...the road so far...
112 posts
IMPORTANT: CHECK LINKS FOR THE CHARACTER INFO FOR THE STORY PLEASE AND THANKS. Or not.. lol. Up to you. Reader insert Supernatural blog where the reader is written in to the episodes! If you have any ideas or something specific you would like to see happen in these episode re-writes - don't be shy, send them in! :) As a side thing, I would also like to get some requests written as well, to give the blog some variety. So if you have any request ideas, I'd be happy to do those as well! And if you just want to stop by and say hi or something then that's fine too lol. I love hearing from you guys! x
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
myspnstory · 2 years ago
wow, i haven’t been able to access this account in yeeeears.
i’ve been rewatching supernatural lately and it reminded me that i started rewriting the episodes and it kinda made me wanna go back to it.
but are people still active on this side of tumblr? it’s been a while since i’ve even used this app so i have no idea
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myspnstory · 9 years ago
Sorry if this sounds dumb as I haven't read of your work yet and only the character info but is the Reader a girl? I noticed you said Y/N has a boyfriend in the character info but I guess that could apply to any and if so a girl will the Reader become involved with one of the Winchesters?
no not dumb at all :) lol. yes, the reader is a girl buuuut as for who she ends up with, im keeping that one under wraps ;).ideally though, she will end up with one person and not going back and forth between characters because that’s not how i want to write her. which i know is going to suck for people who have other preferences for Y/N to be with but i’ll do some requests to kinda help balance it out lol. nothing is set in stone yet though and i’m not planning to have any further pairings happen until at least a few seasons in.
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myspnstory · 10 years ago
Sending this to all the lovely episode insert blogs! Out of all the episodes you've written, do you have a favorite? :)
Well I’ve been pretty M.I.A lately lol so I’ve only done one full ep and 4/5ths of another. Which is pretty bloody terrible considering I’ve had this blog for almost 2 years.  But I do really like the Pilot ep I wrote. From what I have planned in my mind though, I’m really excited to write a particular episode in s4 (will prob be my own in between 4.01 and 4.02 possibly)..
Here’s hoping it doesn’t take me another 2 years to write 2 episodes haha.
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myspnstory · 10 years ago
I'm so sorry for what you have been going through, my family's been hit pretty hard by cancer. I've had 5 family members pass away from it this year. Take all the time you need xxx
Aww I’m so sorry to hear that - I can’t imagine what you and your family have had to go through with that. Seeing it with my dad, I know the toll it can take on families. Thank you for your message, anon
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myspnstory · 10 years ago
helloooooo?? is this blog still active??
YES! it very much is still active.. i’m just useless at writing at the moment. work has been so busy and there’s so much to learn in my training that by the time i get home, i just want to shut off but hopefully that will all change soon as the training finishes :)
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myspnstory · 10 years ago
I miss you ;n;
i miss you too, anon D: i’m planning something for you all soon though! i haven’t forgotten about you guys, just trying to work my life out haha. my new jobs been killing me.
but i hope you guys have been well :)
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myspnstory · 10 years ago
Just For Kicks
Pairing: Reader x Dean
  Word Count: 2,148
  Request: Could you please do an imagine where the reader is pregnant with Dean’s baby (girl or boy, it doesn’t matter) and the reader is lying on the couch playing with her bump.. I saw a video like this on facebook and I thought it would be a cute idea :). Thanks!
  A/N: I THINK I KNOW WHAT VIDEO YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT, ANON! I mean, there's probably tonnes of videos like that out there buuut I’ve seen one similar to the one you described and yes, it was very cute!
  Things had been pretty slow for you the last seven months. Ever since you told Dean you were pregnant he’d taken you off hunting duties and put you strictly on research, much to your irritation. Research wasn’t exactly riveting work on a normal basis, but it was an even more tedious task to you while pregnant. Thankfully, the current case was a simple salt-and-burn a few cities over – no mess, no fuss – so Sam had offered to take the reins on this one by himself, allowing you to get some much needed rest and Dean to spend some quality time with you and his other baby, the Impala. You never thought you’d see the day when the backseat would come equip with a car seat, or the arsenal in the trunk rearranged to make space for a pram, not that you would ever take the baby hunting but Dean insisted on having these amendments “just in case”.. And it wasn’t like you were going to keep the baby cooped up in the bunker all it’s life.
You had just settled down on the couch, curled up on your side, eyes closed but not quite out to it. Sleep had trouble finding you lately because getting comfortable was not an option due to the ever growing baby bump you had developed. But sometimes all you needed was a few quiet moments to rest your eyes to tide you over until bedtime. You placed a hand around the bottom of your bump, cradling your unborn child, and started talking to your baby, eyes still closed and feeling at ease.
“Hey little man,” you said in a gentle whisper. He’d been given every pet name under the sun because you and Dean still hadn’t decided on a name for him. “I’m going to throw some names out there and you kick when you hear one you like, okay?” Pressing around your stomach, you tried to find where his little feet were. Feeling him kick and move when you talked to him was the only way you could communicate with him at the moment and even though it could be pretty uncomfortable at times, you appreciated every little nudge.
“How do we like the name Jeremiah?” You asked, waiting for a kick. Nothing.
“Okay. What about Daniel?” Still nothing.
“Caleb?” After everything you’d been through with the apocalypse, the bible was not something you subscribed to, but biblical names had always been your favourite. They sounded strong and charismatic – qualities you hoped your child would possess. But your little bug didn’t seem to be responding to any of these.
“Look, Mister,” you said, poking your stomach where you could feel his feet. “You’re going to have to stop being so fussy otherwise I’ll name you Wilbur or something,” you joked. Thinking of a name was a lot harder than you thought it would be; this was going to be your child’s identity, what if you chose the wrong name for him? What if he didn’t suit the name you gave him? What if you called him Luke but he was more of a Ryan? You’d never given much thought to the significance of names until you had to choose one for your own kid and now it seemed like if you chose the wrong one you were setting him up for failure. Or maybe it was the hormones blowing everything out of proportion again.
Just as you began drifting off to sleep, you were interrupted by the sound of AC/DC’s Shook Me All Night Long suddenly blaring through the speakers.
“Sorry, I thought you were in the room,” Dean said quickly turning around to turn the stereo off.
“No, don’t. Leave it on,” you said. Dean looked at you, raising his eyebrows questioningly. “He likes it.” You pointed at your bump and smiled. You hadn’t felt him kick all day but as soon a Dean had turned the music on he began shifting around in you.
“That’s my boy,” Dean said beaming, but he still turned the music down anyway. He came and sat on the floor next to you and began talking to your son. “Wait ‘til we get you started on some Zeppelin, or maybe Styx? Red Hot Chilli Peppers?”
“Oh god,” you laughed.
“What?” Dean looked at you, feigning offense.
“As long as he uses CDs or an iPod so we don’t have to sit there rewinding and fast-forwarding just to get to the songs we want he can listen to whatever he likes.” Dean was so difficult at times. He refused to abandon his cassette tape collection in favour of something from this decade.
