mysternenlicht · 5 years
“the body doesn’t always crave what’s good for it. that’s why attraction will never be enough for me. that’s why there has to be more. love. devotion. determination.”
— firstlife, gena showalter
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mysternenlicht · 5 years
spend a time with me where i can make poetry of you and read the lines i struggle over aloud, my muse all the same my audience.
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mysternenlicht · 5 years
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mysternenlicht · 5 years
“just a moment... i need a small reminder that you are here you are whole and you are mine.”
— changeless, gail carriger
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mysternenlicht · 5 years
sure, i trip over myself all the time and can't go a day without breaking something; yes, i do consume what i shouldn't both on accident and purpose; true, i rarely think. but all of these times, i have rebounded.
such suggests that as i have not gotten up after falling for you, it was never falling at all, for how could anyone fault me for loving you?
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mysternenlicht · 5 years
secrets i have held in my heart
are harder to hide than i thought
maybe i just wanna be yours
frick, this has the same vibes as fallingforyou, but both of them just describe that unknowingly requited crush phase, blushing at everything you said (not that that isn't still the case) and trying so, so hard not to make a fool of myself. gosh, i am so lucky to be yours after all that, so incredibly fortunate... but goodness, if i ever take it for granted, kick me directly.
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mysternenlicht · 5 years
i'll take you to an animal shelter and casually let the pair of us play with the animals that we are both trying quite hard not to adopt, visiting solely for the pleasure of delivering love to them.
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mysternenlicht · 5 years
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mysternenlicht · 5 years
“i'm oxygen and he's dying to breathe.”
— shatter me, tahereh mafi
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mysternenlicht · 5 years
everything cute and beautiful in this world just leads my mind back to you, to the realisation of your soft laughter and how you squeak a little when you see anything cute enough, to how you pin me with compliments until i am cornered. the beauty reminds me of you, how you see it in everything, your camera at the ready to capture the world... this is your canvas, and you have painted me all awash with admiration of the artist: the real masterpiece was always you.
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mysternenlicht · 5 years
authority and power are nothing for us
when I'm by your side
the only treasure is here, it's in us, our love
when i'm by your side
no matter how many times you might look over me when glancing to me, i would still want you by my side every day; the only forgivable excuse for you not being there is you being above or below me, because oh my gosh, the thought of you with me is all too welcoming... i want you, so, so badly, and to let the rest of the world fade away for just the two of us.
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mysternenlicht · 5 years
i'll spend a day just being with you, letting a silence be filled with music insisting the love in other words we share.
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mysternenlicht · 5 years
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ɪ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜ & ɪ ʟɪᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜ
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mysternenlicht · 5 years
“and i've always known it, the way i love a song i hear for the first time, even before i know all the words, the way i love my favorite color, and the way that the train would speed past my bedroom when it was very quiet and i'd feel it in my stomach rushing through me. i love you in a way that i've never felt needed to be said.”
— perfect ruin, lauren destefano
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mysternenlicht · 5 years
is there anything i selfishly want more than to curl up into you and feel skin against skin? to kiss you until my lips are numb? to let my voice wash over your skin as i assure you of my love in the sweet words that were once only typed, now without filter, and to know that you are here?
oh, you will feel my heart rush at every junction of our flesh and perhaps you will hear the ticking of my voice as i stutter over the language i used to know well. my cheeks will be a wonder to hide... and still, even with the risk of it all, you are the best of feats.
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mysternenlicht · 5 years
i'll take it one day at a time
soon you will be mine, oh, but i want you now
when the smoke is in your eyes, you look so alive
do you fancy sitting down with me maybe?
cause you're all i need
honestly, i was kind of scared of falling for you, but i just had to go and do it anyway! it wasn't a choice, but this song just summarizes how badly i want you in a pure way, physically, emotionally, every way i can possibly get you.
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mysternenlicht · 5 years
we'll see a play and act as though we can spend forever in this overpriced entertainment, repeating the lines to each other as an inside joke that lasts too long, perhaps.
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