myulitmatedesign-blog · 12 years
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myulitmatedesign-blog · 12 years
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myulitmatedesign-blog · 13 years
Me and my mom. I still kind of wish I could spend Christmas with her.
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myulitmatedesign-blog · 13 years
Warm Weather and Cute Boys | Nessa and Queenie
Nessa woke up that morning while the sun was starting to rise. She felt a bit groggy, after staying up later than she should have, making sure everything was ready for their departure. Nonetheless, she still got up with a smile growing on her face. She was really excited for the days to come ahead. 
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She slipped on her bunny slippers, and sleepily made her way over to her coffee maker. The girl rubbed her eyes, and made some coffee. While she waited for it to finish, she plopped down on her bed and checked on their flight, once again. It was still ready for departure at 10. She still had 3 hours to get ready, but she wanted to get an early start.
Nessa got her coffee, and started to organize her suitcase a bit. She was a perfectionist, so everything had to be just right, or she'd feel bad about it later. Queenie woke up an hour later, and Nessa greeted her cheerfully.
"Good morning, sunshine!" After receiving a quiet reply, she bounced up. After going downstairs to the cafeteria, she brought up a breakfast of Fruit Loops, left over bagels, and orange juice. They ate heartily and got dressed and ready to leave. Nessa checked the flight one last time, and sent her Uncle a text, telling him that they were about to leave at the airport, and to make sure he was there to pick them up on time.
They stuffed their bags in the car they had called, they were on their way to the airport for a five hour flight. They were basically going from on side of the country to the other, and back again. Nessa was prepared to beat the boredom of sitting around for hours. She brought some movies to watch, and a bunch of snacks. They were pretty much set. The girls got through security, and finally onto the plane with no problem.
5 hours later, after watching two movies, a few episodes of CSI SVU, and going through two bags of Skittles, some pretzels, and three bottles of Dr. Pepsi, they landed in California. Nessa looked at Queenie with an excited smile. "We made it! Now let's just hope my Uncle is here already to pick us up." She laughed.
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They quickly jumped up, got their carry ons, and headed off to the terminal before the other passengers, slowly shuffling along. They waited paciently for their baggage, when a familar face met them, while others got their bags and left.
"Uncle Lenny!" She cried, giving him a big hug. He chuckled, and hugged her back. "It's good to see you too, sweetheart." Queenie watched them awkwardly, when Nessa finally noticed her just standing there. "Oh yeah, this is Queenie. Queenie, this is my Uncle." She smiled as they shook hands, and she spotted their luggage. She pointed to their bags, and ran over to them. Nessa attempted to pick up her heavy bag, and weakly lifted it off the belt.
"Let's go!" She exclaimed, running off in front of them. "To Disneyland!" she yelled, throwing a fist in the air. She felt like a little kid again, and didn't really care that pretty much everyone in the airport was looking at this 18 year old who was running around and screaming like a lunatic. She slowed down as the two met her, and they walked out together.
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myulitmatedesign-blog · 13 years
9, 11, 13, 15
9. Excited
11. I've never gotten a valentine before
13. Don't remember
15. Answered
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myulitmatedesign-blog · 13 years
15. I haven't really met anyone yet
16. From Queenie: "Hey! I'll start heading up there."
17. A lot of people
18. Queenie, or Cinders
19. Queenie so far
20. A lot of people
21. Anything Goes
22. Occasional compliments, biting their lip, when they sing (even if they're good or bad), eyebrow wiggling
23. Picking their nose (because that's just gross)
24. Cinders and Queenie (man, I really need to find some new people to talk about, don't I?)
25. Skipped this one
26. Onions make me gag.
27. Road rage
28. Those people that just text you back "K"
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myulitmatedesign-blog · 13 years
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myulitmatedesign-blog · 13 years
"Well, I'm sure this place is a lot better than jail." She grinned. "The people are nicer, the food is better, and you don't have to wear those ugly orange jumpsuits" Nessa laughed. "Well, I guess it wasn't because of that one tantrum. I'm sure it was a few others leading up to that. I think my mom just thought that someday I'd end up going completely bitch crazy and start murdering everyone in sight if I didn't get what I wanted."
@ Anyone
Nessa listened as he told her what he did. She raised an eyebrow. “That must have been an adventure.” She smirked. She didn’t really care, and wasn’t one to judge about one’s did in the past. It was now, and that was all that mattered. “That’s what everyone says!” She threw her hands up in the hair. “I just threw a tantrum, and ended up here. But it happens to the best of us, right?”
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myulitmatedesign-blog · 13 years
Nessa shushed her, smiling, and continued the conversation with her Uncle. She pulled out a little notebook, and started to write down some info. After a 30 minute long conversation, she finally hung up. "This is great!"