“Do you want our son to be a douche?” He looked at you accusingly, forehead creased. “Don’t listen to her,” he said protectively, going back to your belly. “She’s always had a problem with my music.”
“Now I’ve heard it all,” you laughed. “It’s not the music I have a problem with, it’s the rewinding and fast-forwarding to get to the good songs.”
“That’s because you’re not meant to skip any,” he said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Each song is meant to be listened to and appreciated equally.” He looked at you matter-of-factly. It was a subject you would never win on. Dean was set in his ways with his music and the rest of the world would just have to suffer in silence. But it was fun to tease him about it and watch him get defensive. Kind of like a puppy protecting a bone, you thought.
“Yeah, okay,” you laughed, reluctantly agreeing with him. You felt a wave of tiredness come over you again and decided to close your eyes for a few minutes to get some rest. Dean went back to talking to your son and you tried to listen as you lay there but sleep was too inviting.
You were nudged awake not long after you had dozed off by your baby’s constant pushing in to your side. Dean quickly shifted his attention to you, seeing the look of discomfort on your face. “Are you alright?” He asked, gently pushing back some stray hairs from your face.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you said, reassuring him. He was so scared everything was going to break you since you’d been pregnant; it was kind of endearing seeing him so concerned about you all the time. “It’s just your son,” you laughed. “I think he likes the sound of your voice.”
“You like your old man’s voice, huh?” He said to your stomach. “How do you know?” He looked back to you now, eyes full of love and pride and you could tell he was going to be absolutely smitten with your son when he arrived.. if he wasn’t already, you laughed to yourself.
“I can feel him pushing against me. He does it whenever you talk to him, you know. Almost like he’s trying to get closer to the sound of your voice.”
“You can feel him right now?” He asked.
You nodded. “Do you want to feel it too?” Even though you were almost seven months pregnant, Dean still hadn’t felt the baby kick. He’d been weird about it, thinking that it would hurt you or something, or maybe he was scared of it or some reason, you just figured it was a male thing.
“Will it hurt?” He looked at you, uncertain.
“Me? Or you?” You laughed. He rolled his eyes at your response. “It won’t hurt me, don’t worry,” you smiled at him to reassure him again. You placed his hand on your stomach where the baby’s feet were. After a few seconds Dean just looked at you, eyebrows raised.
“I can’t feel anything..” He said.
“You have to push it a bit,” you laughed. Dean pressed down on your stomach ever so slightly. “Harder than that,” you laughed again.
“I don’t want to squash him.”
Dean looked genuinely worried that he would actually be able to harm the baby like this so you took his hand in yours and pressed down a bit more firmly than he had. “You’re not going to hurt him. He’s well protected in here,” you reassured him. “You just have to let him know you’re there.”
You watched Dean’s face as he felt his son kick for the first time. He lit up, and it was the most beautiful thing you’d ever seen. “Whoa, hey there buddy,” he said, smiling from ear to ear.
“You want to see something really freaky?” You said propping yourself up on your elbow.
“Something tells me you’re going to show me anyway,” Dean said with apprehension.
You rearranged the cushions on the couch so that you could lie on your back comfortably and lifted your shirt up. “Watch this,” you said, getting excited to see how Dean would react to this next trick. You pushed your hand a little bit more firmly on your stomach where your baby’s feet were and then removed your hand.
“What the heck!?” Dean exclaimed. “What was that!?” He sat there staring at your stomach as he watched your son visibly kicking out.
“His feet,” you laughed. You loved showing Dean this kind of stuff because he was equally grossed out and in awe of certain things that happened during pregnancy.
“Okay, c’mon, you can’t tell me that that doesn’t hurt,” he said looking at you, almost horrified.
“It doesn’t,” you said, enjoying his reaction. You poked at the area where his feet were again and watched as he kicked out a little further. You loved seeing that, it was like confirmation that there was actually someone in there that you’ll eventually meet. Once Dean got used to it he started playing around with your son as well – poking your tummy, talking to him, singing to him, trying to help you come up with names again.
After a while Dean sat back, staring at you with a look that made you feel like he was seeing straight through you. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
Dean shook his head, smiling. “I don’t know,” he began. “I didn’t think I could be more in love with you than I already was, but seeing you like this... You’re perfect.”
“Really?” You laughed. “Because I’ve never felt more gross in my life.” Some of the things that pregnancy did to women’s bodies were straight from a horror show and you were sure that if teenagers actually learnt about what happens during pregnancy, aside from the bump and the baby, that teen pregnancy rates would be practically non-existent. But you knew exactly what he was saying because you felt the same way about him. Ever since he found out he was going to be a father he’d switched gears completely. It wasn’t all about hunting anymore for Dean. It was about keeping you safe and your unborn child, it was about making sure that he would have everything he needed when he decided to arrive. Under normal circumstances it would’ve driven you crazy to have Dean baby you the way he had been lately, but you understood. He wanted to make sure that everything was perfect for this child and he wanted to make sure that he would be the best father he could.
“I don’t know,” Dean said, and you could hear a sarcastic comment about to come on. “7th grade was kind of a weird stage for you.”
“Shut up,” you laughed, grabbing one of the pillows you were propped up on and throwing it at him. “You weren’t exactly easy on the eyes either if I remember.”
Dean laughed too. “Who would’ve thought this is where we’d be right now? If you could go back and tell 8 year old Y/N that in 20 years she’d be pregnant with my kid what would she say?”
You laughed thinking back to the way things were with you and Dean when you were younger. “I would’ve kicked now-me in the shins and told her that was never going to happen.” When you and Dean were kids you used to fight like no one’s business, everything was a competition between the two of you and if you weren’t annoyed at him because he beat you at something then you were annoyed at him because he was being a sore loser. It was a wonder you’d actually both survived childhood with the way you went in on each other. But somehow, it had all fallen in to place. You weren’t quite sure how it happened, whether you had started it or him, but somehow it had happened and you’d fallen for him. Whether it had happened over time or overnight, you couldn’t remember, maybe it had always been there. It didn’t really matter though, because this was where you’d ended up. And you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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myspnstory · 10 years ago
When is the next part coming out??? Is Shaun going to stay with the reader!? I MUST KNOW!
I've finally got some spare time so I'm getting on to it right now! Or at least after food lol. Hopefully it will be out before I go back to my cousins house tomorrow because if it's not then idk when I'll get another chance before New Years D: but don't worry, I have a feeling the reader won't be able to get rid of Shaun so easily ;)
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myspnstory · 10 years ago
White Lies Part 4 - The Million Dollar Question
| PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 |
Links to previous episodes here!
Word Count: 1,672
A/N: This is a completely new part, so no more revisions guys, I've finally caught up! And, also, I changed the name of this series because I was never actually fond of the original name it had lol. Anyways, hope you enjoy! And keep sending in your requests! There's one more part to this series before I start working on them :).
