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queer nordaf in an ever-lasting existential crisis
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naila-trema · 1 year ago
j’ai grave nettoyé l’appart et spécifiquement la salle de bain alors que ma coloc l’a jamais fait
j’ai juste envie de prendre une douche parce que j’ai transpiré
alors déjà elle est elle-même sous la douche mais je suis SÛRE qu’elle va laisser ses vieilles traces de pantoufles degueulasse alors que je viens de frotter
si c’est le cas ça y est je brise le silence je hurle
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naila-trema · 1 year ago
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Etel Adnan, from ‘Love Poems’, Women of the Fertile Crescent: An Anthology of Modern Poetry by Arab Women (ed. & trans. Kamal Boullata)
[Text ID: “We are not playing a game of sorrow we are trying to grwo wings and  fly.”]
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naila-trema · 1 year ago
the commodification of friendship is the most annoying thing to come out of the internet in ages. like actually i love to break this to you but you're supposed to help your friends move even if it's hard work. or stay up with them when they're sad even if you're gonna lose sleep. you're supposed to listen to their fears and sorrows even if it means your own mind takes on a little bit of that weight. that's how you know that you care. they will drive you to the airport and then you will make them soup when they're sick. you're supposed to make small sacrifices for them and they are supposed to do that for you. and there's actually gonna be rough patches for both of you where the balance will be uneven and you will still be friends and it will not be unhealthy and they will not be abusive. life is not meant to be an endless prioritization of our own comfort if it was we would literally never get anywhere ever. jesus.
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naila-trema · 1 year ago
"Faites des bêtises, mais faites-les avec enthousiasme." - Colette
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naila-trema · 1 year ago
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Taza de café y cigarrillo, 1950.
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naila-trema · 1 year ago
I'm such a responsible worker
(je pleure pile 30 minutes avant le débuts de mes cours pour avoir le temps d'être moins rouge quand mes étudiant.e.s entrent dans la salle)
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naila-trema · 1 year ago
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Various Notes & Letters
Found/Collected Between July 2022-August 2023
(Texas, Seattle, and New York)
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naila-trema · 1 year ago
Unionize every workplace, take breaks, do the bare minimum, commit time theft, and stop breaking yourself for a job that would replace you within an hour of you dropping dead. If they want you to do a proper job, they can give you proper pay and benefits.
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naila-trema · 1 year ago
we asked girls what they think about since boys think about the roman empire, girl dinner, girl math, girl logic, let me explain world events to girls using shopping and boys as metaphors, not wearing makeup makes u a pick me, being butch somehow also makes u a pick me, so does being fat or ugly, hot girls read, hey if ur struggling financially or ur almost 18 and dont know what to do with ur life let me tell u how much money i made as a stripper doesnt that sound so much more fun than an office job, preventative botox, chemical peels that burn off the first three layers of ur skin, teen girls with 20 step skincare routines, a day in my life as a stay at home girlfriend, bimbocore, and this is all feminist actually do u want to kill urself yet
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naila-trema · 1 year ago
i had a girl who used to call me peach, the word slipped from her mouth like the syrupy sweet frozen fruit my mum would give me as if to say please eat something. please. we have enough this time. the fuzzy outsides always made my skin hurt but it was worth it for the sweet fruit i scarfed back like my stomach had never been full before.
my grandmother used to make plum muffins with the sourest fruits she could find. they baked into something sweet, something soft. something that fed me. my mom made plum muffins today with the sour plums from the grocery store and i was brought to tears while i ate two of them fresh out the oven. they were better than granny's. she's not dead. she's not dead but i don't know if she'd want me if she found out what i really am. i ate another muffin and it tasted like dusty summers away from home my house.
i ate three nectarines today without even stopping to breathe. the juice dripped down my chin as i swallowed them down without chewing like i hadn't eaten in years. when i was a kid my grandparents would come with a box of cup noodles and kraft dinner and tinned peaches and i thought it was a gift because those were all of my favourites. i thought christmas hampers were like winning a contest and food bank trips were like grocery shopping where my mom never panicked. i ate those nectarines until i felt sated and i almost cried. they were sweet and sour and i nearly chipped my tooth on the stone on the inside.
i used to try plant cherry seeds and mango pits in my garden so we would never run out. so my mom would never give me half her plate again without filling up her own. so there'd be something for her to fill it up with. i didn't know how to grow stone fruit but i grew like one anyway- i grew with with a soft, sweet, nonthreatening exterior but something inside of me that will chip your teeth if you bite in the wrong spot. nobody planted my heart in their garden and watered it daily. my sugary exterior was consumed almost manically, in plum muffins and not-yet-ripe nectarines, in fear of having it taken away if it didn't go now now now. i grew like stone fruit, but nobody replanted me with hope in their heart. i held it in my own, deep within the tooth-chipping pit that i slipped between damp paper towels, waiting for it to sprout.
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naila-trema · 1 year ago
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june gehringer earth is an anagram for heart, u fucking idiots \\ @wormbus-art
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naila-trema · 1 year ago
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barbara crooker spillway: "and now it's september"
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naila-trema · 2 years ago
JE VEUX ME CASSER DE SGMS !!! rien à faire, personne à voir, ça me donne même envie d’aller dans le pays des idiots
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naila-trema · 2 years ago
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work song by hozier / mahmoud darwish
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naila-trema · 2 years ago
j’écoute ma mère se plaindre de mon père all day every day, je prends systématiquement sa défense, je repense toute notre relation pour mieux voir son côté et je fais la police entre elle et papa pour que je dise des trucs « oh et c’est bon pas besoin de se prendre la tête » elle me dise « oh toi ta gueule »???
et que quand ils me demandent ce qu’il y a de mieux parce qu’ils sont pas d’accord juste parce qu’il y a eu un malentendu parce qu’ils sont incapables de communiquer, et que je souffle pcq ils m’exaspèrent tellement ils parlent pas la même langue, elle me répond en fronçant les sourcils comme elle sait si bien le faire « oh arrête de souffler tu commences à me saouler »
oh tu sais quoi, nique bien ta mère, reste bien dans ta merde et débrouille toi
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naila-trema · 2 years ago
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“want” from cold river: poems by joan larkin, october 1997 
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naila-trema · 2 years ago
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from In the House With No Doors by Sarah Kay
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