100%SKE vol 4
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[Eng Translation] Kimoto Kanon Ameba ~ Last general election. (2017-06-18)
Everyone Did you watch me?
AKB senbatsu sousenkyo It ended successfully
But this time My name was not called.
I do not know what to write
Think of the sentence and erase it again it not really come up with nothing
I think I have to write a blog I was late because I could not write it at all.
Sorry for have been waiting.
So far in the sousenkyou I was ranked in every time
Every time I feel love from you It was an important place for me
But just because we were not able to rank in this time Its not changed
Although the results did not remain During the sousenkyo period the love that you gave me is a big one It is irreplaceable for me.
That's why With gratitude to everyone I am really filled
That moved for me instead of the result I am glad that above all the fact
Because I could not rank in I do not think everyone is bad There is absolutely no such thing
Everyone kept on doing it Fans of other members also I was working very hard. Just because I did not receive it this time
Everyone also tried hard But fans of other members Also worked so hard That I just did not get it this time
I am not trying hard I think it is not enough power
Because Sousenkyou is a feeling from everyone I properly feel that way I feel love from you all
That's why I do not want everyone To say sorry
I'm out from Sousenkyou Not because I wanted everyone to say such a word
Along with you all together Because I wanted to work hard.
I could not rank in this time But I think I made it one by one And made it from sousenkyou so far
Because I worked hard with everyone In this time of sousenkyou I found out the meaning correctly
I do not even regret to be leave that.
I really appreciate all of you. Really really lots Thank you very much.😊
Personally in the general election of this year From the time I decided to get out I had decided this is the last
That feeling Has not changed since it was over
At the end of this sousenkyou I will not run for candidacy any more.
It was not because I did not like ranked in or disliked
There is no sense of surprises in sousenkyou again I thought that
Including the results of this time, I continued to go to sousenkyou for the last 6 and a half years, I got a lot of love from everyone The general election is already enough
Never escape Not from a negative idea
It was because I was satisfied myself.
So general elections are no longer available but do their best in different places
So general elections are no longer available but do their best in different places
In a different place A place that can be one with everyone I hope to make it.
A handshake party or a performance What you want to take care of besides sousenkyou There are a lot
From now on that kind of place I would like to cherish it with everyone.
The last general election for me
Thank you for your hard work together!
Really really There is no regret
was entertained me supported me Thank you.
From now on from Sousenkyou For a handshake party or a performance Please come and met a lot 😂💕
for reading to the end. Thank you very much.
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How about a group chat shenanigans? If that's possible?
Who says it’s impossible? /sips coffee/ TOok me a wHile but is ok here’s one ^^
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To Kanon.
チームEラスト、16人目です(?・ω・?) Team E’s last one. 16th person.
君の番か。 もう3月か終わろうとしていますね。 So it’s your turn. March is already ending, isn’t it?
んー、色々考えたけど 今さら何を伝えようか迷うものです。笑 Hmm, I thought of a lot of things, but now, I’m lost in deciding what I want to say. lol
長くなってしまうけど 読んでくれたら嬉しいな。 It’ll be long, but if you read it, I’ll be glad.
最初に言える事は The first thing I want to say is
1人にしてごめんね。 I’m sorry for leaving you alone.
先に卒業してごめん。 I’m sorry for graduating before you.
寂しいと思わせてしまう事ごめんね。 I’m sorry for making you feel lonely.
泣かせてしまってごめんね。 I’m sorry for making you cry.
やっぱり最初は たくさんのごめんねが出てきちゃうみたい。 As I thought, the beginning would have a lot of sorries.
SKE48として あなたを最後まで支えてあげられなかったことが唯一の悔いかもしれません。 I might be the one who regrets most not being able to support you and SKE until the end.
わたしは自��の夢に向かって考えた結果 卒業という道を選びました。 Because I thought of facing my own dreams, I chose the path called ‘graduation’.
でも 決してあなたのそばを離れる訳ではありません But I didn’t do it because I want to leave you
いつでも頼ってほしいし いつでも泣いてほしいし いつでも助けに行きます。 I always want you to rely on me I always want you to cry I’ll always be there to come and help you.
今までと変わらない関係でいたい。 I want this unchanging relationship of ours until now to stay.
