mythspoken-blog · 7 years
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mythspoken-blog · 7 years
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i’m  headed   to   work   but   have   a   general   starter   call   which   i’ll   get   to   later   on.   my   muse   list   is   updated   and   i’m   very   eager   to   write   with   all   of   them   ;   just   make   sure   to   specify   a   muse,   please.
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mythspoken-blog · 7 years
HOW   EASILY   FORGOTTEN   she   was.   she   shouldn't   have   been   all   too   surprised,   not   if   this   hospital's   track   record   had   anything   to   show   for   it           but   the   blonde   pauses,   takes   in   a   deep   breath,   and   fights   the   urge   to   roll   her   eyes.   she   had   HALF   A   MIND   to   shove   her   way   past   the   brunette   and   find   alex   herself   ;   but   she   wasn't   legally   allowed   to   do   just   that   anymore.   instead,   a   light   sigh   passed   her   lips   and   she   tightened   the   hold   on   her   bag,   moving   it   all   the   more   closer   to   her   body.     ‘           no,   that’s   okay.   you   can   just   tell   him   izzie   stevens   is   here   to   see   him.   thanks,   ma’am.   ' 
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Exhaustion flows from limb to limb as the last part of her shift finally catches up to her. She needs coffee, better yet an IV full of coffee that she could tote around with her. A few more patients to check up on and last minute paperwork and she’d be home bound. Jo had the night planed out. She’d get home and cook a nice dinner but have the number for takeout ready to go incase she burned dinner again. Alex would come home and they’d eat and… well from there it could go a few ways. Their nights always ended the same way with his arms protectively wrapped around her, breath hot against her ear. Jo is brought back to her surroundings as she hears a woman’s voice ask about the very man she was just thinking about. “Dr. Karev? Sorry, I don’t know where he is. I can have someone page him for you, ma’am.” 
@mythspoken || closed starter
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mythspoken-blog · 7 years
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best of greys - no man’s land      we have bethany whisper in our locker room.
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mythspoken-blog · 7 years
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‘   HELLO.   '   the   younger   doctor’s   voice   comes   without   missing   a   beat   ;   more   up-beat   than   not   for   so   early   in   the   morning.   smile   is   awkward   at   best,   curving   at   his   lips   with   some   discomfort.   '         i’m   DR.   SHAUN   MURPHY.   i'm   on   your   service   today.   '   it   comes   across   matter   -   of   -   fact   ;   going   through   the   motions   and   mentally   checking   off   each   and   every   one. 
@theirnarrative   ;   SHAUN  MURPHY.
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mythspoken-blog · 7 years
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so   i’m   going   to   spend   most   of   the   night   updating   my   muse   list,   but   i   really   want   to   try   out   writing   my   son   dr.   shaun   murphy,   so   like   this   post   for   a   small   starter   !   fellow   tgd   /   grey’s   /   etc.   muses   would   be   fabulous.
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mythspoken-blog · 7 years
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Why did you answer me last time but not before? Was it because I was angry? Was it random? Why can’t you answer my questions?
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mythspoken-blog · 7 years
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the  sound  of  her  name  through  the  air  has  her  brows  hitching,  the  pen  grasped  between  her  fingers  almost  rushes  to  finish  her  notes;    she  doesn’t  like  to  keep  others  waiting,  especially  since  she  hasn’t  been  working  here  that  long.    she  flicks  the  end  of  her  signature,  a  grin  curling  wide  across  her  face  as  she  places  the  pen  down  and  turns  to  face  the  culprit.    her  smile  continues  to  stay,  both  brows  arching  higher  as  she  takes  in  the  other.    goerge  o’malley.    she  thinks  to  herself.         ❛      so  you’re  callie’s  ex  husband.    ❜        she  doesn’t  mean  for  the  thoughts  in  her  head  to  slip  out  and  she  can  already  feel  the  light  roseate  coming  to  wash  across  her  cheeks  as  she  quickly  swallows,  an  airy  laugh  slipping  past  her  lips.         ❛      i’m  sorry.    terrible  manners.    ❜        head  is  shaking,  arm  extending  out  to  await  the  others  palm  against  her  own.         ❛      it’s  nice  to  meet  you  dr.  o’malley,  george!    we’ve  got  some  great  patients,  so  your  day  will  not  be  a  boring  one.     ❜
‘   so   ...   you   heard   all   about   that,   HUH? '   nervous   chuckle   is   released   under   his   breath,   fumbling   with   the   pen   sticking   out   of   the   front   pocket   of   his   scrubs;   nervous   habit   made   to   keep   hands   busy.   talk   about   EXCELLENT   first   impressions!   '   uh,   no         IT'S   OKAY.   '   his   reply   is   quick   to   meet   her   apology   ;   gesturing   forward   with   a   hand   as   though   to   suggest   that   she   take   the   lead.   '   i   know   you   probably   think   i'm   this   bad   guy           AWFUL   GUY.   but   i'm   not.   just   wanted   to   say   that             and   i   love   kids.   '
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mythspoken-blog · 7 years
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We’re gonna survive this, right?
