nadsu ยท 5 months
Date your worst enemy
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๐ฝ๐‘‚๐พ๐ธ๐‘…. The word different was probably very accurate for you two. As different as day and night, as fire and water, heaven and hell, and yet you were the same.
You rich and beautiful and he poor and ... Joker wasn't ugly; you could see that straight away. He wasn't the type you'd see on the next VOGUE and yet his look was unique.
This scenario couldn't fall more into the "good girl falls in love with bad boy" clichรฉ. But he wasn't as much of a bad boy as he seemed. Sure, he looked like a thug to you and his aura definitely screamed run, but you never did. You never looked at him in disgust or judged him. Unlike your so-called "friends". They were tearing their mouths apart over the guy with all those tattoos on his body. To be honest, it just made you sick the way they judged him, as if they had every right to do so. Admittedly, you didn't want to get to know him either, but you weren't really interested in status. Or a certain Ryu with whom your father did good business and he wanted to introduce you to him. However, through this reunion you also got to know Wooin and then Joker, so who were you to complain? Because at the end of the day, you even felt you owed him something for saving you from those sleazy guys from the club.
โ€œIf that's the way you want it, let's meet here next week.โ€
Wooin took the floor for Joker instead, because all you got to see of him was his back as he left. And I don't know why, but that cheeky grin from his buddy(?) as he followed him sent a shiver up your spine.
So ... Same club, same time. Why you were so naive and actually waited in front of the nightclub the following Saturday all dressed up was a mystery to you. Never get involved with shady guys like that. Not with strangers anyway. But they knew Juwon ... weren't they all right? After all, your father raved about him and probably about his influence. You really didn't need another snob in your life, thank you. And even if you did get involved with him; there was something about him that bothered you. His smile? The fact that he was constantly surrounded by women? Because this man, yes, he was incredibly good-looking. If only you had paid attention to that, but you didn't have that much superficiality in you, sorry. In your mind, you were already apologizing to your dad when you decided to get to know the guy with the tattoos and white hair better.
And somehow all your alarm bells should go off, like maybe he just wanted your money? But you thought nothing of that when you tried everything to make yourself interesting to him, but ... he didn't even really pay attention to you. Wooin yes him, but not Joker. But that never stopped you from continuing.
Not even when you suddenly stood in the fight club and saw with your own eyes where all those injuries on his beautiful face came from.
โ€œSo, do you still find him so interesting?โ€
Heart attack would have been an understatement for the shock you got when Wooin suddenly stood next to you out of nowhere.
Where and why; your head was spinning. But somehow ... Were all rich people this naive? You were so damn persistent trying to get all his attention without ever getting a reaction from him. Until you finally managed to engage him in conversation while staring at his open wounds and tearing a piece of cloth off your dress to dab the blood. Let's face it - he was trying to block everything out again and he was trying to keep you out of his life, but there was Wooin, shamelessly butting in and giving you his number. The reason was simple. You had money. A lot of it.
One thing led to another and while he was urged by Wooin to approach you and you accepted it all while you played best friends, something happened inside him. Drama, betrayal and โ€ฆ Love?!
You fell in love in the worst way ever with even more drama and heartache.
The road to that relationship was bumpy, paved with rocks, but if there's one thing you learned from that time, it's that first great love hurts like hell and drops you on your ass.
That friendship, that relationship was built on a single pile of lies, but still he kept you out of his shit and made sure you were okay. No matter how different you were, you were the same in the end.
You both wanted to break out of your respective lives so why not do it as a couple?
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๐‘‰๐ผ๐‘๐‘๐‘Œ. After he screwed up with Yumi, he didn't want to be in a relationship anymore. All he did was train, eat, train, sleep, repeat. All he had in his head was this fucking money to help his mother. In the end, he was still alone because he had gotten involved with Ryu and his game and when you met for the first time, he looked kind of drained.
โ€œWhat? Just looking at you.โ€
โ€œDon't fucking do that.โ€
Your first conversation. Not the best and somehow it made you poke your chicken when he said that, theย wayย he said it and then just turned and left. Not that he had to be polite or anything ... but it piqued your curiosity to get to know this guy. Why? Well. If only you had an answer to that. Maybe it was just his unique look at first, but the more you ran into each other and communicated, you quickly realized that he could actually do more than just play the jerk. Well, at first it was more of a one-sided conversation and he more or less listened to you because you simply talked far too much when the day was long, but at least he didn't run away. And that spoke volumes.
