Nomad Spirit, Outdoor adventurer seeker, Freelance Project Manager/MT Specialist, Books & Coffee junky
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.

The amazing and imponent Jaigarh Fort with it's enormous radius of walls embracing the Palace of Amber and it's gardens, this could be of all the places the best of Jaipur. For those who are not lazy and love ancient stories should come here, not only for the selfie, but for the food (Chicken Masala is mouthwatering), the elephant ride experience and the love captured in this place, within this walls. Ink bracelets are made by locals with natural vegetable ink by block printing (is like henna tattoos, last for a few days only), monkeys can either take your snack from your fingers or give you a slap if you are distracted (been there) So, love this places as I do, visit, shop local (best option, even the water taste different here, and is filtrated) #amberpalace #jaigarhfort #jaipur #elefantride #solotraveler #nomadspirit #freespirit #loveindia #lovemylife (en Jaigarh Fort)
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Book selection for July at The Dreamteler Book Club
#Gabriel García Márquez#booklovers#am reading#womenreading#bookclub#bookofthemonth#romance novel#soloreader#suspensereading
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My reading between reading 🙊 Couldn't help it, I saw it all alone between old covers, calling me "take me, choose me" so I did. Isabel Allende is a very imaginative and in some way obscure writer, I adore her cause she is different. This book will not have a month reading cause is my amusing between my June and July book 😂 #womanreading #amreading #soloreader #bookclub #booklovers #isabelallende
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Guia para Discusión de Libros durante sesión
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Don't leave for tomorrow what you can read today!
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Today is the day for the little bro 👶 to celebrate, be thankful and breath cause the really hard part is coming, out there at the concrete jungle. 🎓🙌🎉Congrats bro for your achievement that we feel our own (your parents, brother, sister, sister in law, nephew's, friends, lovers and classmates)
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Pico de Gallo Salad/Dressing/Salsa (hindi version)
3 Tomaatar
Aadha (1/2) Laal Pyaaj
1 Jalapeno (Ya hari mirch)
Aadha (1/2) Dhaniye ka Guccha
3 Lahsun ki kali
Aadha (1/2) Nimboo
Namak aur Kaali Mirch
Saamagree mein nimboo ka ras, namak, kali mirch daaliye aur Isse acchi tarah mix kare/milaaiye
Upar Daaliye
Cooler taste better!
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Yeih June is here and it brought me #DorianGrey from #OscarWilde being the Book #5 of the year, this will be very fun!!! Mystery, love affairs, naughty friends and the eternal youth of our souls, that's Dorian Grey for me. Let see if it is how I remember #amreading #mysterybook #womenreading #booklovers #bookclub #bookofthemonth #coffeejunky #nomadspirit
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Book #4 Pedro Paramo from Juan Rulfo, Book of May. I kind of lost April from my readings but I'll sure get back on the horse with more books in a month. This book reminds me of my Nana Concha, the way she expressed herself and the way of see life, so simple, so basic and yet so rich and joyful. This book gives me flashbacks of my time with her. Great recommendation and as you may know the #bookclub was launched on May starting with this book #PedroParamo and another Gem #The4agreements by Dr Miguel Ruiz. I'll let you know my thoughts on that book later. Read!!!!! We can always chat, and gossip and eat, but reading will give you much much pleasure, I promise! #booklovers #bookchallenge #womanreading #amreading #juanrulfo #coffeejunky #Coffeeculture
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Superhero Supplements
It's been a while since I don't write about #healthylifestyle #supplements, #mealpreap and routine #workouts. Today I will share with you my secret to be energized all day long, have breath to babysit my nephews and still go out on a date fresh and nice.
Protein intake
Since I workout very very early the first thing after I wash my face and brush my teeth is to have a protein intake (plain only 1 scope with 600 ml of water). This allows me not to kiss the floor during workout/insanity/crossfit/spinning class, any HIT workout you practice during the morning.
GUESS WHAT??? You burn more fat during morning workouts (before breakfast) than at any other hour
“The Magic pill”
Just minutes before heading to the gym/park/your patio for the workout, I take 1 Rhodiola pill (15 minutes before exercise). This pill is wonderful, give you more resistance during workout, oxygenate your brain which means you think clearly, is great for hangover and many many more great things. I use Rhodiola pills by Amway, but you can find it in any natural drug store or as natural herb infusion tea.
