I’m in the mood to write so if you have any She-Ra headcanon or fanfic requests my inbox is open 💖
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Reblog if you're a Safety Blog
Reblog this and other people will know they can come to you if they’re feeling bad and they won’t be judged for it
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friendly reminder that if we’re mutuals and you wanna exchange snapchat names or instagram or something you’re more than welcome (encouraged) to shoot me an ask
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YES HONEY!!!!! CALL EM OUT!!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
[MM] Notice on Account Ban for Abusive Behaviors
Hello, this is Cheritz.
We’d like to inform you about the service restriction we have applied to the accounts that have turned out to have exploited abusive behaviors and programs while playing “Mystic Messenger.”
We have discovered that the following accounts have been changing the original game program for malicious purpose or tried to hack the game for data manipulation, and these accounts will be “banned permanently from game service.”
If you have any questions regarding the ban on accounts, please send your inquiry to [email protected].
Total number of Banned Account : 209 Registered accounts and 14 guest accounts
tisha.**[email protected]
dewsa***[email protected]
he***[email protected]
nab***[email protected]
ges***apaynee**[email protected]
ale**[email protected]
katrinweis***[email protected]
ce*qin**[email protected]
dzanna.loll***[email protected]
heyso**[email protected]
felicia***[email protected]
alexmyer***[email protected]
fitria.k**irun**[email protected]
wei**o95*[email protected]
m**gaan**[email protected]
cri**f.l_*[email protected]
nigh**[email protected]
nik*isyah***[email protected]
nickricksa***[email protected]
dianatya**[email protected]
super*irl**[email protected]
ye*si.**[email protected]
rose***[email protected]
sam_cha**[email protected]
sem***[email protected]
devianadash***[email protected]
yuk***[email protected]
thenotmlg***[email protected]
lily***[email protected]
chuu**[email protected]
seonyu**[email protected]
ainaadlina****[email protected]
dn_matsu**[email protected]
bell***[email protected]
ii0kate**[email protected]
jan**ere*[email protected]
skruch**[email protected]
daeha**[email protected]
widy**[email protected]
dicu**[email protected]
svyatodorofeeva**[email protected]
katrina_p***[email protected]
dh**2xcu*[email protected]
corrab***[email protected]
khal***[email protected]
blueism***[email protected]
snowangelm***[email protected]
bia.kaw***[email protected]
lucyfur***[email protected]
tears_of_bloo***[email protected]
in***[email protected]
jenny***[email protected]
nevaral**[email protected]
nev***[email protected]
chea**[email protected]
sabrinabu***[email protected]
t*tin*[email protected]
ter**[email protected]
jahnial**[email protected]
allyssa_s**[email protected]
mili***[email protected]
ciire**[email protected]
lonl**[email protected]
jesu**[email protected]
niku*ha.v**[email protected]
luli27.l**[email protected]
kimmich***[email protected]
sch*pen_zij***[email protected]
sp.v***[email protected]
popoda***[email protected]
patri***[email protected]
ange***[email protected]
he*o23**[email protected]
nuriafto***[email protected]
dari***[email protected]
ceili.e***[email protected]
ko***[email protected]
sarah***[email protected]
hugm**[email protected]
yukim***[email protected]
iamaddict***[email protected]
theni*htk**[email protected]
jong**[email protected]
shink**[email protected]
racaflo**[email protected]
ny***[email protected]
zoke***[email protected]
era***[email protected]
janine.bru***[email protected]
gis***[email protected]
kangae***[email protected]
au***[email protected]
ninaes***[email protected]
splashth***[email protected]
lilysecon***[email protected]
giovan***[email protected]
mika***[email protected]
owbahra***[email protected]
Ch***[email protected]
kurot**ki27***[email protected]
shah***[email protected]
kitiani***[email protected]
syrilnx**[email protected]
mr.farfor***[email protected]
ami***[email protected]
yo***[email protected]
zahra***[email protected]
y*ki*[email protected]
efl***[email protected]
99mi***[email protected]
da***[email protected]
lunaggi***[email protected]
mi***[email protected]
only1k***[email protected]
mil***[email protected]
allian**[email protected]
red.**[email protected]
cutie***[email protected]
bea***[email protected]
anas***[email protected]
arcobalenox***[email protected]
kh***[email protected]
keu**[email protected]
ichigo***[email protected]
alis***[email protected]
Ti**ila*[email protected]
jc***[email protected]
