n-ginious · 5 years
[To: Master Cortex; From: N.Gin] >> Yes Doctor, STRAIGHT AWaY! >> >>upon looking it up facet five on my phone >> i would seem only to have found information on a ‘personality assessment’ test >> >> SuREly this is not what you mean for me to find >> unless it is???
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n-ginious · 5 years
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“Never would I have imagined that there would be a day as  equally depressing as Valentines Day.” 
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n-ginious · 5 years
He flings mechanical parts everywhere.
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“Oh come ON. I cannot CONCENTRATE with this insufferable music. Flushing toilets sound more pleasant!” 
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n-ginious · 5 years
That’s it. That’s the mood. 
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when u tired af but can’t sleep
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n-ginious · 5 years
“Yes. Yesss my mighty, murderous child. Just a few more…FINISHING touches and we shall have you spread sweet, sweet death and destruction, just as you have been promised upon the moment of your birth.”
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She has been oh so patient, his newest creation; his Mistress of Gravitational Manipulation, or M.G.M, as he liked to call her for short. Oh, how he himself so eagerly awaited the day his fellow inhabitants of earth would be quaking in fear before her, and Doctor Cortex will have glee dancing in his eyes. This was to be their harbinger of a new era for which the master to lead the world into; this brand-new mechanical marvel. 
Day in and day out he has been working on her; all in accordance to The Master’s wishes, of course, that he did not cease his laboring until she was complete. Not one single, solitary break.
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And just like that, N.Gin breaks his revelry to groan miserably. “Ugh, I am so e x h a u s ted, however.”  Upon this realization, he barely has enough strength to close up the opening in The Mistress’ back. With a weak bang, her glowing interior is no longer exposed. Then close to  crying (or perhaps he is crying) he weakly tightens the screws which hold her back together.  The Doctor caresses her red exterior before knocking his forehead to her back. Clunk.. “It is time to...test you out, my love. I have so many test subjects for you to crush, bend, break and blast.” 
N.Gin, however, never got to climb the stairs to which would take him to M.G.M’s entrance.
[[“Oh, Good Morrow, thine good fellow.”]]
Because this had him whirling around so fast that his mechanical eye was stuck firmly rolled back in his head.
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“WHO DARES ENTER THE LAB OF--eh--ghost!???”
He is momentarily stunned beyond all comprehension.
   You’re not entirely sure where THIS is, but wherever it is, you’re here. The whole layout of it radiated an aura of familiarity, but the regalia and deco were a bit beyond your comprehension. Goodness how long had it been, after all? But you push that thought aside, fully taken in by the sights before you. Metal and steel abound, steam leaking out the pipes the green colors illuminating and passing through your form. You were wracked with confusion, but the sights were far too curious to have you mulling over it with frustration. 
   Clasping your hands together, your figurative lungs squeeze out  marveled sigh at the next sight. A towering red knight!! It’s certainly like nothing you’ve EVER seen before! And so gargantuan!! T’would be imposing and terrifying if not for it being so stationary. You don’t expect a response, but the desire to greet it still compels you. Just as your lips part in preparation for a small ‘good morrow!’ you hear a disgruntled cry. It sounds… almost inhuman, and yet…
   The noises urge you to trace the source of it, and it doesn’t take too long either, you spot someone… Someone smaller than yourself wearing a strange lopsided hat. At least you presume it to be a hat. They seem to be doing something, something that’s eliciting some groans and cries. With curiosity, you watch for a brief moment. Manners are important after all. T’would be rude to interject when one is so hard at work! Once they finally pause, you beam, ready to greet them and ask if they needed assistance. Or even better. Just Where are you?
   “Ah.” The words die in your throat, but are quickly revived upon seeing them react to your sudden ‘squeak’. “Oh, Good Morrow, thine good fellow.” You had more to say, but manners dictate you should wait for acknowledgement first!
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n-ginious · 5 years
He wakes up, lifts his brows, then takes the paper. 
He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a tiny notebook, rips out a page, and uncaps a pink pen from his pocket. He writes his name, a little messier usual, but he’s sure it’s legible. 
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“Phone system here goes by name. So, there you are.” he slides the paper into his chest pocket for him. “Now get out there an’ make something of yourself, tiger. I got faith in you.”
“Oh THANK you Mister! I’m going to, uh. Go do that right now!”
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He can’t stick around here. He has to scram before this guy sobers up. 
In the span of a blink, N.Gin gathers up his things and departs, laughing maniacally down the street. 
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n-ginious · 5 years
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“Yeah? Sounds good. I’ll be expecting ya then. Heheh. That’s if your forecast of me having easy success doesn’t come true…” he rubs his hair back. He probably won’t remember this come tomorrow.  “……….”
Never has N.Gin whipped out a piece of crusty, crumpled up paper and a chewed up pen from his coat and scribbled anything down so fast in his life. 
“Okay! You will expect....this number to call you and you just-ehheheh--quickly give me yours!” 
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“Oh please hurry up before you change your mind.”
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n-ginious · 5 years
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“Well, my mistake then.” he slouches and grins, looking playfully doubtful. “Sounded to me like you had plans…”
“I did NOT have plans! I was simply muttering about how...simple it would be for you to succeed in your...lazy and self-pitying endeavor.  And how...sick it would make me.”
He falls silent for a second, looking at his feet, thinking. 
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Then he looks up. 
