namelessscenarios · 2 months
Please send writing prompts!!!
I am struggle bussing through writers block rn but I really want to write things for the people who read my posts… so please please send me any prompts and I’ll write them.
The only things I won’t do is obviously severely illegal things ex. Pedophilia and forced relations.
Other than that I’m open to writing anything <3
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namelessscenarios · 4 months
The Pond
Warnings: none
A/n: I have the kids name in this just to make it a little easier to keep track of them bolded Him/He means the s/o of the story
The sun is warm against my back as I lay out by the pond, listening to the fronts and birds. The 3 youngest yell and play on the near by play set while the two oldest boys fish off the small dock. I open my eyes when I feel someone tap my shoulder. I look up to see Him holding out some sunscreen.
“Could you help me with my back?”
I smile and nod, moving to sit up I take the sunscreen from him. He lays down on the towel he laid out next to mine and I start to massage the sunscreen into his back and shoulders. He lets out a sort of sigh and I lean down and kiss his shoulder gently. I look up when I hear squealing laughter, to see the twins running over.
“Can we have snacks soon?”
I glance down at my phone and see how late in the day it is.
“How about daddy and I go make some lunch and we can have a picnic?”
They shout excitedly and run back to the play set. I stand ip and slip the white sundress over my swimsuit before turning and helping Him up. We make our way into the house to make lunch, we can see the twins chasing after Atlas from the kitchen window. I feel Him run his hands across my back, He turns me around and presses me gently against the counter. I smile at him and lean up to kiss him, but just as the kiss starts to get more heated the girls burst into the kitchen.
“Why does mommy get to sit on the table but we can’t?”
I burst out laughing but ignore the that question, not knowing how to explain it to them. I hop off the counter carefully.
“What do you need girls?”
“Can we help with lunch?”
I glance out the window to see the older boys teaching Atlas how to fish.
“Of course you can help’”
I hand Ivory a blanket and give Ebony a small plate of cookies. I smile as they run back out to the pond, finding a spot near the boys to set up the picnic. I grab the plate with all the sandwiches and He grabs the paper plates and napkins and we head back out towards where the girls are now chasing each other around the blanket.
We both set down our things and sit down on the blanket, He wraps his arm around me and I curl into His side. The nice quiet moment doesn’t last long, the boys come rushing over excitedly as the girls scream at them. I’m confused on why there screaming until I see Atlas is holding a little blue gill.
“Mom! Mom! Look! I caught a super big fish!”
The fish is no bigger than my hand but I would never ruin the moment for him.
“Oh my, you did such a good job my love. Did you catch it all on your own?”
He nods happily as he poses for the picture his father is taking of him.
“Why don’t you and your brothers have your dad show you how to release the fish safely.”
Atlas smiles and tugs his father’s hand, He looks back at me and smiles, I smile back and laugh out on the blanket until I feel a small weight climb on top of me.
“Yes bunny?”
“Can we have some lemonade?”
I nod and pour a little into a cup for each of them. As I sip from my own, Ebony stands and puts her hands on her hips.
“I want to push them in.”
I grin at her
“I’ll get daddy you girls get your brothers.”
They giggle as we sneak up behind them. The girls get to their brothers first, pushing in Anthony and Sylis first then they both push in Atlas. I try to get Him in but he knew I was coming and doesn’t budge. He wraps his arms around me and picks me up to throw me in, I kick and yell while laughing but he still holds on. He pulls me back a little before trying to throw me in but at the last second I grab His wrist pulling Him in with me.
When I come up to the surface the kids are laughing and playing in the shallow water. He finally surfaces, coughing a little and starts laughing, so I splash water at Him.
“Now I have to change you jerk!”
He glances down.
“I don’t see a problem with what you have on now.”
I look down at the now see through white sundress I have on and splash him again.
“You’re so lucky I had a swimsuit on underneath this!”
“You mean unlucky.”
I stick my tongue out at him and make my way to dry land.
“Anthony? I need to change are you ok watching the kids?”
He gives me a thumbs up and I make my way into the house. I shut the door to my room behind me and pull the wet sundress over my head and scan the small closet for something to wear. When I bend over a little I hear a soft whistle before I feel His hands on my waist. I slap his hands away gently.
“No way mister, I’ve got things to do.”
“Oh really? Like what?”
I try to think of something but I really don’t have anything to do today.
He wraps his arms around my waist again and pulls me to him, the only thing between us is our swimsuits. He kisses my jaw and neck softly.
“The kids…”
He shushes me and continues to kiss down my neck. He slips the strap of my swimsuit down my shoulder as He starts kissing down to my chest. Just as his hands start to roam towards the clasp of my top there’s a knock on the door and I quickly pull away and slip on the light blue sundress hung up near by. I turn and glare at Him but start laughing when He gives me an innocent shrug and smile.
I shake my head and open the door to see Ebony holding a snake, smiling proudly up at me.
“Ebony! Not in the house!”
I try to sound upset but I’m laughing at how she’s petting it like a puppy.
“If you don’t bring it back outside Mouse is going to eat it.”
At the sound of his name our 6 month old kangle puppy comes bounding down the hall sniffling at Ebony’s hands. Soon after I hear the pitter patter of little paws as Bear, our three year old corgi, follows after Mouse. Ebony giggles as mouse sniffs at her face and hands, finally finding the snake and just like I said he tries to bite it.
“Mouse no!”
