mysmes-addict · 2 years
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mysmes-addict · 2 years
Jumin: Wait, I just realized that MC gave me a bell for my keyring the day after she complained that I kept accidentally sneaking up on her because I don't realize how quiet I am.
Jumin: MC belled me like a cat and I didn't even realize.
Seven: lolol, cat boy.
Jumin: meow?
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mysmes-addict · 4 years
Helloo! I like your writing a lot!! If you don’t mind can i request the rva + v, and saeran with mc who’s really sensitive? Like she cry when someone raise their voice, or when she feel someone becoming distant to them? Im sorry if my english is bad 😅 thank you!! I hope it’s not burdening you
Thank you so much anonie! Don’t worry, It wasn’t a burden at all!!! Sorry if it took longer than you wanted, I’m taking two summer classes right now, and they’ve been a lot of work these past couple weeks. As a Certified Sensitive Bitch, I found this request really interesting. I tried to make all of their stories different to keep it from being repetitive. 
I hope you enjoy it!! Requests are open <3
Possible spoilers: Jaehee’s Good/Normal Ending, some of Saeran/V/Seven’s routes. 
Warnings: Slight swearing, not much. 
RFA+V+Saeran: With a Sensitive MC (especially to yelling or distant) 
He was stressed. He was just on edge. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you. This exam season will determine whether or not he’s accepted to vet school. It’s normal for him to be stressed. He’s just a little stressed… 
You made dinner that night, keeping your headphones in so your music didn’t disturb him. You had finished almost all of your finals last week, only having one this week, so you decided to help him out. 
You put his dinner in front of him as you sat down across the table. You were on your phone as you ate, and he would take a bite every once in a while. 
You tried to focus on your phone. You really really did. 
...But he had literal bags under his eyes; something you hadn’t seen on him in a long time. You made dinner half an hour ago, and Yoosung had taken about two bites from it. 
“Yoosung, have you eaten anything today?” 
“What?” He glanced up from his textbook for a moment, not even long enough for you to look into his eyes. “Oh, yeah! Uh… I ate a little bit after you left earlier.” 
“I left at 9 a.m. for class,” you said, “Yoosung, you need a break. You need to eat.” 
“You’re gonna burn yourself out,” you insisted, “At this rate, you’ll collapse during your exam.” 
“Can you just leave me alone? God just because you don’t know what you’re doing with your life doesn’t mean you have to drag me down with you!” He yelled. 
You weren’t sure if you were more hurt or angry; your glare mixing in with your tears. “Oh, fuck you.” 
Yoosung finally looked up at you with wide eyes. You never cussed at him. Should he be more worried about that or your tears?
You sniffled and covered your mouth, already feeling your throat burn as you tried to hold back more tears. Your hands were shaking, just wanting to scream at him about how you just cared about him, how he went for a low blow, how you needed to know that he was alright. 
Yeah… he was more worried about the tears 
“Just because you’re stressed about your exams doesn’t mean you get to yell at me,” you said with a shaking voice. 
He didn’t know what to say, so you both just stared at each other for a moment. With a sigh, you grabbed your bag and walked to the door. 
Yoosung’s mind finally caught up with his body, and he ran up to you to grab your wrist. “Wait- I- I’m so sorry!” You stared at where your hands connected. Yoosung took this as a sign to continue. “You were right. I didn’t take a break all day, and I took it out on you. Will you take a break with me... Eat with me?” 
“...I can’t deal with being yelled at.” 
He pulled you into a hug by your hand. “Then I’ll never yell at you again.” 
You were still hurt, but you could feel his promise through his hug. “Wanna eat then?” 
“Of course,” he said as he pulled back to kiss you on the forehead, “Especially since you made it, so it’s made with extra love!” 
You smiled at him as you puckered your lips, and he kissed you. 
“So you forgive me?” 
“Mostly,” you said, “I think I need a couple more kisses to fully forgive you.” 
Jaehee wasn’t the type to yell 
She was raised in a household that didn’t want her. A household where her aunt always yelled. 
While everything her aunt did hurt her, it was the yelling that taught her to shut up. 
So she learned to disagree calmly. Or not at all. 
You were the one who protected her. You stood up for her. To her you were the epitome of strength. 
