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On The Side part 4
I could feel the most amazing sensations deep in my core as I slowly started to wake up. I slowly opened and focused my eyes on a breathtaking sight; a pair of bright blue eyes looking straight at me from between my legs as my gorgeous boyfriend was slowly licking stripes up my entrance.
“Henry.” I moaned clutching at his curls. He responded by groaning as he started to suck on my clit. “Oh my god.” I breathed, arching my back as he pressed my hips back down on the bed with his large hand. “Oh fuck, baby. I’m already so close.” That’s when he pushed two fingers into my slick heat and curled them upwards. “Fuck!”
“You going to cum for me, angel?”
“Yes, yes. Oh god, don’t stop, please. Fu-fuck.” I gripped the headboard behind me with my other hand as my hips tried to buck against his mouth. With one last curl of his finger I broke. As I came down I softly stroked his hair as he lapped up my juices.
“Good morning, baby.” He grinned wolfishly.
“Good morning indeed.” I laughed. “What brought that on? You’ve never woken me up like that before.”
“Thought I’d give you a goodbye kiss before I left.” I realised as he straightened up he was fully dressed.
“You don’t want anything in return?” I frowned.
“No, my cars coming any second.”
“Really? Why didn’t you wake me earlier? We could have made love before you go.”
“I thought I’d let you sleep in a little.” He offered.
“That’s a little weird, Henry.”
“What? Why are you making such a big deal out of this, Maddy?”
“Because I find it odd that you don’t want to fuck your girlfriend before you leave for a whole month.”
“Your being ridiculous. I don’t have time for this. My car’s just around the corner. Are you going to kiss me goodbye or should I just leave?”
“I’m not being ridiculous. You were too tired to do anything last night. It’s been over a week since we’ve slept together and now we won’t be able to for another four weeks. Why don’t you want to have sex with me, Henry?” I started fearing the absolute worst.
“I’m about to get on a ten hour flight and you’re doing this now?”
“You’re not going to answer me?”
“No I’m not because you’re being childish and I’m leaving. I’ll call you when I land.” He brushed a quick kiss on my cheek and with that he walked out of our bedroom to the car that had just pulled up outside our house.
“Henry!” I shouted after him but he had already gone.
I found myself standing outside of Chris Evans’ house on the precipice of ringing the doorbell or just getting the fuck out of there. I knew this wasn’t safe territory after the mess of a fight that was this morning. I felt sick wondering why Henry hadn’t been intimate with me for so long. We used to have sex at least once a day. He was usually insatiable. So what had changed? So many questions kept swirling through my mind like; was I the reason he didn’t want to be with me that way? Or was there someone else? My thoughts were interrupted when the door opened revealing Sebastian on the other side.
“So are you going to stay out here all night or are you actually going to come in at some point?” he queried quirking his brow with his signature smirk.
“Hello, Sebastian.” I deadpanned, unimpressed with how humorous he found himself.
“What’s up, buttercup?” He frowned crossing his arms, realising something was eating away at me.
“Nothing. Just a long day. Nothing that this bottle of wine won’t fix.” I handed him the wine as I walked inside.
“Wine and hash browns.”
“I knew I came here for a reason.” I smiled broadly at him.
“There’s my girl. I’ve missed that beautiful smile.” I turned on my heel stopping him in his tracks.
“Ok, a few ground rules. I’m not your girl, you don’t get to tell me ‘I’m beautiful’ or ‘you miss me’ or any crap like that ok? We need boundaries.”
“Why, are you afraid you’ll fall for my irresistible charms, darling?”
“And no pet names.”
“That I will not abide. The other stuff I’ll try to tone down but I make no promises.”
“Your incorrigible.” I sighed.
“And you love it.” He grinned wickedly.
“Just take me to the hash browns, Stan.”
Dinner had gone quite smoothly. After my initial frostiness had melted away it had actually been a lot of fun reminiscing on old times.
“So how long are you planning on staying in LA?” I asked him as I took a sip of my merlot.
“Well it’s all a bit up in the air at the moment. I fly back home at the end of the week but i’m pretty sure I’m coming back for a few weeks for a project that’s been stalled. You know how that shit goes.” He shrugged nonchalantly as he ate what had to be his eighth piece of bacon.
I pushed my chair back from the table and stretched my arms above my head. “Wow, Seb. That was so good.” As I looked back at him I noticed him staring at my chest but he flicked his eyes away as soon as he’d been caught.
He cleared his throat, “More wine?”
“I don’t think that’s such a good idea.” I replied as I started to clear the table. As I walked past him to the kitchen he grabbed my wrist.