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mythspoken-blog · 7 years
okok i’m here and have a day off tomorrow so !! drafts, starters, & then changing up my muse list a lil bit. stay tuned !!
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mythspoken-blog · 7 years
Angst Starter Masterlist
" Aren't you going to say something?"
" And I thought I loved you."
" And I thought you loved me."
" Angry. I'm.. I'm angry."
" Aren't you even going to cry?"
" Are you going to cry?"
" Are you crying?"
" Are you okay?"
" Ask if I'm okay. Just ask."
" And this is why I don't want to stay anymore."
" Addiction isn't the way to go, ___ "
" Are you angry with me?"
" Are you afraid?"
" And now is the part where we say goodbye."
" And now you're going to leave me!"
" Are you just going to leave me?"
" Be friends with someone else."
" Boy/Girlfriend? Is that what you thought I meant?"
" Because you're such an ass and I- I just hate you!"
" But I've changed."
" But you've changed."
" Buy yourself something nice. Because I don't want this ring."
" But.. you're still alive?"
" Can't you just let me be happy for one?!"
" Can't you be happy for once?
" Can't you just be happy for me?"
" Come on, leave already!"
" Coward. That's all you are. A coward."
" Do you even know what you've done to me?"
" Do you have any remorse? "
" Don't you dare close your eyes on me!"
" Don't you dare die."
" Don't you care about me/her/him/them anymore?"
" Don't give me that look"
" Don't you want me to be happy?"
" Dammit! Everything was just starting to get better and then you do this!"
" Damn you."
" Don't lie to me."
" Don't like to him/her/them."
" Dammit.. Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck! You fucking ass!"
" Everything is fucked up now- everything is fucked because of you!"
" Everything's gone to hell."
" Everyone hates me."
" Everyone hates you."
" Everything hurts."
" Everything's going to be okay."
" Everyone loves you, not me."
" Everything is falling apart."
" Everything fell apart and I can't pick up the pieces anymore."
" For someone whose dying, you seem kind of happy."
" Friends forever, right? Isn't that what you said?"
" Fuck off!"
" Fuck you!"
" Find a new place to live."
" Find a new girlfriend/boyfriend."
" Find a new best-friend."
" Fine. I'll leave."
" Forever and ever. That's how long I said I loved you. But you never said it back."
" Fucking hell, I hate you!"
" Get lost!"
" Get a job, you ass!"
" Get out of here!"
" Go get a life."
" Go. Just go."
" How are you still alive?"
" How long are you going to keep this up?"
" How long until you finally get lost?"
" How about I just leave."
" Hold up. You're breaking up with me?"
" Heaven doesn't exist."
" Hell is the only place we're going to be going."
" How about you leave now?"
" Is this how you're going to treat me?"
" I can't believe you."
" I'm a monster."
" I killed someone."
" I want to kill myself."
" I want to kill something."
" I'm running away."
" I'm leaving you."
" I can't look at you right now."
" I hope you die!"
" I don't understand."
" I'm so angry/sad. But you don't care."
" I can't hear anything."
" I'm dying."
" I have cancer."
" I can feel the darkness coming."
" I can't breathe."
" Just joking, I don't love you."
" Just go."
" Just leave me alone!"
" Just fuck off."
" Kill yourself. "
" Kindly get the hell away from me."
" Kids? I don't want kids."
" Kind. That's the one thing you can never manage to be."
" Lie. Just lie."
" Lie to me."
" Life is not worth living."
" Living isn't possible."
" Like I give a shit about you."
" Lies are all you're capable of."
" Lay down. It'll all be over soon."
" My heart is broken. "
" My.. everything hurts."
" My girlfriend/boyfriend left."
" My ____ is dead."
" Man, you're an asshole."
" My lies aren't working anymore."
" Mutt."
" Many times I lay awake and wonder why I'm alive anymore."
" Never again."
" Never speak to me again."
" No. I won't do it."
" No, I don't like you like that."
" No way in hell!"
" Now, now, is there really any reason to cry?"
" Now and again I really start to hate you."
" No. Stop crying, just stop it."
" Not how I wanted to spend my life."
" Never look at me again."
" People hate me."
" People hate you."
" Person? No, no. You're not a person. You're a robot."