He listened to you carefully and memorized more than you could have guessed, was more attentive than you thought and ... gentler than you thought. Hard shell soft core and his "I don't actually care" attitude only made him more attractive to you and yes damn your best friend and her The guy doesn't bring anything good with him, but you were persistent when you wanted something and what you wanted was to get to know him.
So you were the one who nailed it and asked for a date. Which he ... refused. Not because he didn't like you or didn't find you attractive enough, if he had any standards at all, but he was fucking unsure. The Dude who beat the shit out of people and protected the people he cared about with everything was fucking unsure again. Was it right? Was he worth it? Wouldn't he fucked up again? Did he have the time?
And it hurt somehow. For him and especially for you, because you didn't really know what he was thinking or what he wanted.
But he texted you the same night.
Did you get home safely?
Ok. I will pick you up tomorrow with my bike.
Eh? Okay? Than see you tomorrow.
And that's it. This is where it really started between the two of you. Even though something in him refused there was this one part that told him to try and that part was maybe his buddy Sung. So yeah, no one said Vinny was perfect, but he was trying to do better and do it right this time and who knew if it wouldn't end up in a relationship?
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nadsu ยท 2 years
Tลya Todoroki x Fem!Reader
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synopsis. Who would Tลya Todoroki be if things had gone differently?
And what all can happen under a sea of stars?
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fluff ใƒป lemon ใƒป hero!tลya todoroki ใƒป flirty keigo takami ใƒป tลya has a tongue piercing bc it's goddamn sexy
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"Do you see the stars there? If ... they are in the right constellation, it means good luck for someone."
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Was it a daydream? One of the pretty shitty kind, huh?
Shitย ... Let it be one.
Tลya thought to himself, fingers running through his spiky mane as he gazed at his reflection.
Turquoise eyes you always compare to the ocean, sparkling with anger as he knew the obvious long ago - it wasn't a dream. Not a fucking comatose dream he wished was here.
He would have loved to smash the mirror with his fist if he didn't know how pissed you would get afterwards.
He could shit on an hour-long discussion with you.
Just don't cause any more stress - in the end you would probably banish him from his bed and let him sleep in God knows where.
Ha, as if you could do that, but if he wouldn't go, you would be the one to go at the latest, if you couldn't fight against his stubbornness.
Either way there could only be losers in this situation so he left alone that swanky expensive mirror that probably cost more than his all-nighters with Hawks and the amount of alcohol that became part of this ritual. After all, it never stayed at one drink as agreed ... not with someone like him - his self-proclaimed wingman at the time.
Speaking of Hawks, where was that chicken when you really needed him?
"I'll stand by you. At home. While I open the bottle of whiskey you left with me forย emergencies."
Oh yes, he grinningly and gladly left this peace, joy, pancake hell here to his best friend ...
"That damn-"
Bird, mentally pronouncing the rest as he refreshed his face with cold water.
Well, tried - his black shades under his eyes could still be seen from three kilometers away.
Just because of all the stress that was currently going on in your four walls and that didn't let him sleep - you included. It was really hell to see you suffer. Worse than... than this.
The last thing the young hero wanted was to spend time with his family.
No, rather with his father, who planned this trip to the ridiculously large estate of the Todoroki's, which he bought just for such a thing like this, felt 200 kilometers around no signs of civilization, alone, to make one on Happy fucking Family.
As if that would still help somehow ...
He had only agreed to this shit because you seemed so extremely tense lately.
You were tense, with every single syllable out of your mouth he could hear that something was going against your grain and he just couldn't figure it out.
Some fucking woman thing.
Hopefullyย just that.
The longed-for vibrating of his cell phone had a rather negative effect on Tลya, who fished it out of his pants pocket in annoyance.
As expected-.
"I'm glad to hear you too, buddy."
When talking about the fucking devil, he came shitting with red feathers and bad humor.
"You let me down."
"You're still pissed.", Keigo remarked on the other end of the line. "ah~ (y/n) is with you after all and you know the three of us, this can't end well. After all, I have to keep up appearances before Endeavor."
What kind of appearance would that be?
"Fuck appearance. You're supposed to be here."
"I'll make it up to you, okay? Just enjoy the time with your wife and don't forget about me just because we can't pay attention to this love triangle right now."
"Shut the fuck up ..."
"Don't get her pregnant when you're improving your sex life."
"When I get back, I'm gonna fry you."
"Hey, I'm just saying. On vacation, as we all know, all the clothes come off."