Waking up the next morning was terrible. Your head was thumping, throat dry as a bone, you felt as if your stomach was trying to turn itself inside out – basically you were hungover. Awesome, you thought as you got out of bed, exactly how I wanted to spend the day. Jack Daniels with Dean on the roof was not a good idea. By the time you both decided to go to bed most of the bottle was gone and the only reason you’d called it a night when you did was because you were getting cold.
Yup, lots of water and aspirin today. You went in to the bathroom to freshen up and get something for your headache and found Shaun already in there, just out of the shower.
“Sleeping beauty finally decides to wake up,” he laughed, drying his hair.
“Morning,” you said rubbing your forehead, heading straight for the medicine cabinet.
“What time did you come back to bed last night?”
“I can’t even remember,” you admitted. “Dean came home with a bottle and we basically downed the whole thing.”
Shaun laughed walking over to you, wrapping you in his arms from behind. “Happy birthday,” he whispered in your ear.
You turned around in his arms, about to give him a kiss but then tasted the alcohol in your mouth and thought better of it, opting for a quick peck on the cheek instead. “I reek of alcohol. Let me clean up and then can I get a re-do?” You said, using your puppy dog eyes.
“Only if you’re quick,” he winked.
After receiving the rest of your happy birthdays from the boys and the little presents they’d bought you, you got back to work. Most of your afternoon was spent leafing through John’s journal, cover to cover over and over again, trying to find anything that could be indicative of what happened to Jess and Shaun, but each time you came up empty. No matter how many times you looked at it – omens, symbols, monsters – you didn’t find anything that could begin to remotely explain what had happened, or even just a small detail that you could build a potential case around.
“What’s so interesting that it’s monopolised all your time this evening?” Shaun asked walking over to you in the dining room.
“Nothing,” you replied, voice a little higher than usual. You quickly closed John’s journal and turned to face him.
“Nothing?” He echoed suspiciously, leaning down to kiss you. “Then why were you in such a hurry to hide what’s in it?”
“I mean, it’s something..” you fumbled. “Just nothing worth mentioning.”
Shaun looked at you amused, eyebrows raised. He wasn’t buying what you were saying, but not because he actually knew what was going on.
“It’s just an old journal. Nothing special.” More half-truths.
“Oh so it’s a diary of all your secrets,” Shaun teased.
“Yeah, something like that,” you laughed nervously, hoping he didn’t pick up on it.
“Well now I definitely have to see it.”
“Didn’t anyone ever tell you?” You said, going along with his banter. “You never read a girl’s diary.”
“Please?” He looked at you with the same puppy dog eyes you’d used on him that morning and leaned in to give you another kiss.
You felt bad having to cover things up around him. “Maybe I’ll show you, one day,” you said as he pulled away.
  For the most part, the day had been exactly what you wanted it; no fuss, no mess, just quality time with your boys. Lily had rung and you’d spoken to her for a while, but you didn’t tell her everything that had gone on – she said everything was going well on her end and you didn’t want to worry her unnecessarily. Dinner was a treat that night too. It wasn’t anything elaborate, but it was just as good nonetheless. Originally, Shaun had planned to cook for you, but in his current state, he was in no shape to be doing that so instead he went out with Sam and Dean to pick up some of your favourite foods – pizza, dessert, alcohol and some other small sides – and you all relaxed in the lounge watching TV. You were all talking and laughing; Sam and Dean had taken it upon themselves to share some less than flattering stories of you from when you were kids and for once you were glad you guys didn’t own photo albums. Then the night took a turn.
  Shaun was up and down like a yo-yo going back and forth to the bathroom. After a while you decided to follow him out to the bathroom to find out what was going on.
“Are you alright?” You knocked on the door.
“Yeah, I’m fine. I just need a minute,” he called back.
“You’ve had like 15 with the amount of times you’ve come in here. Can I come in?” He unlocked the door and let you in. Everything about him seemed fine, except that he had the air of a deer caught in headlights. Not a normal look from him.
“What’s going on?” You walked over to him, reaching out to lift his t-shirt sleeve up and look at his stitches. “Are the stitches irritating you?”
“They’re fine,” he said smiling. He caught your hands and gave them a kiss before holding on to them gently, but also with intent, as if he would never let go. His eyes were piercing straight through yours, as if every one of your secrets was laid out before him.
“Then what’s going on? You’re acting very strange.” Maybe he’d caught a glimpse of what was in the journal when he came up behind you earlier? Maybe he was trying to find a way to confront you about it now? Maybe he was even a little bit scared of you.. Your mind was working overtime coming up with the worst case scenario, trying to prepare yourself for what was going on here.
Shaun guided you to the stool that was in the bathroom and sat you down. He was still holding your hands and his eyes never left yours. The intensity and uncertainty in the room was making you nauseous and you just wanted to know what the heck was going on.
“I planned to do this with Sam and Dean around because I know they’re important to you, but honestly, it’s making me nervous enough as it is with just you..” Shaun knelt down to be level with you. You couldn’t tell if he was actually talking to you or just thinking out loud because it sounded more like he was talking to himself, but you let him continue. “I knew I wanted to do this ages ago, I was just waiting for the right moment, and then the way you looked after me over the weekend, stitching me up and everything.. It was like I realised how amazing you are all over again. God, I’m sweating bullets right now,” he reached in to his pocket and pulled out a small navy coloured box.
“What are you doing?” There was a nervousness and excitement that had been pooling inside you and it was about to overflow as you saw what was in the box. A few tears had unknowingly escaped your eyes and you pulled one of your hands out of his grasp covering your mouth in shock.
“Y/N, will you marry me?”
And there it was. This was a moment you’d always wanted to happen. A moment you had imagined a million different times, in a million different ways but none of them lived up to this. Even sitting in a bathroom, it was more perfect than anything you had dreamt up, because this was real, Shaun was real and the way you loved him was real. You were so caught up in the moment that you didn’t realise you’d begun sobbing. “Y/N?” Shaun said.
You looked in to eyes, searching for something to say. You pulled him in to a hug and held him so tightly, afraid to pull back and look at him again. “I love you. So much. Don’t forget that, okay?” You said after a while.
“Is that a yes?” Shaun asked, confused by your answer. When you finally pulled away from him, he saw your face. “What’s wrong?” He asked.
“I have to tell you something,” you said. “But I need you to give me the benefit of the doubt and hear me out before you do anything.”
“What’s going on? Is there someone else?” You could tell he was hurting.
“No. No, I wouldn’t do that to you,” you said, trying to reassure him. “Come upstairs with me.”
Upstairs in the bedroom you lifted up your side of the mattress, pulled out John’s journal and handed it over to Shaun. He looked at it questioningly. “Your journal?” He said, wondering what in the world that would have to do with what was going on right now.
“It’s not my journal, it’s John’s,” you said. “I want you to read it. But I need you to keep an open mind about what’s in there.”