You looked at Jumin, one of the richest men in the country, and told him that he was being entitled with how much pointless work you gave Jaehee 
You saw the woman who would work herself to the point of passing out, and you comforted her and showed her that she wasn’t alone 
So when a customer began berating you for mixing up his drink with another customer’s (which you already apologized for and fixed), she was angry but not worried per se 
You were the strongest person she knew
She would just give you a treat after he left, and you’d be fine
You could handle yourself. 
“I just don’t understand! You have one fucking job- to make coffee and give it to customers. How do you mess that up?” His voice gradually raised in volume with every word
The anger in her body was building up with every word he said. She was debating before she heard a sniffle, and Jaehee turned around to see tears shining in your eyes
You took a deep breath and spoke in a low volume. “Sir...” 
Oh hell no... 
Her heart broke, releasing that anger throughout her body. 
“Excuse me sir,” Jaehee said, standing next to you and putting her hands on the counter between you both and the customer
“What do you want?” he said 
“You have absolutely no reason to be yelling at the employees here-” 
Jaehee’s glare seemed to get darker as she spoke over him. “She has already gotten you your correct drink. Offered you a refund. And apologized for the mistake. And even if she didn’t, there is no reason to yell.” 
“This doesn’t concern you.” 
“As one of the owners of this establishment, this absolutely concerns me. I will not tolerate a customer blatantly insulting someone in this premises. I have to ask you to leave, and you will not be served here in the future.” 
He stared at the both of you for a moment before he threw the coffee cop on the ground and walked out of the cafe. 
You grabbed one of the napkins and wiped at your eyes. “I’m really sorry, Jaehee,” 
She pushed your hair out of your face and held your face in her hands. “You have nothing to be sorry for. It was a simple mistake, and you apologized,” 
“No… for crying,” you sniffled. “I know I should be able to handle it-” 
Jaehee shook her head. “No, you shouldn’t have to handle or deal with people yelling at you. And you won’t ever have to deal with it when I’m around, okay?” 
Later that night, after the cafe was closed, she would have a better conversation with you. She wanted to know exactly what set you off, how she could help you calm down if it happened again, everything. 
And she promised you -with her words and a kiss- she would never yell at you. 
She knew you would protect her, but she would protect you too.��
Your sensitivity was the reason why you were able to see the pain she was in, even through a screen 
She would not let anyone use that sensitivity against you. 
You were both really emotional 
It’s what made Zen a good actor. It’s what made you able to understand people around you. It’s why you two were a good match, able to handle each other’s waxing and waning of moodiness. 
But while your emotions made you cry, Zen’s emotions made him loud. 
I mean, he was in a biker gang. He had to learn to be loud 
He also had a bit of a jealousy problem. And he swore up and down that your coworker had been flirting with you at the company’s holiday party
He was pacing in the living room. Some of his hair was framing his face because he kept messing with his ponytail. You were sitting at the kitchen table, just tired as you watched him. 
“Are you really telling me that you don’t know he’s into you?” he said. Zen’s voice rose in volume with every word, not quite yelling it but getting to it. 
“Because he wasn’t, Zen. I wouldn’t let someone flirt with me, do you really think that low of me?” 
“That’s not it! You’re missing the point here!” He shouted. 
It was silent, save for his deep breaths. Zen was facing the wall, and he clenched his jaw. 
“... I’ll just go home,” you said, voice croaking. 
That made him turn around, and his eyes widened as he saw the tears shining in your eyes. 
His feet and emotions turned 180 degrees. 
“No, no, no, no,” he said as you stood up. He grabbed your wrists, trying to keep you from leaving. “Please, don’t leave. Let’s talk about this.” 
“What’s there to talk about? You’ve already made up your mind,” you said, “And I’m not gonna sit here to just get yelled at,” 
“I promise I won’t yell anymore. Please…” 
You glared at him as you wiped at your eyes. “If you yell at me one more time, I’m out.” 
“I promise I won’t.” 
You sat down and talked through it- calmly this time. After you worked through the original fight, he had to ask. “Was it the yelling that made you cry?” 
“I’ve always had a problem with yelling, even as a kid. Annoyed my parents to no end,” you said, already feeling the headache coming from the tears. 
“I’ll work on that then. I won’t be the reason you cry. Never,” he said, “And you don’t have to hide your emotions from me, okay?” 
You nodded, and tried to keep yourself from crying again because of how soft his eyes looked now. “Okay.” 
“Good. Because I want to take care of my princess.” Zen smiled and kissed you. 