"Yeah, whatever. I'll call you tomorrow."
Uh-huh. He will?
"Wait, are you trying to get rid of me? Is (y/n) there?"
Actually yes, that is when he heard you enter the room.
The feathered hero happily chatting away on his cell phone while you walked up to your boyfriend, who was watching you very closely as you wiggled your eyebrows in amusement.
"If I had to guess ... Is it ... the love of your life on the other line?"
Not funny.
Yes, it is. It's actually only funny for you, not for him.
"Put it on speaker,"ย you urged him. You were only separated for one day and already you couldn't live without each other. Sometimes Tลya wondered with whom you had a relationship at all, but it would have been a lie if he didn't see this friendship between three of you as perfect, and the way you lovingly embraced him from behind with your arms, he knew that all your love was for him. Only him. Hawks and you would never do anything that would hurt him for that you were too much you. The flame user wasn't big on trust, but he gave you both all of it.
That's why he only sighed with a barely visible smile on his lips when he pressed the button on his cell phone and Hawk's loud voice boomed through the receiver the very next moment.
"We just can't do without each other. The best threesome of my dreams."
"Someday I'll get him talked into it, birdy~"
You would harmonize perfectly together, because the be-all and end-all of this beautiful interplay was the mood. Without certain prerequisites, you could forget about it.
You three ... it would be perfect. You knew each other like no other.
"Forget it.ย Bothย of you."
Well, and so much for that.
But you knew what was pulling. Oh~ you knew exactly what the white-haired man was attracted to. Knew how to use your feminine charms to get what you wanted.
Playfully pouting, you took his hand and nibbled on his finger. As if hypnotized, he barely looked you in the eye as you let your tongue roam around his dome.
With this harmless sounding question, after you were still innocent as you were -or not- biting his thumb.
Fleeting. And so damn wicked ... that already makes his blood flow down to other parts of his body.
"Not even eventually?"
Fuck, your look would eventually really make him change his mind and go for it.
But for now ...
"I have to hang up."
... were his thoughts just here, with you and your hands wandering along his arms and finding their place around his neck.
He didn't even let Hawks say anything else before he hung up and literally threw his phone onto the small cabinet next to the sink.
It was clear what you wanted.
Namely him.
PสŸแด€ส ษดแดแดก -
Camila Cabello
โ‡†ใ…ค ||โ—ใ…คโšโšใ…คโ–ท||ใ…ค โ†ป
01:43 โ”โ”โ”โ”โ—โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ 03:10
"No one is in the house."
"Mhm, go on,"ย he murmured in your ear.
"And ... I thought ... You and I are taking advantage of that."
Tapping his shirt with your index finger, you opened two buttons the next moment.
"Do you want me to keep talking?"
Yes, he wanted to hear everything that was going through your head. But his impatience was killing him. All he wanted was ...
You, you, you.
Not giving a shit where you were.
"This fucking place has a Jacuzzi, if I remember correctly."
"Really? Then what are we still doing here?"
You certainly didn't have to ask your boyfriend twice and you knew all too well how impatient he was right now - his kisses along your cheekbones with the gentle push towards the exit only confirmed it.
How hard it was to get a door open when you were carrying someone in your arms, Tลya realized only now, after he let his hands wander to your ass, your kisses becoming more and more uncontrolled and he lifted you up.
Your legs, automatically found around his narrow hips, pressing your pelvis harder against the door.
And~ here was the kicker-.
"Could you give me a second?"
"What? Wasn't it you who thought he was so~ skilled with his hands?"
He could practically hear your sadistic smirk, you didn't even have to choose such naughty words, to which he lovingly gave you his answer by intensifying pressure against your pelvis, just to elicit that soft moan from you because you felt how hard he already was.
How ready he was for you.
"How was that? Thought you knew how skilled."
Mhm~ and how you knew. You still couldn't let that little tease go.
"I think you have to prove it to me again."
He liked nothing better than that right now, and if he had to, he'd remind you all goddamn day, even when you couldn't anymore.
Over and over and over again.
Reminded you that he didn't have to prove anything because you were falling for him either way and he knew exactly how many times you'd already cum under him.
How many times he's been able to push you to the edge of your climax.
How often you have given yourself to him with everything you had.
With your body.
Your soul.
With all your love for him.
Every step, every touch, every kiss and every pleasurable sound that escaped your dry throats only heated you up further and suddenly filled the halls of the mansion with energy.
Your energy.
You were ready for anything - really - but not for what your eyes picked up next.