dethadw***[email protected]
jewel_ara***[email protected]
ang***[email protected]
an***[email protected]
ind.hi**[email protected]
lightningbolt***[email protected]
nek***[email protected]
lutz.hil**[email protected]
chloe_b**[email protected]
lady***[email protected]
niyans**[email protected]
helen19982**[email protected]
meli.g**[email protected]
chia*a21**[email protected]
caroline.ca*olzi**[email protected]
scot**[email protected]
isavin*on1**[email protected]
lark.9**[email protected]
yujincho**[email protected]
bren***[email protected]
kasen***[email protected]
laurak***[email protected]
sofi***[email protected]
cecilia***[email protected]
ya***[email protected]
chavez***[email protected]
lisa***[email protected]
epicnes***[email protected]
rizk***[email protected]
nayli***[email protected]
yolism***[email protected]
listyaci**[email protected]
so*ia**[email protected]
bae**[email protected]
the_pessimistic***[email protected]
chocolate181***[email protected]
gi***[email protected]
brep**alt*[email protected]
xxka*leymar***[email protected]
nano4**[email protected]
aria*[email protected]
Meile**[email protected]
dark_princes***[email protected]
jesmi***[email protected]
syam*ra.syam**[email protected]
thecatas***[email protected]
ta***[email protected]
fothe**[email protected]
rfav**[email protected]
ami**beg**[email protected]
anu**sriv**[email protected]
kr*s_bar**[email protected]
meid**[email protected]
elly**[email protected]
kol*erso**[email protected]
scu*l_c**[email protected]
sya***amal*[email protected]
emoa***[email protected]
ka*ark**[email protected]
mysticm***enger3*[email protected]
pie***[email protected]
We greatly appreciate all our MC’s playing Mystic Messenger, and we will always do our best to provide you with fair gameplay.
Thank you.
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If Mystic Messenger were a Choices Game Ad…
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When you’re having a good time in the mm chat room and suddenly the music kicks in
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Can i have a match-up please? My personality is: if i don't know you well, i probably wont talk to you until you say something. But i love making new friends and once you get to know me, im a little bit of a goof (I have actually said LOL out loud but thats because i spend too much time on the internet) some of my favorite things to do is watch a show or movie together and make jokes about it or sit on the couch and read books. I draw and paint and play games. i like I like when someones near me
Uh Jumin? Jumin.
-He’s a clingy boy-The fact that you like someone being near makes him sO happy-He literally just wants to be around you all day-This man spoils you-He gives you an entire room dedicated to your hobbies with all the best equipment -Sometimes he’ll do his work in there so the two of you can be close-He constantly wants to be touching you-So he’ll hold your hand as the two of you read-He’ll stroke over where your ring is-It just makes him really happy okay-For date nights, the two of you will pick out a movie and he’ll rent out an entire movie theatre-Unless you want to stay in-He’s happy as long as he’s with you-Also he will laugh at ALL of your jokes-No matter how bad they are-He just loves you a lot
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Hi! I’d like to request a matchup! ;D I’m blonde with green eyes, I’m rather short. I’m kinda shy, but once you get to know me, I’m bubbly and quirky and I always look out for my friends. I love video games, writing, youtube, and cats. When I go to college, I hope to major in International Business.
Yoosung’s your guy
-This guy will sit with you and watch YouTube videos for HOURS-I’m talking like the entire day-Same with playing video games-The two of you have so many cats-Since both of you love cats so much it’s hard not to adopt every cat you see-He loves to read any of your writing-He likes to hold your hand when reading your writing -He’ll squeeze your hand when he comes across something that he really loves-so basically the entire time-He’s not an expert in International Business-BUT-He will try to support you as much as possible-He’ll look up as much about the subject as he can -He just wants to help
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Hi it’s Emily uhhh me and Tess kind of fell of the face of the planet and I could give you excuses but all that matters is the Ray Route has revived me and I’ll be answering our good ol’ dusty ask box
I’m so sorry to everyone who’s been waiting for like 9 years I swear I’m writing
Love you 💖
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A list of things yoosung has cried over.
