namjisoongi · 7 months
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namjisoongi · 8 months
‘Homecoming’ (J-Hope ff) (part 4)
📍Plot: A day spent with aunt Lisa, Tiana, and Via.
As I was asleep, I felt something lightly shake my shoulders. I kind of got startled once I woke up to see aunt Lisa standing in front of me, “Sorry to wake you up, but I’m just letting you know that I’m getting some groceries from the store. You want anything on my way back home?” She asks, I sat up on the bed to stretch, “Can I have a Lemon Tea and a King Car, if you don’t mind?” I answered, “Alright, I’ll see you later, then.” She says, walking out of the room. “Okay.” I answer, getting out of bed and did my usual morning routine and headed out to the living room to see Tiana and Via awake as well. “Good morning, Adi.” I hear Via greet me, “Good morning girls.” I greet back at them. “You girls want some breakfast?” I ask, “No thanks, we already ate right after mom cooked. There’s more rice, eggs and bacon on the stove.” Via answers, “Okay.” I say, heading to the kitchen to make my own plate. “What are we watching now?” I ask as I sat down on the couch next to them. “We’re watching ‘Ron’s Gone Wrong’ on HBO.” Tia answers, I took a few bites of my food as we all continue to watch the movie.
(45 minutes later)
“This movie kind of reminds me of Big Hero Six.” I commented on the movie. “That’s what we were thinking before you came in.” Tiana says as I burped loudly out of nowhere. “Excuse me.” I say. Once I finished eating my breakfast, I digested on the couch while watching the ending of ‘Ron’s Gone Wrong’ with the girls before I start heading to the kitchen to clean my dishes. “Adi, I have a quick question.” Via says as she chews on another grape, “Shoot.” I say, taking a small sip of my water, “Have you ever thought of sticking around a little longer?” She asks, I set down my cup on the table in front of me, “Here? On Guam?” I ask, thinking of the context of her question, she nods. “I was just wondering. I mean, I know that you have so much to do back to where you’re living now, but it would be cool if you stayed.” Via tells me, “Hmm…” I say as I thought of an answer to come with, I leaned in a little bit, “Between me and you two…” I start to answer, “I thought of sticking around here a little longer as well. I mean, I could take more classes online, help you guys out with the house, and maybe find a job that would be suitable for me.” I tell them.
(10 minutes later)
After a few episodes of watching Full House, I got up from the couch to the kitchen and cleaned all of my dishes. “Girls, I’m home.” I hear aunt Lisa call out. They all walked into the kitchen to put all the groceries away, I helped out after I was done cleaning the kitchen. As I finished helping them out with the groceries, I went to use the bathroom. I closed and locked the door behind me, and sat on the toilet to do my business. I wiped myself after I finished my business, flushed the toilet, cleaned my hands and headed out of the bathroom. I looked around the house to check on the girls before I looked for aunt Lisa, I checked outside the garage to see that she’s feeding the animals in her little farm. “Hey, aunt Lisa. Um, I wanted to talk to you about something.” I say as I stood by the pig fence, “Sure. What’s up?” She asks as I watched her feed the pigs. ���So, I was thinking… maybe, I should stay with you guys for a while longer.” I answer, waiting for her to respond. “Is this what you want? I mean, I don’t want to hold you back.” Aunt Lisa asks as she walks up to a different fence to feed the chickens and goats.
“I’ve been thinking about it with the girls and I decided that I would like to stay. I can talk to my school for me to take all of my classes online, I can start looking for a job and to be able to help you guys with rent, the meals, everything. I’m also willing to drop Tiana and Via off to school and to pick them up afterwards every day of the week.” I answer. “If you really want to stay and help us out, I wouldn’t mind that at all, but I’m going to set some house rules for you.” She says, setting down the stuff for the animals to eat and sat on a rocking chair.
“#1) Going to church on Sunday’s are mandatory. #2) While I’m still at work, you’re in charge of making the meals. #3) Keep the house clean, feed the animals, etc. #4) You are responsible to take the girls to and from school. If they are late or absent from school, it’s going to be on all three of you. Unless it’s an emergency. #5) Via and Tiana has soccer practice every day of the week right after school. #6) Always wear something decent while family and friends are over. #7) Treat others how you want to be treated. #8) No slamming doors when you are angry. #9) There is no maid in this house. If you make a mess, clean it up yourself. #10) Respect each other in this house. And lastly, #11) If you ever want to ask me to let you go hang out somewhere with some friends, be sure to be back no later than 2:00 a.m, got it?” Aunt Lisa says, “Got it.” I answered, memorizing the rules in my head. I went to a spot around the house that was quiet, and dialed my school to let them know I’m going to be on Guam a little longer. After a while of convincing them, I am able to take online courses.
I walked back into the house and went back into the living room again. “I’m so bored.” Via says, “Same.” Tiana says in agreement. “I have an idea.” I say as they both turned their attention to me. “Why don’t we as aunt Lisa if we could go for a drive somewhere?” I added. “Sure, why not?” Tiana says, we all walked out to the garage where aunt Lisa was still placed. “Mom, is it alright if Adi takes us out for a drive?” Via asks her, “Sure, but where are you all going?” She asks as she moves back and forth on the rocking chair. “I was thinking if we would look around the mall and maybe get some ice cream after.” I answered, she takes out the car keys from her pocket and hands it to me. “Be safe and be back in two hours.” She tells us. “We will. See you later mom.” Tiana and Via says before running to see who gets shotgun. I started the car and drove Tiana and Via to the Micronesian Mall to look around, and probably buy a few things. We made it to the mall, parked somewhere in the parking lot and started heading inside. We worked our way around the first floor before heading to the other stores on the second floor. “Let’s go check out what’s showing in the movie theater.” Tiana says and we followed her lead on the escalator to the second floor. We scoped through the movies with upcoming ones coming soon, and we decided to just look somewhere else. I noticed a Bestseller book shop a few feet away from the movie theater. “Hey, let’s go check in there.” I pointed to the shop. As we looked through each and every aisle of books, my eyes were set on some books. I decided what book I wanted to buy first, but I ended up buying all the books I thought would be interesting. After we looked inside the book store, we looked around the shops and bought some new outfits from half of the clothing stores. As the time went by, we all started walking back to the parking lot with some stuff and started driving back home.
I parked, and turned off the car by the garage. I helped the girls carry some of their stuff to the house. “Mom, we’re home.” Via calls out once we entered the house. We all put our stuff in the room, and tried on all the outfits we bought. “What you think of this outfit?” Via asks, wearing a baby blue sweater and pants, “Very blue.” Tiana comments. “Come on, I’m serious.” She says, “It’s cute…” She says as Via gives her a look, feeling a ‘but..’ coming up, “but it’s still very blue.” Tiana finishes. “Okay, you’re done. Get out.” Via says, throwing a pillow at Tiana’s direction. “This is my room too, so I’m going to have to say ‘No, thanks.’ because I’m not leaving.” Tiana says back.
(20 minutes later)
We hear a knock on the door, “Want to go out for dinner?” Aunt Lisa asks, “Okay.” We all agreed. “Clean your room first, it’s kind of a mess.” She says, Tiana playfully puts her hands up in defense, “Woah, there, mom. You need to relax.” She says. “You little shits.” Aunt Lisa says, laughing as she walks out. We all folded our new outfits and neatly organized it in the closets and started making our way to aunt Lisa sitting on the living room couch, who is almost finished reading her book. “You girls ready?” Aunt Lisa asked, putting her book down on the couch. “Yes.” We all say in unison. “Okay, let’s go.” She says, getting off the couch, taking her wallet and keys from the the table in front of her. We all parked in front of the King’s restaurant across the Guam Premium Outlet and Ruby Tuesday on Tamuning area, and waited inside by the front door and waited for us to be seated. “Hafa Adai.” A waitress greets us, “Table for how many?” The waitress asks, “4, please.” Aunt Lisa answers, “Right this way.” The waitress says, getting 4 menus and led us to an available table booth. “Thank you.” We all thanked, “No problem.” The waitress says before walking away to tend other costumers. I scanned through the menu and decided on ordering the rib-eye steak.
(5 minutes later)
“Are you ready to order?” The waitress asks, holding onto a pen and a little paper pad to write on. “I would like to an iced tea with a rib-eye steak, well done, with a side order of rice and some mashed potatoes.” I ordered. “Alright.” The waitress says, writing down my order. “I would like to have some water and coffee with the Chamorro sausage & eggs.” Aunt Lisa orders as the waitress writes it down. “I’m going to have the grilled salmon with some iced tea.” Tiana orders, “I’m going to have the same thing, too.” Via orders the same. “Is that all?” The waitress asks, “That’s all, for now. Thank you.” Aunt Lisa says, passing the menus back to the waitress.
