nalu-draws ¡ 5 years
30-Day Character Design Challenge
This might be helpful if you’re stuck in a rut with your designs! You can do them in any order you want, as long as you do #30 last.
Put your iTunes library, favorite Spotify playlist, etc. on shuffle and design a character inspired by the first song that comes up. Bonus: do this with a playlist of music you’ve never listened to before. Extra bonus: use an instrumental-only song.
Design a character in a genre you don’t normally draw (example: if you normally high fantasy characters, you could do sci-fi, steampunk, etc.)
Draw five mouths, each of which reveal a unique character. Bonus: all are making the same expression.
Grab your oldest sketchbook that you can find and pick an old character to re-design. Bonus: pick the character by opening to a random page instead of hand-choosing.
Design ten unique hairstyles. Bonus: do a turnaround of each one.
Go to this random aesthetic generator and draw a character inspired by the result. Bonus: make the design 100% serious, even if you get “dad wave” or “soap flapper.” 
Design seven pairs of shoes. Bonus: for some of the pairs, make the left and right shoes different, but still recognizable as a pair.
Draw a non-human character— the less human-looking, the better (so avoid things like elves, vampires, etc.). Bonus: Make up their species instead of using existing mythological creatures.
Design a character inspired by this poem. 
Create a color palette based on the colors in your bedroom, then design a character from this palette. Bonus: don’t use the colors of your walls or floor in your palette.
Pick your favorite mythological figure and create two designs for them: one that’s as historically accurate to their time period and culture as possible, and another that takes as many artistic liberties as you want (this could a modern AU, something in your typical style, etc.).
Design a high fantasy character whose outfit is based on whatever you’re wearing right now. 
Pick an order of angels and design a character based on/inspired by their description. The resulting character doesn’t necessarily have to be an angel. Bonus: pick Thrones, the giant wheels covered in eyes. 
Go to this random name generator and design a character for whatever name you get. Tip: you can click each name to learn its origin and meaning.
Design ten weapons. Bonus: Base each one off a real weapon from various historical periods, but with your own twist on it.
Create as many rough thumbnail designs as you can in half an hour. Then pick your favorite and flesh them out into a more detailed character. Bonus: don’t erase anything during the timed portion.
Pick an animal and draw a human character based on it. The final design shouldn’t have the animal’s ears, tail, markings, etc.— convey it entirely though the character’s build, clothing, hair, etc. Bonus: pick the animal from the ones featured in this video series.  
Design a character based on the weather wherever you are right now.
Create an outfit breakdown for a character from their underclothes to their outermost layers/armor/etc. This can be done either for one of your existing OCs or a new one.  Bonus: do a turnaround for this breakdown.
Design ten unique sets of eyes. Bonus: include makeup and/or eyebrows as well.
Make up a god/goddess/deity for a nonexistent religion, then design them. Bonus: describe the symbolism of each aspect of their design.
Design a normal, modern-day character, then three genre AUs for them (e.g. cyberpunk, fantasy, Renaissance-era, etc.). They should be clearly recognizable as the same character in all four versions.
Create a character whose design combines the aesthetics of the last three movies/TV shows you watched. 
Design five pieces of jewelry. Pick your favorite and create a full character design based around it. Bonus: incorporate a couple of the other pieces of jewelry into the design as well.
Pick a vehicle and design a character inspired by it. A human character, not a transformer. Bonus: use something other than a car or truck, like a plane, boat, tank, etc.
Create a character inspired by your favorite childhood stuffed animal.
Design four sets of hands. They don’t necessarily have to be human hands.
Design a historically accurate character for a decade between 1900 and 1990.
Design a haute couture-style dress based on one of your existing OC’s designs. Bonus: draw them in this dress.
Wildcard! Use everything you’ve practiced thus far to create any character design you want. The only requirement: fully flesh out their design, from sketching to line art to colors.
Go forth, have fun, and create some awesome characters! If you post what you create, feel free to tag them ‘characterdesigninspiration’
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nalu-draws ¡ 5 years
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🌿Flannel Mermaid💚
MerMay Day 3!
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nalu-draws ¡ 5 years
Draw the squad like this
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nalu-draws ¡ 5 years
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Mermay Day 30!