The only reason he wanted you to cry was because of his amazing acting performance, never anything else. 
His father had a new fiance, and Jumin was in charge of the contract between C&R and her family’s company 
How his father didn’t see the obvious motive in that… but the company wasn’t horrible, so Jumin decided to keep his mouth shut 
That didn’t mean he was happy about it though… 
Without realizing it, he was falling back into old habits 
Jaehee was complaining more and more in the chatrooms about the workload, which Jumin was brushing off 
He was leaving for the office earlier and earlier in the mornings. Coming home later in the evenings. He started bringing work home too, something he never did before. 
You could probably count the hours that you guys were spending together on one hand. You knew he was busy with work and it was understandable that he would be distant
But… you needed Jumin. 
You moved out of your crappy apartment with a faucet that always leaked even though you called maintenance about it at least every month into a penthouse where you could have everything taken care of with the snap of a finger 
To say it was a lot would be the understatement of the fucking century 
The only constant you had- the only thing that felt that home- was Jumin 
Maybe you should do something? To make him feel loved? 
So you told his personal chef to take the day off, you were cooking tonight 
You went to the nearest grocery store, trying to not feel like everyone was staring at you when the bodyguards followed you in. 
This grocery store was a lot more boujee than the one you went to as a kid (or an adult for that matter). One of the bodyguards could see you were just wandering down the aisles, so he took pity on you and led you to where the ingredients were. 
You thanked him profusely before you began cooking in the kitchen, which also took you a bit longer to get a hang of. 
Apparently rich people have different stoves… good to know 
Finally you finished cooking dinner, right when Jumin got home. You assumed he would be home later than he said he would… and you were right 
“Hi Jumin!” you said as he shut the door 
“Hi, love,” he sighed as he kept walking, making a beeline for his home office 
You followed him a couple of steps. “I made dinner! It was one of my favorites as a kid. I was wondering if you wanted to try it-” 
“I’m really sorry. I have a lot of work to finish up tonight. I’ll be sure to try some tomorrow.” He turned around to kiss your forehead before walking into his office, shutting the door behind him. Not even sparing you a glance. 
Your throat began burning as tears began shining in your eyes. Without a word, you walked to the living room and sat down on the couch. You covered your mouth as the tears fell. 
Of course Jumin doesn’t want to spend time with you. You can’t even keep yourself from crying because you’re not getting attention. He didn’t even do anything! He didn’t yell. Didn’t snap at you. His emotions are always in check; he’s always rational. 
Elizabeth jumped onto your lap, and you held her close to your chest as you wheezed for air. She kept meowing as she cuddled into your chest. “At least you want me around, Elizabeth,” you whispered. 
“Why is Elizabeth meowing so much? It’s distracting” Jumin asked as he walked into the living room. His eyes widening a fraction of an inch when he saw your teary face
You looked Elizabeth in the eye. “Snitch.” 
He frowned, sitting next to you. “Darling, what’s wrong?” 
“Nothing, I’m just being overly emotional.” You said, pulling Elizabeth back into your chest. “It doesn’t matter.” 
Jumin frowned and put his hand on your leg, squeezing it lightly. “You were able to empathize with my emotions. Ones that I didn’t even know I had, let alone articulate. Your strength is your emotions; a strength I can never replicate. Don’t dismiss your emotions, please. Especially not with me,” 
Well now you were going to cry again. 
You leaned closer, and he wrapped his arms around you. He rubbed your back as you let out the last of your tears, leaving an imprint of your wet cheeks on his button up 
When you could finally breathe normally, you spoke up. “I went to the grocery store today- to buy things for dinner. And I was lost, but I didn’t want to ask a manager because the bodyguards were right there. And so Mr. Park ended up showing me where to go. And I come home, and it takes me half an hour to just figure out how to work the stove because there are so many knobs that do nothing, and god damn they don’t even say what temperature you’re heating up to clearly! And then I taste the food, and it tastes nothing like how it did as a kid because the ingredients aren’t the generic brand.” 
“May I ask where this is going?” Jumin furrowed his eyebrows. 
“I changed everything about my life to the point where making my favorite meal isn’t normal for me anymore,” you said, and he frowned. “Don’t get me wrong. I know that’s part of the Jumin Han package, but it’s only worth it if I’m getting Jumin Han too” 
“What do you mean?” 