(45 minutes later)
We all got our meals we ordered, prayed and started eating. “Can I have some of your mashed potatoes?” Via asks, “I could even trade you for some of my salmon.” She points to her grilled salmon. “Via, stop bother Adi and eat your food.” Aunt Lisa scolds. “It’s alright aunt Lisa. Here you go, Vi.” I say as I scooped some of the potatoes into her plate. “Thank you.” She thanks as she cuts half of the salmon and puts it on my plate. “Thanks.” I thanked her back.
(30 minutes later)
We all finished eating our meals, ‘I’m so full.’ I thought to myself. I wiped my mouth and got up to go pay for the dinner. “I’m gonna be right back.” I say, picking up the bill and walking up to where I have to pay. “Hi. I’m here to pay for mine and my family’s meal.” I say, giving them the bill with two $100 dollar bills. “You can keep the change.” I say as I walked to the bathroom to use the toilet and cleaned myself up. As I got out of the bathroom, I notice Daniel sitting by the window with a couple of people 5 tables in front of where I stood. I took a detour from him seeing me walk past him and left the restaurant with my family. “Today was fun.” Via says as we walked back into aunt Lisa’s car. I hear a sound coming from my phone, notifying that I got a message. I checked to see that Daniel’s name appeared on iMessage on my lock screen. As I looked at Daniel’s message, I saw that I still had mine and his picture together saved as my lock screen background, forgetting to change it. I went to the wallpaper on my settings and looked it one last time before removing it. I opened up his message to see a whole paragraph. ‘I should probably read this later.’ I thought to myself.
“Let’s ask some random questions ‘cause I’m bored.” Tiana says randomly. “Ooh, I wanna start asking first.” Via says, “If you had to choose between watching any movie or show of your choice, but it has to be muted without subtitles. Or…. only being able to watch something in a different language and have the subtitles be in that language. What would you choose?” Via asks, “I would choose to watch something on mute with no subtitles so I could try to understand what’s going on.” I answer. “Man, imagine someone walks in on you laughing at the TV with no sound on.” Tiana says, laughing. “I would be kinda embarrassed.” I answered, “I wouldn’t.” Tiana comments, “You wouldn’t?” Via asks her, “Don’t look so surprised, you know that I’m weird with my answers.” Tiana answers back, “True.” Via says.
(15 minutes later)
We all started walking back into the house. I went in the kitchen to get some water to drink, and I sat on the chair to check the message from Daniel.
Dani: Hey, I saw you leaving King’s with your family. I wanted to talk to you, but I completely understand that you don’t want to speak to me anymore. I also sant to say that I’m really sorry for everything from yesterday. I hope we get to work things out with our relationship sometime in the future because I know deep down in my heart that I still love you. 8:21 PM
I read his message, and decided to leave it until I felt like messaging back. I finished the rest of my water, washed it and went into the living room where Tiana and Via were watching an interview on TV. “What’s showing?” I asked as I sat on the couch next to Via. “We’re watching some BTS interviews on YouTube.” Tiana says and I nodded. One guy caught my attention, I looked at him for a few minutes to try and think of where I’ve seen him from. ‘Why does he look so familiar?’ I thought to myself, but I decided to forget about it since I get a migraine trying to remember something right now.
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namjisoongi · 8 months
‘Homecoming’ (J-Hope ff) (part three)
📍Plot: the wedding day (part 1?)
(The wedding ceremony):
I wake up to the sound of my alarm on my phone. I sat up to turn it off, and started stretching. I fix Sophia’s bed once I’ve got out it, then I went into the bathroom to use the toilet, clean myself up, showered and changed into a casual outfit. Tiana, Via and I followed Sophia to one of her best friend’s hair salon to get our hair and make-up ready. 2 and a half hours later, we finished fixing ourselves up, then we all changed from our regular clothing to our dresses, and started heading out to her wedding to the St. Anthony Catholic church in Tamuning. Once we made it in front of the church, I helped Sophia fix her dress as we all walked out of the limo. When we were all by the front door, I noticed that Sophia was really nervous as she fidgets with her sleeves from her wedding dress. I held her hand to stop her from fidgeting, and she looks at me. “I know you’re nervous, but this is your big day, you’re going to do great.” I tell her, giving her a big smile. “Thanks.” She says, nervously.
The front doors open, my side of the family and John’s side of his family started walking down the aisle. As my turn got closer, I held onto Carl’s, who is John’s younger brother, arm and smiled widely as we both walked down the aisle, following the line. As we all made it to our seats, we watched as Sophia walks down the aisle with aunt Lisa by her side. Aunt Lisa gives Sophia one last hug before giving her away to John. “You all may be seated.” Father Harold says on the microphone, “We are all gathered here today to celebrate Sophia and John on their wedding.” Father Harold starts. After 30 minutes of prayers, choir songs, everyone getting a piece of the bread, Sophia and John exchanging their wedding vows, exchanging rings, etc. “I now declare you husband and wife. You may now-” John kisses Sophia on the lips before Father Harold finishes his sentence. “I guess, proceed to kiss the bride.” Father Harold finally finishes, and everyone cheered. The choir starts singing again as we all walked the aisle out to the front door.
As my family and I were all conversing for a couple of minutes outside, I noticed Daniel inside the church, standing by the window corner of the benches, wearing a charcoal colored suit and talking to one of my aunt’s, Selena, “Daniel?” I say as I walked inside the church again to where he and Selena stood. “Hey, babe.” He greets me and gave me a bear hug. I hugged him back and pulled away. I notice aunt Selena giving me a disgusted look before walking away, ‘bitch.’ I thought to myself as I watched her walk away. ‘Sorry to think that, God.’ I thought to myself again. “What are you doing here? I thought you were still studying for your exams?” I asked, surprised to see him here, “I am, but I just really missed you, and I thought that you would like some company for your cousin’s wedding.” Daniel answers and I nodded. “Adi!” I hear Tiana calling for me, “My mom is asking take some pictures with us.” She says, pointing to where aunt Lisa, Via, Sophia, John and his family are standing, “I’ll be right there in a sec.” I tell her, “Okay, but you better hurry.” Tiana says before walking back to get ready for some photos. I looked back at Daniel to see that he was looking back at me. “Shall we?” I asked, holding out my hand for him to take. He took my hand into his, and we both headed to where we’re all taking pictures at.
(2 minutes later)
As we were finishing up with taking a lot of group pictures with everyone, I followed Daniel out of the church, “Would you mind taking me to my aunt’s house? I wanna change before going to the reception.” I asked Daniel. “Sure.” He agrees.
(3 hours later: The reception)
I walked up to John’s sister, Brianna, who was taking care of the guest list at a table in front of the buffet. “Hey, Bri, how are you doing today?” I asked as I put mine and Daniel’s name on the guest list. “I’m doing great, thanks for asking.” She says, “So, is it just you today?” Brianna asks, “Oh, I’m actually here with my boyfriend, Daniel.” I answered, putting my arm behind Daniel’s back, showing him off. “Nice to meet you Daniel, I’m Brianna.” She introduced herself, putting her arm out for Daniel to shake. “Likewise.” He answers, smirking and giving her a look. She looked uncomfortable as he looks up and down at her, and just looked at me as she clears her throat. “The reception is just here right behind me.” She points us to where people were seated and having conversations. “Thanks.” Daniel and I thanked. “Are you trying to piss me off right now? Because it’s working.” I asked as we both walked up to where Tiana, Via, and aunt Lisa were seated, and I looked around to find us both an available seat to sit. “What do you mean?” He asks, looking confused, “I saw how you were being with Brianna just now.” I told him, “I was just being friendly.” He answers, “That’s a little too friendly, don’t you think?” I asked, sitting next to Via.
After 20 minutes of introducing myself and Daniel to family, having some small talk here and there, we all hear a tapping sound from the speakers, “Test, testing.” We hear Uncle Jerry say into the microphone. As he was testing the microphone, there was a ringing noise on the speakers. “Sorry guys,” uncle Jerry apologizes, “I want everyone to give a round of applause to Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster.” He informs. We all turned ourselves to see Sophia and John walk in, we all applauded and cheered for them as they walked to their personal table. A few minutes later, we all said a prayer and started walking in line to grab some food from the buffet. Once I’ve set my full plate on my table, I headed to the open bar to get a glass of water and a Corona extra with a lemon to start me off.
After finishing two rounds of food from the buffet, “I would like to call on Sophia and John for their first dance as a newly wed.” Anita says into the microphone. We all started to take their attention to Sophia and John as they walked up to the stage. I picked up my phone and started to record once Anita and Mark starts to sing ‘Say You Won’t Let Go,’ by James Arthur. Everyone started cheering as Sophia and John started to slow dance. I started tearing up, seeing Sophia and John talking to each other, laughing and being happy as they danced together. I felt a light tap on my right shoulder, I turned to Via to see her holding a napkin out for me to use. “Thank you.” I whispered, taking the napkin and dabbed on the tears from my face. 5 minutes later, the song finishes, “Before you two go back to your seats, I would like to call on Sophia and John’s parents for your first dance together.” Anita says as aunt Lisa and John’s mom walks up to them and starts dancing again to Anita and Mark singing, ‘Like I’m Gonna Lose You,’ by Meghan Trainor and John Legend.