Reinforce honey
As the magic pill, minutes before I head to the gym I take 1 small spoon (coffee spoon) of a reinforce honey for bust energy during the workout. This mix of several honeys includes also Spirulina which is very high in protein and vitamin B. You can can find this honey in any natural store or in case you don't find it, natural bee honey is OK.
Once you reach home and you are almost ready to bite your healthy white egg omelette with grilled asparagus and white rice you take:
CLA- The Gut pill
Take 2 pills of CLA (I use CLA 500 by Amway) before meals, this applies for breakfast, lunch and dinner. These gelly pills will help dissolve the fat you don't need and take only the nutrients your REALLY need from every food. This pills help dissolve all the fat around your organs, it helps better if you are following a healthy diet plan and a workout routine.
Vitamins, vitamins, vitamins
I know you all eat a lot of veggies and fruits BUT vitamins in a pill contain more nutrients that we usually eat during our meals, so be sure to take 1 pill of Vitamins during your Breakfast or Lunch. You can use any brand, try to get natural pills (green pills).
Vitamin B + Spirulina
The B vitamins help your body metabolize fats and proteins and convert carbohydrates to sugar to supply your body with needed energy. They also support your liver and central nervous system function; help your body produce sex and stress hormones; and strengthen your hair, eyes and skin.
I personally take 1 pill (as recommended by the brand), if you don't find both Vitamin B + Spirulina together you can have them separate, be sure to follow the intake as suggested by the brand.
Amway at difference of other brands offer this pill with dual action technology, this means that once you take the pill during the 1st hour B12 and B2 is release in your organism and during the 8 following hours the rest of the vitamins B are release to reinforce the first ones.

Ginger Tea
This tea is a thermogenic, which means that helps you dissolve the fat around your guts and also is a very strong anti inflammatory. It will help with your digestion during the afternoon.
Omega-3s + Turmeric
The Omega-3s in Fish Oil Have Been Clinically Proven To Boost Your Metabolism, Improve Fat Burning, Fight Disease, reduce the chance of abnormal heart rhythm and more.
What happens when you take both Omega 3 and Turmeric at the same time?
A powerful preservation of lean muscle. By supplementing with fish oil and Turmeric, you can maintain your muscle mass… even when you’re not working out!
You can easily find it at Sam’s, Walmart or any drug store. Read the information before buying, search for the most natural option ALWAYS.
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During the FIRST SESSION and under voting a name was selected for our Club... we are now “Dreamteller Book Club”
The following sessions has been set to be every 4 weeks (every thursday); so for those #virtualreaders be ready a little earlier with your comments and ideas to share with the HOST. Each session will have a different HOST that will be selected on a previous session (randomly). This special person will lead the conversation and stimulated the quiet members to share their ideas; also will manage the logistic of the session (date, hour, place, beverages and cookies), will remind us all to be there on time and will share the comments of our #virtualreaders during session.
There were 2 books selected to be read during JUNE (and the rest of May of course!!)

Pedro Paramo of the author Juan Rulfo, published in (1955)
With its dense interweaving of time, its routine interaction with the living and the dead, it's surreal sense of the everyday and with simultaneous and harmonious coexistence of apparently incompatible realities, this brief novel by the mexican author Juan Rulfo strides to unexplored territory with a sure and determined step. - Quote by James Polk from The New York Times

The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom, by Don Miguel Ruiz, published in 1997
While sometimes the agreements are oversimplified, this is still a great little book with some heavy ideas. Focusing on any one of these agreements can greatly improve your life and decrease stress; focusing on all four can really be life-changing for many people. If followed generally and not fanatically, these suggestions can help you reduce a great amount of stress by helping you avoid thought and behavior patterns that create frustration, blame, hurt feelings, and other negative emotions. Comment by the blogger Elizabeth Scott
Our next meeting will be on Thursday June 21st at 7:00 pm held at the beautiful Public Library (yeih!!! with the natural smell of old books).
Be ready with your notes and comments, visit the Facebook Group for more info about news and ways to improve your reading.
See you when I see you!!!
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Este es mi lugarcito para leer durante la mañana muy temprano | This is my spot to read early morning. Cuál es tu lugar de lectura predilecto? | Which one is your favorite reading spot ? #bookclub #booklovers #amreading #soloreader #womenreading #bookeater
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I loooove 💓 to read. I can read pretty much anywhere but there are some special spots like on the mornings (I'm a morning person) I love to enjoy the weather, the fresh wind and my #jacalitocoffee outside. What's your favorite reading spot during the day?
