nankurunaisagaman · 4 years
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nankurunaisagaman · 4 years
Detail - Hollyhocks and Other Flowers in aVase, Jan van Huysum, 1702-20
Detail - Hollyhocks and Other Flowers in aVase, Jan van Huysum, 1702-20 por Kotomi_
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nankurunaisagaman · 4 years
Flowers in a Vase, Rachel Ruysch, about 1685 por Kotomi_
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nankurunaisagaman · 4 years
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nankurunaisagaman · 4 years
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nankurunaisagaman · 4 years
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nankurunaisagaman · 4 years
Jan Davidsz. de Heem, Blumenvase (A vase of flowers) Detail
Jan Davidsz. de Heem, Blumenvase (A vase of flowers) Detail por HEN-Magonza Por Flickr: Jan Davidsz. de Heem, Utrecht 1606 - Antwerpen 1683 oder 1684 Blumenvase / A vase of flowers (ca. 1670) Mauritshuis, Den Haag / The Hague Compared to flower still-lifes of the early seventeenth century, this painting is a real floral explosion. Rather than a stiff bouquet, we see a colourful profusion of flowers hanging over the edge of the vase. One special detail is the reflection in the glass vase, which shows a cloudy sky through the studio window and a few objects on the windowsill. Jan Davidsz de Heem was the most influential flower painter of his day. He spent various periods in Antwerp, where he became acquainted with the effusiveness of the south. Source: Mauritshuis, Den Haag / The Hague
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nankurunaisagaman · 5 years
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(Greek: Φοίνιξ, Persian: ققنوس, Arabic: العنقاء أو طائر الفينيق, Chinese: 鳳凰 or 不死鳥, Turkish: Tuğrul), Hebrew: פניקס) also phenix – a mythical sacred fire bird that can be found in the mythologies of the Arabian, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Chinese, Turks, Indians and (according to Sanchuniathon) Phoenicians/Canaanites.
It is described as a bird with a colourful plumage and a tail of gold and scarlet (or purple, blue, and green according to some legends). It has a 500 to 1000 year life-cycle, near the end of which it builds itself a nest of twigs that then ignites; both nest and bird burn fiercely and are reduced to ashes, from which a new, young phoenix or phoenix egg arises, reborn anew to live again. The new phoenix is destined to live as long as its old self. In some stories, the new phoenix embalms the ashes of its old self in an egg made of myrrh and deposits it in the Egyptian city of Heliopolis (literally “sun-city” in Greek). It is said that the bird’s cry is that of a beautiful song. The Phoenix’s ability to be reborn from its own ashes implies that it is immortal, though in some stories the new Phoenix is merely the offspring of the older one
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nankurunaisagaman · 5 years
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nankurunaisagaman · 5 years
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nankurunaisagaman · 5 years
Todos los artistas verdaderos, lo sepan o no, crean desde un lugar sin mente, desde la quietud interior. Eckhart Tolle.
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nankurunaisagaman · 5 years
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nankurunaisagaman · 5 years
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nankurunaisagaman · 5 years
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nankurunaisagaman · 5 years
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nankurunaisagaman · 5 years
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Devil’s Hole State Park
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nankurunaisagaman · 5 years
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