“If-eheh-I mean...when....I make it big later on and you’re still wallowing I can give you a call. How’s that sound?” 
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n-ginious · 5 years
“Oh, the show will not end. Hee hee, but you WILL stop watching it, little girl....WHEN we end you, that is!” 
He knew not what Doctor Cortex was talking about, this elusive ‘first encounter’, but the fact that he insisted he had it out for her meant that she had displeased him, and that was worse than any vibe check to the crotch.
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He shakes his fist angrily, missile beginning to spill out a steady stream of smoke. “One does not simply cross The Master and get away with it Scot free!”
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   “Hmph, So you say. But i’m certain one with enough power and girth could easily decimate you! Good thinking, N. Gin. Why, we’ll even paint the words ‘To our dearest Harime’ in pink cursive paint adorned with hearts on the side~ Hehehe…” He looks content with himself for a brief moment. “I still haven't forgotten our first meeting, or the fiasco at the Halloween party, Miss Harime. We’ll make sure you get your due soon enough.”
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“Blah, blah, blah, blah… Man, it’s like listening to Tweedledumb and Tweedledumber over here~! Seriously, it’s like your voices just come together in such a wonderfully terrible way! Man, where’s the ‘next channel’ button on you two?” She’d poke her parasol out towards N. Gin, seemingly wanting to ‘play’ more with this new one. “I want this episode of The Simpsons to end already!” 
@n-ginious​ —> youllgocrystalcrazy
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n-ginious · 5 years
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“Ah yes. And there it is. Another…pretty face that will soon fall bass ackwards into money because pretty.” 
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“Cry me a river already.” 
He smacks the metalic side of his head with his wrench to stop his eye from rolling before getting back to work.
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“…You’re saying soon. Mnthat mean you’re in, tiger?” 
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Flabbergasted, he glances back up flinging a screw that promptly ricochets off the wall and back into his missile. He doesn’t feel it.
“Ehheh-No no. That is not what I was talking about at all!” A computerized squeak escapes him. But what, was this guy interested or something? 
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n-ginious · 5 years
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“You’re being BAD mister!” 
The only other naughty individuals My Melody had interacted with on a daily basis were Kuromi and Baku. However, she still considered them her friends in spite of their behavior. They each had good traits that shined through at the best of times. My Melody held out hope that most people were like that too. 
After all, human dreams were easily corrupted, but with a bit of help she was able to set them straight. “You must treat birdies gently, and speak softly to them.” Just as she said that, one of the sparrows fluttered down towards her then landed on her head. “Oh, hello there!” She glanced up at them and let out a giggle.
“What is this? You little accumulation of fur and good-will, are you honestly trying to instill in me a desire be kind to these flying nuisances?” 
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Both eyes, both organic and inorganic squint at the insufferable fluff ball. By all reason, this seems to be the case.
“You fail to understand my utter contempt for these...v i l e...creatures. My intentions are not to talk to them. My intentions are to obliterate them with for disturbing my much needed peace! My head is killing me!” 
N.Gin watches as the bird toys with cute little flower on her head while she giggles away. 
The pureness, admittedly, gets him a little. Tugs at the tendinous cords of his heart and DISGUSTS him simultaneously! 
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n-ginious · 5 years
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“Ah yes. And there it is. Another...pretty face that will soon fall bass ackwards into money because pretty.” 
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“Cry me a river already.” 
He smacks the metalic side of his head with his wrench to stop his eye from rolling before getting back to work.
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“Alright. Lowkey beginning to consider marrying for money. Or finding a plain ol’ sugar…whatever. Mama, papa, folks beyond the binary. Hiccup. I don’t care. I’m broke.”
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n-ginious · 5 years
And Nui would just stand off to the side, smiling at the two of them like a proud parent, not at all deterred by their threats.
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“Ehehehehe~! Awww… Missiles? That’s cute. Me and my kind are waaaay above those silly pointy things!”
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“Well, we shall just have to get creative then, won’t we?” 
Perhaps there was nothing much they could do now, but oh the future! The future was nigh and it was to be diabolical!
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n-ginious · 5 years
“Yes yes. As well as some...interesting....consistencies.”
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He knows who she’s talking about. He just does.
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“People sure have some interesting proportions here.”
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n-ginious · 5 years
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“And huuuh~? Oh, heeeey~! That explains the similar stench of self-pity and lack of nonexistent self-worth you two both give off!” 
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   “Ugh… I’m not about to get into this with you, Harime. Come, N. Gin. Pick yourself up.”
“Yes Doctor...eheh, right away!” And like he’s been injected with a shot of adrenaline, he gets up right on command and straight to Cortex’s side. “Might I say, eh, how honored I am that you see me above her abuse! And how threatening you sound.”
But then he turns to face that nasty girl, shaking his shaky fist at her in  contempt.
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“See that, now you’ve gone an upset him! I should pulverize you with ballistic missiles for that!”
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n-ginious · 5 years
“Doctor Cortex, you’ve come!” 
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He tries to say from his place on the ground. It comes out as wheeze, however.
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n-ginious · 5 years
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“’Vibe checking’ is what Honnouji Academy was all about~! I might not have ever been an official student there, but let me give you a bit of a taste of ‘cultural exchange’~!” 
And cue a swift kick to his nads!
“OH NO. OH NO NO--” 
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And cue N.Gin dropping to the floor, curling up in the fetal position and squeaking like the violated cyborg that he is. 
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