"Wait a minute."ย He didn't respond at first - spreading more kisses along your neck.
"Tลya wait."
But, after you pressed lightly against his chest, two cheeky twinkling eyes fixed you. Greedy and yet confused almost a little worried.
"What? Afraid someone might hear you?"
Indeed. Because the hot tub was not as expected somewhere in this bombastic big house, no, but outside.
Out in the open ...
Which is why your question sounded more pejorative than intended.
"Are you ... into that?"
"I'm not the public type, but when it comes to sex,"ย he rolled his shoulders as if he didn't care where he was.ย "it's just something different."
He saw your skepticism immediately. The wrinkling of your nose was normal whenever you didn't like something.
"It's the middle of the day."
"So? What if someone sees it?"
Or better - listened, ugh.
"Isn't that what it's all about? This thrill that it could be like that?
But I'm not doing anything you don't want me to, okay?"
You just nodded and were about to go back in after your fleeting kiss on his cheek. You'd be lying if you'd never thought about something like that before, but it didn't feel right?
It was perfectly okay. For some, that certain thrill was just nothing.
But Tลya knew you. Far too well and probably even better than you knew yourself, so he knew what excited you and that? Sometimes even more than anything else.
Shared your fantasies with him when you were in need of him again.
He just had to push the right buttons with you so that you said yes.
And ... how did that work better with you than with humor?
With your teasing of which he knew how much you secretly love it and how much it amused him inside when you tried with effort to be mad at him, but you failed miserably every time. Your pissed off face was worth the action here.
So without another word he grabbed you, you crying out as your boyfriend's warm hands wrapped around your hips, pulling you to him and then lifting you up with a deft grab under your legs and around your back.
There you landed not a second later, despite kicking and struggling and pleading, in the Jacuzzi.
Showing no mercy and no remorse because your boyfriend? He squatted down to you, laughing throatily.
"Tลya Todoroki you are really impossible!"
Hands slapping on the water surface as you cursed him like a wet poodle and tried to grab his hand, which he pulled away. You certainly wouldn't drag him in now.
He wouldn't just give you that satisfaction.
"Guilty as charged.
Now I guess you'll have to take your clothes off."
He would have liked that, but no. In life, nothing was given to you as a gift, and so you both made your positions clear.
Neither of you would give in.
"You have to earn it."
And you were sure, too sure he would go for it. He couldn't do anything else but respond to your will. Because he wanted it exactly-
"I pass."
Which is why your oh-so-beautiful winning smile was wiped off your face and you could do nothing but look stupid. Standing in the water with your eyes wide open, as if ordered and not picked up, mouth ajar, while his answer rattled through your head like a broken gear.
He ...ย what?
"Why is it always the men who have to prove themselves?"
Yes~ he knew how to get to you it was your words back then in the little bar where you met.
You were frustrated by all the losers in your life and he was bored by the run-of-the-mill women who never had that certain bite.
The bite that you had for it.
It was these simple words-
"I don't think men always have to do all the work."
-which in the end made him curious. Curious, because he was just a man, wasn't he?
"Hey, you gu-
T-tลya what did you do?"
Fuyumie's voice, which at first sounded cheerful, wavered within a millisecond until there was only a reproach left toward him, dissolving your intense gazes between you.
You really forgot that you were not alone here.
This family trip would have gone literally down the drain at the latest now had you given in to your lust.
The reason you finally got out of the water and stood soaked in the sun.
You did not even want to imagine what she thought.
Probably nothing wrong anyway, but man, as confident as you actually were, this broke into little pieces for a moment.
Well ...ย so, in this way you surely wanted to be made wet by him.
Whereby it cooled your skin under this burning sun immensely.
But man! You regret this idea with the Jacuzzi briefly minimally.
Your great boyfriend, however, less, he was more amused about how quickly you fled. Neither of you both could have guessed that his family would return so soon from this sightseeing tour.
"What she deserves,"ย he called after his sister, who was rushing in to bring you towels.
And if that wasn't embarrassing enough with her, it was with his brothers.
One of them just sighed, because Nats made a stupid allusion to a certain evening on which ... let's say you weren't quite as quiet as Tลya told you to be, okay. The warm hand on your mouth didn't help with his merciless thrusts into you either.
"Nana Rie almost had an early blessing."
If she hadn't mistaken your moans for ... with a dying cat, then yes, definitely.
You swore you would have loved to sink into the ground when Natsuo was still grinning so cheekily, saving poor Granny from ending up six feet lower that night and moving the tour of the giant mansion to another hallway.
