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mytravelexplorida · 7 months ago
Top 10 Places To Visit In Italy part 2 | Explorida
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mytravelexplorida · 7 months ago
Amazing Facts About Lebanon You Didn't Know! | Explorida
Lebanon a tiny country perchedprecariously on the edge of a volatileregion bordered by Syria and Palestineyou might expect a tense militarizedZone but you'd be wrong Lebanon isdifferent it's a Haven a vibrant mix ofcultures religions and breathtakingLandscapes this is the Middle East youdon't see on the news this is whereancient history meets modernsophistication this is where you come toexperience the real deal forget thestereotypes Lebanon is not a desertWasteland it's a land of snowcappedmountains Lush valleys and a coastlinethat stretches for Miles the people arewarm welcoming and fiercely proud oftheir Heritage they've seen their shareof troubles but their Spirit remainsunbroken this is a country that liveslife to the fullest where the food is asintoxicating as The Nightlife and thehistory is as rich as the coffee theyserve come with me and discover theHidden Gem of the Middle East if youenjoyed this journey don't for forget tosubscribe to facts of for more amazing[Music]discoveries let's get one thing straightwhen you picture Lebanon forget thecamels and endless Dunes this isn'tLawrence of Arabia territory this is aland of towering Cedar forests mentionedin the Bible and revered since ancienttimes the cedar is a symbol of Lebanonits strength and resilience thelandscape here is as diverse as itspeople from the Mediterranean beaches tothe ski slopes of the Mount Lebanonrange you you'll find something to takeyour breath away hike through ancientruins explore hidden Grotto or simplyrelax on a sundrenched beach don't letthe misconceptions fool you Lebanon is aworld away from the stereotypical imageof the Middle East it's a place ofunexpected Beauty and wonder a placewhere you can lose yourself in themountains or find yourself in thebustlingsus lebanon's history stretches backfurther than almost any other Nation onEarth this is where civilization as weknow it began the Phoenicians masterseafarers and traitors sailed from theseShores spreading their culture andknowledge throughout the Mediterraneanthe name Lebanon itself is over 4,000years old found inscribed on claytablets from ancient Mesopotamia thisland has been ruled by Empires conqueredand reconquered yet its Spirit has neverbeen broken walk through the ruins ofbalbec a Roman Temple complex thatRivals anything in Rome itself explorethe ancient city of BIOS said to be oneof the oldest continuous L inhabitedcities in the world history isn't justsomething you read about in Lebanon it'ssomething youbreathe as the sun sets over theMediterranean Beirut awakens the citythat never sleeps they call it and forgood reason beirut's nlife is legendarya heady mix of Glamour energy andHedonism from rooftop bars with stunningviews to underground clubs pulsing withthe latest electronic beats there'ssomething for everyone rub shoulderswith locals and expats alike in thisMelting Pot of cultures sip arak thelocal Anis flavored liquor as you watchthe city come alive and then there's SkyBar world-renowned this open air Clubperched at top a high-rise buildingoffers unparalleled views of the cityand the Sea it's the place to see and beseen a temple to excess and IndulgenceBeirut Knights are long intoxicating and[Music]Unforgettable section fivea tapestry of traditions Lebanon is aland of contrasts a place where ancientTraditions coexist with modernsensibilities family is Paramount hereand hospitality is a way of life stepinside a Lebanese home and you'll begreeted with open arms and a table Ladenwith food sharing a meal is a sacredritual a time for laughter conversationand bonding Lebanese Cuisine is acelebration of fresh flavorfulingredients influenced by centuries oftrade and culture exchange from theintricate dka dance to the mournfulstrains of traditional Arabic musicLebanese culture is a tapestry wovenfrom countless threads religiousfestivals are celebrated with equalfervor by Christians and Muslims alike atestament to the country's Spirit ofTolerance andcoexistence section six the goldstandard don't let the Casual Observerfool you Lebanon is no stranger towealth in fact it boasts one of thelargest gold reserves in the world alegacy of its days as a financial hubfor the Middle East this is a countrythat knows how to enjoy the Finer Thingsin life Luxury Cars cruise the streetsof Beirut designer boutiques line thetrendy neighborhoods and The Nightlifeis fueled by champagne and high-endspirits but beneath the surface ofaffluence lies a deep rooted resiliencethe Lebanese people have weatheredstorms that would other nationsthey've rebuilt their country time andtime again their Spirit Unbrokensection s Beirut city of contrastsBeirut is a city of contradictions aplace where bullet scarred buildingsstand alongside gleaming skyscraperswhere the Echoes of War mingle with thelaughter of children playing in thestreets this is a city that wears itshistory on its sleeve but refuses to bedefined by it you can still see thescars of the Civil War a stark reminderof the fragility of Peace but you alsosee the indom able Spirit of theLebanese people their determination torebuild and move forward visit thenational museum of Beirut home to atreasure Trove of artifacts fromlebanon's Rich past wander through the Jdistrict with its trendy cafes artgalleries and Bohemian Vibe Beirut is acity that will challenge yourpreconceptions and leave an enduringmark on yoursoul Section 8 a culinary JourneyLebanese food f is a feast For TheSenses a riot of colors Aromas andflavors that will tantalize your tastebuds think fresh vegetables fragrantspices and grilled Meats cooked toPerfection if you're familiar withIndian Cuisine you'll find somesimilarities in the use of spices andherbs but Lebanese food has its ownunique identity start with me aselection of small dishes meant forsharing like hummus babaan and taboulethen move on to hardier Fair likeShawarma thinly sliced marinated meatcooked on a rotating spit or Kiba groundmeat mixed with bulgar wheat and spicesand don't forget to try the local wineLebanon has a long tradition of winemaking dating back to thePhoenicians section n the Lebanese waythe Lebanese have a way of doing thingsthat is both charming and disarmingthey're a passionate people expressivein their gestures and their speechcoffee is a ritual here served strongand sweet in tiny cups don't besurprised if you're offer a cup as soonas you step into someone's home or shopit's a sign of hospitality and respectwhen entering a mosque or someone's homeit's customary to remove your shoes andwhen greeting someone be prepared for aflurry of kisses on both cheeks even ifyou've just met getting a Visa forLebanon is relatively easy for mostnationalities and once you're thereyou'll find that it's a surprisinglyaffordable destination just be sure torespect local customs and traditions andyou'll be welcomed with open arms sowhat are you waiting for book yourticket to Lebanon and discover theHidden Gem of the Middle EastEnglish (auto-generated)AllFrom ExploridaCivilizationsAncient HistoryTourist destinationsRelatedFor youRecently uploadedWatched
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mytravelexplorida · 7 months ago
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mytravelexplorida · 7 months ago
Wonders of The Netherlands | The Most Amazing Places in The Netherlands
Join us on an unforgettable journey as we explore the hidden gems and must-see locations of The Netherlands in 2024! In this video, we'll take you through some of the most amazing places that showcase the beauty, culture, and charm of this stunning country. From picturesque canals and vibrant tulip fields to quaint villages and breathtaking landscapes, discover the wonders of The Netherlands like never before. 
We'll uncover lesser-known spots that are off the beaten path, as well as iconic landmarks that should be on every traveler's list. Whether you're planning your next adventure or simply dreaming of the Dutch countryside, this video is packed with tips, stunning visuals, and travel inspiration. Don't miss out on the opportunity to explore The Netherlands in a way that few others do! Be sure to like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell for more travel content from Explorida.
#Netherlands #Travel2024 #HiddenGems #MustSee #Explorida #TravelVlog #WondersOfTheNetherlands .
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mytravelexplorida · 7 months ago
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