(5 and a half hours later)
“Hey, Soph.” I walked up to Sophia and John’s table, “Hey, sis.” She smiles, “I just wanted to congratulate you guys again before I start heading out.” I tell her, she then gets up from her seat to hug me. “Thank you so much for being able to come to our wedding.” She says as John thanks me as well. “Do you want me to call someone to take you home?” She asks, I shook my head no, “It’s alright, I have Daniel to take me home, you just enjoy your night.” I let her know. “Alright, you guys drive safe.” Sophia says, “We will, and you two have a great time.” I tell her and John as I gave them one last hug, “Bye, I’ll see you guys later.” I say as I wave goodbye before Daniel and I left the reception.
The drive back to aunt Lisa’s house in a rent-a-car with Daniel was nothing, but awkward silence. I looked out my window, watching the stars as we pass every street light, every building, etc. “What’s on your mind?” Daniel asks, keeping his eyes on the road. “Nothing, just looking at the view.” I answered, “I know I may not be around as much, but I know when there’s something on your mind. I noticed the way you looked when you saw me at the church, and the way you were acting at the reception.” He tells me. I looked at Daniel for a moment, “You should’ve talked to me about coming to Guam sooner, we could’ve made it to the wedding together.” I told him. “I know, and I’m sorry about that, okay?” He apologizes, “I get that, but is this what you’re going to do now? Make decisions without me?” I asked. “All I wanted was to surprise you, that’s all.” He tells me, which made me not say anything else, but to just look back out the window.
“You didn’t have to make such a big deal about any of this. We both made it just in time for the wedding and reception, didn’t we?” He ask, huffing. “I’m not making a big deal out of anything. I’m just saying that we should have talked and worked it out together way beforehand, so it would’ve been less complicated for both of us, you know?” I tell him. “So, you’re saying that we’re starting to become complicated?” Daniel asks, getting a bit defensive. “I’m not saying it like that, I just want us to talk about things before we do something without it being such a hassle.” I tell him. “When have I ever did something, besides today, without talking to you first?” He asks, his tone noticeably growing more mad. “You really want me to answer that?” I asked, facing him again. “Yeah.” He answers, “Okay, let’s see.” I start off, thinking something. “The time you specifically told me that you were supposed to be with your family at Alabama last summer, but instead, I find you walking out of a hotel in Washington with some bitch who’s clearly twice our age.” I tell him, thinking of more things he’s done. “How many times do I have to tell you I’m sorry about-?” I cut him off, “I’m not finished.” I say, giving him a glare. “There was also a time when we had our dinner reservation celebrating our 4th anniversary as a couple, but you completely blew it off to be with your guy friends at a bar. I just sat there for 30 minutes looking like a complete idiot. Like god!! I felt so embarrassed when I kept on telling the waitress you were still on your way there. After giving the table up after an hour of waiting, I don’t think I’ll be able to eat there ever again.” I tell him.
After a minute of silence, “There was also a time when I was still in my dorm room studying for my exams, you told me you were not going to Nick’s house party, but no, I check my phone see tons of pictures and videos of you on Nick’s Instagram with your ex, Tanya, looking all comfortable.” I say, cringing at the thought of it all. “I don’t want to talk about that anymore.” He says, turning the volume up, I just scoffed at him, “Fine by me.” I answered. “But I do want to say this..” Daniel starts, “Lately, it feels like you and I are drifting further away every time we get to see each other in person, considering that we’re attending different colleges that’s many hours away from each other. And when we try to make plans to hang out, we’re always canceling them last minute.” Daniel says, “What are you saying?” I ask, “I’m saying, we should take a break from each other if all we’re going to do is fight and cancel our plans.” He tells me “You’re saying that you don’t love me anymore?” I ask, “Oh, god no. I just think it’s best that we take some time off from each other, and to focus more on our own futures.” He answers, “It’s either we’re officially over or we’re not.” I tell him, trying to hold in the tears from coming out, “We’re done.” He says. Those two words triggered me and the tears fell down my cheeks fast.
Once we finally made it to aunt Lisa’s house, it was already 11:57 pm. I unbuckled the seat belt, got my purse, and got out. Before I walked further away from the car, “Will I still be able to see you again tomorrow since I’m still going to be staying until tomorrow night?” I hear him call out from the window of the driver’s side, “Why don’t you find someone else to do that with?” I tell him, not looking back and entered the house. I took off my sandals, and leaned my back on the front door. “You look like you’ve had a long night.” I hear aunt Lisa say, “You’re telling me.” I answered, and followed her to the kitchen. “Would you like some cake?” She asks, setting it down on the kitchen table and holding out a fork for me.
I took the fork from her hand, “Thanks, aunt Lisa.” I thanked her as I sat down on the chair across from her. “Spill.” She tells me, “What?” I asked in confusion as I took a small piece of cake and into my mouth. “I know that kind of look on your face since you walked in.” She tells me, pointing to the direction I came from. “Oh, it’s nothing, I just got into an argument with my boyfriend over something stupid.” I answered, taking another bite of cake. ‘Or shall I say ex-boyfriend.’ I thought to myself. “Was it that handsome guy who you were with at the reception, wearing that charcoal colored suit?” Aunt Lisa asked curiously. “Yep, that’s him.” I answer. “So, what’s going on with you two lovebirds?” She asks, drinking some water after chewing on some cake, “It’s just that we’ve been arguing lately, and as much as I really loved Daniel, he truly knew how to piss me off somethings.” I say, “Wait, hold up. How come your saying things in past tense?” She asked, trying to figure out the situation, “I guess he and I decided to call it quits tonight.” I answer as I stopped talking for a few seconds, wiping my mouth with a napkin. “Just now, or at the reception?” She asked, “After the reception, we ended it the car ride back here.”
“Damn, you two seemed to be happy to enjoy each other’s company at the reception.” She says, trying to take in all the information. “I knew that I should’ve just stayed single and focus more on my education and my work, so I don’t have to worry about things like this.” I say, moving the cake around with my fork, “I don’t know how Soph and John have made it through college and trying to maintain their relationship at the same time. I’ve barely been able to keep up with hours of studying, class assignments, to be able to work at the library, and and to have a stable relationship. It all caused me so much stress.” I say, then I stopped myself from talking more.
“Sorry, for blabbering too much, You know you could always stop me if I say too much, and I wouldn’t be mad about it since I’m always a talking mess when I-” aunt Lisa cuts me off, “It’s alright.” She says, putting her hand on mine. “If you ever want to talk to someone about stuff that’s bothering you, you can always feel free to come to me anytime, okay?” She tells me. “Thank you.” I thanked, “Anyways, enough about me, where’s Tiana and Via?” I asked, wiping away the tears I didn’t notice were on my face. “They’re in their room, probably watching something before they knock out.” Aunt Lisa says as she gets up from the chair she sat on, picking up the rest of the cake, puts it in the fridge and washing the dishes from the sink. “You need some help?” I ask, “It’s alright, this is easy to do.” Aunt Lisa says as she proceeds to clean it up. “You should probably get some rest since it’s late.” She tells me. “Goodnight.” I say, as I walk up to hug her, “Goodnight, sweetie.” She says back before I walked into the hallway to Tiana and Via’s room. I lightly knocked on their door, “Come in.” I hear them say before I opened the door. I leaned by the wall, “Hey, girls. I just wanted to come in to check on you and to say goodnight before going to bed.” I say almost in a whisper. “We’re alright.” They say in unison. I nodded, “Okay. Well, goodnight.” I say, “Goodnight, Adi.” They say in unison before I closed the door.
I entered Sophia’s room, I sat in front of the vanity mirror to undo my hair, wiped off my make up with some wet wipes, and took out all the jewelry I used. Once I’ve finished, I took out a set of my pajamas and went into the bathroom to take a warm shower. After I was done with the shower, I brushed my teeth, gargled, washed my face with face wash and walked back into the room. I took out one of my chargers from my bag to charge my iPhone, I set my alarm for 8:00 a.m., and watched some shows on TV before dozing off to sleep.
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namjisoongi · 8 months
‘Homecoming’ (J-Hope ff) (part 2)
📍plot: Adison surprises her family.
(Adi’s dream):
I look around my surroundings to find out that I am at my secret hiding spot in Washington. ‘How did I get here? I should be in Guam.’ I thought to myself as I walk around the secluded area of nature. I notice Daniel walking up the hill with a picnic basket and a blanket. I felt so confused about what was happening right now. “What’s with the long face?” He asked as he set up the picnic. “Nothing, it’s just that I should be on Guam, not here.” I answered as I sat down on the blanket beside him. “Look, I need to talk to you about something.” I say as I picked up a piece of the super supreme pizza.