Inwardly grateful that he was thinking along, but on the other hand he kept rubbing it in.
"I told you to be quiet,"ย Tลya shrugged again as if he wasn't the one fucking you uninhibitedly on the tatami, because Mr. Impatience came up in him again and maybe you provoked him a little too much with your words what you could do to him now, if you had been at home and not there.
What should you say ... It just had to end in his old youth room.
You should say again that you were uncomfortable doing it in public, when you were already much more naughty.
"Me? Maybe you shrieked like that,"ย you winked in his direction before he pulled you by the wrist and whispered the words in your ear that gave you goosebumps knowing you would bite because it was just typically you.
The embarrassing evening already repressed, because fuck it, you only lived once.
Whether his younger brother had noticed it, was actually not so important, because it never let your relationship become weird.
So fuck it!
"Tonight. You and me in that Jacuzzi."
Why not escape from this hell called "family vacation" and give yourself to something that had long been his?
Give yourself to you and you to him.
Fully and completely.
When the house was empty and you were alone.
โ€ข โ€ข โ€ข โ€ข โ€ข โ€ข โ€ข
If there was one thing you appreciated more than his rough yet caring manner, it was the words he always kept.
If he was a villain he would probably never give up to get what he wanted.
And it was okay.
You loved it, god, everything about him and getting you then turned out to be a real challenge. One he was only too happy to accept.
He didn't give up no matter how untouchable you seemed - his persistence paid off in the end.
Because now he had not only the most loving, but in his eyes also the most beautiful being at his side. You had definitely fallen for him, but he, he was much more to you.
With every cell of his body.
"The dress suits you."
Your curves in this red fall, which moved lasciviously to the beat of the music in the background.
Your lips, on which was a cheeky smile and the color matching the dress left an imprint on the champagne glass.
Tingly and fruity, like his lips, which were sipping the liquid themselves before and over which you let your tongue glide, which he was only too happy to open for you.
This kiss ... only the beginning of so many of tonight that lay ahead of you.
Accordingly, it did not last too long.
Not too long.
Not enoughย ...
But enough to want more to become addicted to it - to him.
This desire for you increased immeasurably in him ... but it was still much too early to become weak now.
You, on the other hand, were less able to hold back, but he interrupted you with his finger between your lips.
Confused and somewhat repulsed, your next question was thus only natural for him.
"Did I-"
"No. You didn't do anything wrong. Come on."
His intention was not to unsettle you, but to give you back today something of what you gave him all these years - safety.
As sure as he clasped your hand with his and guided you.
Your eyes wandered. Wandered from him to the sea of red blossoms.
"You've gone to a lot of trouble."
Of course he had. Albeit a little with the help of his sister before they left for that stupid family dinner.
At least she only helped buy the roses, he did the rest.
And apparently you liked it, your eyes scrutinizing her surroundings while his never missed your reaction.
"Are you asking me to marry you?"ย you chortled next.
"No, you know how I feel about that."
Yea ...
And with each time it stung a little bit more in your heart while you thought you could finally make friends with this thought.
Too early rejoiced.
Because no, you simply could not suppress this desire. No matter how hard you tried. For him.
"Don't be mad now."
You weren't, really, but you were already sick of this topic. Marriage was never an option, because he thought absolutely nothing of all this crap and this arranged marriage of his parents was to blame.
But to worry about it now was not fair, after all, he gave out all the candles and rose petals for you here. Not for himself, but just for you.
Absolutely corny and yet ... more than attentive from someone like him who had absolutely nothing to do with romance. All that to get the stress out of your tired bones.
And that made you smile against his chest inhaling the tart note of his perfume into your nose as you could think nothing else of having found the best man for you. Because no matter what he did you felt good, let's put aside the topic of children and marriage - it was just trivial and it didn't matter if you wore a ring on your finger or not. What mattered was once again only the here and now with him in this sea of soft scents and kisses that he gave you.
Hands wandering over his shirt, running over and over his upper arms and finally under the dark fabric to expose what you so eagerly wanted to touch - what you wanted to feel. Your fingers - like electric little flashes on his ever-warm skin. Charged, almost tingling through his whole body to his present erection you felt on you and which Tลya didn't hide either the way he pressed it against you. He never minded drawing your attention to it and showing you how much he wanted you.
