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namis-namis · 20 days ago
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CM PUNK & SAMI ZAYN WWE RAW, February 3rd, 2025
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namis-namis · 2 months ago
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By Roberto Ferri
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namis-namis · 2 months ago
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namis-namis · 2 months ago
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namis-namis · 2 months ago
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Roman Reigns and CM Punk in Survivor Series: War Games 2024
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namis-namis · 3 months ago
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CM PUNK & SETH ROLLINS WWE RAW on Netflix Kickoff, December 18th, 2024
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namis-namis · 3 months ago
Monday Night Raw WWE analysis ( as a first time goer )
Spoilers ( as recommended ) because I went to a double taping and didn’t even know it.
WWE wrestlers mentioned:
Jey Uso, Rhea Ripley, Liv Morgan, Iyo Sky, CM Punk, Seth Rollins, War Raiders, Judgement Day, Damian Priest, ‘The Incredibly Attractive Scottish Cultural Themed Wrestler’ aka Drew Macintyre, ‘The goth wrestler’ aka Dexter Lumis, Sami Zayn
When was the last time you had it raw?
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4:30pm: I come in and am already impatient. It’s who I am as a person. I mean, standing in the cold does that to a person. But it’s interesting to take in whose here. What a wide and diverse community! There’s even a clown themed familt! My family is incredibly liberal but I would never think we would do such a thing. Unless it was for halloween. Then again, my parents are divorced, so, we aren’t doing much of anything together.
5pm: we all get stuck waiting to scan our tickets. I have taken note of the fact there is a big disability community within the wwe fandom. They aren’t given a separate line, only if they ask to be wheeled in a TD garden provided wheelchair. I think this is the closest to equality we have gotten, but, it’s not quite reaching equity.
5:30pm: I have secured myself a truly wild berry. I have only just realized how close I am to the stage. I will see everyone running out and exiting, as well as getting all the blood, spit, etc. On my face. I think I’m assimilating quite well. I just wish I hadn’t worn my Aryton Seena shirt! Now they know I am a Formula One fan in disguise ( i’m kidding, they don’t. ) A friendly man strikes up conversation. And I mean this genuinely, he’s a friendly guy. We talk a bit, I admit this is my first WWE event ever, he says he has been to several. I text Megan, one of my best friends, and facetime my mom to show her my seats. Seat Floor, Section C, Row 6, Seat 7.
5:50pm: I think long and hard about Jey Uso. I take a walk around TD Garden and think of buying some Jey Uso merch. I look at them. I think it’d look far better on my 12 year old cousin who suffers from Chronic Brain Rot ( Yeet seems to be popular terminology in this generation. ) And… Jesus, 35-40 dollars for Merch?! It’s December 16th!! Christmas is in 9 days. I do not have the money for that. I buy m&m’s instead. I hope my Noyz perfume I drenched myself in to have my ‘Y/N’ moment is not too obvious to the people around me.
6:00pm: the children are howling at each other. It’s so interesting. This community is so stereotyped as hillbilly rednecked. But the reality is, these people have such an innate sense of community. No one is pushing to get to their seat. If you want to be closer to barrier, people make way so you can make your pictures. Any imposing on your space is accidental. And is that… no way… is that… a man blowing his nose? With a disposable tissue? And not just hacking into his arm or my space? These people have been stereotyped for far too long! I will be the voice that shows people that they are different!
6:10pm: the children continue to howl. T-minus 20 minutes until show.
6:20pm: I assume the reason the seats are open are because most of the fans are stuck in like buying merch or food. Though, I am hopeful to get closer to barrier. It’s the slimmest of chances.
6:30pm: the grand entrance. The movement. The theatrics. It’s like being at the ballet. The men fighting right now? Beautiful. I want to scream, not their beautiful faces! Spare the beauty!
7:04pm: The grand entrance of CM, ‘Chick Magnet’, punk. Now, this man is a silver fox if I have ever seen one. 47 years old, retired from WWE briefly only to return, large arms littered completely with tattoos of all colors, chocolate brown hair slicked back to reveal his scratchy-looking facial hair that has hints of grey hairs between each brown facial hair, and ravens foot that emphasize the soft brown eyes that seem to be perpetually stuck with a glint in them.
7:15pm: WWE, I was not aware of your gay subtext game. I feel as though every sports community has this happen. It might be mostly due in part that men are not typically allowed the intimacy of friendships like women are and, thus, when they are able to bridge that gap and express their unity in the same way women do, they simply crave more. It’s like when someone gets into a relationship for the first time and all they want is more time and affection with the other person. They have what they want, but, simply desire more. Seth Rollins has appeared, and he is not tolerating CM Punk’s claims and, in fact, is willingly to stand alongside with the audience. Oh, because he is actually physically in the audience… By the way.
7:30pm: i almost ran into another person in the bathroom. Advice kids: do not chug your wild berry truly. First of all, it’s carbonated nightmare. Second of all, you need to piss badly. And third, you can’t figure out if you’re typing in English or French!!! All you can remember is you love jey uso and the first introduction wrestlers were hot. And women are so beautiful. Rhea Ripley… Liv Morgan… Iyo Sky…
8:12pm: i wonder if anyone else noticed this is softcore porn. Also, people keep yelling ‘count faster’ to the ref. I wonder if people realize this is scripted? They have to, right?