" People like you sicken me."
" People like you deserve to die."
" Perhaps you should just leave, then."
" Piss off."
" Question: why are you still here?"
" Quiet. I'm getting sick of hearing your voice."
" Run away. That's what I'm doing."
" See? I hate you."
" See? You hate me."
" Sometimes I wonder why you stay with me."
" So.. you hate me, then?"
" So this is how it ends."
" Shoot me."
" Shit..."
" So why are you still here?"
" Sometimes people lie to me."
" Stories are just that. Stories."
" Took off with everything I had!"
" Time to go."
" This is the end. It's done."
" The story is ending now."
" This is the end."
" This is why I hate you."
" Then why do you say you love me?!"
" Unlike you I have friends."
" Unlike me, you have friends"
" Under the bed is were I have to hide from you."
" Underwater is where i want me coffin to be."
" Utter it again and I swear I'll kill you!"
" Very mature. Cunt."
" Why can't you row up?"
" Why cant you care about me?"
" Why do you hate me?"
" Why do I hate you?"
" What do you mean?"
" What?You're dying?"
" Why can't you just be you."
" When am I supposed to get my time to be happy?'
" Well. This isn't how it was supposed to end between us."
" Whatever, you asshole."
" Whenever you decide you can stand to talk to me ago, please do."
" Well. I hate you now."
" Well, you hate me now."
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mythspoken-blog · 7 years
here’s my plea to the it fandom .,..,.. does anyone have link to an online bootleg that’s in english i’ll owe you forever
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mythspoken-blog · 7 years
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SO,   i   am   working   my   way   through   my   longer   starters   &   drafts   but   after   a   long   day   at   the   hospital,   i   don’t   really   have   the   energy   for   long   threads   right   now.   instead,   like   this   post   for   a   canon   dialogue   starter   &   please   specify   a   muse   !
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mythspoken-blog · 7 years
angsty sentence starters.
’ I never really loved you. ’
’ You mean/meant nothing to me. ’
’ You were never my first choice. ’
’ I don’t love you. ’
’ I never want to sed your face again. ’
’ Just leave me alone! ’
’ You’re not welcome here anymore. ’
’ How am I supposed to trust you ever again? ’
’ Please, let me explain! ’
’ Are you really picking them over me? ’
’ Please don’t go. ’
’ You broke my heart. ’
’ There’s nothing left for me here. ’
’ Was it all a lie? ’
’ Why can’t you just tell me the truth? ’
’ I never thought it would end like this. ’
’ We could’ve had it all. ’
’ Us? There is no more us. ’
’ You weren’t worth my time. ’
’ I will never forgive you for what you did. ’
’ There’s no way we’re coming back from this. ’
’ So that’s it? That’s all you’ve got? ’
’ This wasn’t supposed to happen. ’
’ This is all your fault! ’
’ What do you mean, this is my fault? ’
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mythspoken-blog · 7 years
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WRETCHED   GIRL   !   wide   eyes   consumed   the   material   before   her   like   a   child   seeing   the   world   for   the   first   time           TELEKINESIS   in   scratched   lettering   along   the   spine.   she's   soaking   it   all   in   ;   so   engrossed   that   she   doesn't   notice   her   surroundings   until   the   shrill   cry   of   the   class   bell   rings   in   her   ears.   head   lifts   up,   messy   hair   framing   her   face   as   she   hurries   to   shut   the   book.   clutching   it   to   her   chest   and   tugging   her   backpack   tight   to   her   body,   she   kept   her   head   tilted   downwards   and   eyes   on   the   floor   as   she   scurried   for   the   exit           head   only   SHOOTING   UPWARDS   when   she   collides   with   another.   a   girl.   '   SORRY   ...   '   the   apology   is   barely   a   mumble   ;   quiet,   sheepish.   '   SORRY.   '   she   clarifies,   louder   that   time   as   her   fingers   nervously   brush   blonde   hair,   full   of   split   ends,   away   from   her   face.
@playgods   ;   carrie   white.
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mythspoken-blog · 7 years
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STARTER   CALL.    ok,   i   think   i   have   approximately   2   followers   and   i   don’t   even   think   my   tags   are   working   yet,   but   i   am   so   hype   to   be   roleplaying   again   that   i   don’t   even   mind   it.   SO,   if   anyone   would   like   a   starter,   give   this   post   a   like   and   let   me   know   which   muse   from   you’d prefer.   i’m   still   adding   to   it   as   i   remember   which   muses   i’m   forgetting.
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mythspoken-blog · 7 years
i’m online and i’m gonna write some because my mom’s having surgery tomorrow and i am freaking out :)))) please distract me
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