The Sloth in the Church
I’ll be posting all the weird dreams I’ve been having here. Any names will be changed for privacy reasons, and almost none of the quotes will be %100 accurate.
Daniel, Larry, my little sister Betty and I were visiting our dad. It was in his previous house and a different neighborhood, but I didn’t notice until I woke up.
Larry and I decided to walk to a nearby Little Caesar’s to grab a few pizzas. Suddenly, we turned into Sam and Dean Winchester from Supernatural. I was Dean, and he was Sam. We walked by a few people and I noticed they had expensive watches. I guess he saw me looking at them, because he told me not to steal them. I laughed and told him it was too late as I pulled the watches out of my pockets. Strangely enough, he was cool with it and we decided to sell the watches and make lots of money.
Then a car pulled up to us there was a guy in the passenger seat, and he turned to us. “Hey, could we look at those watches?” He asked and I held them out for him. “Have a look. They’re all really nice.” He shook his head after looking closely at them. “I’m not gonna buy those. They look stolen.” Larry and I took off running from them, in case they tried to call the cops on us or something.
Once we got to Little Caesar’s, we were us again and we ordered what we usually do when we visit our dad, a cheese pizza, a pepperoni pizza, a soda, and crazy bread. When they gave it to us, there had been a mix-up. They gave us a sausage pizza instead of the pepperoni. They told us to keep it, and they’d make a pepperoni.
After getting our pizza, Larry and I made our way back home. We heard a car coming, and noticed it was the people who we tried to sell watches to, so we ran and hid behind some bushes. Then it skipped a few hours later. It was around dinner time, so Daniel, Betty, and I walked to Little Caesar’s. We wouldn’t normally go there twice in one day, but it’s a dream so who cares?
When we got there, Betty wanted to go back home for some odd reason, so I left Daniel there so I could escort her. There wasn’t a reason to go back since Daniel was there, so I decided to wait for him to come back. After a while, he never showed up so I called him. “Hey Daniel, what’s taking so long?” I asked him when he answered. “They got the order wrong so they’re giving me free pizzas, and I’m trying to figure out what kind to get.” He replied as if it were completely normal to spend an hour deciding a pizza flavor. I ran over to try to get things settled out, and he was there with like five extra boxes of pizza. I wasn’t gonna turn down free pizza, so I grabbed some and we left.
I guess there was another time skip, because we were all walking down a sidewalk. We saw a church, and decided to go inside and look around. It was all dark, because we couldn’t find a light switch. I was looking for a restroom, so I opened a door that turned out to be a huge storage area. Inside, I saw a sloth looking up at me. It looked starving, so I tried to help it up. It grabbed my finger with a grip so tight I thought it might pull it off. I eventually got him to stand up, and he was moving surprisingly fast. His walking speed was like a light  jog for a human.
I found my family, and I showed them the sloth. As soon as it saw them, it started running towards the door. It ran like a dog, and was freakishly fast. I struggled to keep up with it, but eventually caught it. I picked it up and carried it outside, hoping to find a place that could take care of it. Luckily, there was a vet/kennel right next door. As soon as I walked to the door, I woke up.
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The Coins at the Capitol
I’ll be posting all the weird dreams I’ve been having here. Any names will be changed for privacy reasons, and almost none of the quotes will be %100 accurate.
It was night, and I was outside at some kind of Capitol building that probably doesn’t really exist. I saw a bucket with a bunch of coins so I picked one up and it showed a President that doesn’t really exist either. Around his head was some small text that basically said that every US President has played a part in the building of this Capitol, and that the coins in this bucket were made to memorialize it. I realized that these coins would probably be worth a lot, so I looked around. Seeing no cameras, I took the coins and hid them in my pockets.
A short while later, I ran into a woman and we started talking. She asked why I came to the Capitol this late at night, and I lied. I said I came for a school project, so she left to go to the hotel she was staying at. I felt bad for lying to her, so I ran after her and told her the real reason I came here.
It was so I could pee in the Capitol Building without getting caught and tell all my friends. She was totally cool with it, so I went to pee on the building before waking up.
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Eight Dollars
I’ll be posting all the weird dreams I’ve been having here. Any names will be changed for privacy reasons, and almost none of the quotes will be %100 accurate.
Before I start talking about the dream, I have to let you know that my family was staying with a friend of my mom’s, the Kraids, for a while. I had this dream after we stopped staying with them.
My little brother Daniel, Mr. Kraid, and I were staying in an RV for a week or so. He took us to a fishing store to buy some bait and other fishing supplies. During our stay at his house, Daniel and I did a lot of yard work. Mowing the lawn, cutting the weeds, etc. and he’d pay us for the work. I was looking at the different kinds of lures, and he walked up to me. “You know, I still owe you eight dollars for the yard work. We could go to Gamestop and get you a video game or something.” He said. Since there aren’t very many good video games for under ten dollars, I replied kindly, “That’s alright. I’d rather take cash.” He nodded and walked away to grab some more things. He came back to me multiple times, reminding me that he still owed me eight dollars and that I could get a video game. Each time I kindly declined, hiding the fact that I was a little annoyed.