🌺Sea Fan inspired Mermaid
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nalu-draws ¡ 5 years
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kicking off MerMay with my entry for this round’s CDC - Kabuki! 🧜‍♀️
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nalu-draws ¡ 5 years
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Mermay/Character Design Challenge combo!!
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nalu-draws ¡ 5 years
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-the moon who composes the tides- 
i did that oc challenge where u make a pinterest board w 15 aesthetic pics and design a chara based off it! my friend made the board for mee!! i made a board too if anyone wants to give the challenge a try! @ me if u do i wanna see!! https://www.pinterest.com/ginkohs/oc-challenge/
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nalu-draws ¡ 5 years
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Mermaid lounging on the rocks
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nalu-draws ¡ 5 years
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A cute Blowfish-inspired mermaid, who’s actually slim but will get all chubby and spiky when angry or scared! x’D I think she’s ADORABLE, and you? ♥
You know, I have like two different kinds of mermaids in my mind: The first kind are the fantasy ones, which are all magical and fabulous, and then there’s this kind, who are inspired by actual fishes, and have their features! These are just SO fun to design! ♥
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nalu-draws ¡ 5 years
I might be doing this~~~
The Overwatch 30 Day Original Character Challenge
Here I have the 30 items to cover in 30 days. This is a mixture of Lore, Mechanics, and Aesthetics since each character in game is designed with all of these in mind. Take any time consideration with the current Season as being right now (just in case anything in the canon changes).
Just remember no one hero can do everything and don’t be afraid of being weird. We fight alongside a sentient gorilla super-scientist and a climatologist after all.
Please make sure to use the tag: #ow30docc
1. Character Basics: Name/Alias, Age, Nationality, Gender, Height, Weight, Combat Role, HP/Armor/Shield?
2. What is their primary weapon? Does it have an alternate fire? How much damage would it do? How much would it do on a critical? What is the magazine size? What is the Rate of Fire? Can it be deflected by Genji? Is it stopped by Reinhardt’s shield? Do they have a secondary weapon?
3. What are their offensive abilities? Do they deal damage? How much? How do they function? How long is their cooldown?
4. What are their defensive capabilities? How do they work? Any mobility abilities?
5. Ultimate Ability! What is it? What does it do? What do they yell when performing it? (bonus for non-English)
6. Do they have an original Overwatch team hero or idol?
7. Why did they decide to get involved in the world’s conflicts?
8. What characters would they be a good counter for?
9. What characters would they work well with?
10. What characters would be a good counter for them?
11. What mission type do they feel the most suited? How about the least?
12. How do they handle success? How do they deal with failure?
13. Picture or describe their Heroic Defaults: Win Pose, Emote, Saying
14. Picture or describe their Highlight Intros, Sprays
15. Picture or describe their additional Win Poses
16. Picture or describe their additional Emotes - Now including seated pose!
17. What would their additional Sayings be? Include voice lines by various prompts such as being healed, taking an opponent down, capturing the objective, etc..
18. Do they have any family, friends, loves, rivals, or enemies?
19. Do they work as a mercenary, member of a group, for a corporation, government, or other entity?
20. How do they feel about working as a team with strangers or even rivals/enemies?
21. What is the source of their capabilities (such as technology, chemicals, magic, etc.)?
22. What is their opinion of Omnics? Where were they during the Omnic Crisis?
23. What was their life like after Overwatch disbanded?
24. What is their favorite location they have been to? Least favorite?
25. Tell us about a mission they remember (and are willing to talk about).
26. What kind of quirks do they have? What about their likes and dislikes? Any hobbies?
27. How do they feel about taking a life in the line of duty?
28. What do they do in their down time?
29. Wild Card - Fill this day with anything you like!
30. Introduction Story/Trailer/Comic
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nalu-draws ¡ 5 years
If I was complimenting an artist I would simply not bring up my own lack of skill.
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nalu-draws ¡ 5 years
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Happy Day Nam!
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nalu-draws ¡ 5 years
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May this corgi in a mug bless your month with warm drinks and happy dog encounters!  🐶☕️
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nalu-draws ¡ 5 years
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iceland’s landscapes
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nalu-draws ¡ 5 years
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shallow water exercises from today
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nalu-draws ¡ 5 years
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happy pride month! i made some lgbt flag inspired wallpapers ✨ they’re free for personal use! 💖🏳️‍🌈
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nalu-draws ¡ 5 years
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