“I don’t have a clue what’s going on here, Y/N. Can’t you just tell me whatever it is?” He said holding the book up.
“Everything’s in there, just read it. But promise me you’ll let me explain everything when you’re done,” you said standing in front of him. He didn’t seem angry or hurt anymore, he was definitely confused though, you could see that. But you didn’t know how else to tell him. It wasn’t supposed to happen like this. You were supposed to tell him in your own time, when you’d figured out what to say.
“Okay, fine, I promise.” He went to sit on the bed and began reading through the journal. Figuring it was best to let him go through it alone and take his time, you went back downstairs to fill Sam and Dean in on what just happened.
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myspnstory · 10 years ago
White Lies Part 3 - Late Nights (REVISED)
| PART 1 | PART 2 |
Links to previous episodes here!
Word Count: 2,451
A/N: Sorry it's taken a while to get this up, life was busy for a couple of weeks, but everything's back to normal now :) Here's some reader x Dean bonding. And don't forget to send in your requests too!
Reminder: Lily is your sister and Dylan is her boyfriend. If you want more of the background click here :)
“Stress cleaning?” Dean said, walking in to the kitchen to see where you’d disappeared to after dinner. You always stress cleaned when something was bothering you, which was funny because, in reality, cleaning was very much a chore for you, not some cathartic experience. You were sublimating; tangible messes were a lot more straight forward to deal with than the supernatural messes you’d escaped for two years.
“Something like that,” you said getting up from the floor. “I just wanted to make sure I got all these stains out.” There had still been blood on the floor where Shaun was tied up the night before and miscellaneous objects strewn around that you had chosen to ignore when you went down to the kitchen the first time that day.
“Well, I think you succeeded. That floor’s clean enough to operate on.” Dean looked around the kitchen.
“I need to do the lounge too,” you tucked the cloth you were holding in to your back pocket and wiped your forehead. “I should probably get that done tonight.”
“Yeah.. Or you could take a break,” he suggested. “Me and Sam are going to head out now to check out the apartment.”
“Is that the time already?” You looked at the time; you’d unintentionally spent the whole night scrubbing, mopping and rearranging your kitchen. Time had just slipped away, and now you had to face the music.
“You going to be okay?” Dean asked seeing the expression on your face drop.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine.” You didn’t actually know if you would be, but you had to do what you had to do.
“Okay, call us if you need anything, otherwise we should be back in a couple of hours.”
  The night hadn’t gone how you had planned. You’d chickened out of telling Shaun the truth at the last minute; you were having second thoughts about if it really was the right thing to do.. And maybe it also had a little bit to do with the fact that it was your birthday the next day. You’d completely forgotten about it with everything else going on until Shaun mentioned it after Sam and Dean had left. Selfishly, you wanted to spend one last birthday with him. You didn’t want anything from him though, except the safety and normalcy you felt when you were around him.
Shaun wanted to stay up and wait for midnight with you, but you could tell the painkillers were doing a number on him so you told him to get some rest and that you had all day tomorrow to spend together. You checked his stitches and changed the dressings before both getting in to bed for the night. Shaun was out like a light in no time, but sleep had a little more trouble finding you.
  It was the middle of the night and you had been sitting out here for a few hours now. You had tried to quietly get out of bed without disturbing Shaun but he half woke up when he felt you move out from under his arm. Ugh, this is one shitty birthday, you thought to yourself, 26 years old tonight and you’re sitting on a roof alone thinking about life. It was something you often did when you were younger and needed to think. And there was definitely a lot on your mind tonight. The sky was clear and the street was dimly lit which meant that you had a perfect view of the stars. There was something you found calming about being outside looking at the night sky, but you didn’t know what it was. All you knew was that you were glad to have some time to yourself after everything that had happened this weekend.
Out of nowhere, as if someone was purposely trying to ruin your peace, you heard noise coming from the bathroom window. Quietly making your way up to the window, you pulled out your gun (you’d taken to keeping it on you at all times since returning from Jericho). Hiding in the shadow of the wall, you waited until you were sure someone was standing in the window before pivoting around, gun locked and loaded.
“Whoa whoa whoa,” Dean surrendered, seeing your gun and raising his hands. “It’s me! It’s just me!”
“Dean!?” you said relieved putting the safety back on your gun. “I could’ve shot you, you idiot!”
“Yeah and then I would’ve shot you back.. Could’ve been a fun time,” he winked.
You turned around, rolling your eyes and retreated back to your spot on the roof. “What are you doing out here anyway?”
“I was looking for you. You weren’t in the house so I thought I’d check out here.” Dean said as he made his way over to you. He knew all your hiding places.
“Well, you found me,” you said. “Where’s Sam?”
“He went to bed. I don’t think he slept too well yesterday,” Dean said.
“Judging from the state he was in when he came downstairs, I’d say he didn’t sleep at all.” When Sam had come downstairs he looked more worn out and beat than you’d ever seen.
“Did he say anything?” Dean asked.
“Not really,” you replied.
“I can’t get anything out of him either.” You could tell that Dean was concerned for his brother but he was trying to hide it. “You know, the whole time we were at the apartment he barely said a thing.”
“He’s just going through the motions - you know what he’s like. He’ll talk when he’s ready.” You saw Dean let out a heavy sigh. “Hey – don’t worry, he’s a big boy now, he knows what he’s doing. And if he gets it wrong, we’ll help him fix it. Just like we always have.” You looked to Dean and nudged him supportively.
“Yeah, I just wish he’d let me know what he’s thinking, you know? So I can see how he’s dealing with everything.”
“He’s dealing with it like a Winchester,” you said. “I’m not sure whether that’s a good thing or not but I guess it’s the only way he knows how.”
“Yup. Revenge,” Dean said, trailing off, remembering his conversation with Sam from the previous night. If there was anything the Winchesters and Williams knew how to do, it was get revenge.
“Soooo… why are we sitting out here tonight then?” Dean asked with a smirk trying to get you to talk, knowing there must be something on your mind.
“I’m sitting out here because I like it. I’m not too sure why you’re here though?” You said turning to face him, matching his smirk.
“Okay, different question,” Dean nodded, realising you were probably just going to keep being a smartass. “What’s on your mind?”
“What’s on yours?” You said turning the question back on him. You were always guarded with your thoughts, sometimes even with Dean, but he could usually see through the façade. When that happened he was relentless in trying to find out what was going on (either because he wanted to help or he was just being nosey, depending on what mood he was in). He knew he had his work cut out for him though; trying to get you to talk is like trying to get blood out of a stone.
“Well, I was going to give you this,” Dean said pulling a bottle of Jack Daniels out of his jacket. “What? You thought I forgot what day it was today?” He continued after seeing the confused looked on your face.
You gave him an appreciative smile, thankful that with everything going on he hadn’t forgotten your birthday. You didn’t want or expect anything but it was still nice to know that he remembered.
“Ugh, don’t remind me,” you said laughing.