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As excited as Day 1 for the launching of the Book Club I have made some homework regarding what should we read, where should we start and what we MUST at least once in our lifetime. Classics books, modern giants and life changing books are listed here (a list that always can be improved by your comments), these books can teach us about life, love, pain and other ways of seeing life.
“100 years of solitude” (1967)- Gabriel Garcia Marquez
“The Great Gatsby” (1925)- F. Scott Fitzgerald
“The little prince” (1943)-Antoine de Saint-Exupery
“Pride and Prejudice” (1813)-Jane Austen
“The diary of a young girl” (1947)- Anne Frank
“The book thief” (2005)- Markus Zusak
“Little Woman” (1869)- Louisa May Alcott
“Fahrenheit 451″ (1953)-Ray Bradbury
“Jane Eyre” (1847)- Charlotte Bronte
“Gone with the wind” (1936)- Margaret Mitchell
“Lord of the flies” (1954) - William Golding
“Rayuela” (1963)-Julio Cortázar
“Ficciones” (1944)-Jorge Luis Borges
“The unbearable lightness of being” (1984)- Milan Kundera
“Pedro Paramo” (1955)- Juan Rulfo
“Romeo & Juliet” (1597)- William Shakespeare
“Wuthering Heights” (1847)- Emily Bronte
“For whom the bells tolls” (1940)-Ernest Hemingway
“Love in the time of cholera”(1985)- Gabriel Garcia Marquez
“Lolita” (1955)-Vladimir Nabokov
“Anna Karenina” (1877)-Leon Tolstoi
“Azul” (1888)- Ruben Dario
“Divine comedy” (1313)-Dante Alighieri
“ Twenty thousand leagues under the sea”(1870) -Jules Verne
“The Picture of Dorian Grey” (1890)-Oscar Wilde
“Demian”(1919)- Hermann Hesse
“Dracula” (1897)-Bram Stoker
“Tom Sawyer” (1876)-Mark Twain
“Blindness” (1995) - Jose Saramago
“The perfume” (1985)- Patrick Suskind
“Oliver Twist” (1837)-Charles Dickens
“The shining” (1977)-Stephen King
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🏺📚☕ El Jarrón de Libros | The Book Jar Una dinámica divertida para la seleccion de libros en un #clubdelectura o para los #lectores individuales | A very amusing tip for book selection in a #Bookclub or for the #amreading SOLO: Coloca en un frasco vacío los siguientes enunciados en papelitos individuales, escogan al azar el día de la sesión del club de lectura para seleccionar el siguiente libro | Put in an empty jar little papers with the following sentences for book selection during your next book club session. 🔸Libro de tu autor favorito | A favorite author book 🔸El 1er Libro de una serie | The 1st Book of a Serie 🔸Libro hecho película | Book being made into a movie 🔸Una Biografía | A Biography 🔸Libro que puedas terminar en un día | A Book you can finish in a day 🔸Libro de superación personal | A self improvement book 🔸Libro basado en un cuento de hadas | A Book based on a Fairy Tale 🔸Libro con menos de 150 páginas | A Book under 150 pages 🔸Libro que hayas leído antes y que AMASTE | A Book you have red before and LOVED 🔸Libro que seguro te hará llorar | A book sure to make you cry 🔸Libro recomendado por un amigo | A book recommended by a friend 🔸Libro acerca de una cultura que no estés familiarizada | A book about a culture you are not familiar with 🔸Libro acerca de un lugar que quieres visitar | A book about a place you want to visit 🔸Libro mayor de 400 páginas | A book over 400 pages 🔸Libro dentro de los Mejores Vendidos | A Bestseller Book 🔸Libro al azar escogido por su portada | A random book chosen by it's cover 🔸Libro con un Nombre personal en el título | A book with someone's Name as title 🔸Libro de época | A book of old times 🔸Libro considerado un Clásico | A book consider a Classic 🔸Libro de misterio | A mystery Book 🔸Libro con 1 palabra de título | A book with 1 word as title 🔸Libro basado en algún evento histórico | A Book based on an Historial event #amreading #bookclub #womenreading #novel #geekreading #booklovers
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