Daniel stops me, “Before you say anything, there’s something I need to tell you.” Daniel says. I patiently waited for him to go on as he fills my cup of champagne. “I was thinking about this for a while now, and I think it’s best if we-” He cuts himself off, trying to think of how to put his words.
“Well, what is it?” I asked, waiting for his answer until we hear a loud sound of an alarm. I covered my ears from hearing the loud sound, “They’re coming.” He says, looking out into the night, “Who? Who’s coming?” I asked, getting suspicious. “We’re running out of time.” He tells me as he picks everything up and runs down the hill.
“Wait! You’re not leaving until you tell me who’s coming!” I called out to him trying to catch up with him, but as I take more and more steps, I become more and more slow. I look down and see that I’m stepping on so much mud. ‘What the hell? Where did this come from?’ I thought. As it got harder to pull myself out of it, I looked up to see an unfamiliar dark figure standing in front of me. I tried to scream, but then they held me by the throat and got me out of the mud, leaving me breathless.
It caused me to snap out of the dream and wake up. I massaged my throat as I gasped for some air. I turned off my alarm clock that was blaring and checked the time on my phone, 8:57 a.m. I unplugged my charger from my phone, then cleaned myself up. As I finish washing my face on the sink, I stood up and gasp as I looked into the mirror to see the figure from my dream. I quickly turned myself around to see nothing there. I did the sign of the cross, and did a little prayer before leaving the bathroom. I picked up the piece of paper lying on the counter, and called Maddie’s phone.
A couple rings later, “Hello?” Maddie says groggily. “Morning, Maddie. I hope this isn’t a bad time, but would you mind if you could give me a ride to surprise my family?” I ask, hopefully she says yes. “At this hour?” She asks, “You’re right. I can just swing by my family later.” Before I could hang up, “Wait. I’ll be there in about 30 minutes.” She says. “Thank you, Maddie.” I thank her, and hung up the call. I got my stuff that I needed and started heading out the room. I made it down the lobby, and the front desk staff greeted me good morning as I did the same.
As I waited in the lobby, I see Maddie’s car. I walked up and entered her car. “Where to?” She asks as I put on my seat belt. “Yigo.” I tell her. “I’m going to get Jack-In-The-Box first since I’m hungry. You want something from there?” She asks me, “No, thanks. I’m good.” I tell her, “Okay.”
(20 minutes later)
“You take a left in here.” I pointed, “As you turn in, you’ll be able to see a few houses.” I tell her. As we turned to the left, I pointed to the fourth road to the right, “Turn right after the third road. My aunt’s house should be the first one we see.”
When we finally made it to my aunt’s house, some of the dogs started barking at the car. I got out of the car, and took my stuff with me. “Thanks, Maddie. See you later.” I thank as we pounded our fists together. “Anytime.” She says before leaving the area. ‘We’ll, this is it.’ I thought to myself as I walked up to my aunt’s house. I walked up to the front door, then I started making a beat.
“Yo, aunt Lisa. It’s your favorite niece, I wanna let you know that-” before I was able to finish, the door opens widely by my aunt. I open my arms wide, “Oh, my gosh.” She says as she hugs me. “When did you get here?” She smiles widely, “Yesterday.” I answered. “Come in, come in.” She leads me inside the house.
“You guys, guess who’s here.” Aunt Lisa says, leading me to the living room. “ADI!” Via and Tiana yells, stopping everything they were doing and runs to my direction to give me a bear hug. “You guys are so much taller than me now, when did that happen?” I ask. “I don’t know.” Tiana says, as they both hugged me again.
I turned my head to face aunt Lisa, “Is Sophia here by any chance?” I asked her, “Yes, she is. She’s in her room right now.” aunt Lisa says, pointing to the hallway. Tiana and Via pulled away from the hug and followed me in the hallway, I stopped, “Okay, so here’s what we’re gonna do. You two are going to walk in Sophia’s room, make small conversation and then call me in, got it?” I tell them, “Got it.” Tiana and Via say in unison. Via knocked on Sophia’s door, “Come in.” We all hear Sophia say and they both walked inside. I overhear them talking by the wall. “Hey, guys, what’s up?” Sophia asks. “Nothing much, we both just wanted to check up on you to see if you were okay.” Via says.
“That’s weird.” Sophia says. “How is it weird?” Tiana asked, “Usually, you guys don’t come in to check up on me, nor do you guys knock on my door. You usually just barge in, borrow my things in here, then leave the room.” Sophia says, and the room went silent for a while.“So, one of better start telling me what’s going on.” There was a moment of silence again, “You can come in now.” I hear Tiana call out, and that was when I started walking in slowly.
“Adison?” Sophia asks, not believing that I’m standing in her room, “Surprise, bitch, I bet you thought you saw the last of me.” I say as Sophia quickly gets off her chair and squealed as she runs to hugs me. Sophia pulls away from the hug, “Bitch, what you doing here?” She asks as she playfully slapped my arm. “I wanted my visit to be a surprise, you know? I’m here for your wedding. Congratulations, you bitch.” I playfully roll my eyes and lightly slapped her arm as well. “Thanks, sis.” She thanks me.
“Well, you’re just in time, I need an opinion on something.” Sophia says, “Sure.” I say, following her as she gets a few things out of her cabinet. Sophia sets down some stuff, covering her bed with things that are wedding related. “These are so adorable.” I complimented as I picked up a piece of her decorations. “Thank you. I thought of the design with the help of wedding decorators to make it all happen.” She says as she clears her throat.
“So, is this all you brought back with you?” She asks, gesturing to my purse I’m holding onto. “Just part of it, the rest of my stuff is back at the hotel I’m staying at.” I tell her, “Oh, which hotel?” She asks, “The Hilton hotel on Tamuning area.” I answered again. “I’ve got an idea, why don’t you stay and bunk here with us for a while? So that way you won’t have to keep spending money on a room.”
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” I ask, “Hell yeah. Maybe later, you and I could drive up to the hotel, get your stuff, and check out. But first we should discuss about what I should say on my wedding vows.” She says. “Okay, what do you have so far?” I ask, moving some things for me to have space to sit on the bed.
“John, the love of my life. The moment I saw you for the first time during second period of our sophomore year of college, I just knew. I knew that you were the one for me. You make me feel like I have all the time in the world. If it weren’t for you to ask me to be your girlfriend, I wouldn’t have known how to love someone the way that I love you. I am truly grateful to have you apart of my life, through good times and bad times. From now on, this day forward, you are who I want to have a family with, and to have right by my side for the rest of my life. I want to grow old with you, to be able to be spend time with our kids and to become grandparents to their kids. There are no words to describe how much you mean to me, and how much I truly love you. I am very lucky and proud to be able to call you my husband, and to be able to call myself Mrs. Sophia Lancaster. I love you so much John, and may we make new experiences together.” Sophia finishes what she wrote as she waits for my opinion. “Are you crying?” She asks, “Yeah. That speech’s really beautiful. I don’t think you’d need me to add anything else.” I tell her as I wipe away the tears from my face.
(2 hours later)
After a couple of hours of deciding on what she should say on her wedding vows, and which dress she should wear for her wedding and reception, we decided to take a break and chilled outside in the living room. “Girls, food is ready if you’re hungry.” Aunt Lisa says. “Don’t mind if I do.” Tiana says as she gets off the couch and Via follows suit.
Sophia takes her eyes off the TV gets up from her seat, “Soph?” I ask, making her turn back to me, “Yes?” She sits back down, “Can I ask you something?” I turned to face her, “Sure, what’s up?” She says. “Where’s uncle Patrick?” I whispered, “I mean, the last time I saw him was, like, what? 7 years ago?” After I asked, she looked uncomfortable. “Um, he and my mom split 4 years ago.” She says, fidgeting with her nails. “Oh, shit. I’m so sorry.” I apologized, “It’s alright, you didn’t know. I mean, it was hard on all of us, but we’re going to be okay.” She says and we both got up to the kitchen to eat some of aunt Lisa’s ribs with red rice, potato salad, and some veggies.
(20 minutes later)
“Wanna start heading out now?” Sophia asks me, “Sure.” I agreed. “Mom, Adi and I are going out to get her stuff from the hotel since she’s going to stay with us.” Sophia let’s aunt Lisa know. “Okay, be safe girls.” She says as she walks up to the counter to give the keys to Sophia. “We will. See you guys later.” She says, I follow behind her. “Bye.” I said to aunt Lisa, Via and Tiana before leaving with Sophia.
We both got into the car, we both buckled up and started backing the car out and started heading out to Tamuning. As we made it past by Domino’s, we stopped on traffic, “I meant to ask, how long are you able to stay here?” Sophia asks, “Oh, I haven’t decided yet.” I answered. I looked out the window to enjoy the view as she turns up the radio.
