mysterionlover 20 hours
And also, for @mysterionlover , I finished your request! I hope ya like it and Happy Pride! :D
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(sorry if it looks a little wonk, I gotta learn how to draw crossed arms 馃槶)
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mysterionlover 2 days
realization settled in that i should make an intro post...well HERE IT IS!!!!
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HELLO!!!! let me start with basic info
my name is DAVE! my pronouns are he/she/they (not preference order...my preference changes but idrc in the end) i am a genderqueer lesbian ! ok well how about we get into some
just warning y'all i AM a minor for my own privacy and safety im not gonna expose my exact age but dw i am a teenager :) so just be aware when interacting! i do try and make that obvious by putting "TEEN ARTIST" in my bio tho ahaha,,
i am disabled! i have fibromyalgia, it messes with how much and how quickly i can draw! so it may take me a bit to just even get a couple of doodles out there..pls be patient with me馃挃馃挃
if you wanna see just my art and not my other posts..just look under the tag #release the munchkins its an inside joke i just turned into my art tag
well now that i discussed that,,let me talk about
my biggest interest rn is south park as it is my current hyperfixation but here's a lil list of stuff you might've or will catch me posting about!
- south park
- 2001: a space odyssey
- homestuck
- futurama
- my chemical romance
- MAYBE i have no mouth and i must scream
fun little dumb trivia fact about me,,even tho my account and username is all about kenny and mysterion, my favorite sp character is actually butters! i just love mysterion a whole lot too
well ill probably update this if anything changes or comes up! maybe in the future ill take art requests but oh who knows,, BUH BYE!!
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mysterionlover 2 days
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mysterionlover 3 days
It's a really small detail in the ending of PCOV, but it's so important to me that Butters responds to his name in the end rather than pushing the Vic Chaos persona.
Butters realized growing up that something was very wrong about how he was raised and how he was hurt by his parents and his family.
Vic Chaos is a coping mechanism to distance himself from the abuse he endured as a child. His introduction solidifies that by the fact he refers to Butters as a separate individual all around. When trying to distance himself, it causes him to remain mentally the same. He's still a huge victim throughout the original timeline, especially to Cartman (shocker).
In the new timeline, where he responds to his name, he also shows he understands how shitty of a person Cartman is / was. There is no pity present. He doesn't separate himself from his past but instead heals from his past and realizes he has a lot more control of his life than he was made to believe growing up. (He also has a REAL job in this timeline!)
He's healing, even if it's juuust a little bit.
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mysterionlover 3 days
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so i made a Casa Bonita promo poster or something LMAO I had tremendous fun making this.
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mysterionlover 3 days
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(gonna reblog to add Cartman he was too fat for this post /j)
I have made these transparent so you can download and add your own flags! Just don't be weird and add invalid flags like zoophilia or pedophilia ',:/
If you want a character, just shoot a dm or comment and I'll gladly draw them for you! Happy Pride Month!
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mysterionlover 3 days
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I drew my bbg, victor chaos (I need more of him pls馃挃馃挃)
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mysterionlover 6 days
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It鈥檚 Canada鈥檚 fault!
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mysterionlover 6 days
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mysterionlover 9 days
decided to make more of these, to use as personal reaction images.
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mysterionlover 16 days
give him a sec hes charging up his silly
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first art piece of the summer yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
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mysterionlover 16 days
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i think that would be swell
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mysterionlover 17 days
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u dont understand how i FEEL about this song. mischa died before he could marry his true love??? the one thing connecting him to his country???? the one thing that gave him any form of happiness???? guys????
like ok but look at his life. dead mother, dare i say emotionally neglecting adoptive parents and he has this one thing in his life that is so important which is talia and then he dies????? wtf richmond why did you do that??
thank u for your time
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mysterionlover 19 days
Princess and her Paladin
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Like if you think she鈥檚 the fairest maiden in all the land.
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mysterionlover 22 days
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normalize liking bunny as two kids having mutual puppy love and not whatever the fuck some of the fandom made it out to be
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mysterionlover 22 days
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divorce selfie!!!!
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mysterionlover 22 days
You鈥檙e either my or my
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