Dogs CatsDogs Vs Cats (the movie)MCHis love for MCthat one time he tried to lift weights and broke his apartment floor Any movie ever, even a comedy, he criesLOLOLHe cries every Christmas, he just loves Christmas, and like the presents just wow That one time MC made him eat Brussels sproutsSeeing the animals at the zooAny and all of Sevens pranksHis wedding dayHis wedding night (he’s a little nervous boy okay)Graduation Zen was in a play where he died and yoosung cried so loud that zen broke character That one time he set the house in fire while cookingThat one time MC scolded him for setting the house on fire Look he’s a very sensitive boy and I will protect him at all costs
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MysMe HunchBack AU
Quasimodo - Saeran
Esmeralda- MC
Rika - Frollo
Phoebus - Saeyoung
Gargoyles - Yoosung, Zen, Jaehee, Jumin
Clopin - V
okay but saeran is mentally and physically trapped by Rika alreaDY SO
Saeran is held in the bell tower of Rikas cathedral, until one day he sneaks out and meets MC, the only person to have ever shown him kindness. Of course there has to be a love triangle when Saeyoung, straight back from combat and suffering from PTSD, also falls for MC. The entire story is presented by V, watching the mess unfold. Look I just love the hunchback musical anD IT FITS SO WEL
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Hey all -
I’ve seen some people asking for the answers for the guest emails, so I’ve been writing some down as I go.
I don’t know how spoilery this is, so putting it under a cut for those who haven’t had a chance to play the route yet, just in case!
I’ve seen some asks about emails since this route gives us a whole new set of guests, so I decided to see if I could help some homies out by keeping track of them. I’ll update as I go - I’m on the middle of day three DAY 5 right now, so I don’t have a ton of answers quite yet.
UPDATE: Thanks to several generous Nonny’s, this is now complete!!!
Vampire (suggested by Jumin)
blood packs
House in the city (thanks @goldsword1093!)
Modern & chic suit (thanks @kattehxx!)
Pluto (suggested by Seven)
No I’m not! (thanks Nonny for correcting me!)
Udon (suggested by Jumin, surprisingly)
I want to eat you!
Go 180, stir fry (thanks Nonny for this!)
It’s good for health
Cleaning Fairy (suggested by Seven)
Using Machine
This is getting embarrassing (thanks @midoriyah-my-boy -I think it was you, my dumbass responded to your ask before doublechecking RIP me)
Spy training academy
Bpmonster (suggested by Zen)
experience electric shock
Shouldn’t miss the chance
What’s wrong with that?
Normal (suggested by Jaehee)
Rich enough to fill a swimming pool with money
There’s also a celebrity coming!
DarkDragon (suggested by Seven)
I think it’s cool! Of course you can!
Smug, light and hope of students (thanks goldsword1093!)
Symbol of strength (thanks goldsword1093!)
Neuropsychiatry (suggested by Jaehee/Yoosung)
Chickendelivery (suggested by Zen)
1200 - 1400 won
Press the stop button (thanks, Nonny!)
Goshiwon (thanks, Nonny!)
Clanguage (suggested by Seven)
Hello World! (which I knew was right, but I hit the other one cause I was distracted, don’t be like me).
D. Ritchie (thanks, goldsword1093!)
Trust the programmer
Drone (thanks goldsword1093!)
Wireless earphone (thanks goldsword1093!)
Crowd funding site
Watchmaster (suggested by Jumin)
Minute hand 24 times, hour hand 2 time
To meet someone you love
Costume (suggested by Yoosung)
Never played main hero with awesome clothes
Player mentality increases +10 (thanks goldsword1093!)
Take part in the costume contest
Mr. Santa
3 moles behind the ears of Rudolph (thanks goldsword1093!)
The color you like
To be with their family for one day
Michelangeli (suggested by Jumin)
Sistine Chapel
The last judgement
3 minutes (thanks goldsword1093!)
Pizza cheese (thanks goldsword1093!)
Cook meals however you want
Luxurious buffet (thanks goldsword1093!)
Researcher of environments
Behind (your name here)
Chicken breast
Afro hair
Afro hair
Shoot a bat light into the sky
Because it lets you work in the dark
Robin boy
Rice flavored ice cream
Scoop the ice cream into a flower
Saint dogs
Nothing but the flesh of an astronaut
Indian Curry
Vindalo Factory
Infodeptleader (thank you, Nonny & @art-of-dreaming!)
.—- .—- .—- .—-
-.— (thank you @emerald-love-blog-blog!!)
Choose the one with the most dots (or 9 dots on 3rd row). (thank you @kuronoageha!)
NOW HERE LIES THE EMAIL ANSWERS FROM RAY ROUTE: (shoutout to the anon who sent them all to me!)
