mythicalfelidae · 16 days
I went to a convention today!
it was so good! I saw another therian and complimented their mask and they gave me and my bf a sticker each, it was so cute! I love going to conventions, this is more of an off topic rant but the atmosphere at cons is great, you can feel so cringe and so free CRIES
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mythicalfelidae · 29 days
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morrowind is great. words to live by.
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mythicalfelidae · 1 month
reblog for bigger sample size <3
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mythicalfelidae · 2 months
i run up the stairs on all four paws because @insectapostate wont stop trying to touch my ass when he's behind me. i need speed in order to avoid him
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mythicalfelidae · 2 months
Hello hello again! Do you all like questionnaires?
Well, for a while, I've been documenting my own clinical lycanthropy because I want to know why and leaving it at "it's just a symptom of psychosis" isn't a good enough answer for me
Then, I had an idea...
This questionnaire, totally optional to do and anonymous, has basic questions about how Lycanthropy is for you. This is to help me try to understand causes for clinical lycanthropy and eventually put together a paper with my findings to help educate others and bring more acceptance to lycan/zoanthropes. (but as you can tell, this is mostly focused just on lycanthropy)
Feel free to share this around outside of Tumblr as well! Just make sure it stays in clinical Lycanthrope circles, though, I don't want trolls messing with the data ~w~
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mythicalfelidae · 2 months
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mythicalfelidae · 2 months
I know about the therian theta-delta and the otherkin symbol (idk what it's called unfortunately, if it even has a name) but is there a symbol for werewolves/lycanthropes specifically? If there isn't, I'm gonna make one
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mythicalfelidae · 2 months
To most animal nonhumans, I highly recommend this PC game called The Wilds! It’s still in Early Access so it’s a bit funky at times, but it’s very good. $5 on Steam or you can torrent it. It’s an indie game developed by one man only, so I highly recommend supporting it.
It’s an animal simulator, and you can play as a grey wolf, grizzly bear, wild boar, mountain lion, red fox, raven, bald eagle, moose, red deer, or raccoon.
You hunt, find a mate, make a den, have pups, there’s unlockable skills, abilities, your animal has its own traits, and you can even customise the looks (e.g. different subspecies of wolves, different subspecies and coat colours of foxes), and a lot more since I’ve only briefly played it so far (personally I love playing as a fox since there’s already WolfQuest for wolves). All the screenshots are from the game page itself :)
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mythicalfelidae · 2 months
If you’re like me and you like to play around with your OCs a lot, here’s some things you can do with them!
Put your OCs in character scenario memes! Here’s some I found on Deviantart.
Do an art trade where you draw someone’s OC and they draw yours!
Use those "Draw The Squad" templates and draw your OCs.
Crochet/knit/sew/etc. a plushie of your OC.
You can also make a paper doll! You can find tons of tutorials on youtube.
You can also make a figure of them out of something like clay, cardboard, or another material.
You can build them out of Legos!
You can also create a hand or finger puppet of them.
Draw a comic featuring your characters!
Create an animation of your character.
Draw your characters as animals!
Create pixel art of your OC! Maybe even make it look like video game sprites.
Draw your characters as playing card designs.
Draw your characters as tarot card designs (Suggested by @ultragirl-parsley)
Create a coloring book full of your OCs!
Create a large cardboard cutout of your character. There are tons of tutorials online!
Put your OCs as designs on cookies, cakes, etc. (I kinda want to do this one but I know it won't turn out well for me 'cuz I suck at handling food T_T)
Design your OC's home.
Make a board game about your OCs and their story
Make Minecraft skins of your characters
Make your OCs in picrew or other dress-up things!
Create a character playlist on Spotify or other music site!
Create a Pinterest board with inspo for your OCs! Maybe outfits they’d wear, a moodboard, etc.
Reblog those “tag your OC as” blogs! They usually have a prompt and you can reblog it and tag which OC it describes. Here’s a few blogs which do this: Tag Your OC on Tumblr develop your oc on Tumblr Daily Asks for your OC (tumblr.com)
Take quizzes as your OC! You can find some on Quotev or IDRLabs.
Make a roleplay account as your OC.
Create a quiz on Quotev about your OC. Maybe something like, "Would my OC like you," "How similar are you to my OC," etc.