“That’s what this is for,” he winked, holding up the bottle. You reached out to grab it, but Dean pulled it away. “Uh-uh first, you gotta tell me what’s eating you.”
You rolled your eyes, “Do you really want to know?”
“Lay it on me, sista,” Dean said popping the ‘a’ sound with a determined look on his face.
You laughed at how much of a dork he could be at times and then took a big sigh before working your way through the laundry list of things that were on your mind. You started with what had happened to Jess and Shaun, being worried about Sam, still not knowing what John was up to and then finished with how your conversation with Shaun didn’t  go.
“Wait a second - I thought you were all geared up to tell him tonight?” Dean said confused.
“I was… and then I chickened out. There’s too much to tell him and I don’t even know where to begin. I mean, I only just told him last week that my parents are dead… Guess what I said happened?” you said with a sarcastic smirk.
“A car accident.” You said throwing your hands up in the air. “Which we both know is so far from the truth it’s not even funny… A car accident,” you repeated laughing dryly, “that’s like the Hallmark version of what really happened.”
Dean didn’t say anything, he just sat there and waited for you to continue.
“Can you imagine how pissed off he’s going to be when he finds out I lied and that I’ve been lying to him this whole time?”
“I don’t think he’ll be pissed off…”
You cut him off. “C’mon Dean, I’ve basically been lying to him the whole time we’ve known each other, and then when I did decide to tell him the truth, guess what? It was another lie. And then on top of that, what really did happen seems like more of a lie than the lie I actually told.”
“Okay, assuming I even followed that whole spiel.. When you tell him the truth, I’m sure he’ll understand why you didn’t before. Besides, the way I see it, not telling him certain things is completely different from lying,” Dean rationalised, trying to make you feel better, which kind of worked.
“He’ll think I’m crazy.. ” you trailed off.
“I don’t think so,” Dean said.
You looked at Dean and raised your eyebrows, wondering what made him think that.
“He actually loves you… for some unknown reason…” you narrowed your eyes when he said that and laughed a little, “and I think he’d be willing to hear you out before he decides that you’re completely insane.”
“Ouch – twice in the same sentence,” you feigned being hurt. “You do know it’s my birthday, right?”
“Yeah, so?” Dean laughed.
“Yeah so I’m pretty sure I’m the only one who’s allowed to be a smartass tonight,” you joked.
Dean rolled his eyes, laughing. “Anything else on your mind tonight?” he asked, picking back up from where you guys digressed.
You sighed, and then turned serious again, deep in thought. “Maybe I should save us both the heartache and just leave. Maybe that’s how I keep him safe. He doesn’t have to know about all of this. It’s probably better that he doesn’t anyway.” Your attempt to control your tears failed as the thought of leaving Shaun caused one to surface. “John always told us we couldn’t have normal lives; that friends and relationships were out of the question because they’d become our weaknesses…”
“Yeah, well he shouldn’t have told us that stuff,” Dean said defiantly.
“Really? Because right now, I’m wishing I’d listened. None of this would’ve happened if Sam and I just did what we were supposed to do. Jess would still be alive, Shaun would be safe. And then there’s Lily and Dylan.. I don’t know whether to ring her and let her know what’s been going on or just leave her out of it and hope that she doesn’t get dragged back in to this the same way.”
“She’d ring if there anything was wrong, so don’t worry about Lily,” Dean said reassuringly and then continued with a small laugh. “Plus, I’m pretty sure that girl can look after herself.”
You laughed a bit, a few rouge tears escaping, remembering how gutsy your younger sister was. That was something you were always proud off. Then you went quiet again. “I don’t want to leave him, Dean,” you said after a while, another tear slipping down your face.
Dean placed a hand on your shoulder and patted you on the back. “There, there,” he said awkwardly, trying to comfort you.
In an odd way, it was the best thing he could’ve done for you. Dean was just as awful at being the comforting type as you were with sharing your feelings. You laughed, wiping the tears from your face. “Yeah..” you began, looking at Dean. “This,” you gestured to your tears and his awkward hand on your shoulder, “isn’t what we do. But this,” you continued, reaching for the bottle of Jack on the other side of Dean, “this is something we do well.”
“Amen,” Dean cheered as you opened the bottle and took the first drink before passing it to him.
“Hey, did you guys find anything at the apartment?” You asked, suddenly remembering where Dean had come from.
“Nope. Nada,” he said taking a swig of the bottle and passing it back to you. “No sulphur, no EMF, no ectoplasm. Whatever it was either covered its tracks pretty damn well or it’s nothing supernatural and you guys pissed off a psycho.”
“Yeah, I’m going to go with the first one,” you said. “The fire would’ve helped destroy any sulphur or ectoplasm, but EMF shouldn’t have been affected by that. We should take a look through John’s journal; see if he there’s anything useful in there.”
“Can’t hurt,” Dean said.
“Then what’s our next move?”
“I don’t think we’ll find anything at the apartment, so I guess we hit the road? Whenever you’re ready, of course. If you still want to come?”
A sad smile crossed your face. You knew that going with them meant leaving Shaun. “Yeah. I’m still coming. I just have to figure out how to deal with Shaun.”
Hope you liked it - let me know what you think and how you want future episodes to play out :)
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myspnstory · 10 years ago
have u been getting my requests? i hope i don't sound rude or anything :). i sent in 2 last week
Aw no, anon, you don't sound rude :) haha. I'm not sure which requests are yours, but I've read all the ones I've gotten so far. I'm just not replying to them because I couldn't decide if I should let people see them or make them a surprise when I finally post them - a few of the ones I've received have some awesome twists in them that I didn't want to spoil so I thought it would be more interesting this way. You're welcome to send the requests through again though if you're unsure whether I got it or not :)
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myspnstory · 10 years ago
omg loved the last part you posted! it was perf! reader x sammy bonding was very sweet ^^, .. is there any reader x dean bonding coming up??
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I don't know if it's gonna be in the next part or the part after that - these rewrites are killing me haha - but there definitely is! And yay I'm so glad you enjoyed it :) that makes me very happy
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myspnstory · 10 years ago
White Lies Part 2 - But Then What Happens? (REVISED)
| PART 1 |
Links to previous episodes here!
Word Count: 1,250
A/N: wow, two updates in one day! I want to get all these revised parts out fast so I can get back to writing. Anyway, here's some reader x Sam bonding for you. Oh and before I forget - keep sending in your requests! I have a nice google doc full of your ideas :) I can't wait to start working on them!
You hadn’t slept well last night, so when you finally woke up it was as if you hadn’t slept at all. Nevertheless, you headed downstairs to clean, made breakfast and just occupied yourself in general so you didn’t have to think for a while. You were up before anyone else, which didn’t surprise you. Shaun didn’t settle either, his body was aching and his wounds were irritating him. Unfortunately there was nothing you could do about it, it was just part of the healing process, but you made a mental note to go down to the store and pick up some more painkillers and dressings for him. You imagined that Sam probably hadn’t slept much last night either, but you were pretty sure Dean would’ve slept like a baby. At least someone would be well rested, you thought.