“-and this is power 99, the shark.” A voice on the radio says before ‘My Mind Playin Tricks on Me’ by ‘Geto Boys’ starts playing. “Oh, shit.” Sophia says excitedly as she turns up the volume a bit, and we both started laughing.
(15 minutes later)
We drove to the hotel, “You can started heading up, I’m just going to park the car.” Sophia tells me. “Okay, my room number is 402 on the 4th floor.” I informed her before I got off the car, and she gave me a thumbs up. I walked inside the lobby and headed up the elevator to take me to the room.
I took out my key card and opened my door. I looked around the room to see where I should start packing first. I picked up my baggage and went inside the closet, taking out my clothes from the hangers, folded them neatly and put them all in the bag.
As I was packing all my clothes in the bag, I hear a knock on the door. I got up from the floor and headed to the front door to see Sophia in the peep hole. I opened the door to let her in, and went back to sorting and packing my clothing.
Once I was done, I went inside the bathroom and packed all my toiletries, and laundry. I walked out to see Sophia neatly putting my iPhone charger, AirPods, and weed in a small plastic bag and into my baggage. I looked around the room some more to see that I packed everything I needed. I nodded to myself, “I think we got it all.” I told Sophia, “Okay, let’s go.” She says, helping me by holding my bag.
I locked the door and we both went to the elevator back to the lobby. “You can just wait here, I’m just going to return my key card and check out.” I tell her, “Okay.” She says, taking my bag and sitting on the couch.
I walked up to the front desk staff, “Good afternoon, ma’am.” The staff, who was named Fiona, greets me. “Good afternoon.” I greeted back with a smile. “How may I help you today? She asks, “I’m here to return this,” I tell her as I pulled out my key cards from my wallet, then slid it on the counter, “and check out from room 402.” I say.
“Did you enjoy your stay?” She asks as she takes the key cards from the counter, “Yes, I did, indeed. The room was very comfortable.” I answered. “I’m very glad to hear that.” Fiona says, “Enjoy and please come again.” She says, “Thank you, have a nice day.” I say, “Likewise.” I hear the staff says back before walking back to Sophia reading whatever magazine was on the table.
“You ready to go?” I ask Sophia as I picked up my bag. She looks up at me, sets down the magazine back down on the table, and stood up. “Yep.” She says. We walked out of the lobby and into the parking lot, put my baggage down in the trunk, and started heading out of the hotel.
“So, where do you wanna go before we head back to the house?” Sophia asks, I thought of where I wanted to look at for a moment, “I was thinking maybe we could look at the mall.” I tell her. “Which mall you wanna go to?” She asks, stopping at a red light. “Whichever is closest.” I answered, she nodded and we headed to the Guam Premiere Outlet mall (GPO).
As we both entered the mall, the smell of Cinnabon’s filled my nostrils. ‘That smells amazing.’ I thought to myself. “I’m just going to get a small thing of Cinnabon’s, you want something?” I asked Sophia, “No, thanks, I’m good for now.” She answers. “Okay.” I say.
I waited in line, looking at the menu until it was my turn to order. “Hello, what would you like?” The cashier asks, “Can I get two small Cinnabon’s and two waters to go?” I ask. “That will be $10.99.” The cashier says. I took out my wallet and gave him a $20 dollar bill. “You can keep the change.” I tell the cashier before he gives me the change. “Thank you ma’am. Your order will come right up in about 4 minutes.” He tells me. “Okay, I’ll just wait here.” I say, sitting on the table where Sophia was.
“I got us both a Cinnabon and a water.” I tell her as I gave her a bottle water. “Thanks, girl.” She thanks as she opens her water and takes a few sips.
(3 minutes later)
“Here are your Cinnabon, ma’am.” The cashier says, setting down our snack. “Thank you so much.” I thanked, giving him a smile. “Enjoy.” He tells us. “We will.” Sophia and I say in unison before he went back to the little booth. “Are you excited for your wedding day?” I ask Sophia, taking a small bite into my Cinnabon. “Yes, but I’m also very nervous if I mess up.” She says, biting into her Cinnabon.
“That’s totally normal, even if you think you’re going to make the smallest mistake on something whether people noticed or not, you can always think of the most important thing you’re about to accomplish, which is marrying Daniel.” I tell her.
“Anyways, enough about me for now, how about you?” Sophia asks, wiping her mouth with a napkin. “What do you wanna know?” I ask, “What’s new with you?” She curiously asks. “I’ve got accepted at Harvard University recently, I’m trying to work my way up to get a Doctorate Degree, so I could start my own dream businesses in the future. I’m also taking a part time job there as a student librarian.” I answer. “That’s awesome, Adi. I am really proud of you.” She compliments. “And since I have a few friends taking notes, send homework needed, having one of my classmates take over my shift for me, etc., I get to enjoy my relaxing time over here.” I tell her.
Once we were done with eating our snack, we threw our trash and started looking around the mall to walk downstairs into the food court, making our way outside and into the little Cold Stone Creamery shop. “Hafa Adai.” The employees greet as we walk inside the shop. “Hafa Adai.” Sophia and I greet back. We both looked at the menu, seeing what we wanted. I ordered the large ‘birthday cake’ ice cream with a cone in a cup and Sophia ordered the medium sized ‘mud pie mojo’ ice cream with just a cup. We sat at a table in the corner next to the door we came in from. “Wanna switch ice cream?” I hear Sophia ask as she gets a small bite from her ice cream before holding it in front of me. “Sure.” I said, getting a few bites off her ice cream before we both switched back again.
Once we were finish eating our ice creams, we drank the rest of our water before we threw all our trash and walked out of the shop. We stood by the side walk by the board showing all the upcoming movies, and took a little smoke break. “Hey, sexies.” A guy says, walking past us with a group of other guys. Sophia and I looked at each other cringing and started laughing loudly from what just happened. “Ew, man.” Sophia say, chuckling a little as she flickered her cigarette lightly to remove the ashes. I flickered my cigarette before putting it between my lips again, “For real, like if a guy says that to me, at least be cute, you know?” I tell her, causing her to cough out the smoke and burst out laughing.
After we were done with the cigarettes, we both killed the smoke on the ash tray on top of the trash can. Sophia checks her phone to see that her mom is calling her, she taps the call button and puts it on speaker.
“Hi, mom.” Sophia answers. “Hey, sweetie. I just wanted to call you to check if you girls are okay.” Aunt Lisa says. “Yeah, mom we’re good. We’re just outside of GPO.” Sophia tells her. “Alright, and on your way back, can you please buy a pack of cigarettes, if you don’t mind?” Aunt Lisa asks, “Sure.” Sophia says. “Thank you, sweetie. See you later.” Aunt Lisa thanks before hanging up the phone. We both headed back to the car and drove to the store to get stuff for her mom and for the house.
(28 minutes later)
We made it back house, taking out all of the groceries and my baggage out of the car. Via and Tiana helped by putting the groceries away as Sophia and I went to her room for me to unpack everything out of my bag. When we finished unpacking my stuff, we went back outside to the living room where Tiana and Via were laughing while making fun of a show that’s showing on TV. “What would you girls want me to make for dinner?” Aunt Lisa asks, holding onto a hand towel to wipe her hands with. “Can we have chicken adobo?” Tiana asks, “Ooh, that sounds good.” Via agrees, “Okay.” Aunt Lisa says as she walks back out of the room.
“Where’s your bathroom?” I asked Sophia, “So, you go through the hallway, and it’s going to be the third door to your left.” She tells me as she points to the hallway. “Thanks.” I thanked, getting off the couches, making my way to the bathroom. I locked the door behind me, opened the toilet seat, took off part of my pants down and started peeing. When I finished peeing, I wiped myself, flushed the toilet as I put my pants back on, and washed my hands with water and the scented hand soap.
I wiped my hands on the hand towel hanging on the wall, then walked back out, closing the door behind me again. When I made my way past the kitchen, I see aunt Lisa putting some stuff out. “Would you like some help with dinner?” I asked her. “Do you mind passing me the garlic, onions, and the ginger inside the small drawer in the fridge?” She asks, pointing to the big white fridge. “Sure.” I say, taking it all out and putting them down on the counter next to the stove.
“You know how to cook chicken adobo, right?” She asks, putting her hand on my shoulder, “Yes, I do.” I answered her. “Great, you don’t mind cutting those up and making the meal for me while I make a side dish?” She ask. “It’s no problem at all, anything to help with dinner.” I tell her. “Thank you, sweetie.” She thanks as she puts the cooked potatoes and eggs, the shredded pimentos and olives, Mayo, and the salt with black pepper on the kitchen table to make some potato salad.
(3 minutes later)
“I was wondering where you were.” Sophia says walking into the kitchen watching aunt Lisa and I cook for dinner. “You need help with the salad, mom?” Sophia asks, “Sprinkle some of the salt and pepper in here, please.” Aunt Lisa says mixing up the potatoes, eggs and mayonnaise. “Okay, that’s good enough.” Aunt Lisa tells Sophia for her to stop sprinkling the salt and black pepper.
