mystoryinmy30s · 4 years
Sometimes, all you can do is lie in bed, and hope to fall asleep before you fall apart.
William C. Hannan (via quotemadness)
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mystoryinmy30s · 4 years
Gonna do what i wanna do.
Jaded ah. Jaded. U slept the whole day and only wake up at 5pm. Tu pun aku yang kejut. i work my ass off u know. I strain my back. i use physical strength to work on people. Kau pikir kepenatan kau. Duit pun aku yg beri. Theres no life with you. Plan lah outing ngan aku ngan anak kau. like gi trekking ke, picnic ke, indoor playground. tapi kau asyik nak balik rumah mak bapak kau and duduk sana. tak buat pape. main game je. lepas tu we dont do anything. then go out as a group. takde privacy. takde me time. takde our own family time. sekali sekale ok ah. i cant even plan what to do. Every weekend im hoping like we go breakfast together as a family, go for cycling, do family outing. When i mean family its the 3 of us. bukan satu family kau, kau nak bawa. kat sana aku ajak kau keluar, kau will end up waking up late and end up just lepak and your house and do nothing.
Aku malas da nak gado. aku even plan nak ajak aareez ngan mak bapak aku pulak lah kan keluar. asyik family kau je. mak bapak aku kau tak pernah make effort. kesian dorang, dorang makin tua. dorang bosan duduk rumah.Kau tak leh berengang ah ngan fam kau. ntah apa mak kau da jampi. 
i need my life back ah. i need to do the things i want to do pulak. asyik ikut cara lame kau je. penat siak. i dont care ah. im just gonna do watever i wanna do. 
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mystoryinmy30s · 4 years
Im back..
Hey im back.. Im just wanted to say that my emotions now went up and down like a roller coaster. I feel very2 sad just now. but i feel a lil bit better now. i talk to you again soonest.
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mystoryinmy30s · 4 years
The need to spill it out.
Dear diary,
Im making a new one. A new you out of the old you. Becoz the old you reminds me of the old me. I dont want to remember that any longer. 
I need to let it out. So i thought let’s do this again coz i wont be found. No followers. at all.
Im sad and disappointed. So many things has been going on. If i wanted to share it with anyone, it will be membuka aib. But if i dont and only share it with God like so many people say and as cliche as it sounds, typing is still the best.
So here i am. Long winded eh? Sorry. just need it to rant it out. It feel so good to write again. Oh i mean type. 
My client is waiting for me to remove her mask and do lil bit of massage. Ill brb with another post. A serious post. A problematic post.
ily. toodles.
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