“Leave it. I’ll clean up later.”
My wrist burned at his touch. “You cooked me a feast. At least let me return the favour.”
“You hate dishes.” He laughed.
“I really fucking do but that’s how grateful I am.”
“How about we compromise? You sit and have another drink with me and then I’ll join you to wash up in the kitchen.”
“You trying to get me drunk, Seb?” I quirked my eyebrow at him.
“Just well lubricated.” He grinned.
“Jesus Christ.”
“No not that kind.. well? If your into it I’d happily oblige.”
“Oh it’d be an obligation for you?” I laughed as I set the dishes I was carrying back on the table.
“You’re never an obligation, gorgeous.”
“One glass. And no funny stuff.” I pointed at him as I sat on the couch in the living room. Seb brought the bottle and both glasses over as he joined me, filling my glass to the rim. “I said no funny stuff, mister!” I laughed at him.
“What?” He feigned innocence. “You’re Australian, this is like a standard pour for your type.”
“Haha, sure.” I accepted the wine from him and we just sat and stared at each other for a while until I started to get uncomfortable under his gaze. I cleared my throat and looked out at Chris’ spectacular view. Although I was no longer looking at him I could feel his eyes raking over my body like a heat ray. “Stop.” I whispered.
“Stop what?” he asked.
“Looking at me like that.”
“Like what?” he shrugged.
“Like you’re ready for dessert.”
He bit his lip as a fire sparked in his eyes at my words. “I can’t help it. You’re just so delicious.” His voice had dropped over an octave and he started to lean towards me.
“Seb.” I sighed.
“Yes kitten?” He asked trailing his fingers across my collarbone. I felt my arousal start to pool between my legs. I had to close my eyes and take a breath to steady myself before I replied.
“This isn’t a good idea.”
“It’s not?” He was now stroking my neck with his nose as he inhaled my scent. “So sweet.” He whispered. I moaned and he pulled my mouth to him crashing his lips hungrily on mine. His lips were soft and yet his mouth was hard on mine. The kiss was hot and intense and I didn't want it to end. I felt his tongue swipe along my bottom lip and I opened them to allow him entrance into my mouth. He trailed his hands down my body, gripped my hips firmly and pulled me onto his lap. He groaned as I started to grind my heat onto his cock. I could feel him hardening beneath me and I whimpered as he started trailing bites and kisses down my neck. “God I’ve missed those sweet little sounds you make, baby.” He breathed. My clit throbbed and I was high on the friction between his jeans and my lace covered pussy. “Do you want to ride my thigh?” He asked, his voice husky. I nodded and he repositioned me over his left leg. I moaned, rubbing my clit on his jeans as I held onto his broad shoulders. The hard friction felt so fucking good as I hid my face in his neck. His fingers where gripping my hips hard enough that I’d have bruises in the morning as he helped me pick up the pace. My mouth started to hang open as I sped up, desperately seeking my release. “Come for me, kitten. Make a mess on my thigh.” He growled and then nipped at my neck and I felt the dam inside me burst as I screamed his name.
As I started to come back down to earth I also started to come back to reality.
“Fuck, baby. You’re so sexy when you come.” His eyes were hooded as he looked at me with a lazy grin on his face.
“I’m so sorry, Seb. This was.. this was a mistake.” I peeled my body off of him and started to look around for my jacket and bag.
“What? Where are you going?” He jumped up from the couch and grabbed my body turning me to him.
“Let me go, Sebastian. This wasn’t supposed to happen. I keep letting myself get carried away with you.”
“So what’s so wrong about that?” He asked, eyes pleading.
“You know why.”
“Do you love him?”
“Seb.. don’t.”
“It’s a simple question, Maddox. Are you in love with him?”
“No… but I’m close.” I saw the pain flash through his eyes and in that moment I had never hated myself more.
“So I still have time.”
Sorry about the long wait but I hope you guys like it
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Sebastian Stan is photographed for Back Stage on April 1, 2016 in New York City.
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On The Side part 3
I felt sick as Henry held onto me at the afterparty. He couldn’t stop singing my praises when little did he know I was just in flagrante delicto with another man. I was beating myself up as to whether I should tell him or not. There really was no need, right? I mean, it’s never going to happen again. It was a stupid moment of weakness and when I think about it more and more I realised Sebastian had taken advantage of me. I was running on high amounts of adrenaline. He surely knew I couldn’t control my actions. Except that I’m a grown woman. And I did it because it felt good. Not good, amazing. I had forgotten how skilled his mouth was. And how sexy he was saying all manner of sinful things. Fuck, I’m truly fucked.