“Morning,” you heard Sam yawn as he walked in to the kitchen and sat at a stool around the island, “Smells good,” he commented, smelling the pancakes you were cooking.
“Afternoon actually,” you replied, smiling.
“What? Really!?”
“Kinda.. it’s 1o’clock.”
“Man, I didn’t even realise,” Sam said checking his watch. “How’s Shaun doing?”
“He didn’t sleep much last night and he’s a bit sore, but the cuts were clean so he should be alright. I’ll have to change his dressings tonight though.” You paused before continuing, weighing up whether this was a conversation you wanted to have since you’d both just woken up, but you bit the bullet anyway. “How are you doing? Did you get any sleep last night?”
“Yeah, I’m okay.” Sam said, obviously lying through his teeth.
You looked at him and raised your eyebrows.
“What?” He asked.
“You look like shit, Sam,” you said.
“Yeah, well.. you look pretty crappy too,” he retorted. There was a brief pause and then you both started laughing. You weren’t really the type of family who talked through feelings, so you sublimated with humour and sarcasm most of the time which was what was comfortable for everyone. But you knew you would always be there for each other to pick up the pieces.
 “Touché,” you said. You felt like crap but you had no idea what you looked like because you hadn’t bothered to look in a mirror for fear of what you might see. “Talked to Dean this morning?”
“Nope. Went in to his room, but he was out to it.”
“Yeah, I figured he would be. Oh well, more for us.” You smiled. “Pancakes?”
“Sure,” he replied, watching you fry some up. “So, what’s the plan for today?” Sam asked.
“I was thinking you and Dean should go back to your apartment tonight, see if you can find anything,” you looked up at Sam. “If that’s okay with you?”
Sam looked away for a second, but knowing you guys would end up going back there eventually he agreed, “Yeah, I guess it’s something we have to do.”
“Sam, you don’t have to do anything. If you don’t want to go, I can go with Dean and you can stay here with Shaun.”
“No, no. It’s okay. I should be there. I need to do this for Jess.” You could hear the pain in Sam’s voice when he said her name, but he was trying to cover it.
“Hey,” you said, grabbing Sam’s arm. “Whoever – or whatever – did this doesn’t get to get away with it, okay?” You had no idea what he was going through and it hurt to see him like this, but the best thing you and Dean could do for him now was help him get the revenge he wanted.
“So, are you gonna talk to Shaun while Dean and I go check out the house?” Sam said, trying to change the subject.
“Shhh,” you whispered, pointing upstairs because you weren’t sure if Shaun was awake or whether he could hear you and Sam talking. “I told him about what happened last night at your place, but that was it. I guess I have to though, right? But is it really better if he knows?”
“I don’t know,” Sam said honestly. “But if I’d been honest with Jess then maybe she could’ve protected herself, or at least made the house safe.”
 From that perspective, Sam was right. “But what do I even say? I mean, how do you tell someone this?”
“Just tell him the truth, about your parents, about me and Dean.. about where we were last weekend..”
“You make it sound so easy,” you rolled your eyes.
“It’s not easy. But it’s just one of those things. He’s either gonna believe it or not. It doesn’t matter how you dress it up.”
“And then what happens after that? He’s gonna think I’m out of my friggen mind.”
Sam looked at you seriously for a second; a sorry look in his eyes. “I think you know what happens next.”
You knew what Sam was talking about; this life wasn’t safe for Shaun. Unlike you, he hadn’t grown up like this and he didn’t need to be dragged in to it now. But hearing it come from Sam made it seem inevitable, which it was even if you didn’t want to admit it to yourself yet. You began thinking about everything that had happened in the last 2 years, how great it had been, meeting Shaun and moving in together, meeting his parents and siblings who had welcomed you in to their family and treated you like one of their own. You’d finally gotten the chance to go to college, and yeah, pre-med was hard but you were good at it and you enjoyed it. 
“God, was it stupid to think we could do this college thing?” you asked, semi rhetorically while you continued frying the pancakes.
“Dad always said it would never work,” Sam replied.
“You know, I honestly thought we could do this.”
“We did. For almost 2 years.”
“Everything was so good, y’know. You had law school and Jess and I had Shaun and med school to look forward to.”
“Maybe it just wasn’t mean to be,” Sam said looking at you.
“You know that’s bullshit, right? Why does everyone else get to live normal lives and we don’t?”
“We drew the short straws in life,” Sam said shrugging his shoulders.
“How are you being so ‘jedi-zen master’ about this?” Considering he’d just lost Jess, Sam was being very calm and collected about the situation, which you hadn’t expected. If anyone had a reason to be angry about this it was definitely him.
“Because.. I lost Jess and I’m not getting her back, all because I wanted a ‘normal life’. But this isn’t what’s normal for us. Crying over it won’t bring her back, or make me feel better. What I need to focus on is killing the son-of-a-bitch that did this. For her and Shaun. We owe that to them now.”
You stared at Sam for a second. “Okay, this conversation is done because you’re like this close,” you pinched your index finger and thumb together, “to being smarter than I am.”
Sam laughed a little and you handed him his pancakes, “I’m gonna take these upstairs for Shaun and check on him, but you know the drill, make yourself at home, you know where everything is,” you said as you headed out of the kitchen.
Sam nodded and started eating. “Always do,” he replied with a full mouth.
“Sammy?” you said turning around.
“Thanks for the talk.”
“Anytime,” he said smiling.
Hope you enjoyed this! Let me know what you think and whether you enjoy these types of bonding parts that we wouldn't normally get to see in the episodes :)
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myspnstory · 10 years ago
White Lies Part 1 - Playing Doctor (REVISED)
Find links to the previous episode here!
Word Count: 2,920
A/N: This part has actually been changed significantly guys! Oh and don't forget - keep sending in your requests! I need lots so I can queue them up :) and don't be shy about sending in things you would like to see inserted in to the episodes.
Dean came to a screeching halt outside your house. Everything looked normal from the outside (for the early hours of a Monday morning). Lights were off and it didn’t appear as though anyone had tried to burn the house down, but that didn’t settle the flood of emotions that were suffocating you right now. On the outside you were keeping it together, but inside you were so scared of what you could potentially find when you opened the front door as well as being in shock from what had happened to Jess and feeling bad for rushing Sam away from the situation before he could even deal with how he was feeling.
You took a second to compose yourself before getting out of the car. With Sam and Dean flanking you, you approached the front door with caution, guns at the ready.
“On three,” you mouthed to the boys looking over your shoulder.
1… 2… 3… you counted silently with your hands before turning the handle and pushing the door open. At that moment you felt your heart jump to your throat. It wasn’t like Shaun to leave the front door unlocked. Dean entered the house first, checking if there was anyone (or anything) waiting to attack before giving you and Sam the all clear. Once inside, you guys decided to split up and scope out the rest of the house. Dean took upstairs, Sam took the living area and you took the kitchen and dining room.