(25 minutes later)
I finished stirring up the chicken adobo, aunt Lisa finished making the red rice and putting the potato salad in a smaller container to fit in the fridge. “Soph, let the girls know that dinner’s ready.” Aunt Lisa tells her, she walks into the living room and I hear her say, “Dinner’s ready.” They all walk together to the kitchen table.
When we finished setting up our meals and the table, we sat down and started to say grace, “Dear God, thank you for this meal, and thank you for bringing Adison to us to be with family.” Aunt Lisa starts off the prayer, “Bless us, o lord, in these thy gifts, which we are about to receive, from thy bounty, through Christ, our lord, amen.” We all prayed along with aunt Lisa and then we finally started eating.
“Adi, make sure you get a second round because there’s so much food. And you don’t need to be ashamed, okay? This is your house too.” Aunt Lisa says, getting two spoonfuls of potato salad. “Thank you.” I thanked her as I chewed into the chicken out of the bones and took a small spoonful of rice.
“So, Adi, what do you do now? What are your plans for the future?” Aunt Lisa asks curiously, “I’m taking a few online classes from Harvard University, and I have a part time job there as a student librarian. When I have some free time to myself, I draw out my own clothing designs and try my best to make it all happen, then show it off for my small business on social media. Half of my designs are customer requested, and the other half of my designs are for occasions I attend to and for myself to look back on as a reminder that I’m making my dream job come true.” I answered.
“That’s so great to hear. How long have you been attending college?” Aunt Lisa asks, “I recently just got accepted after being wait-listed, so this is going to be my first semester there.” I tell her. After talking and catching up with them, we all finished our dinner. I helped clean up around the kitchen, and washed all of the dishes.
When we finished cleaning, I followed Sophia into her room, and got my stuff to take with me to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, gargled, cleaned my face with my face wash, and took a short warm shower. Once I was done, I got out of the shower, took a clean towel sitting on the towel rack, wiped myself dry and put another set of clothes on myself before walking myself back to Sophia’s bed room.
“Your room looks so different since the last time I visited you guys.” I say to Sophia as I sat down on the left side of her bed. Sophia sets down a pen she was using to write something down, “Yeah, mom and I got it re-decorated the summer John and I graduated from NYU.” She says, grabbing her phone and got up from her seat to sit next to me.
“So… how are you and Daniel?” She hesitantly asks, “We’re fine. We’re just taking some time to give each other more space since we have so much going on our plate with our classes and stuff, you know?” I tell her. “Yeah, that is totally understandable since John and I did the same thing back when we were still attending college.” She tells me, I nodded.
“Was it hard for you and Daniel to balance your relationship with college and work?” I asked her, “Yes, it was, but we were still able to work out a decent schedule to meet each other as much as we can during our free time as possible.” She tells me.
We hear a knock on Sophia’s door, we both turned to see that Tiana and Via by the door. “Come in.” Sophia says, waving for them to proceed to enter. “Let’s play a game cus I’m bored.” Tiana says as Via jumps onto the bed in the middle of Sophia and I.
“What did you have in mind?” I asked her. “I was thinking of us playing truth or dare. So, who wants to go first?” Tiana asks, we all looked at each other, “You.” Sophia, Via and I say in unison. “Why me first?” She asked with a surprised/confused face, sitting on a chair. “It was your idea.” Via says, “Fine.” Tiana says, giving in. “Truth or dare?” Sophia asks. “Hmm… I pick…” Tiana starts off as she puts her hand on her chin. “truth.” She says.
“Who do have a crush on?” Via asks, “No one from here, you know I’m too good for these boys.” Tiana answers as she flips her hair back and makes an unimpressed expression. Via scoffs, “Whatever.” Via whispers as she pushes Tiana’s shoulder lightly.
“My turn.” Tiana says, adjusting herself on the seat. “Via, truth or dare?” Tiana asks as she turns her head, facing Via. “Truth. Oh wait…no… dare.” Via thinks to herself again, “Yep, dare.” Via confirms her final answer. “I dare you to…text Niki that you are into him too. And I’m saying a full on paragraph of how you like him.” Tiana says.
“No, fuck that.” Via says loudly, “Ay, if I hear you with that kind of language, I’m gonna tell mom.” Sophia says pointing out, “You say it, too.” She says back. “Yeah, well, it’s different for me because no one will care if I say something like that, but with you, kids should be talking about kids stuff at your age.” Sophia scolds, and Tiana gave a look, “I’m 13.” Via tells her. “Exactly. You just proved my point.” Sophia tells Via, leaving her stunned to speak.
A couple of seconds of silence, Via scoffs, “I’m going to mom.” She says as she gets off the bed. “And what? If telling you’re going to tell her what you said, go right ahead. But I’m going tell you this, she is just going to tell you the same thing I told you.” Sophia says before Via walks outside, yelling out for aunt Lisa.
“Anyways…..enough drama, and let’s just keep playing.” Tiana says, trying to stop the tension. “Okay one last game, then you go outside and check on mom and Via.” Sophia tells Tiana, “Okay.” She answers in response. “Adison, truth or dare?” Tiana asks me. “Truth.” I answers back.
“Do you have a boyfriend?” She asks, “Okay, that’s enough playing, go outside.” Sophia tells Tiana, “What? I’m just curious.” Tiana says as Sophia gives her a glare for her to stop. “It’s alright Soph.” I tell her as I put my hand on her shoulder to reassure her that it’s alright. “And yes, I have a boyfriend, but he’s not here with me. He has work and school at the college I’m going to as well.” I answered her question. “Oh, okay. Bye.” She said before leaving the room.
“That escalated quickly.” I say, chuckling lightly. “For real though. I love them, but sometimes they really get on my nerves.” She answers. “Teens can be a real handful sometimes.” I tell her.
“I’m just going to be right back, I’m gonna take a shower.” She tells me as she gets a pair of pajamas. “Okay.” I say before she walks out of the bed room. I took out my phone, and checked if I had any notifications to find a few comments and messages on my Instagram, and an iMessage text.
I looked at my Instagram first.
@sii_lexi liked your video. 19m
@sii_lexi commented: okay, sis. I see you 😍😍
@_darren.670_ liked your post 21m.
@_darren.670_ commented: ‘Damn, u fine😍’ 21m.
@tasithetuna, @sii_lexi and 9 others liked your video. 26m
@tasithetuna started following you. 30m [Follow Back]
I looked through my stuff on Instagram, then went to check my text messages. I got a notification from Alex, who is one of my best friends back in Washington.
my bestie🐒: guess what happened this morning. 7:57 PM
Me: what is it? 🤷‍♀️ 8:23 PM
my bestie🐒: bitch just guess. 8:24 PM
Me: bitch, tell me 🙄💅8:24 PM
my bestie🐒: I’M ENGAGED!! 💅💍 8:26 PM
Me: OMG!! How did he propose? 8:26 PM
my bestie 🐒: I just woke up this morning, he wasn’t laying next to me. So, I just did my usual morning routine, fixed my bed, use the restroom, etc. And right when I was going to turn on the restroom sink, there it was, just sitting on my ring finger. 8:27 PM
Me: Girl, show me the bling. 💍👀 8:27 PM
my bestie🐒:
Tumblr media
Me: aww!! 🥺💛💛 8:28 PM
[End of conversation.]
I turned off my phone, and started charging it on my phone charger. I stood up, got the TV remote from Sophia’s counter and looked through the channels. I picked a channel that’s playing an episode of ‘Pose’.
“What are you watching?” Sophia asks as she walks back inside the room and sits next to me. “Pose.” I answered. After two hours of watching random shows on TV, we both went straight to sleep.
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namjisoongi · 8 months
‘Homecoming’ (J-Hope ff) (part one)
📍plot: Adison meets J-Hope at the airport.
I look around the airport, seeing people rushing with their baggages to make it to their designated gate on time. I try to kill some time pacing around before my flight takes off.
“You alright?” I hear an unfamiliar voice ask. I turned my head to see a guy, who doesn’t look much older than I am, sitting across from where I stood, flipping through some pages of a magazine then gazed back at me. “Yeah, I’m okay. It’s just that I kind of get nervous before flying out.” I answered as I bit my thumb nail.
“I see.” He nods and goes back to flipping through his magazine. “So, is this your first time flying alone?” He curiously asked, his face still glued on the magazine. “Yes, it is, actually. It honestly feels kinda scary.” I say, fidgeting with my rings, “Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it.” He assured me.
‘Hopefully.’ I thought to myself as I walked back to my seat.
As I sat down next to my baggages, I fixed my outfit from not being too wrinkled, “So..” I start to say, thinking of what to talk about now. He notices me thinking of what to say next to try and start a conversation, he then puts his magazine on his lap.
