I love you, Chasey...Are you guys coming back to New York soon?
It’s fine.
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I'm sorry. About the other day. I didn't mean to upset you.
Thanks, Nathan.
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It was...I don't even know Blaine. I've never been so scared. I need him. I need him so bad, and I don't know what I'd do if I'd ever lost him. But, we worked it out, and we're still working it out, but I think we'll be okay. Yeah! I know! I'm so excited. I can't wait. We both think that maybe London will be a really good change for us. We need a city, but New York is where he flourishes, and Emory is where I'm flourishing, so if we can make this work, I think it's going to be...home. I can feel it. 
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You're my big brother. I have more faith in you than anyone you'll ever meet. I asked him about school and if he needed some help or how he was doing, and he just got...so mad at me.
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Maybe I don't want to drop it. Maybe I want to talk to my brother and my best friend because he used to tell me everything, and I haven't talked to him in forever. Maybe I just miss you and I miss knowing what's up with you and maybe I miss helping you with stuff.
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Chase...Why are you being like this?
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Don't be this way, Chase. You know I'm not trying to hold your hand. I just want to help.
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We did, finally. Actually...I almost lost him. He gave me his ring back and I said it was over and he left. He flew to New York, and I thought it was over. I flew to New York and I went to get him back. I was just really stressed out and I felt like I needed some space. Like I was loosing my identity. He felt out of place, and we were just really...I don't know, Blaine. It was really bad for awhile. I'm actually...Don't tell anyone this because I don't want to jinx getting into the program, but the publishing company sold my book to its English sister company, and they want me to move to to London after I get my degree, but I found out that if I can apply to Emory's study abroad program, then I can get a head start, and they might even sign me for a sequel to my book. The program begins next spring semester, and if I get in...Aiden and I are moving to London.
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That's good. I'm glad you're doing well. I knew you would though. I had no doubt it wouldn't be a problem for you. What about Chase...He- Is he okay?
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I know it's a huge difference. I just don't want you to think that you can't. You can. I don't want you to quit just because you're having a hard time or something.
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But, Chasey, if you get your degree, you'll get paid more and it'll be easier to get a job somewhere. I know you. You don't think it's stupid or pointless. You think you can't do it, but you can. I've tutored you my whole life. I know you can do it.
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Why though?
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Why did you hate it?
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Because I hated it?
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Why aren't you going back?
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I’m not going back next year.. so why bother?
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So? I never took the classes that seriously anyway and it’s not like I need them.
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Not the best? I..uhm...Aiden and I got in a fight right before my hardest exam and he suggested moving out to some motel until the end of the semester, and it made me so sick to think about that I missed every question on the exam and even misspelled my name. Luckily, it was one of my professors who had a hand in picking my book for the contest, and he knew something was wrong, so he gave me the chance to retake it tomorrow. It's just been a really tough semester with everything, and Aiden and I have been having a lot of problems and it's just tough.
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What about you though? How are you?
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chase-anderson replied to your post:One exam down.
This is why I’m not going to mine.
You're not going? You'll fail.
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anders-blaine replied to your post:One exam down.
I know the feeling. Mine only start tomorrow but I can predict a long, sleepless rest of the week.
I'm glad someone understands. It's been a very...Straining week to say the least.
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