His shirt finally tossed carelessly on the floor you ran his contours along his stomach. Tลya had never been well-toned, had no six-pack no broad shoulders, but you could never have cared less. He was perfect. Yes, to you he definitely was no matter in what way. Whether he was not the master chef, especially neat or a little reserved, he definitely had other qualities and even his flaws you loved about him.
"Do you actually know what you're doing to me?"ย asking between kisses. Gasping and greedy.
It was addictive this feeling of your tongue against his, how it turned and explored every inch as if it was your last time. Those pleasurable sounds that escaped you - he wanted more of it.
More of you.
More ofย this.
His next grab the zipper of your dress which he slowly, far too slowly unzipped as he carefully slipped it off your skin and it fell to the floor to see you in all your glory, taking his breath away bit by bit. No matter how many more times he got to see you like this - it was intoxicating every time.
Shoes slipped off as you smiled and walked away from him.
Your much too charming walk into the Jacuzzi, step by step, almost made him lose his mind. He eyed you closely.
Every visible scar on you.
Every other step.
Those perfect hips, around which the water nestled like silk. How you placed yourself there in the water on the rise and looked at him longingly.
Just everything.
"You'll have to undress more if you want to join me."
"You can help me too."
Playfully you caught your lip between your teeth as you slowly moved back through the water towards him.
"Should I?"ย grinning, your tongue slid over his neck, continuing to move down his chest more and more.
Slowly, agonizingly. It drove him crazy how you used your tongue while kissing down every inch of his exposed upper part of the body. Playing around his pierced nipple with your tongue, leaving nothing but a tingling sensation on his pale skin with each successive kiss.
The way you looked at him from below with that damn innocent look - god he wanted you, and right now.
If you kept this up, kept kissing along the hem of his boxers while you kept gently pulling the fabric with your teeth, he'd grab you just like that and take you right then and there. But you, you had completely different plans with him.
"You have two healthy hands, don't you? Why don't you do it yourself?"
Grinning cheekily, you wandered back left to your previous place - never taking your eyes off him, who still stood there a bit confused and slightly annoyed. You made your order clearer, because no reaction came. Not the desired one and you told him bluntly what you wanted him to do.
"Undress. Andย slowly~"
"The fuck? Ur kidding me?", your lustful look - following that cheeky grin - told him exactly how serious you were.
"Aw fuck."
He did it, sighing, without further hesitation, your eyes following his every move until he stood before you completely naked. With your finger signaling him to move towards you, he did it, again without saying anything in response he obeyed.
"We should try role-playing sometime."
Hands crashed left and right of you, while he looked down at you questioningly.
"What makes you think that?"
And you, catching his white strands smiled at him.
"Well, this really had its ... charm."
Pointing to your clothes on the stones and all the red and pink from roses on which they lay. Your soft spot lay more like this on - more equals more appealing. Sure, nothing was nicer than skin on skin, but certain clothes? It was worlds of difference so why no "role-playing" as foreplay? Maybe even a certain ever chattering feathered creature included in your "game"?
"I'll keep it in mind."
But the fantasy with Hawks in a threesome ... you'd better not bring up now.
After all, this was just about the two of you. Wet hands slid over his skin, leaving goose bumps before he leaned down to you. His, however, slid over your thigh and in between. Caressing this sensitive spot - your sharp intake of breath like music in his ears.
"So, do you still mind being out here now?"
Your lips trembling from the rising lust inside you. He played with you and a mind as he brushed one hand over your sensitive nipples - alternating between the two. His tongue used where you felt cold metal as it gave you the rest.
How much you wanted his pierced tongue elsewhere now - wanted to feel - wanted to feel what it was already doing to you too often.
But it was, to your disappointment, just one of his fingers sliding into you and oh~ you hated it because it didn't feel complete.
"Because I just ... I want-"
Until he finally added his second. He knew. Knew how much you focused on him and his fingers that made you breathe hard.
He noticed how you were falling more and more and losing your inhibitions.
Piece by piece - your moans more and more uncontrolled. Like wax, yes, you were in his hands and he enjoyed every single sound that escaped your lips.
"You want me to ...ย what?"
"I want ... Ngh fuck."
"Say it. What do you want?"
He wanted to hear his name come out of your mouth and he knew what buttons to push on you to make you give yourself completely to him.
"I can play this game just like you, only better."
They said still waters run deep and that was definitely true for both of you.
"Look at me doing it."
His voice was soft, just like his movements. The way your muscles tightened, you biting down on your now smeared red lips with that look of lust, causing more heat from him.
It was like when you two first made love.
Bodies made for each other.