“where are you headed?” I ask him, “I’m actually going to L.A. for work… you?” he answers, “I’m headed back to visit my family for my cousin’s wedding on Guam. They don’t know I’m coming back, so I decided to surprise them.” I smile just thinking about it. Me being with family again after a few years, and to be able to see one of my cousin’s now become a Mrs. Sophia Lancaster to the love of her life since junior year in NYU.
“Congratulations to your cousin, I hope it all goes well with the wedding.” He says, “Thank you, I’ll be sure to tell her that.” I smile again.
“I’m Jung Ho-seok, but you can call me J-Hope.” He puts his hand out, I gave him a confused look, “I know, I know, it sounds kind of weird to have as a nickname.”
“No, it’s not weird at all. It’s just I’ve never heard a nickname like that before, you know? Although, I actually find it cute.” I said truthfully, “Thank you.” He smiles shyly.
I shook his hand, “Adison Miller.” I introduced myself, and then it was his turn to give me a confused look. “My name,” I pointed to myself, “it’s Adison, but you can call me Adi.”
After we introduced ourselves and talked about random stuff, we exchanged numbers until I hear a lady on the intercom call out my flight to Guam and another one to L.A which is about to board in 15 minutes. ‘Thank god, I can’t wait to be back home.’ I thought to myself.
“Well, I guess that’s my cue to go now. It was really nice to meet you.” I say, putting my hand up for him to shake. He gives out a light chuckle, and shook my hand, “Likewise.” He says with a wide smile.
We both took our stuff from the seats, and headed towards our gates. As I got in line to show my ticket and boarding pass to the TSA, I noticed that J-Hope was right behind me and I didn’t realize we both walked in the same direction. ‘Well, I’ll be damned.’ I thought to myself.
After I got my ticket and boarding pass back from the TSA, I turned back to face J-Hope, “I guess I’ll see you on the other side.” I saluted him before entering the door that leads to where the plane is headed.
The stewards greet me as I make it into the plane. I walk down the aisle, counting the seats to look for my seat number.
As I made it to my seat, I open the compartment on top of my seat to put my baggage in.
After a failed attempt to try and put my baggage in the compartment, a steward walks up to me to ask if I needed any help with my bag. “I’m good, thank you for asking.” I smile, but I still end up struggling to be able to put it in.
“Here, let me help you.” J-hope puts his luggage down and helps me carry my stuff in the compartment.
“Thank you so much, but I’m pretty sure I had it.” I say, feeling embarrassed. He chuckles lightly, “Sure.” He says, smiling as he picks up his bag off the airplane floor.
He checks his seat number, “I guess we’re sitting by each other.” He tells me. “How would you know I’m sitting here?” I asked.
“I guess since your luggage is in here, you would be sitting somewhere that’s close by it.” He answers. “It was a joke.” I awkwardly laughed, “I know.” He says, playfully rolling his eyes and sat one seat across where I’m going to sit.
“Hey, do you mind if you and I switch seats?” I asked another passenger sitting between me and J-Hope. “Why?” She asked in a tone, clearly not in the mood. I looked at J-Hope, then back at her.
“My girlfriend is afraid of flying and I wanted to make sure that she is going to be okay if she is sitting next to me.”
She looks at me with a disgusted look, “If you’re so scared of flying, why didn’t you just drive?” She asked, “I would have if the roads were connected to Guam.” I answered. “There’s always a boat, you know?” She scoffed. I was stunned to speak.
After a few seconds of silence, she gave in and unbuckled her seat belt. As the stewardess walks past, she notices that the passenger is taking off her seat belt.
“Excuse me, ma’am? Please keep your seat belt on until we take off.” She tells her. “I’m so sorry, but she and I are on the wrong seat, so we were just going to switch back and then we’ll get out of your hair.” The lady smiles widely as she points to me.
“Hurry along then.” The stewardess says, gesturing for us to switch seats quickly and then walks away to do her job. Once I sat next to J-Hope, I quickly buckled up, “Thank you.” I whispered to him. “No problem.” He whispered back to me.
“Flight attendants, please take your seats, fasten your seatbelts, and prepare for take-off.” The pilot says in the intercom. A few bells ding indicating to fasten our seatbelts, no smoking, etc.
(A few hours later)
As I was fast asleep, I felt something lightly shook on my shoulder. When I didn’t wake up the first time, my shoulder shook a little more, causing me to finally wake up. I looked around and I was confused about where I was, trying to remember the surroundings until I realized I was in the plane.
I looked to my right to see J-Hope awake as well. I stretched my body on my seat, “What the fuck?” I said loud enough for the people around me to stare at my direction after I said what I said, but I didn’t care.
“Did you wake me up?” I whispered to him, “Yes, I did.” I just wanted to let you know that we’re about to land in a few minutes.
“Did they say where we’re landing on?” I asked, fixing my hair. “We’re about to land on Guam in a few short minutes.” He answered. ‘Awesome.’ I thought to myself as I re-adjust myself in my seat.
“Flight attendants, prepare for landing please.” The pilot says in the intercom.
(5 minutes later)
Once we all landed safely on Guam, some passengers applauded and cheered, “This is your pilot speaking, welcome to the beautiful island of Guam. Thank you for flying United Airlines with us and safe travels.” The pilot says, I looked out the window and smiled as I get to see Guam again.
Not long after, the bell dings again indicating that we can unbuckle our seatbelts now. I got off my seat, and opened the compartment to take my baggage out.
“I guess this is it, huh?” J-Hope says, “For now.” I smiled, holding my bag behind my back.
The plane door opens, people were starting to walk down the aisle out the plane and I followed suit. I turned back to see J-Hope staring, I waved at him goodbye and started heading out.
Once I made it to the Guam airport, I walked inside and gave my papers to the check-in security officer to approve before heading outside.
‘Welcome home.’ I said to myself as I took part of the view in.
I called a taxi to take me to a hotel. “Adison?” I hear someone call out my name, causing me to see who it was. I gave her a confused look, “It’s me, aunt Tia.”
“Oh, hi.” I say as I bow and amen her, “You look so big now. The last time I saw you, you were this small.” She says, gesturing how small and short I was.
“So, what brings you back home?” Aunt Tia asks, “I’m here to surprise my family and attend my cousin’s wedding in a few days.” I tell her.
“Ahh, I heard about that.” She says, “Hey, why don’t I drive you where you need to be.” Aunt Tia says as she looks around to find someone.
I shook my head, “It’s okay, I’ve already called a cab.” I assured here. “Please, I insist. Plus, it would take a while for them to come here, and I know you must be really jet-lag.” She says.
“It’s alright, aunt Tia. You must be waiting for someone else and I don’t want to get in the way.” I say.
“Nonsense, you can put your bag and wait in the car right there.” She points to her charcoal colored 2019 4-runner.
“Okay.” I finally agreed, then I walked up to her car and got inside. I didn’t notice someone else was inside until someone cleared their throat. I looked behind me to see a little girl, maybe in her teens, holding an iPhone and looking at me with a confused look on her face.
“Hello.” I awkwardly greeted, “Hi? Um, what are you doing in my car?” She asked, staring me down.
“I’m Adison, but you could call me Adi.” I answered. “I didn’t ask who you were, I asked why you’re in here.” She says.
“Um, I-uh. Aunt Tia says I could wait in here while she’s waiting for someone outside.” I answered. “Uh-huh.” She says, clearly not amused and puts her earphones in.
(5 minutes later)
I notice aunt Tia is walking towards the car with someone. I checked the time to see that it’s already 1:09 P.M., I looked back up to see that Aunt Tia and someone getting inside the car.
“Adi, you remember Isaiah?” She asks me and I turned to look at him. “Of course, I do. How’ve you been, dude?” I pat on is shoulder.
“Honestly, I feel exhausted from all that travel.” He says, “You’re telling me.” I chuckled lightly.
The car turns on, “Where to?” Aunt Tia asks as she looks at me through the mirror while adjusting it.
“You can just drop me to the nearest hotel.” I say as I look through the window, watching the cars pass by.
(A few minutes later)
We stopped in front of the Hilton hotel. I got out of the car, got my bag and thanked them.
I checked myself into a room, got into an elevator to take me to the 4th floor. Once I unlocked the door to my room, I put my stuff away and headed straight to the bed.
I closed my eyes as I got comfortable on the bed, ‘I missed this.’ I thought to myself.
I picked up my phone that was in my front pocket, and set the alarm labeling nap time for 3 hours so that I could get enough energy to buy some important stuff for myself.
(3 hours later)
My alarm goes off instantly waking me up. I sat up to stretch my body, and looked around my room to think of what to do now.
I got off the bed to get my toothbrush, toothpaste, listerine from my bag, and some extra clothes, then made my way to the bathroom.
After I cleaned myself up, I checked my phone to see what time it was.
4:39 p.m.