Then his daughter Alexandria walked in and said that when we left her house we accidentally took one of their ice chests and she needed it to take showers at a summer camp. Since it was so important to her, we started looking all over the store for the ice chest. After about half an hour, we found it under my bed in the RV. Once we gave it to her, she said she wanted some goodbye hugs since we wouldn’t see each other for a while. It was awkward because we weren’t that good friends, and I was still in my pajamas. And I’m pretty sure Mr. Kraid suggested Gamestop one more time before I woke up.
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The Weirdest Dream I’ve Ever Had
I’ll be posting all the weird dreams I’ve been having here. Any names will be changed for privacy reasons, and almost none of the quotes will be %100 accurate.
I was playing Overwatch as a new player that doesn’t really exist. He was a penguin with two small grenade launchers. His abilities were a jet-pack, and a dodge roll. I was doing really well, and when I won the dream changed to me showing my older brother Larry how to play No Man’s Sky.
He got the hang of it really quickly, and he somehow managed to find Earth after searching the stars for a while. Once he got to Earth, the dream changed again.
Now I was in a spaceship along with twenty to thirty people. We were the last survivors from Earth, and heading to the planet Reach, from Halo, except they just called the planet Halo. Once we got there, we found out it was already taken over by the Covenant so we left back to Earth. This is where it gets really weird.
I don’t really know what happened here, but I’m pretty sure I was at a table with a model of the spaceship in front of me. it had five stacks of brownies on the inside, each stack having three. Every time I finished eating a brownie, Carnage would lead a swarm of monsters to attack the people in the ship.
Once I finished the brownies, the few that survived the monsters made it back to Earth, which was overrun by zombies. We all gathered inside a house and fought off wave after wave of zombies. I went into the backyard with a small revolver and started shooting them. When I ran out of ammo, Lassiter from Psych came out with his a tiny revolver that had an RPG attachment. I looked at him in surprise. “That gun is way too small to shoot that!” I told him, but he just scoffed. “I know what I’m doing. Watch.” With that, he fired the grenade, which only went about three or four feet before hitting the ground and exploding. As soon as it hit the ground, I rolled out of the way. And the reason I knew how to roll just right is because of that penguin from Overwatch earlier. I did the exact movement that he does.
Then, a zombie that hadn’t decayed came up with a gun, ordering us to take him inside. Since Lassiter and I were out of ammo, we had no choice but to do what he said. Once we got inside, he said he wanted us to give him all the ammo we had that would fit his gun. While Lassiter and I were looking for ammo, we were trying to find a way to attack the zombie and keep the ammo. But before we could come up with an idea, I woke up.
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Canyon Wars
I’ll be posting all the weird dreams I’ve been having here. Any names will be changed for privacy reasons, and almost none of the quotes will be %100 accurate.
I was in a narrow canyon. It was about three or four people wide, and there was a huge battle going on. We all either had blasters or lightsabers from Star Wars. My little brother Daniel and I were on the same team, while my older brother Larry was on the opposite team. Daniel had two lightsaber daggers, and Larry and I had regular lightsabers. Daniel and I would throw our lightsabers around, pointing out things that were cliché, like the Wilhelm scream and other things like that. Daniel threw one of his lightsaber daggers and it landed behind me, so I reached down to grab it. When I stood up, Larry was right in front of me with his back to me so I decided to take the opportunity to stab him through the heart. But the thing is, the lightsaber turned into a regular dagger and I missed, hitting the back of his neck instead of his heart. So instead of giving him a quick death, I watched him start to drown on his own blood. I quickly ran away so I wouldn’t have to watch him die.
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Mister Fantastic VS Thor
I’ll be posting all the weird dreams I’ve been having here. This one is the earliest I can remember. Any names will be changed for privacy reasons, and almost none of the quotes will be %100 accurate.
I was working at a homeschooling convention, recording the people who were speaking there. I was talking to two girls with my little brother, Daniel, when I realized that the man was speaking about whether Mister Fantastic or Thor would win in a fight. “Mister Fantastic is practically rubber. So it would be safe to assume that Thor’s lightning wouldn’t have much of an effect on him, and that he could take more blunt hits than a normal human.” He said, before asking the crowd if they knew anything that Thor or Mister Fantastic could use to help fight the other, but none of them could think of anything so I answered, even though I wasn’t supposed to. “Well, Mister Fantastic could probably find a way to trap Thor in the Negative Zone.” He nodded happily. “That’s exactly what I was looking for. It would be almost impossible for Thor to escape, so Mister Fantastic would win the fight.” I woke up after answering some more questions that I can’t remember, and now I’m convinced that Mister Fantastic could beat Thor.
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