But it was never enough.
Never would be.
Tลya slowed his movements knowing full well how you reacted to such things. Pushed to the edge of your orgasm, he left you hanging right there in the air, and when you felt his fingers leave you, you could only clench your teeth and state your disappointment.
"I'll take it slow."
It felt abortive, pent-up lust that found no release. Locked in that boiling body that trembled with arousal.
He reached under your thighs and lifted you up onto the edge of the pool, where he placed you. Your legs automatically sought hold around his hips, which pressed against you - as they rubbed against each other without restraint.
This feeling - skin on skin - it was indescribable.
Your surroundings only filled by your kisses and the muffled moans that escaped in between. The way you clawed into his back, painful but so, so satisfying just like the tug of his hair, fingers desperately clawing into that fluffy now damp white. Never interrupting the kisses that led from your lips down to your collarbone. Leaving visible marks that he was sure everyone would see - you didn't care.
However ... the going slow thing was really turning out to be a problem.
He couldn't take it anymore, breathing more and more choppy.
Your boyfriend wanted you, and he wanted you now.
Fuck going slow - Tลya had no more patience to hold back.
"Shall we move over?"ย he breathed against your wet skin, each touch stealing your last sanity.
Any restraint no longer bearable.
Your lust completely in your grip as he grabbed you and the next moment you were no longer lying in the warm Jacuzzi, but on the green lawn, this dimensional towel under you - above you this shining sea of stars.
The sudden change in temperature might have become critical under other circumstances, but he kept you both warm - with his natural warmth that you had already been allowed to feel not only all over your body, but also in your heart for five years.
Both legs placed next to your hip - hovering over you on his knees, while one corner of his mouth twitched.
"Are you going to look at me like this forever?"ย you breathed heavily.
If it could be done, yes.
If he could, he would capture everything here.
Every detail.
From your slight smirk, every single drop that ran down your skin, the subtle scent of your perfume that never changed even after the years - it was still the same as when you stormed into each other - to your eyes that fixed only on him.
"Tลya, do it already."
"What? I think you need to rephrase it."
"Stop playing games and fuck me already."
From then on, right now, everything felt like it was in a frenzy.
Your shells have long since fallen just like your mind.
Only he could make you feel so safe, all his kisses leaving a wet trail on your skin, over your nipples, his hand around your thigh and when you finally felt his cock between your legs, which he first just grazed against you before entering you with a thrust.
He was careful, for now, going slow so as not to make you feel uncomfortable. But there was just unbridled lust that made you both groan slightly, but mostly in relief. Your fingers clawing into his upper arms, his buried in the grass that surrounded you.
"Fuck. How do you feel even better every time?"
Moaned Tลya next to your ear and let his hips bounce against yours again and again.
Finally you got what you've been craving for the past few days. Lying down under him, your current problem pushed aside - faded out.
"Ngh~ I want ... all of you."
Your eyes already opened again, only to lose yourself in this blue ocean of his eyes, further forgetting what you should have to said long ago.
"Whole, huh?"
He knew how to make you float, to make you see stars like the ones up there. How he had to touch you to trigger just that state of complete ecstasy in you.
Moaning, he grabbed your left leg to put it over his shoulder and finally let you feel him completely, penetrating you even deeper and hitting that point inside you that completely blew your mind.
Just that, just the way you wanted it.
Right leg bent, you noticed Tลya straightening up, fingers gripping tighter and tighter around your thigh, digging into your tender flesh, the other hand never leaving your pelvis.
Deeper, faster.
That speed not only made you forget, it made you beg.
For more.
The pleading for release.
The one you needed more than just to be able to think clearly again.
"C'mon, cum for me. I want to hear you. Fuck ..."
Those words that pierced through the air, coupled with his gaze ...
Your eyes always looking into each other's eyes, shining with the moonlight. You did not even think that it could turn you on even more but your pelvis stretched automatically towards him.
Your desire to finally cum was too great.
"Ngh~ exactly ... like this, Tลya~,"ย you gasped in pure excitement, drops of water long since replaced by beads of sweat running down his forehead. His natural warmth taking over your entire body as he leaned down to you, one arm braced beside your head for stability, to thrust into you once more at a pace that made you scream.
There was nothing rough, just naked emotion and passion - love.
Pure love that was palpable to you in his every touch, because in the first place there was only you.
"Shit ... deeper ..."
Unable to form a sensible sentence, he finally gave you that long-awaited release.
Your satisfaction and release.
