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Untitled, 2019, acrylic on canvas, 24” x 36.” @mytownesblog #tricialtownes #africanamericanart #portraitpainting
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Arab-American 15, 2019 @mytownesblog
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What does America mean to you? American identity in some of its iterations in Let This Be America, a solo show by @tricial.townes @440gallery. On view January 3 through February 3. Opening reception Sunday, January 6th from 6 to 8pm.
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Title: Super Genesim - Super Deuteronomum
Author: Nicolaus de Lyra (1270?-1340?)
Illuminator: Maître du Missel de Troyes (14..-14..)
Copyist: Rouche, Pierre (14..-14..)
Publication date : 1455-1472
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The Pleiades by Gluck (1941)Hannah Gluckstein
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Tibetan, Indian, and Chinese-American 3, 2018 @mytownesblog #440gallery
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Odilon Redon, Ophelia among the Flowers, ca. 1905-8
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“I think perhaps love comes from finding someone you feel utterly comfortable with, someone who makes you comfortable with yourself. It’s like finding yourself, or maybe it’s like finding the other part of yourself.”
— Candice Proctor (via purplebuddhaquotes)
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When we are deeply in touch with the present moment, we can touch both the past and the future; and if we know how to handle the present moment properly, we can heal the past. - Thich Nhat Hanh Photo: © Phil Koch
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Stained Glass at Casa Manuel Felip in Barcelona 1901 Architect: Telm Fernández i Janot
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The Bus, Frida Kahlo
Medium: oil,canvas
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When I’m drawing
When I’m drawing—and here drawing is very different from writing or reasoning—I have the impression at certain moments of participating in something like a visceral function, such as digestion or sweating, a function that is independent of the conscious will. This impression is exaggerated, but the practice or pursuit of drawing touches, or is touched by, something prototypical and anterior to logical reasoning.
Thanks to the recent work of neurobiologists like Antonio Demasio, it’s now known that the messages which pass from cell to cell in a living body do so in the forms of charts and maps. They are spatial arrangements. They have a geometry.
It is through these ‘maps’ that the body communicates with the brain and the brain with the body. And these messages constitute the basis of the mind, which is the creature of both body and brain, as you believed and foresaw. In the act of drawing there’s perhaps an obscure memory of such map-reading.
As Damasio put it: ‘The entire fabric of a conscious mind is created from the same cloth—images generated by the brain’s map-making abilities.’
Drawing is anyway an exercise in orientation and as such may be compared with other processes of orientation which take place in nature.
When I’m drawing I feel a little closer to the way birds navigate when flying, or to hares finding shelter if pursued, or to fish knowing where to spawn, or trees finding a way to the light, or bees constructing their cells…
Drawing is a form of probing. And the first generic impulse to draw derives from the human need to search, to plot points, to place things and to place oneself…
We who draw do so not only to make something observed visible to others, but also to accompany something invisibile to its incalculable destination.
John Berger, Bento’s Sketchbook
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“Poetry is a state. A sort of vagabondage. When I was three years old, one evening I went out of the house on my own, to try to bring back the moonlight in my parents’ champagne bucket. That’s what poetry is.
When I write, it is a bit like a transfusion. Nothing in the least intellectual about it. My words are extinguished lamps.”
Claude de Burine, from “The Green Notebook,” published c. 1980 (x)
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