · 7 years
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nativehippie77-blog · 7 years
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nativehippie77-blog · 7 years
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nativehippie77-blog · 7 years
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nativehippie77-blog · 7 years
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Her beauty will blind you. But not in a dramatic way, no, In a simple way. The simplicity of her being is what makes her so beautiful. Her existence will strike you, it will grab your attention and hold so tightly, you never want to let go.
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nativehippie77-blog · 7 years
I was always on edge with him always trying to make him happy Never wanting to say or do the wrong thing Because when I made a bad move in his eyes He would strike like a snake So I walked on eggshells finding myself apologizing for things that I didn’t do My breath always tight and my stomach in knots And when it ended I shocked myself when I felt relief I could breath again Sometimes you don’t realize how bad someone is for you until you breath fresh air
He was toxic and I didn’t even realize || melindacarolinee (via melindacarolinee)
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nativehippie77-blog · 7 years
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nativehippie77-blog · 7 years
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nativehippie77-blog · 7 years
“But why did you let her go?” She wasn’t mine to keep. She deserved more then I could give. More then I could understand about myself so how was I supposed to love her the way she needed? Even when she calls I ignore her. She needs to move on. She needs to call someone else hers. It can’t be me. I was never me. And man I love her, I love her more then anything but I can’t right now. She’s the kind of girl you end up with. The kind of girl you take home and your family falls in love with. Hey mine loved her. But it’s not enough I can’t change right now. She has some learning to do and so do I. I love her but she isn’t mine to love anymore.
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nativehippie77-blog · 7 years
But please for the love of god do not settle. Do not let your worth slip out of your hands into some soul sucking vessel that will literally take every pure part if you and tarnish it. Please for the love of god do not allow yourself to loose every part of you that you love. A person doesn’t define your worth. You define your worth. Please understand the difference between lust and love.
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nativehippie77-blog · 7 years
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nativehippie77-blog · 7 years
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