Legendary Poet
Cake in the Shape of Cakes
And undone I find the mass of the plate
We also have bowls of rice
Your name/players name
Yoosung Kimg
Not yet finalized
Inegibility of marriage
coachlea insurance
Long sighted glasses
Blue light blocking glasses
heart shaped glasses
Take your blanket
We have a thin blanket
Night owl
Read for self-improvement
health management
Body Guard
Check the names and invitations
Play with Elizabeth 3rd
Next to Mr. Han
Strike First!
Silence is gold
abuse your position
National Sovereignity
Antarctic the land of Penguins
Because you are lazy
cosmetic reviews
Slick, dope lit music
Nail art to train
racing game
Behind the cheerleaders
waiting list
idol concert
Thanks to everyone who has sent me messages, comments, and asks to help me finish this! if anyone has anything they want to add or if I’m missing anything, let me know! Hope this helps some! <3
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Here are the Ray Route chat times until Day 10. Day 11 is always the same.
Have fun!
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Ray’s Chatroom times
Day 5
- 12: 21 am
- 2: 44 am
- 6:03 am
- 9: 12 am
- 12:21 pm
- 2: 37 pm
- 4: 13 pm
- 5: 45 pm
- 7: 23 pm
- 9: 13 pm
- 11: 09 pm
Day 6
- 12: 55 am
- 3: 17 am
- 7: 40 am
- 10: 23 am
- 1:10 pm
- 2: 50 pm
- 4: 37 pm
- 6: 52 pm
- 8: 49pm
- 9:21 pm
- 11:19 pm
Day 7
- 12: 58 am
- 3: 01 am
- 6: 17 am
- 8: 43 am
- 12: 03 pm
- 2: 44 pm
- 4: 27 pm
- 6: 31 pm
- 8: 06 pm
- 9: 43 pm
- 11: 59 pm
Day 8
- 1: 37 am
- 3: 46 am
- 7: 21 am
- 9: 03 am
- 11: 16 am
- 1: 58 pm
- 4: 04 pm
-6: 31 pm
- 8: 48 pm
- 10: 17 pm
- 11: 39 pm
Day 9
- 1: 29 am
- 3: 37 am
- 6: 18 am
- 9: 11 am
- 12: 16 pm
- 2: 31 pm
- 4: 56 pm
- 5: 39 pm
- 7: 47 pm
- 9: 31 pm
- 11: 13 pm
Day 10
- 1: 46 am
- 3: 18 am
- 6: 21 am
- 8: 36 am
- 11: 46 am
- 1: 56 pm
- 4: 13 pm
- 6: 37 pm
- 8: 22 pm
- 9: 39 pm
- 11: 48 pm
Day 11
-8: 00 am
-12pm party
( this is the times for the good/netural end)
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[MM] Important Christmas Announcement from Mystic Messenger!

Dear MC,
we truly wish you a happy Christmas.
And we have a few important announcements in celebration of this year’s Christmas season.
[First Topic]

If you missed out last year’s Christmas DLC, don’t worry. Christmas DLC will be on 30% discount during this update!
Duration : 12.15.2017 - 12.25.2017
Content : Christmas DLC 30% Discount
[Second Topic]

Looks like our RFA members want to wish you Merry Christmas. Special Christmas Opening Chat will be available with this upcoming update(v1.8.9)!
Do not miss out your chance to receive RFA members’ greetings this season!
Period : ~12.25.2017
Update: Android (expected on December 15th)
iOS(expected on December 17th)
[Third Topic]
It was a long wait since the V route update.
With all your love and support, the new character ‘Ray’ will be available on Another Story for play in upcoming January!

You can find yourself in Ray’s route on the 4th day of Another Story after your purchase on this coming January.
We are doing our best, so please look our for more!
[Fourth Topic]
We have also prepared something for all the MCs supporting Another Story that grew its scale.
There’s a paradise full of dreams and hope, with no pain or suffering.
Magenta awaits you!
Mint Eye Special Believer Package will start its pre-order this Christmas season for your invitation.

Check out more on the package’s contents to be revealed on 22nd of December.
Ray’s route will be out by the time you receive this package.
Please look for more details on December 22nd!
Dear MC,
We hope this Christmas be a heart-warming, pleasant memory to you, and we will also do our best to present you memories to be cherished.
Thank you!
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