Put your OCs in the incorrect quote generator.
Find OC questionnaires and templates online.
Create a page on your Tumblr just for your OC! You can include things like a character sheet, general facts, your posts about them, etc.
Do character exercises for them! You can find a lot of these on the internet, but here’s an example.
Write from your OC's perspective. It'll help you understand them better!
Create a list of media they enjoy. Maybe movies, video games, songs, etc.
Write a song (or just lyrics) about your OC or parts of their story.
Write a random story about their childhood!
Create an in-universe news report from your OC's world.
Write a poem about your OC.
Put your OCs in character alignment memes! Here’s some from a search on Pinterest.
Create voice headcanons for your OCs. Here’s an example of Vivziepop’s for Hazbin Hotel..
Play as your character in video games! Like, maybe design your character in Miitopia or Sims.
Do some theatre improv games as if you were your OC.
Edit your OC on to pride flags.
Also, you could maybe make those like, Tiktok edits of your OC? (Y'know the ones I'm talking about?)
Create an AU version of your characters! (I’ll create a list of AU ideas soon! :D)
Have your characters solve the trolley problem and other moral conudruums.
Cosplay as your OC!
Create ship names for your characters!
You can also find baby names that your OC might like or something.
Create a visual novel/dating sim in Google Slides (or if you can code, you can do it like that!)
Create a crossword/word search relating to your characters and story.
Answer "Would you rather?"questions as your character.
Find poems that remind you of your OC.
Make family trees.
If anyone has anymore ideas, please tell me and I’ll add them to the list!!
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mythicalfelidae · 2 months
The world is ending. You know it, your neighbor knows it, the dealer knows it, the jailer knows it, the king and all his men know it. All one has to do is look around to see it— the future is curdling into something pale and incorporeal. The infernal machine that is this stupid world is going to blow, sooner rather than later. So what are you doing? Why are you still here? Why is anyone still here?
You are doing the only thing worth doing. You are living. *Why,* you ask? Try and remember now. Remember your mother’s hand on your shoulder. Remember the taste of a fresh catch. Remember the times when you were kind to the dogs in the valley and they did not bare their teeth. Remember the weight of a child on your shoulders. Remember the stars throwing their light against the wall of sodium and smog. Remember singing until your throat was raw. Remember crying just as loudly and publicly, and the gentleness with which someone opened your curled fist and pressed a handkerchief into your palm. Crying, laughing, running, eating, screaming, haunting, loving, fighting, fighting, fighting. The fight fuels you, and you fuel the fight. You run yourself ragged just for a chance to keep running. You never stop. You cannot stop. The world depends on it. *You* are the infernal engine. You are the world. And, simply put: you want to live.
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mythicalfelidae · 3 months
"i forgive you" is the best phrase in the english language
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mythicalfelidae · 3 months
if we keep doing uwu soft little vampire and big strong dumb werewolf how are we going to ever break out of gender binary
if i see 1 more artist make the masculine/larger/stronger human partner into the werewolf im going to freak out
lycanthropy is about losing yourself. please i am begging you to make someone random, someone unequipped, into a werewolf. please. small scrawny werewolves who are weak and scared, feminine werewolves, werewolves who struggle with the idea of taking something's life (even another animal for food) werewolves who refuse to get dirty because they're averse. werewolves need more than 1 mental illness yall
its kind of a joke at the beginning but not really. make an insane jacked vampire and her petite femme werewife with braided patterned fur or something; make the vampire a seamstress who wont quit until her werewife has the perfect fitting dress for her new furry body. stop with the "oh this character is butch/masc, CLEARLY they would make a good werewolf" shut uuuuupp be a LITTLE more creative. come on!!! do you really think every single werewolf has a premium gym membership? quit drawing them like it !!!
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mythicalfelidae · 3 months
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mythicalfelidae · 3 months
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leave or join
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mythicalfelidae · 3 months
pov: you’ve just walked out of the census office with a cool ring you found in a barrel
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mythicalfelidae · 3 months
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This is why people who stay in my life are neurodiverse like me!
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mythicalfelidae · 3 months
I have a nice comfort voice that is literally kaworu from evangelion
Has anyone ever given names to the voices or any kind of hallucinations?
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