The right angle of his thrusts, getting sloppier and sloppier, brought you your orgasm.
That Pure vulnerability beneath him, the trembling of your legs and the reverberating sounds from your dry throat made him moan loudly himself before he cum inside you and you felt that warmth fill your insides.
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01:43 โ”โ”โ”โ”โ—โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ 04:03
Wet skin on wet skin as he dropped on top of you, out of breath. Your arms wrapped right around his neck and you with one hand through his damp hair.
This moment right here ... exactly this one, probably one of the most beautiful in your whole relationship. Where only love had a place between you.
But ... There was something else you had to said. And even though you knew it could ruin everything here, there was no way around it.
"Tลya? I have something to tell you."
So is that why you started to say so carefully.
"Oh fuck, that kind of thing never means anything good. Was this one of those bad goodbye fucks before you leave?"ย he murmured sarcastically while his head still rested on your chest. Goosebumps causing there where his hot breath met your skin.
Better now than never. What should happen except to give him an early heart attack?
White hair was already out of the question - he already had it.
The revelation was just something he had so zero desire for, but hey, fuck it.
Taking a deep breath before you might have been the one who got that heart attack and barely exhaling the air again you were already doing nails with heads.
"I think I'm pregnant."
Short and sweet, why beat around the bush that was just not your style and his anyway. But instead of saying something you heard nothing from him.
Not a sound.
You didn't even feel his breath on your skin anymore.
Oh shit.
Only loud swallowing was what you heard. Your heartbeat was too fast and suddenly it was his eyes, which examined your features closely, if you were not fooling him.
"How? That's practically impossible."
Practically - yes.
Theoretically - no.
This wasn't April Fools' Day, where you didn't understand why that pesky day existed anyway. This was naked reality, not a joke, not a ... dream.
You that 1% of 99 where the pill probably nicely fucked up its effect.
"I'm not sure either ... It doesn't have to mean anything that my period has already stopped for the second time. Thought it was actually the stress, but now I'm not sure."
"We are much too young."
24 years was usually an age when most people were still looking for themselves and honestly you couldn't imagine becoming a mother, but if it was really going to be something that needed your love, you wouldn't have it any other way.
"And ... I don't really know if I would make a good father. I mean, you know how I feel about all that stuff."
That's just where the problem was. How many times did this issue come up around all of this? Far too often, whether it was through you or through your families, and each time he made his point.
No was just that with him - a clear no.
But ... giving up was not an option for you. Of course, you accepted his opinion, but you could try, couldn't you?
What did you have to lose?
Close your eyes and go through.
"Will you marry me?"
Tลya's eyes widened in disbelief.
Did you just-
"Are you proposing to me right now?"
He hadn't even properly digested your confession when you blindsided him with the next sticking point. Because you were not one to do things by halves and he loved it. Annoying sure, but way too adorable to resent you.
"If you won't do it, then I will,ย Todoroki."
He couldn't help but chuckle at your attempt to remain serious, while he detached himself from you to look up at the sky beside you.
You lingered like that for a few minutes, lying quietly next to each other, until he broke the silence between you.
"Do you see the stars there? If ... they are in the right constellation, it means good luck for someone."
Tลya turned his head directly to you to be able to look into your eyes, which, despite a self-confident appearance, rather radiated uncertainty.
You didn't know when he became a fucking astrologer, but you discovered something new about him that night.
"Is that your way of saying "yes"?"
What a question - you knew the answer.
He carefully brushed one of your strands behind your ear, while you looked at him expectantly, waiting for his answer, which you already knew how it would be.
"Who knows."
Laughing, you hit him on the chest, spreading soft kisses on the back of his hand as you left his answer just like that.
After all, you didn't need marriage to be happy - you already were.
"I love you, you know that, right?"
And his words were like a balm for your soul.
Nothing in this world is as precious as those unforgettable moments.
You wanted this life with him - whether married, with a child, a house or even without all that.
After all, the value was not in such things as these, but only in the person with whom you shared your dreams and desires.
The one who gave you the feeling of being at home.
This person wasย him, the man with whom you spent the most beautiful, but also the worst moments and you wanted to keep it that way forever.
Together with him - your ... fiancรฉ.
Or at least something like that?
Or even just with your boyfriend and it was ok.
Yaha~ really.
Everything else would become clear in the near future anyway, but until then, you'd much rather keep looking at the stars on this clear night.
"Yes, I know that Tลya."
The stars that meant your happiness, right?
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pictures by brittany
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