I dialed the front desk. After a couple of rings, “Hilton hotel, how may I help you?” the staff asked.
“Hello, this is Adison Miller on room 402, I was wondering if I could get a phone number for a shuttle to take me to the store.” I answered.
“Of course. Give me one second and I’ll be right with you.” The staff says. “Thank you.” I thanked and waited patiently.
(1 minute later)
“Ms. Miller?” The staff called, “Yes, I’m here.” I answered. “Hi, so the number for the shuttle is ‘(671)***-****’. The shuttle is available from 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 - 9:00 p.m.” the staff informs me as I wrote down everything they told me.
“Thank you so much for your help.” I thanked them again. “Of course. Have a nice day.” They tell me. “You too.” I say before hanging up. I dialed the shuttle number and waited for someone to pick up.
After I asked for a shuttle to pick me up from the hotel to Micronesian Mall, I waited outside the lobby area for my transportation.
(10 minutes later)
Once I see the shuttle parking up front, I got my stuff with me and made my way to them.
I knocked on the window before entering, making them roll down the passenger window. “Are you Adison Miller?” The driver, who looked around my age, asked looking at a piece of paper, then looked at me.
“Yes, that’s me.” I answer and she unlocked the door for me to get inside. “I’m Maddie. Nice to meet you.” She introduces herself. “Nice to meet you too.” I greeted.
“So, what brings you to Guam?” Maddie curiously asks, as she slows down at a stop light. “I have family that I’m surprising and a wedding to attend.” I answered. “Aww, how cute.” She compliments.
“For real. And plus, I really missed being home.” I tell her, “Wait, you’re from here?” She asked, looking surprised. “Born and raised.” I tell her.
“No shit, that’s cool. I never would have taken you for an island girl.” She says, chuckling and started driving again once the stop light turned green. “I honestly thought you were from the states visiting Guam for the first time.” Maddie says, which made me cackle.
After a minute of laughing so much, I calmed down, “I mean, I was in the states a part of my life, so it shouldn’t be that funny.” I answered. “Which part of the states were you staying at?” Maddie asked.
“I was living in Ohio for a year, then I headed to Washington for my work about 6 months. I also drove through Oregan; to Nevada; to California; and to Arizona. And now, I’m here.”
“Man, I wish I could travel to that many places.” She says, “You should, there are so many things you could do out there.” I tell her.
“True though. I mean, I love Guam, but I would like to visit the states since I’m already saving up my money.” She tells me as she turns left at the stop light across K-Mart. “Good for you.” I smiled at her.
As I looked out the window while passing by Triple J mart, ‘Heat Waves’ by Glass Animals started playing on the radio.
‘I love this song.’ I thought to myself. “Do you mind if I turn up the volume? I love this song.” I asked Maddie. “No, I don’t mind, go right ahead.” She tells me.
As I turn up the volume a bit, “Road shimmer, wigglin’ the vision. Heat, heat waves, I’m swimming in a mirror. Road shimmer, wiggling the vision. Heat, heat waves, I’m swimming in.” I softly sing along.
I started to do a little dance to the sound once the beat drops. “Sometimes all I think about is you, late nights in the middle of June. Heat waves been faking me out. Can’t make you happier now.”
(3 minutes later)
We finally pulled up to the Micronesian Mall, and parked somewhere in the parking lot building.
“You wanna come follow me? I usually take a couple of hours and I don’t want to keep you waiting in the car.” I asked Maddie. “Sure, I don’t have anywhere else to go at the moment.” She says, turning off the car.
As Maddie and I walk around buying some stuff from almost all shops that were in the mall, we started getting hungry. So, we decided to head towards the food court on the second floor. We looked around to see what we were both feeling like having.
My eyes were set on the KFC area, I started heading to where the line was and looked at the menu. Once it was my turn to order something, I placed my meal order with the cashier.
“That will be $27.50, ma’am.” The cashier tells me the total. I looked through my wallet, taking out a twenty and a ten dollar bill and giving it to him. “Here you go.” I handed out the money.
A few seconds later, the cashier gives me the change back, “Keep it.” I say. “Thank you.” He thanks me, and I nodded back at him.
“Would you like a receipt?” He asked me, “Yes, please.” I answered, then took it and put it in my wallet.
As I stood by the corner, waiting for my order, I went through my phone to scroll through my Facebook and shared some memes.
“Ma’am?” One of the staff calls me. I looked up, and saw that my food was already on the counter. I put my phone in my jacket pocket, and took my tray with me. “Thank you.” I thanked them, then I headed towards an available table nearby and sat down.
I did the sign of the cross, ‘Bless us, o lord, and these thy gives which we’re about to receive from thy bounty, through Christ, our lord. Amen.’ I prayed to myself, and did the sign of the cross again.
After I prayed, I took out my fork from the plastic and started eating my food. “Hey.” Maddie says, putting her tray down and sat across from me. “Hi.” I say, covering my mouth as I chewed on my chicken and red rice.
“So, what did you get?” I asked Maddie, looking at her tray. “I got some Beef Broccoli from Panda Express and a Sprite.” She answers as she shows me the meal like she was in an AD, and she takes out the fork out of the plastic.
(30 minutes later)
“Man, I’m so full.” I say, laying back on the chair. “Man, same.” Maddie says, wiping her mouth with a napkin. We both cleaned our table, threw our trash, and put our trays on top of the trash can.
We headed back to the car in the parking lot, and drove back to the Hilton hotel. Once we parked at the front, I unbuckled my seat belt, and got all my stuff. I opened the door, and got out of the car.
I turned back to face her, “This was actually kinda fun, thank you so much for staying and keeping me company.” I thanked Maddie. “Of course. We should definitely do this again sometime.” She agreed. Before I could shut the door completely, I hear her call out “WAIT!” putting her hand up to stop me.
I opened the door open again, “Here.” Maddie hands me a piece of paper with her name and phone number.
“This is my personal number in case you ever want to hang out again.” She says. “Thanks.” I smiled, “Good night.” I say, waving goodbye to her.
“Good night.” She says and waves back at me. I closed her car door, and she drove out of the hotel. I walked inside and headed back into my room again.
I put my stuff away, cleaned myself up a bit, charged my phone, and started watching TV while getting comfortable on my bed.
While scanning through the channels, I stopped until I saw a channel that’s playing an episode of ‘Friends.’
It was the part where Ross was about to get married, and says ‘I take thee Rachel.’ instead of Emily. I watched a couple more episodes before I completely passed out.
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namjisoongi · 1 year
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- why are you laughing? - because you’re cute.
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namjisoongi · 1 year
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“You worry about the uncertain future, and you become afraid of it. You agonize over the past that you cannot fix. But I can control the present, stories that focus on the present. The past is just the past, the present is just the present, the future is just the future“
- SUGA: Road to D-DAY  - Trailer
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namjisoongi · 1 year
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ᅠᅠᅠᅠ ⠀ׂ⠀ꨨ⠀⠀⃖⠀⠀꫶ׂ⠀䨻᭄⠀ׂ⠀ִ🌺⠀꞉⠀⠀𝑂𝟓⠀๋⠀ִ⠀࿔
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270 notes · View notes
namjisoongi · 2 years
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namjisoongi · 2 years
Some of my favorite K-Dramas/shows and movies:
My Holo Love
Squid Game
All Of Us Are Dead
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namjisoongi · 2 years
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drawing some howl’s moving castle bc we’re reading the book in the discord server rn
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namjisoongi · 2 years
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All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies 
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namjisoongi · 2 years
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I messed up. This could be trouble. Whatever it’ll be fine, I have faith in everyone.
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namjisoongi · 2 years
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namjisoongi · 2 years
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crazyheadcomics who you can find and follow on Instagram created this artwork. (They clearly state that they allow reposts to other sites as long as proper credit is included.)
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namjisoongi · 2 years
yknow ever since people realized tumblr isnt dead and have decided to flock here from twitter and tiktok ive seen a huge influx of people in fandom spaces who dont reblog anything. at all.
like, i used to have an art blog with 340 followers. not a ton but not a small amount either given how this website works with creators. and in my experience back then even the ones who only left likes still reblogged other things or at least posted their own stuff. literally the only empty blogs were clearly bots.
but on this New art blog, i've had so many people with fandom-specific headers and icons with actual usernames as urls and some kind of title or description, but have. Nothing. no posts. all they do is like things. and it's always public, too. their following list and their likes list.
and honestly all it makes me think is that these people are New and also don't know how tumblr works. how likes don't give exposure. not even in a "oh, i know it doesn't give exposure, but i'm still going to reblog anyways" way, but in a genuine honest to god straight up doesn't realize tumblr likes don't work like twitter's.
PLEASE please if you're from tiktok or twitter or whatever please reblog people's art both fandom and original if you like it!! and maybe actually pad out your blog's content in some way so people won't potentially see you as a bot and block you.
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namjisoongi · 2 years
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Jess Sharp
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