“We’ve had dinner together twice this month,” you answered, “I wasn’t raised to handle this. I can only handle this if I have you. I can’t do it otherwise,” 
Jumin frowned. He kissed you slowly, making sure to savor the feeling of your lips against his. When was the last time he kissed you like this? He couldn’t remember. 
“I’m sorry, love.” 
“I know you’re busy-” 
“Still. I can’t imagine my life without you. I should be treating you as such. And I promise I will be doing better from now on.” 
You spend the night eating dinner and relaxing in the living room. 
After that night, Jumin makes sure that you both get to eat dinner at least twice a week. Nights where you both just focus on each other, and there’s no work. 
(Sidenote: Jumin’s new work-life balance trickles down to Jaehee, and she swears she would give you her first born if you ask for it because of this) 
Being an ex-cult member came with a lot of challenges 
He had made a lot of progress. The anger and aggression he had mostly subdued as he got help, and he was proud of himself (first time he had ever felt that). He even had a job now; something he had never even dreamed of. 
But today he had like three customers scream at him. One of them even doing it in front of his manager, meaning he got an extra lecture. 
Saeran decided to walk home from work instead of taking the bus, seeing it as a way to burn off some steam and avoiding a confrontation with a stranger. 
He groaned as he got home and took his shoes off before he heard the TV show pause. 
He forgot today was your day off. 
He went to rush into your bedroom, avoiding the living room you were sitting in, but you followed him in with a smile, wanting to talk to your boyfriend. “Hi Saeran. How was work?” 
Saeran clenched his jaw. His immediate reaction to scream. Instead he clenched his fists. He couldn’t yell at you. He couldn’t lose his temper with you. He couldn’t. 
“Rough day.” 
He sat on the bed, and you frowned from the other side of the bed. 
“Do you wanna talk about it?” you asked, voice soft. 
He rested his elbows on his knees, dropping his face into his hands. His hands were shaking already. “I think I need to be alone right now.” 
“Okay… if you change your mind I’ll be in the liv-” 
“For the love of god, would you shut up?” he yelled, not even sure where it came from himself, “I already told you to leave me alone, so could you fucking listen for once in your life?” 
It was silent, save for your deep breathing. You turned around, shutting the door behind you. 
He felt nauseous. 
You were incredibly patient with him, almost more patient than Saeyoung. You didn’t ask for a lot. You just told him that you couldn’t handle yelling, never had, and you probably never will. It always made you scared. 
You didn’t outright tell him not to yell at you, but he figured out that’s what you meant when you said it quietly to him one night. 
And he promised himself he would never do that to you. Saeran put you through enough already; he couldn’t scare you now. 
Saeran took a shaky breath. His body both tense and loose at the same time. He couldn’t relax, but he also wasn’t in control of his body. 
He sat on the bed for who knows how long before he stood up, ready to apologize. 
The TV was still paused in the same time as before, and you weren’t in the living room. 
His heart began racing. 
What if you left? Were you safe? Did you leave him? Did he ruin this in the matter of minutes? 
Saeran’s hands gripped onto the cushions of the couch as anxiety took over his body. 
Then he heard a sniffle and a gasp coming from the bathroom. It was clear what you were doing. He felt both worse and better. 
Saeran knocked on the bathroom door, and the whispering noises somehow got quieter. “Can I come in?” 
Your voice croaked. “It’s open.” 
His heart tightened as he opened the door. Your eyes were puffy and red. Tears still attached to your eyelashes. “...Hi” you muttered, refusing to look at him, instead focused on the towel in your lap. You must have used that to muffle yourself. 
“I- I’m sorry. I was trying to keep myself from yelling, but I lost control when I shouldn’t have. I know I shouldn’t have. I’m so sorry…” 
You nodded, still refusing to look at him. He wanted to hug you. Pull you in, rub your back, stroke your hair and promise you that it would never happen again. But he had promised himself that it would never happen in the first place before. 
You were always the one comforting him. This was the first time he had done it for you, made even worse that he was the reason you needed to be comforted. 
You let out a whimper and wiped away your oncoming tears. “Yelling just scares me and hearing it from you-” 
Saeran stepped towards you, grabbing your shoulder and pulling you against his torso. You could feel how tense he was; you were practically leaning against a wooden plank. He was really trying. 
“I… I promise I’ll try better next time. I don’t like you being scared of me or seeing you like this and knowing it was me. It won’t happen again,” 
You looked up at him, and he patted your head on instinct. You furrowed your eyebrows, too confused to really be scared anymore. 