”Oh my gosh can we please!?” Nessa was right, California was the place to go for cute boys and warmth plus Disney Land this might be the greatest break Queenie has ever had.
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myulitmatedesign-blog · 13 years
Nessa laughed. "We don't leave for a couple of days, calm down." She dialed her Uncle's phone number, and waited for him to pick up. "Besides, we still have to buy the plane tickets, and plan where we're going to stay, and..." she jumped when she heard her uncle's greeting. "Oh, hey Uncle Lenny. It's Vanessa..."
 ”Oh my gosh can we please!?” Nessa was right, California was the place to go for cute boys and warmth plus Disney Land this might be the greatest break Queenie has ever had.
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myulitmatedesign-blog · 13 years
Nessa listened as he told her what he did. She raised an eyebrow. "That must have been an adventure." She smirked. She didn't really care, and wasn't one to judge about one's did in the past. It was now, and that was all that mattered. "That's what everyone says!" She threw her hands up in the hair. "I just threw a tantrum, and ended up here. But it happens to the best of us, right?"
@ Anyone
“Oh yeah, I bet. I bet you were like ‘well, THAT wasn’t in the brochures’.” She smirked. “It really isn’t.” She shrugged. Nessa really didn’t have anything to complain about. It was nice here. Most of the people were nice, and there was always something to do. “So, what landed you here anyway?”
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myulitmatedesign-blog · 13 years
Nessa nodded enthusiastically. "Let me just ask my mom first." She dialed the number on her phone, and waited for her mom to pick up. "Hey, mom." pause "Yeah, I'm fine. Everything's fine." pause. She nodded. "Yeah, I got your text." pause. "No, I'm not upset! But you know, the part about being able to go anywhere. Well, me and my roommate, Queenie were thinking about going somewhere." pause. "California. And you know, maybe Disneyland, since Uncle Lenny still works there. And maybe we could stay with him? I know how lonely he's been since Carla died." pause. "Really? Thanks mom! Love you!" She hung up and jumped up and down. "It's a yes!"
 ”Oh my gosh can we please!?” Nessa was right, California was the place to go for cute boys and warmth plus Disney Land this might be the greatest break Queenie has ever had.
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myulitmatedesign-blog · 13 years
Nessa laughed. "Hmmm... warm? Cute boys?" She rubbed her chin. "Heaven?" She giggled. "California, maybe? Oooh! And we could go to Disneyland! My uncle works there!"
Queenie saw the text and instantly stoped what she was doing and started to head back up to the dorm. When she got there she pulled out her key and opened the door jokeingly saying ” Hunny I’m home!” She shut the door behind her and placed her bag on the bed “Hey Nessa,…
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myulitmatedesign-blog · 13 years
A smile grew on her face. "We should! But, let's not stay here. I think we have to leave anyway, but seriously!" She sat up straight. "My mom said we could go do anything. We could go anywhere we wanted." Nessa set her phone aside. "Since they're going somewhere cool, I think it's only fair that we get to, too."
Queenie saw the text and instantly stoped what she was doing and started to head back up to the dorm. When she got there she pulled out her key and opened the door jokeingly saying ” Hunny I’m home!” She shut the door behind her and placed her bag on the bed “Hey Nessa,…
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myulitmatedesign-blog · 13 years
Nessa smirked. "Apparently. And a website and everything. My mom did a bunch of research." She chuckled, as she moved a piece of hair from her face. "Caught? How?" she asked. “Attitude problems. Apparently I’m a raging diva who needs to get her priorities straight.” Nessa shrugged.
@ Anyone
“Oh yeah, I bet. I bet you were like ‘well, THAT wasn’t in the brochures’.” She smirked. “It really isn’t.” She shrugged. Nessa really didn’t have anything to complain about. It was nice here. Most of the people were nice, and there was always something to do. “So, what landed you here anyway?”
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myulitmatedesign-blog · 13 years
Nessa lay upside down on her bed, reading the text from her mom over and over again. She couldn't believe it. She had nowhere to go over Christmas break. Her mom and stepdad were going to Hawaii for a "business trip" and leaving her behind. She figured that maybe she could ask Queenie if she was doing anything. She grinned when she came in, and sat right side up. "Yeah, everything's fine. I just uh, got this text from my mom." She handed the phone to her. "And I was wondering, since she's giving me permission to go out and do something over Christmas break, if you were doing anything. I mean, you're just the first person that came to mind to ask someone."
@ Nessa
Queenie saw the text and instantly stoped what she was doing and started to head back up to the dorm. When she got there she pulled out her key and opened the door jokeingly saying ” Hunny I’m home!” She shut the door behind her and placed her bag on the bed “Hey Nessa, what do you need to ask me? everything ohkay?”
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myulitmatedesign-blog · 13 years
Text to Queenie
Nessa: Hey. Are you heading to the dorm? I have something to ask you.
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