Mahidol University International College (History)
     Mahidol University International College or MUIC is Thailand’s first public international college, and it is part of Mahidol University. MUIC  is located in Mahidol University’s Salaya Campus in Nakhon Pathom province. These days Mahidol University International College is recognizing as the leading international college in a public university in Thailand, especially for its liberal education and diverse and international environment. 
     The International Students Degree Program (ISDP) was founded in March 1986 with seven major offerings in the Sciences and Travel Management. 
    In 1992, ISDP officially dedicate its new building that can accommodate more than 486 students. Moreover, MUIC has introduced another two majors in Business Administration and Food Science and technology. 
    Later, in 1996, there was an approval from the Mahidol University Council that ISDP is officially designated as Mahidol University International College, and MUIC has become one faculty of Mahidol University. 
     In 2017, MUIC has built a new building and named this building as Adithayathorn building, named in honor of Her Royal Highness Princess Aditayathorn Mahidol. She is a distinguished alumna.
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Adithayathorn Building
Image by Napassakorn Siriaouychai
    These days, Mahidol University has operated for over 35 years, and there are more than 17 undergraduate majors in Arts, Sciences, Communication Arts, Engineering, and Business Administration, along with two master’s degree programs. Currently, there are approximately 3,000 students at Mahidol University International College.
                                                                              Napassakorn Siriaouychai.
Mahidol University International College. (2021). History.  https://muic.mahidol.ac.th/eng/about-muic/history/          
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MUIC Facilities and Equipment
Mahidol University International College is my university. In the university, there are two rooms for case-based learning, two rooms for workshop-based learning, and a room for a financial laboratory. 
In the university students can sit at the co-working space to relax and work on their assignments. During COVID-19 situations they have the social distancing measure to make students stay safe from the spread of the virus as shown on the picture. Students will not be allowed to sit close to each other, and they should wear masks all the time in the room. 
Moreover, the university also provides students a printer to print any documents that students want to print. The number of pages that students will be able to print will depend on their credit that they registered. 
I have been to Co-working space many times, and I think that this is a really comfortable place for me to work, and study. In the Co-working space, I can charge the battery for my laptop, and there are many computers for me to use, if I do not bring my own. 
Most importantly, MUIC also provides students wifi, while studying or working at the college, and I think that MUIC wifi is great. I can work faster here, and stay in this room while I have a break before studying another class. Also, there are 20,000 Baht for university facilities that students have to pay every trimester.
Finally, For everyone who are Mahidol Students, Mahidol also have the Mahidol Learning Center or MLC, a place that students can go and doing activity. This place allow every students to go and use the Mahidol Facilities. 
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Image by Napassakorn Siriaouychai
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Image by Napassakorn Siriaouychai
                                                                         Napassakorn Siriaouychai
Mahidol Learning Center. (2021). ศูนย์การเรียนรู้มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล                          (ศาลายา)https://arsomsilparchitect.co.th/project/mahidol-learning-center-mlc-2-2/
Mahidol University International College. (2021).  Facilities and equipment.            https://muic.mahidol.ac.th/eng/programs/undergraduate-programs/business-administration/facilities-and-equipment/
Mahidol. (2019). Co-Working Space-MUIC.      https://www.li.mahidol.ac.th/libraries-2/coworkingspace-muic/
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