If anything was gonna make Saeran seem less scary, it was gonna be his concerned eyes as he struggled to comfort you. “You’re trying right now, huh?” 
“I am. And I promise I’ll try harder.” 
“Can I have a kiss?” 
He leaned down and kissed you. “Do you want to go watch TV? So I can make it up to you.” 
You nodded and as you cuddled into his side, holding onto his hand tightly, Saeran pulled out his phone. 
He wrote out an email to his therapist: 
Can we move up my appointment? 
He was gonna try better. He wouldn’t do this again. 
January 26th… The week of their anniversary
Or at least it would’ve been
Don’t get it twisted. He loved you. More than he had ever loved anyone else before. He would never trade his experiences with you for her. 
But it was the week of their anniversary. 
That Sunday was supposed to be their wedding date. 
Monday was explainable. 
People just want their alone time sometimes 
So was Tuesday… 
And Wednesday… sort of 
But four days of your boyfriend that you lived with not talking to you?
That was not alright 
You made more of an effort Friday, hoping that if you pushed him for a conversation, he would speak up about whatever was bothering him 
You both had been home for about five hours now. You had tried starting a conversation about ten different times. 
You couldn’t anymore. 
If you talked again, your voice would probably crack. So you went into the bathroom, cried it out, and went to bed early. 
Both you and V were praying for this week to end. 
Sunday was their anniversary, and V told himself that everything would be normal afterwards. 
But Saturday was your breaking point 
When V left for rehearsal, you got your phone, dialed Seven’s number, and sat down on your bed. 
“Hey ho! What’s up, MC?” 
Does Seven even know?... “Has V told you anything this week?” 
“What?” Seven asked, and you could hear him shuffling around on the other end. “Is something wrong?” 
Shit you were already crying. You wiped at your nose and sniffled to clear it. “N-Nothing. He’s just been really quiet this past week, so I was worried.” 
“Yeah, he hasn’t really talked to me at all really,” you confessed. Hating that your tears were running down your face. Holding in your emotions was like trying to stop a tsunami with a spoon. Your voice cracked, and you hoped that Seven was dumb enough -just this once- to just let it slide. “I was just wondering if he talked to you about anything that I should be worried about.” 
“MC, are you crying?” he asked. 
“Is that a yes or no, Seven?” 
“Seven!” you snapped back before covering your mouth to keep any sounds from escaping. “I’m sorry for yelling. But has he?” 
“Okay, thanks for talking to me though. I hope you have a nice day.” You heard him try to say your name, but you hung up before he could finish. He called a couple more times, but you ignored it. 
You cleaned yourself up and went to work 
Your chest was heavy when you got home, and V cleared his throat as you took off your shoes 
“Hi,” you said, “Have you picked what to have for dinner?” 
He stared at you for a moment with furrowed eyebrows. “Uh… I was stuck between the Chinese place and pizza place.” 
“I’m good with either.” 
It was silent for a few moments as you went through the mail, avoiding looking at him. “I talked with Luciel today.” 
There it was… 
“Can we talk?” 
You nodded and sat down at the table. 
You spoke up before he could. “Why have you been distant this week?” 
“My anniversary and expectant wedding date with Rika is Sunday,” V explained, “I was reminded of her, and my first instinct was to distance myself again.” 
You wanted to be mad at him, but you understood it. “Are you okay?” 
“I’m… getting better. I wouldn’t say I’m good, but better than the beginning of this week,” V said 
You took a deep breath, hating the burning in your throat as tears appeared in your eyes. “You could’ve just said that, and I wouldn’t have pushed you to talk more about it,” you breathed out and wiped at your face, “I thought…” 
He furrowed his eyebrows and grabbed your hand. “You thought what?” 
“Sometimes I worry that you’re only with me because I was conveniently there when you were going through everything,” you confessed. And he felt his chest tighten. “So when you did pull away from me, even though it was just for a moment… I was scared.... I was scared that you realized that too,” 
He leaned over and kissed you, tasting the salt from your tears. “I promise, I love with all my heart. I appreciate that you were there for me, and I cared about you then. But I’ve fallen in love with you a little bit every day, over and over and over again since then,” 
You smiled at him as crying took over again, and you wrapped your arms around his neck. He held you as tears wet his shirt, rubbing your back as you did. “I love you,” you said into his neck, the words garbled. 