8:30PM: War Raiders versus Judgement Day. Now. Do I feel bad for the War Raiders throughout the match and cheer for them more? Of course. But I would feel wrong to lie and claim I didn’t secretly cheer for Judgement Day. ‘Why would you cheer for them?’ You may ask… Well… Some people just love villains. Besides, War Raiders don’t need my support… They have Damian Priest on their side, securing them as World Champs.
9:01pm: The incredibly attractive Scottish cultural themed wrestler begins to make a commentary about how no one bothered to check in on him when he was healing from his injury. It’s quite insightful and thoughtful, especially when you do look up the injury photos and find the images of staples on his head and blood shielding his face. It’s met with boos and negative attention, though. Perhaps from moreso insecure men or because it’s what the WWE network wants us to believe.
9:11pm: HE’S HERE! Jey Uso is HERE!!!! Yeet, Yeet, Yeet.
9:45pm: I have noticed very quickly that there is really no time to sit or think at these events. Everything is very quick and, yet, they are able to jam pack multiple fights and promos in. You will be thoroughly entertained, whether you like it or not.
9:57pm: the goth wrestler has charmed me. Please beat the shit out of whoever you please.
10:15pm: The incredibly attractive Scottish cultural themed wrestler is back again. And may I just say sir, your pecs are enormous and your leather kilt is stylish. However, your scream and fire did frighten me for a moment. Perhaps you don’t know this, after all you are from Scotland where this is not a major problem and as a main event you travel all over the world, but as an American when I hear an explosion… I tend to assume i’m already dead before i’ve realized the reality of the situation.
10:37pm: OTC just beat the shit out of Jey Uso and Sami Zayn. What a moment. And what a lovely red turtle neck! Fashion-Sports intersection is quite interesting to see. I never wrote this earlier, but I should now: Seth ‘Freakin’ Rollins, I commend you for your stylish nature and committing to fashion before practicality.
11pm: and that concludes Monday Night Raw at TD Garden. I am grateful and pleased to say that I got a fist-five from Sami Zayn, despite the fact he seemed to be struggling from a back injury sustained during his fight. And to this newfound space I have made my way in, I am grateful to have experienced it in real time.
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namis-namis · 3 months ago
Mama, just know that I love you (I love you)
And I'll see you when you get here
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namis-namis · 1 year ago
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I heard you dress well, Mr, Shelby.
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namis-namis · 1 year ago
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a small letter for my friend Ahmed @/ahmedraida996 for being my companion and pulling up through everything around him. despite his emotional state in the reel i took this from, i wanted to make this picture very colorful, to symbolize our "what's your fav color" exchanges and that there'll soon be days where he'll be able to respite and merely appreciate small life things that bring joy.
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namis-namis · 1 year ago
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She is a survivor.
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namis-namis · 1 year ago
Reblog to have the most homoerotic year of your life 2024
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namis-namis · 1 year ago
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TEXT ID: I saw these watermelon costumes at a demonstration I attended in Minneapolis. A white supremacist attempted to stab the crowd I was in with a box cutter, and I had enough. People were screaming in terror long after he was gone, like he might mow us down with his car from out of the blue. I hobbled down the grassy side of the Walker sculpture park, flicking up dirt with my cane and muttering unkindly about other attendees. This country has made me so small. 
Do you remember art memes on DeviantART? I watch disintegrated Palestinian children being pulled out of rubble by their shivering siblings, and I am gutted by the absurdity of meeting this horror with a “Draw this In Your Style” art challenge. How to compensate for this critical lack of imagination, this patently American creative dysfunction, when it comes to responding to crises? 
I know what it is like to be asked, by this rotted and festering empire, to kindly suffer and die in silence. I have watched this phony “return to normal” with my own eyes; eyes that cannot focus correctly when I am at my sickest. I am told the pandemic is over, and that is technically correct – the virus is now endemic. I am told we have the tools. We choose not to use them.
What does it mean to be a communist when you are too sick to get up and down the stairs in your home? What does it mean to be a Jew when your name is used to unleash and justify hell on earth? What does it mean to be queer, when empires dangle your expression as a spoil of colonial conquest?
What does it mean to be an artist, when no artistic endeavor is proportionate to the size of the world your country plunders for profit? 
I want to be as big as these watermelon slices. 
My liberation is wrapped up in yours. That’s all there is. My liberation is wrapped up in yours. / END TEXT ID
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namis-namis · 1 year ago
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text ID: DESPERATE EMPIRES STRIVE TO CONVINCE YOU THAT YOUR FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION IS MERELY A BAUBLE SIGNIFYING THEIR MIGHT AND RIGHTEOUSNESS /end text ID remix of the iconic photograph "the cock (kiss)" by wolfgang tillmans. expressing my disdain for pinkwashing as a nonsensical pretext for colonial violence.
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namis-namis · 1 year ago
I love you dumplings I love you gyoza I love you xiaolongbao I love you wonton I love you baozi I love you mandu and yes even you, ravioli
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namis-namis · 1 year ago
i must not get takeout. takeout is the wallet-killer. takeout is the little-death that brings total obliteration. i will face the kitchen, fridge, and pantry. i will make choices about what to cook and then execute them. when hunger is gone there will be nothing. only i will remain.
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namis-namis · 1 year ago
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