Everything in the house seemed still and silent, but it wasn’t calm, it was eerie and you didn’t like it one bit. You rounded the corner in to the dining room cautiously, leading gun first and heart pounding. Unsure of what you might find, you took a relieved breath when you saw the room was clear. So many scenarios were rushing through your mind, each one worse than the previous and your stomach was in so many knots that it was nauseating, but you put your brave face on and did what you had to do, the quicker you checked the house and made sure Shaun was okay the quicker you could relax.
Okay, c’mon, you can do this you told yourself as you made your way towards the kitchen. You knew it didn’t matter how long you dragged it out, if you were going to find something then you would and it would be better to find it sooner rather than later. And if there was nothing to find then the quicker you would be able to relax.
  Unfortunately, this was not the case. Shaun was tied up on the floor propped up against the kitchen island, blood and bruises covered his face and he had gashes all over his upper body. It looked like he was unconscious. “In the kitchen!” you called out to Sam and Dean.
You ran over to Shaun and began working on the knots. “Jeeze, who tied these things? A friggen marine!?”
A moment later, Sam and Dean found you and without missing a beat they were down on the floor helping you untie Shaun.
“Hey, c’mon, wake up. You gotta wake up,” you said, lightly tapping his face trying to get a response.
“Yeah, that’s not gonna work,” Dean said matter-of-factly.
“You have any bright ideas then?” you retorted, not in the mood for snarky comments.
“Let’s get him over to the couch first and then see what we need to do.”
“You wanna move him?” you looked at Dean in disbelief.
Sam read the look on your face. “We don’t know how badly he’s injured, Dean. What if he has broken bones? We can’t just move him.”
“He’s knocked out. He won’t feel a thing,” Dean shrugged.
If looks could kill, the look you gave Dean would’ve decimated him in a second. Nevertheless, Dean was right; technically he wouldn’t feel anything. It just annoyed you that he assumed everyone had the same pain threshold as him and that he didn’t seemed bothered about hurting Shaun more than he already was.
“Fine.” You weren’t happy with this idea, but you knew it was for the best. You gave him a quick once-over looking for any signs of broken bones and although you couldn’t be 100% certain, you were satisfied enough to move him. “Help me get him up.”
As you laid him down on the couch, he began to come around. “Y/N?” Still drifting in and out of consciousness.
“I’m here,” you reassured him, propping his head up on the arm rest of the couch. “Shaun, c’mon, you need to stay awake,” you ran your hands through his hair, once again trying to coax a reaction out of him.
“I am awake,” he said weakly.
You could see that he was struggling to stay with you. “Maybe its best if you aren’t awake for this next part,” you said, more to yourself than him. “It’s okay, Shaun, you’re okay. I’ll explain everything later. But right now I need you be strong, you’re gonna be in a lot of pain soon but I’m here, okay.” He was floating in and out of consciousness, but on the off-chance that he could still hear you, you wanted him to know that you’d be with him every step of the way.
You sat down next to Shaun on the edge of the couch and ran your hand over the gashes and scrapes on his chest. Shaking your head, one rouge tear escaped, but you wiped it away and composed yourself before turning to Sam and getting back to business. “Sam, in the cupboard above the pantry there’s a first aid kit, could you get it, please?”
“Sure,” he replied, heading off to the kitchen, leaving just you and Dean in the lounge.
  “You don’t have to keep doing that, you know?” Dean said from behind you.
“Doing what?” You replied, turning to face him, but you knew what he was talking about.
“Okay,” Dean surrendered, raising his hands. “We won’t go there.”
“Good,” you said, dropping the subject. “I’m just gonna go upstairs and find the sewing kit.”
“Wait – you’re gonna stitch him up yourself?”
“Yeah, why not? I’ve stitched you and Sam up plenty of times.”
“That’s us though, we’re used to that kinda thing. Don’t you wanna take him to the hospital or something?” Dean was being very careful about what he said and the way he said it.
“Trust me, I do. But if we do that, the police will get involved and that’s too messy right now, especially with everything else that’s happened tonight,” you whispered the last part out of consideration for Sam.
“Okay, your call,” Dean said, letting you take the reins on this one.
  Sam returned to lounge with the first aid kit a few moments after you’d gone upstairs to get what you needed.
“Man, he’s in pretty bad shape,” Sam commented, seeing the extent of Shaun’s injuries clearly for the first time.
“Yeah, glad it’s not me,” Dean responded.
There was a brief pause before Dean stuck his neck out on the line again, “So, how are you doing? .. Y’know, with everything.”
“I’m dealing with it,” Sam replied. Not trying to shrug it off, but more like he didn’t want to burden anyone with what he was feeling.
“Hey, c’mon man, talk to me. I can’t get anything out of Y/N right now, and I’m not pushing it because, to be honest, she kinda scares me when she’s like this. But you don’t have to pretend too.”
“Honestly man, I’m not fine.. at all, but like I said, I’m dealing with it. To be honest, I don’t think it’s really hit me yet, y’know? All I know is that I’m gonna hunt down and kill whatever son of a bitch did this, no matter how long it takes,” Sam’s voice was full of determination and even a bit of anger.
“I can get behind that,” Dean said, feeling relieved that at least the mental state of his younger brother was somewhat intact, although he wasn’t sure about yours.
  Upstairs you were rummaging around in the closet looking for the sewing kit. The last time you’d seen it was when you bought it and that was probably about a year ago when you and Shaun moved in to the house, but you were sure it was in there.
Eventually resurfacing from the flood of miscellaneous items that you and Shaun didn’t really need, you made your way back downstairs to stitch up your boyfriend.
“Okay, can one of you get me 3 bowls and a towel with an ice pack, please?” You asked, sitting back down by Shaun again.
Sam went off to the kitchen to get what you needed and you sat there staring at Shaun again.
“Are you still with me, babe?” you asked Shaun, running your hand down his cheek.
“Mhmm,” he replied. Well, at least he was conscious, you thought to yourself. Though, how conscious he was, you weren’t sure of.
“I’m gonna stitch up some of these wounds, okay? And it’s probably going to hurt.. a lot.”
“Are you sure about this?” Dean asked. “I mean, whoever did this has done a pretty good job.”
“I’ve stitched up worse looking wounds on you. I can do this.” Stitching Shaun up did make you nervous, but you had to do it. It was better for everyone this way.
  Sam came back with everything you needed and you began cleaning out the wounds and disinfecting them. Shaun would wince in pain every now and again, but for the most part he was pretty docile. Getting a closer look at the cuts without all the blood around them you could see they were pretty deep, but they were also clean, which would make your job a lot easier. This was the part you were worried about though; stitching him up. The saving grace was that, at the moment, Shaun seemed too out of it to be bothered by anything you were doing. By the end of it you had stitched up five of his wounds and dressed them all. He had more trouble dealing with you sewing him up that you would’ve liked but at least it was done and he was starting to come around.