I just had to make it to the end of the night without anymore unwelcome interactions and head home to my sweet, safe life with my sweet, safe boyfriend. That should be easy, right? I mean, he’s probably not even at the same party.
I found my way to the bar and welcomed the familiar burn of tequila slide down my throat as I scanned the room. So far, so good. Maybe I’ll just hang out here with my close friend Jose Cuervo.
“You always had an affinity for the cheap stuff.” My back stiffened as I heard his familiar smooth drawl close to my ear. His hot breath on my neck.
“I thought I told you to stay away from me.” I snarled.
“I’ve never been any good with rules, baby. You of all people should know that.”
“Something I’d rather forget.”
“You want to forget that time in my trailer? When I let you ride my face for the first time?”
“Stop it.”
“No, that’s not what you were screaming out.” He grinned wickedly “It was more along the lines of..”
“I get it. Fuck, do you really think this is the best approach, Sebastian?” I turned to him and held him with a hard stare. “You think if you keep saying all these filthy things I’m just going to forget everything and fall back into bed with you? So you can just do it all again? I’ve learned my lesson with you and I’ll never make that mistake again.” I could feel the fire burning in my veins fuelled by my anger and tequila.
“Baby, please, let me explain. I’m so sorry..”
“Sorry’s not going to cut it, Seb. There’s nothing you will ever say to me that will make it ok. You fucked up, royally. So that’s it, end of story. You can’t come back from this.” He looked like a man defeated, all the energy had been sucked from his body.  And that was the exact moment Henry decided to make an appearance.
“Maddox, I was wondering were you’d snuck off to my love.” He looked from me to Sebastian, clearly picking up on the awkward tension between the two of us. “Uh, hi, I’m Henry.” He extended his hand to Sebastian who seemed to stare at it for a millisecond to long. And then all of a sudden he was charming Sebastian again as he shook Henry’s hand.
“Sebastian.” He smiled. “Great to meet you.”
“Have I interrupted something?” Henry asked looking between the two of us.
“Just old friends catching up.” Seb replied.
“Oh, well it’s always nice meeting one of Maddox’s friends. Where do you two know each other from?”
“We actually met through mutual friends who set us up on a blind date that went terribly.” Seb laughed.
“Really? And you have stayed friends since?”
“No.” I replied.
“We uh, we actually lost touch a couple of years ago. Tonight is the first time we’ve seen each other since.”
“Well as lovely as it has been jogging down memory lane with you, I’ll leave you to your own devices. Henry and I weren’t really planning on staying for very long. He has an early flight tomorrow.”
“Going home before midnight? That doesn’t sound like the Maddox I know. You were always the life of the party. No one could keep up.”
“There’s a lot about me you don’t know anymore. I’ve done a lot of growing up since then.” I felt Henry shift uncomfortably next to me. I had to end this interaction before Henry reads too much into the whole situation. “Always a pleasure, Sebastian. Have you called the car, baby?” I asked turning all my attention to Henry and snuggling in to him for added affect.
“Just about to. Sebastian, nice meeting you, man.” With that he kissed me cheek and motioned that he was going to call the car service.
“You and Superman seem to be leading a pretty dull life.” Sebastian smirked lazily.
“Shut up. This is what being mature looks like. He takes care of me and I take care of him.”
“Thrilling.” I violently rolled my eyes at him. “I’m sorry. I’m being an ass. Let me make it up to you. Come to my place for dinner tomorrow night.” I almost choked on my own tongue at the proposition.  “No seriously, no funny business. I’ll make you're favourite meal, it’s still breakfast food right?” he grinned. “And we can discuss… everything. We never got closure. Maybe this way we can.”
“Well, you do know I’m a sucker for closure. And breakfast food.”
“Yes, ok great. Great.” I could see him trying not to seem too overly enthusiastic which was entirely too endearing. “I’m staying at Chris’ while I’m here. Do you still remember the address?”
“I do.”
“Perfect, come over at say, seven?”
“Seven.” I agreed. “Don’t make me regret this, Sebastian. You’re lucky I’m giving you this chance. Especially after the stunt you pulled tonight.” I felt like I could actually see the sincerity in his eyes when he promised to be good. Maybe he did want to fix things, or maybe I’m a fool who falls too easily for his charms. Either way we’ll see I guess.
“You ready to roll, babe?” Henry asked, rejoining us.
“Yeah, let’s go. Goodbye, Seb.”
“Bye, kitten.” He whispered as he kissed my cheek gently. I tried suppress the shiver that ran through me at the mention of Sebastian’s favourite pet name for me and all the scintillating memories it evoked. And I knew the bastard had done it on purpose.
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So shiny :-)
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