今ならばちゃんと言える気がする。 This has ‘If it was now, I could say it properly’* kind of feel to it.
私のこと たくさん支えてくれてありがとう Thank you for giving so much support to someone like me
たくさん笑顔にしてくれてありがとう Thank you for making me smile so many times
喜ばせてくれてありがとう Thank you for making me happy
なにより And more than anything else,
私のことを1番に理解してくれて ありがとう。 For being the one who understands me most, thank you.
たくさんたくさん ありがとうを伝えたいです。 I want to convey so so much “Thank you"s
6年半分のありがとうなんて ここじゃ伝えきれないものですね But something like 6 years’ worth of “Thank you"s can’t be conveyed here, right?
本当は かなり負けず嫌いで、意外と気にしいで 人見知りで あまり人前では泣かなくて やる時はやる人で 自分自身とちゃんと見つめ合っていて Truth is, at times you’re a sore loser and surprisingly mindful You’re anxious around people You don’t cry much in front of people You’re a person who does things when you do them You’re a person who sees herself confidently
笑った顔も可愛くて ふざけたときはあり得ないくらい面白くて 1番に私を頼ってくれた Your face when you laugh is cute Your jokes are so unfunny it’s funny You’re the one who relied on me most.
かのんが大好きです。(^^) I love Kanon. (^^)
この先は 隣にはいられないけど 心はそばにいます。 Soon, I will no longer be beside you, but my heart is right by your side.
いつでも会いに行くよ。 I’ll always come to see you.
かのんが私を1番に理解してくれたみたいに So that, just like how Kanon was the one who understood me most,
私もかのんを1番に理解できます。 I could be the one who understands Kanon most.
これからは メンバーとしてではなく From now on, instead of as members,
心友としてたくさん頼ってください。 please rely on me more as your best friend.
大切な人と分かっていたのに 今にならないと言えないことが ちょっと恥ずかしいものです。 Even though I know you’re the most precious person to me, the things I don’t say if it weren’t for now are a little embarrassing.
でも 今だからこそ分かってほしい。 But because it’s now, I want you to understand.
ちゃんと心はそばにいるから あなたらしく 頑張ってほしい。 My heart is right by your side, so I want you to do your best in your own way.
私が見られなかった景色を 最後まで見続けてほしい。 The scenery I wasn’t able to see I want you to be the one to see it until the end.
頼んだよ。 Rely on people.
最後に かのんを応援してくださるファンの皆様 Lastly, to all of the fans who support Kanon
一言しか伝えないよ。 I have only one thing to say.
かのんの事 本当に よろしくお願いします。 Please take care of Kanon.
from, me….i
*Here, I believe Meimei is quoting the lyrics of Ima Naraba.
Taken from Sakai Mei’s 03.28.2017 blog entry.
I searched for this blog entry in other sites because it was an SKE48 Mobile member exclusive. I just had to translate it. This is 1 out of 16 letters Mei wrote for the members of Team E. This is her letter to Kimoto Kanon.
I cried so much translating this. Also, I still might not be as accurate as I try to be so sorry about that.
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Today is Meimei’s Final Stage.
All I want to say is, thank you. Thanks for everything. Thanks for being a great senior, a great friend, and a great member. But most of all, thanks for joining SKE48 and giving us a chance to support you.
It’s sad that I wasn’t able to get to know you for so long. You’re really amazing in your own way. I wish you good luck in your future endeavors. I, and most likely the rest of your fans, am here to support you all the way. ^^
And no worries, we’ll take care of Kanon for you. 😂
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SKE48 x ESCA Member Poster (9)
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SKE48 x ESCA Member Poster (8)
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「SKE48 Passion For You」8期生紹介ページ (2/2)
#SKE48#Sato Kaho#shirayuki kohaku#nakamura izumi#nonogaki miki#nomura miyo#fukai negai#morihira riko#yahagi yukina
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「SKE48 Passion For You」8期生紹介ページ (1/2)
#ske48#atsumi ayaha#ishikawa saki#ishiguro yuzuki#inoue ruka#oshiba rinka#okada miku#kawai anna#kitagawa yoshino#kurashima ami#sakamoto marin
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