  “Okay, we’re gonna sit you up now,” you said, looking to Dean for help. You handed Shaun the ice pack to use on the bruises he had on his head and then went to go get him a drink of water.
“Do you remember what happened?” You handed him the drink.
“I don’t know? I remember going to bed but that’s it,” he said taking a sip. “When did you get back?”
“Just before, when we found you,” you replied, smiling at the fact that your boyfriend seemed to be fine.
“I’m sorry that you came home and found me like this,” he said. “I probably forgot to lock the doors or something.”
You looked up at Sam and Dean before turning back to Shaun, “Hey, don’t worry about it. All I care about is that you’re okay.”
“Yeah,” Sam said in agreement.
“Sam?” Shaun said looking around you, realising who else was in the room. “What are you doing here?”
“I uhh – I came..” Sam started.
“He came back with me and Dean,” you cut him off. This whole situation was going to be impossible to explain.
“I thought you guys were trying to find Dean’s dad?” Shaun said confused.
“Sam and Dean have the same dad.. Didn’t I mention that before I left?” You could feel the lies and half-truths you’d lived over the last 2 years falling apart around you.
“I don’t think so.” He didn’t sound angry, which you were grateful for, but he did sound like he was still in pain.
“Well, now you’re all caught up,” you said smiling tentatively. “Anyway, I think we could all use some rest, it’s been a long night. The boys are going to be staying here for a while, okay babe.”
“We are?” Dean asked, unaware of the plan you had made for them.
“Yes,” you replied with a small smile before giving him a knowing look. “We’ll talk about it in the morning.”
“That’s cool, the spare bedrooms are all set up anyway,” Shaun said.
“Well okay then,” Dean said enthusiastically. “I haven’t slept in decent bed for weeks.”
  Sam and Dean wanted to take showers so you showed them the bathroom and their rooms and then helped Shaun get in to bed.
“Do you want to talk about what happened while you were gone?” Shaun said looking at you while you got ready to take a shower.
“Nothing happened,” you lied.
“Y/N, I’m not blind.. or dumb. I know my girlfriend well enough to know when something’s bothering her.”
“I just came home to my boyfriend unconscious on the kitchen floor who I had to stitch up.. That’s what’s bothering me.”
“I’m okay. Seriously. You don’t need to worry. You did a good job playing doctor back there.” He looked down at his dressings. “How’d you know what you were doing anyway?”
“I haven’t been studying medicine this whole time and learning nothing,” you laughed trying to find something to sleep in after your shower.
“Oh is that what they teach you in pre-med?” he said sarcastically. “How to stitch someone up with things you can find around the house?”
“Shut up,” you laughed. “Okay, I’ve done it before and I’ve taken an emergency first aid course.”
“What the heck? Why would you have ever needed to stitch someone up before?” he laughed, not really believing you.
“It’s a long story,” you winked as you walked in to the ensuite, hoping your deflection was believable.
  After you got out of the shower and in to a nice, oversized t-shirt, you sat in bed with Shaun. “Here. Painkillers, take them. You’ll probably be a lot sorer in the morning,” you said handing him the pills you found in the medicine cabinet and a cup of water.
“I’m a lot sore right now,” he replied downing the medicine.
“Aww,” you said pouting at him. “I think you’ll live”
He leaned over a kissed your forehead, smiling at you. “So are you going to tell me what happened?” He asked again.
“This weekend. I know something must’ve gone wrong with the state you guys were in.”
“Nothing happened, really. We didn’t find John, but we’re pretty sure we know where he is.. or where he’s heading,” you replied. It wasn’t a lie, but it wasn’t the truth either. More half-truths to add to the already messed up story you would have to unravel for Shaun.
“Okay, so why did you guys smell like a burnt out barbeque? And what was with the soot all over your faces?” It had completely slipped your mind that Shaun would’ve been able to notice the remnants of the fire on you guys from Sam’s apartment.
You took a heavy sigh and looked to Shaun with a serious face. This must’ve been the first time since the fire happened that you’d actually had a moment to let everything catch up with you, but it felt like you were looking at the situation from someone else’s perspective. As if it had happened to someone else. Your feelings didn’t match what had happened. Probably because you were still in shock about the whole thing.
“Y/N?” Shaun asked, realising that you had escaped in to yourself for a moment. “What happened?” There was genuine concern in his voice. You wished you could tell him that everything was fine, that everything was going to be fine. But that would just be another lie. And you were sick of lying now.
“There was a fire at Sam’s apartment,” you began. “We’d just dropped Sam off and not long after he got inside, the whole house went up in flames…”
“What!? Where’s Jess? Is she alright? Was she in the house?” Shaun’s concern for Jess made it even harder to continue.
“Dean and I ran in and dragged Sam out of the house, but we were too late to help Jess.” Saying it out loud had all of a sudden given a sense of realness to the whole situation, you felt a sharp pang in your chest as you really thought about what had happened. Looking over at Shaun, you saw the look of disbelief on his face, probably feeling what you were feeling after the fire had happened too.
“And here I am complaining about a few stitched up wounds.. “ He said after a while.
“I don’t think that’s just a coincidence either,” you explained, as if this situation couldn’t get any worse.
“What? You think someone caused the fire at the apartment and then came over here and tried to kill me?”
“Sam and Dean think so too. But don’t worry, I won’t let anything happen to you, okay?” You could’ve lost Shaun tonight and you weren’t going to let that happen again.
“I’m supposed to look after you,” he said, wrapping you up in his arms and holding you tight, despite the pain it must’ve been causing him.
“We can look out for each other then,” you compromised. You leaned in to his embrace, mindful of his wounds, and closed your eyes, exhausted but also feeling perpetually awake with the left over adrenalin from tonight still coursing through your body.
Hope you enjoyed it - this took a little longer to get out than I anticipated because I kinda made a big change towards the end. Let me know what you think!
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myspnstory · 10 years ago
Just putting it out here again - send me your Supernatural requests guys :). Once I’m done with the rewrites, I’ll be posting 2 episode based imagines and 1 requested imagine a week to keep blog interesting and fresh. So get your requests in! I have a few already, but keep sending them because I’ll write them early so I can queue them up for the future!
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myspnstory · 10 years ago
Hi! It's the not-so-mysterious anon with that idea for Shaun , It's good to have you back! How are you? :D
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Hello you! It's good to be back lol. I'm great :D how about yourself? Also, I'm gonna get on to making a deviantart account because I haven't forgotten that we need to talk about this idea of yours ;) haha. Sorry it's taken so long, I got caught up with revising the first parts I posted, but that's nearly all caught up with!
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myspnstory · 10 years ago
Just putting it out here again - send me your Supernatural requests guys :). Once I'm done with the rewrites, I'll be posting 2 episode based imagines and 1 requested imagine a week to keep blog interesting and fresh. So get your requests in! I have a few already, but keep sending them because I'll write them early so I can queue them up for the future!
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