Ebony quickly pulls her hand back and runs outside, both dogs not far behind. I make my way out to the kitchen and watch as both girls now run with the dogs around the yard. I feel his arms wrap around my waist again, and I lean back against him as we watch our kids.
“We did good.”
“Obviously, they’re my kids so we knew they were going to be perfect.”
I laugh and lean further into him and enjoying our moment watching the life we made for ourselves.
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namelessscenarios · 4 months
Early bird
Warnings: none
The cool morning air blows the loos strands of hair into my face, I tuck them gently behind my ears and bring my feet up onto the porch swing tucking them underneath me. The sun is just peeking over the trees now, casting a golden light over the front porch. I take a sip of tea from my mug as I watch the birds fly through the golden sky. A few moments later I hear the screen door open and close, and the pitter patter of little feet follows soon after. I keep my yes on the sunrise hit I set my mug down and hold out my arms, soon I feel little hands wrap around my arms as the little boy climbs into my lap. I look down at him and smile. He gives me a sleepy smile in return, his green eyes still distant from dreaming and his hair messy from sleep. He curls up in my lap, tucking his head under my chin. After a few moments the screen door opens and closes again and more foot steps approaching. This time when I like I see the long lanky limbs of a tween boy, carrying a sleepy looking toddler, and identical little girl following behind. The boy sits down, moving one of the girls so that the other can climb up onto the porch swing as well. He rests his head on my shoulder and I run my fingers through his hair, the twin girls with their auburn hair still unbridled, curl up into his sides. We sit silently for a long while until the little boy in my lap starts to wiggle his way from my arms. I set him on the porch and begin to stand, the tween picks up one of the twins and I pick up the other. We head inside and see him, my husband making breakfast. I smile ant kiss him lightly on the cheek before heading to the dining room where I set down my little girl and head back into the kitchen to start bringing things to the table.
My husband gives me a kiss before complaining, “The kids came into our room looking for you. Did you really need to pass on the early bird genetics?”
I laugh and kiss him again “well they going me right where I always am, maybe instead of complaint in you should join us one morning”
He smiles softly “maybe…”
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namelessscenarios · 4 months
Warnings: making out, that’s all other than this one is really short
I don’t I don’t know how we ended up like this, this being me pressed up against the wall with him kissing my neck. One of his hands is resting lightly on the side of my neck while the other rests on my waist. He moves from kissing my neck to really kissing me, gently pulling me closer by my neck, he groans into the kiss as I bring my hand down to the waist band of his pants, my fingertips just barely underneath, he moves his hand from my waist to my upper thigh. He whispers in my ear as the hand at my neck moves down to my other thigh ‘Jump’. I do as he says and he holds me up, pressed between him and the wall. I run my fingers through his hair while he kisses me, i can feel his grip on my thighs tighten as he presses further into me. He gently bites my bottom lip as he kisses me, beginning to move his hips against mine. Just when I’m about to ask to move to the bed we hear the front door open and close, he sets me down quickly and I hurry to smooth out my hair. His best friend walks in the room and pauses, staring at us. ‘Come on man, I’m the living room?’ I just shrug ‘Oops.’
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namelessscenarios · 5 months
Falling asleep with him
Warnings: none just very very little spice at the end but nothing to bad, fluff
Laying in bed with him, I can feel the length of him pressed against my back. The fan whirs and blows his hair softly against my neck while he presses his face gently against my back and shoulders. His arms wrap around me, causing the oversized sleep shirt I’m wearing to ride up, I can feel the heat from his bare torso through the thin material. My heart rate speeds up a little as I feel one of his hands trail from my stomach to the side of my ribcage, down my waist and hips, pausing for a moment to toy at the hem of my sleep shirt before continuing down to trace invisible patterns on my thighs. He scatters feather light kisses across the exposed skin of my neck, slowly he props himself up on his elbow, leaning over me and trailing kisses from my neck to my jaw. His hand goes from tracing patterns on my thigh to creeping under the hem of my shirt. I whisper his name softly, bringing my hand up to run my fingers through his hair. I can feel it as he smiles against my neck, he moves so that I’m under him now. His hips gently slotted between my legs as he continues to kiss up and down my neck and across my collar bones. His hand creeps up a little further, pushing the hem of my shirt up higher to expose my hips. He nips gently at the side of my neck, smiling when I let out a quiet yelp of surprise. At this point his fingertips are skimming lightly over my ribcage and he starts to kiss my chest and stomach over my shirt. When he reaches the exposed skin of my lower stomach he mutters to himself while looking up at me “Beautiful…” before continuing his trail of kisses. He begins to work his way back up, but he pushes the shirt up higher as he goes, exposing more bare skin for him to kiss. His fingertips dance across the soft skin of my sides before holding fast to my hips. He’s kissing my neck again as he pulls my hips flush against his, eliminating the little space that was left between us. I let out a little sigh at the feeling of him against me and he pulls his head back to look at me, he smiles down at me and finally kisses me, slow and sweet. He moves his hips slightly, trying to readjust himself, causing a bolt of tingles, making me gasp softly into the kiss. He smiles while still kissing me and moves his hips again, this time on purpose. The same feeling shoots through me and I let out a soft sigh. He runs the tip of his tongue against my bottom lip before pulling back slightly. He looks at me and says, “not tonight,” he kisses me again, softer than before, “I want it to be special.” Kissing me once more he shifts so my back is to his chest again tugging my shirt back down gently and wrapping his arms around me again as the soft whirring of the fan, and the sound of his even breathing lulls me back to sleep.
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