“I love you too,” V whispered. “And I’ll remind you of that everyday if I need to.”
Saeran was hurting right now. Saeyoung knew that. He was just scared. It was scary to be in the mental health ward. To be away from Mint Eye, all he knew for years. 
But when Saeran yelled at him… That he abandoned his brother. He hurt everyone around him. That Saeran was better dead than with his brother. 
That Saeyoung didn’t deserve love. The only thing he was good at was corrupting people. 
… It was hard to not let it sink in. 
Because Saeran was just saying everything Saeyoung had told himself before. 
So Saeyoung was silent as he drove home. You and Vanderwood were working today, so he was silent as he cooked dinner. 
And he was silent when you came home. Only saying hi and that dinner was done before grabbing his plate and eating at his desk. 
There was a pit in your stomach as you followed him. “Is something wrong?” 
“Then why are you avoiding me?” you asked. 
“God. Why are you even still here?” he snapped, turning to look at you. His eyes weren’t even angry just… empty. “You had your party. Mint Eye is gone. The agency isn’t after me… so why are you still here?”
And then he turned around to face his screen again. 
That pit in your stomach had traveled all across your body. And god was it heavy. 
Your throat burned. 
The walls were closing in on you. 
And there was Seven. Just sitting at his desk typing. 
You wrapped your arms around you. Making yourself smaller, as if that would save you from the suffocation. 
You were just frozen. Slowly you stepped out of your shared room and walked to the front door. 
Silent, just like he was, you stepped outside. 
As if the fresh air was caffeine, your body woke up, letting the tears run down your face. 
You stumbled into the lawn outside and sat down, letting the damp grass cool your burning skin. You covered your mouth as you sobbed. 
Over and over again. Sobs and whimpers, muffled by your hand, would rack your body. You would finally calm down and take a deep breath. And the coldness would burn your throat and set you off again. 
A headache echoed in your head as you laid on the grass, staring up at the stars. Finally too exhausted to keep up the crying. They reminded you of Saeyoung. 
Fuck him for ruining stars for you. 
“What the hell are you doing, kid?” Vanderwood asked as he crouched next to your laying body. 
“Looking at the stars.” Your voice was raspy, barely there after your meltdown. 
“Are you okay?” they asked as they sat down next to you. “It’s late, ya know? It’s not safe out here.” 
“I’m not going inside.” 
“Thanks for your concern.” 
With a huff, they stood up, and you heard the security questions before the door opened. It shut. Crickets. 
The door opened again. And someone sat next to you with a sigh. You’d recognize that cologne anywhere. You pulled your knees up to your chest and wrapped your arms around them, refusing to look at him. 
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said those things.” 
“It’s not even what you said. It’s how you said it,” you responded, still avoiding his gaze. “It was like we were back in that fucking apartment.” 
“I was back in that fucking apartment. There was a bomb, a kidnapper, and you refused to even look at me. Everything was out of control. I felt like the exact same bomb was in the bunker back there. It was just happening around me- to me. All I could do was just wait. Just sit there waiting!” 
Unlike before, where he didn’t want to say, now he couldn’t speak. What was he going to say? Was there something he could say?
You were so calm the entire time you were at the apartment. Crying only after Saeran broke in. At least the only time he saw. How many times did you cry when he wasn’t looking? He thought he was the only one freaking out because you seemed to only be focused on him. 
But you couldn’t control the bomb. Couldn’t stop Saeran. Stop Rika. Couldn’t even tell the RFA the truth. 
But you wanted to help him. That was the only thing you could do. 
Seven didn’t see the panic attacks in the shower. Or you crying into your pillow. 
“I can’t do this again Seven. I can handle all of it. But not this. I can’t just sit here and watch you do this all over again. Over and over and over again! I can’t-” You sobbed, and Seven pulled you into his chest. 
He shut his eyes to keep his own tears from falling. Your back rose up and down as you gasped for air, his shirt becoming wet. 
Seven rubbed your back slowly and kissed the top of your head. You pulled away; your eyes finally dry. “I won’t push you away again. I promise I won’t cut you out.” 
“Saeyoung…” you mumbled. 
“No. I mean it,” he said. “I’ll do whatever it takes. I won’t shut you out again. I won’t make you go through that again.” 
He looked you in the eye with a smile that disappeared for a moment. “I promise, okay?” 
“Do you want to stay out here or go inside?” 
“I want to stay out here a little longer.” 
“That’s fine.” He held your hand as you laid out on the grass again
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mysmes-addict · 4 years
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Based off of @//chaotic.gay s comic
Yoosung’s a savage
Instagram: @toasterstrude1
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mysmes-addict · 4 years
i haven’t put anything here for a few weeks but 👁👁👁 join us
mystic messenger RP server
hi everyone!
if you found this in the MM tags, nice to meet you! if you’re one of my followers, i am still on hiatus, i just came back for this post.
i am the owner of a fairly active mystic messenger discord server that’s open to anyone 13+. we are in the process of setting up a canon character and OC chatroom, and are currently looking for our jumin and jaehee, and then our v and saeran after! there is an audition process, and i’ll be posting that in the server in a little bit. you’re free to come hang out with us until then! or, you can just join without roleplaying, that’s okay too!
come join us!
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mysmes-addict · 4 years
I’m like 4 days in the deep story, haven’t even locked up a route yet but I hope it’s Jumin. 
I’m nice to everyone ok, hearts all around. It’s a very sweet sort of Russian roulette at this point. I’m so glad that they put a limit to who you can lock in whether you play casual or deep story. 
Like he acts oh I have no time to waste on emotions that shit is useless but he’s actually so warm like???  Man you’ve so little time on your hands and you spend it calling me (or whoever of his RFA friends) or thinking about a stray cat you saw? HOW IS THIS THE “COLD GUY” I’VE HEARD ABOUT??!! 
Even tho he and Jaehee don’t see eye to eye and can trash each other a bit you can really get from him that he appreciates her. And the Zen bickering! HOLY MOTHER OF GOD THAT’S FUNNY! But then when Zen is real down … SPOILER ALERT!!!!!! (Zen route)….
It’s Jumin who goes after him and picks his tasty ass up from the gutter!!!! He listens to him, makes him feel appreciated. And they genuinely bond over the experience.
This man is fucking amazing.
I’m not really into that… but if he asks me to call him “daddy” I totally will…
Also does Jumin Han is gay? Y not bi hahaha.
Got Jumin *fireworks start* 
 Also last chat of the 4th day scared me at the end XD
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mysmes-addict · 4 years
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look at these gap moe motherfuckers
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mysmes-addict · 4 years
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Ray’s route: the meme edition! (AKA me trying to make myself and all of you feel better)
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mysmes-addict · 4 years
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Come accross this post and…. I can’t resist not drawing what’s in my mind lol
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mysmes-addict · 4 years
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I thought this headcanon of Yoosung’s hair doing the Ghibli Poof when Seven kisses him was really cute so I decided to animate it! I hope you don’t mind :3c
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mysmes-addict · 4 years
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Honey, you’ve got a big storm comin’.
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mysmes-addict · 4 years
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When did Ray become so foward??
Based on the little note cheritz gave for the ray/unknown pillow. Request for mystery anon!! Hope you like it uuwu
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mysmes-addict · 4 years
the blog has been dead for a little, but this is important!
I think one of my favorite things about both Jumin and Jaehee is that they don’t trust MC at the start, as they shouldn’t. Seven’s quickness to warm up to the MC I can excuse due to the reset theory and the fact that he knows the most about them out of the entire RFA. This is not a dig at Yoosung and Zen, as I don’t necessarily dislike the fact that they trust MC from the get go, I just think that it’s refreshing that Jumin and Jaehee are so blantantly distrustful.
Jumin, really, only initially relented and tried to be nice towards the MC because he trusts V. His affection and trust are earned, and I like that. It feels much more worth it to me when he does come around and treasure the MC; it’s also not like he’s ever intentionally rude/mean to MC, which is a problem I have with some characters. 💜
Same with Jaehee. She is even blatantly distrustful for longer than Jumin since she doesn’t have that same personal trust in V, but she eventually comes around and her adorable fangirl baker interior starts to shine through. I really love her for it. 💛
👏 Thank 👏 you 👏 braincells 👏 of 👏 the 👏 RFA 👏
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Please do not tag as ship
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mysmes-addict · 4 years
im gay
anyways do yall like want more headcanons or?
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mysmes-addict · 4 years
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hosan yi was the funniest part of the panel lets be honest
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mysmes-addict · 4 years
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mysmes-addict · 4 years
V enjoys physical affection. if he can't feel you he'll feel you instead.
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